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Spice: The History of a Temptation

Page 45

by Jack Turner

  Coca-Cola 359

  Cockayne 110–12

  Coen, Jan Pieterszoon 336

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 51

  Columbus Christopher xxix, xxxi, 3–14, 45, 54–7, 348

  Comitibus, Nicolaus de 204

  Compagnie des Indes 340

  Company of Grocers 116

  Connecticut xxxvi

  Conrad, Joseph 40

  Constantine I, Roman Emperor 93, 288, 297

  Constantine the African 212, 220, 224, 225

  De coita 212–13

  Liber minor de coita 229

  Constantinople 107, 108, 116, 153

  cookbooks: Dark Ages 98–9

  medieval 119,120,137,144–5,155. 158–9

  post-sixteenth-century 346–7, 349–50

  Roman 75–9, 98

  Coptic Church 303

  Corbeil, Gilles 196

  Corbie monastery 102

  coriander xxxiv, 354

  in ancient times 62

  Greek use of 62, 276

  mummification 168

  Roman use of 61, 81

  sacred associations 268

  Corippus 165

  Cortés, Hernán 11

  Cosmas Indicopleustes 100

  costus 65, 97, 98

  Cristal et Claire 128

  Crónica de D. Dinis 195

  Crusades 112, 114–15, 176–7, 187

  Cuba 8, 9

  cubeb pepper 110fn, 255

  cuisine, see food

  Cuisinière bourgeoise, La 349

  Culpeper, Nicholas 357

  cumin xxxiv, 317–18, 354

  in ancient times 62

  fanerary use 179

  Greek use 62, 276

  medical use 191

  Roman use 76, 81

  Cuneo, Michele de 11

  Curcuma 51fn

  currency, spices as 102–3, 113, 329

  Damian, Peter 45–6, 113, 244, 253, 310–11

  Book of Gomorrah 46

  Daniel of Beccles: Urbanas 158

  Dante Alighieri 200, 252fn.

  Inferno 67fn, 295, 327–8

  Dark Ages 92–105

  Davenport, John 220fn

  ‘Debate of the Body and the Soul’ 151–2

  decadence 86–7, 89–91, 108

  Deir al Bahri, Egypt 274, 275

  Dentatus, Manius Curius 86

  Deschamps, Eustache 126, 131

  ‘Tale of the Four Offices’ 121–2

  Detti, Guido di 23

  Diamond, Jared xxx

  Diaz, Bartolomeu 14

  Dickens, Charles: A Tale of Two Cities

  dietetics 98, 121, 137–44, 187, 189

  Dio Cassius 87

  Diocletian, Roman Emperor 171, 285

  Dionysius, tyrant of Syracuse 86

  Dionysius Exiguus 287

  Dionysius the Areopagite 298, 303

  Dioscorides: De Materia Medica 192

  disapproval xxx, xxxi

  in Age of Discovery 253–4

  Biblical 250–1

  of cinnamon 248–52

  clerical 172, 226–7, 249–50, 309–24

  in early Middle Ages 105, 108

  of erotic effects 215–16, 225–7, 310

  of luxury 325–32

  in Middle Ages 251–3

  of perfumes 238, 241–3, 244

  of religious use 280, 282–6, 298

  Roman moralists 86–91, 248

  of spice trade 329–31

  Discovery, Age of 3–26, 253–4, 330

  ‘Dispute Between Wine and Water’ 129–30

  Domitian, Roman Emperor 71

  Donne, John 199–200, 231, 235

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 295

  Drake, Sir Francis 42

  drinks: ale 132–5

  Coca-Cola 359

  spiced wine 128–32, 142, 155, 169, 211, 216, 270, 293, 316, 328

  Dryden, John 87, 89, 352

  Amboyna 43

  Duché, Jacques 149

  Dutch East India Company (VOC) 44, 84, 231,. 331,. 335–7, 339. 342, 344–5, 346, 351

  East India Company (English) 41, 42, 44 84, 331, 346

  Eberhard, Abbot 181

  Eco, Umberto: The Name of the Rose 314fn

  Eden, Garden of 47–8

  Edessa, Syria 263

  Edward I, King of England 151, 153, 178–9

  Edward II, King of England 196

  Edward IV, King of England 143

  Egbert, St 99, 183

  Egypt 47, 114

  aromatics 268, 272–4

  Fatimids 117

  mummification 165, 166–8

  pepper 166, 167–8

  perfumery 235, 238

  plague 207

  Ptolemies 66

  religion 268, 271–2, 275–6

  in Roman Empire 67–8, 70

  trade 118, 274–6

  Elagabalus, Roman Emperor 79, 82–3, 84, 264

  Elcano, Juan Sebastián de 38

  electuaries 211, 213

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England 205, 206

  embalming 165–6, 171, 172–3, 174, 179, 180, 356

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo: ‘Hermione’ 353

  England; Asian empire xxiv, 42–3

  decline in spice use 351

  early Middle Ages 99, 113

  English merchants and traders 40–1, 107

  guilds 116

  Middle Ages 120

  pepper rents 103

  Roman Britain 62

  royal family and court 153

  saffron of xxxiv, 354

  spice prices 155

  wines 130

  Enlightenment 332

  Enoch, Book of 290

  Ephraim the Syrian: Testament 172, 287

  Erasmus, Desiderius 141, 203fn

  essential oils xxxiii, 240, 301

  Etcheverry, Sieur d’ 341–2

  Euboulos 192

  Eudoxus of Cyzicus 66–7, 68

  Eugenia caryophyllata, see Syzygium aromaticum

  Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea 293

  Eugenius IV, Pope 302

  Evelyn, John 351

  Fa-hsien 101

  Fairchild, Revd Richard 304

  Falcone of Benevento 299

  fennel 268, 354

  Ferdinand and Isabella, King and Queen of Spain xxiii, 10, 23, 56, 57, 254, 330

  Fernandez de Enciso, Martim: Suma de Geografia 33

  Fernández Navarrete, Martín 39

  fertility 219–20, 221, 223, 224, 258

  Fiore, Albizzo da 149

  FitzStephen, William 115

  Flaubert, Gustave: Bouvard et Pécuchet 357

  food xxxii; after-dinner spices 128, 143, 148–9

  aphrodisiac 214–15, 220, 245

  Christian attitudes to diet 311–18, 350–1

  in Dark Ages 97–9

  decline in spice use 346–52

  democratisation 348–9

  desserts 77, 119

  diet of poor 154–7, 160, 2o6fn; fish 125–6, 139–40, 214

  fruit and vegetables 124–5

  fusion cuisine 358–9

  gluttony 311–12, 313, 314–15, 318

  luxury 327

  meat and game 120–5, 139, 349, medieval 112, 119, 120–8, 144–6, 154

  national cuisines 350, 352

  new introductions 347–8

  passion-coolers 217

  rancid 120–3, 129

  Roman 72–86

  salted 123–4, 125–6

  sauces 76, 77, 112, 119, 122, 126–7, 150, 190, 313–15

  see also cookbooks; dietetics

  Forme ofCury 159

  ‘Formulary of Marculphus’ 99

  Fortunatus of Poitiers 97

  France 339

  cuisine 352, 353

  early Middle Ages 96, 97, 99, 100, 102

  Middle Ages 112, 120

  royal funerals 178

  spice hunters 339–42

  spice plantations 342–4

  wine 130

  Francis of Paola, St: Acts 193

/>   frankincense xxv, 169, 264, 268

  Franks 96, 97, 99, 107, 115, 129, 174

  Freud, Sigmund: Civilisation and its Discontents 245

  Froissart, Jean 160

  Fugger, Jacob 154

  fumigation 201–2, 203, 205, 296

  funeral customs 165–80

  banquets 319

  decline in spice use 356

  early Christian 173–5, 285, Egyptians 165–8

  embalming 165–6, 171–4, 179, 180, 356

  medieval 176–9

  perfuming the dead 168–71, 174, 176

  Roman 169–74, 278

  galangal: as aphrodisiac 213, 224, 357

  as currency 107

  as gift 104

  medical uses 187, 189fn, 191

  in Middle Ages 50, 51, 111, 127, 144

  in spiced wine 129

  Gale, king of 29

  Galen 188, 190, 193, 201fn, 214, 222, 356

  Concerning Antidotes 192

  The Healing Art 193

  Gama, Paulo da 16, 25

  Gama, Vasco da xxviii, 13–20, 21, 22, 24–5, 63

  Garland, John 122

  Gaul 93, 97, 99

  Genoa 53, 67fn, 102, 115, 153, 207, 329

  Anonymous of 153

  Geoffroi de Waterford 130

  Geoponica 270

  Gerald of Aurillac, St 108

  Gerard, John: The Herball 59, 333

  Germany: Middle Ages 102, 105, 113

  Roman 61–2, 72

  gift-giving 97, 104, 151, 184–5, 299–300

  ginger 9, 49, 59

  as aphrodisiac 213, 215, 217, 220–4, 230, 256, 357

  in early Middle Ages 98, 107

  funerary use 179

  ginger plant xxxvii; gingerbread 128, 149, 151

  of India 17

  medical uses 184, 189fn, 191, 193

  in medieval literature 51, 53, 111

  Middle Ages 120, 127, 128, 143, 144, 151, 159

  New Age use 304

  perfume ingredient 254

  poison antidote 192

  price 80

  proliferation of 344

  Roman use 76

  sacred uses 263, 303

  in wine 128, 129

  Giraldus Cambrensis 321

  Glasse, Hannah: Art of Cookery 350

  Goths 95

  Gower, John 150

  Graham, Dr James 246

  grain of paradise 49, 120, 129, 159

  Granado, Diego: Libro de Arte de Cocinar 347

  Grass, Gunter xxx; The Tin Drum 232

  Great Khan 151fn

  Greeks 61, 62–3

  cinnamon use 265–7

  contacts with India 69, 266

  Dark Ages 276–7

  erotic verse 236

  medicine 201–2, 222

  perfumery 235–8

  religion 236, 265–7, 269–71

  voyages to Malabar 18, 65–6

  Gregory of Tours 174, 185–6

  History of the Franks 129

  Gregory the Great, Pope 103, 292, 297

  Dialogues 173

  Gregory X, Pope 322

  Grenada 12, 343

  Grimlaic 183

  Gueby, Moluccas 342

  Guntram, King of Burgundy 100

  Hadhramaut 68

  Haro, Cristóbal de 34–5, 39

  Harrington, Sir John 142

  Hatshepsut, Queen of Egypt 274–5, 339

  Hawkins, Henry: Partheneia Sacra 295

  Haymo, Bishop of Halberstadt 298

  health, see dietetics; medicine

  Henrique, Prince, see Henry the Navigator

  Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor 184

  Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor 151

  Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor 299

  Henry I, King of England 136, 137, 140, 180, 294–5

  Henry II, King of England 121, 130, 136,. 153, 328fn

  Henry V, King of England 154, 178

  Henry VII, King of England 244

  Henry VIII, King of England 121, 179

  Henry of Huntingdon: Historia Anglorum 136

  Henry the Navigator 147–8, 327

  Heraclius, Byzantine Emperor 298

  Herbarium of Apuleius 195

  Herod the Great 170

  Herodotus 66, 168, 266, 272

  Herrick, Robert 75, 165, 166, 232–3, 357

  Hildegard of Bingen 187, 222

  Hinduism 19, 20, 301fn

  Hippalus 64–5

  Hippocrates 138, 142, 214

  Hippolytus, St: Concerning Antichrist 251

  Hiram the Phoenician 279–80

  Hirsch, Alan 256–7

  Hispaniola 12, 55

  Hispano, Pedro: Thesaurus Pauperum 160

  Universal Diets 195

  Hoëvell, Baron van 231

  Homer: Iliad 168, 201, 235, 240, 269

  Honorius, Roman Emperor 93

  Honorius of Autun 126, 290

  Horace 94, 270

  Epistles 89

  Satires 83–4

  Hudson, Henry xxix

  Hugh, St 46

  Hugh of Saint-Victor 251–2, 317–18

  Huizinga, Johan 151

  Hymn to Aphrodite 236

  Ibn al-Jazzar 223–4

  Ibn Battuta 53

  Ibn Jaqub 113

  Ibn Kabar: The Luminary of Church Services 303

  Ibn-Khordabeh: Book of Routes 107

  Idelfonso, St 293

  Île de France, see Mauritius

  impotence 213, 219, 220, 223fn, 225

  incense 237fn, 276

  in ancient religions 263, 268, 281

  distaste for 282–6, 358

  in Egypt 273

  in Greece 269

  medical use 201

  in Middle Ages 297, 299

  in Mycenae 276

  pagan use 284

  in Rome 262, 264

  India 206fn

  British Raj 353

  Byzantine merchants in 100

  Cabral’s expedition to 20–1

  contacts with Mesopotamia 18

  Da Gama’s expedition to 13–20

  food 353, 354

  incense-making 263

  land route to 66

  medicine 202

  medieval fantasies concerning 94–5

  monsoon 17, 64–5, 70

  pepper xxxv, 17, 99

  Roman coin finds 88–91, 93, 94

  Roman trade with 63–5, 68–9, 192

  spice routes 50, 116

  travellers in 53

  Indian Ocean 21, 24, 50, 62, 63–5, 67, 117

  Indies 6–7, 52

  Indonesia xxxiii, xxxv, 5, 344

  Innocent VI, Pope 191

  Isaiah 280, 286

  Isidore of Seville, St 48, 92, 96, 99, 197, 199

  Islam 279

  distaste for aromas 283

  hadith 225

  Koran 221, 283

  rise of 100–1

  and sex 224–5

  see also Arabs

  Israelites 279–82

  Italy: Byzantine 101

  early Middle Ages 99

  merchants 22, 44, 107, 112–13, 115

  national cuisine 350

  spice route 50, 106–8

  Jamaica 12

  James I, King of England 41

  Java 53

  Jeanne d’Évreux 120

  Jeremiah 280

  Jerome, St 94, 285, 287, 292, 312, 335

  Jesus Christ 171

  Jews and Judaism 279–83

  apocryphal literature 283, 289

  merchants 100, 101, 107–8, 114

  spice boxes 283

  Joan, Pope 218

  João II, King of Portugal 27, 28

  John XXI, Pope, see Hispano, Pedro

  John Chrysostomos, St 286, 287

  John of Burgundy 190

  John of Eschenden 204

  John of Gaddesden 196

  John of Hauteville: Archithrenius 225

  John of Salisbury 198

  John of Trevisa 132

  John the Deacon 103

  Joinville, Jean, Sire de 47, 48

  Jonas of Bobbio 99

  Josephus 282

  Jotsaud 175, 184

  Juan Manuel of Castile 150

  Julia 215–16

  Julian the Apostate, Roman Emperor 93

  Justinian, Byzantine Emperor 165, 203, 207, 251

  Juvenal 79, 90

  Satires 78, 8o, 83, 353

  Kama Sutra 230

  Kanishka, King 68

  Karimis 114

  Kaswini 30

  Keats, John 358–9

  Kipling, Rudyard 354

  Koran 221, 283

  Lacroix, Paul 220, 228

  Lactantius 172, 286, 289

  Laguna, Andrés 174

  Lajazzo 118

  Lancaster, James 40

  Langland, William: Piers Plowman 156, 198

  Las Casas, Bartolomé de 11

  Launceston, Cornwall 103

  Lavynham, Richard: Litil Treatise on the Seven Deadly Sins 226

  Le Goff, Jacques 94

  Legend of Celestine and Susanna, The 322

  Leo the Great, Pope 252, 301

  Levant 50, 101, 112, 116–17

  Libelle ofEnglyshe Polycye, The 329–30

  Liber Cure Cocorum 155

  Liber de Coquina 159

  Liber Pontificalis 287–8

  Lidwina, St 294

  Lion Ship 263

  Liutprand, King of Lombardy 102

  Livres des mestiers 159

  Livy 86

  Lombardy 102, 106

  London 51, 115–16, 158

  odours 204

  plague 199, 203

  spicers 155

  ‘London Lickpenny’ 161

  long pepper xxxv, 120, 144, 213, 215

  Louis IV, King of France 112

  Louis IX, King of France (St Louis) 133

  Louis XIV, King of France 229, 356

  Louis XV, King of France 341

  love: Roman gods of 240–1, 264–5

  and scent 232–3, 236

  see also sex

  Lucan 83, 248

  Ludan: Icaromenippus 271

  Luxorius, St 171

  luxury 97, 148, 325–8, 349

  sin of 325–6

  trade 105–7, 118, 153. 183, 207, 251, 329–30

  McCary, James Leslie 245

  Mackaile, Matthew 356

  McKenzie, Dan 354

  Mably, Abbé 352

  Macassar 336

  mace xxiv, xxxvi, 50

  in anti-plague powders 204

  Dutch trade 44 in incense 263

  medical uses 191, 355

  medieval literary references 53, 111

  in Middle Ages 119, 120, 144, 154, 155

  of Moluccas 29, 32, 39, 50

  perfume ingredient 254

  price 155

  in wine 129

  Macrobius 93

  Madagascar 344

  Maerlant, Jacob van 150

  Magellan, Ferdinand xxviii, 33–8, 254

  magic xxxii, 192–3, 262, 265, 266, 304, 357

  sexual 227–31

  white 295–7

  Maillart, Jehan: Roman du Comte d’Anjou 152


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