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Trust Me: A BDSM Romance

Page 20

by Cate Bellerose

  “Don’t get lippy.” Eric laughs while wrapping his large hand around the back of her neck and making her face him. “Lippy girls get punished.” Her response is a mischievous smile, and Eric smirks before he continues, “Or just tied up and gagged somewhere so the adults can have a proper conversation.”

  She looks down. “That doesn’t sound as much fun.”

  “Nope.” Then he turns to me. “How’s your mom doing? Amber hasn’t been able to stop worrying about you two once she realized what was going on.”

  I hesitate, thinking back to the last time I called home. “She’s doing alright. We did a session together before she left, and I managed to convince her to find someone to talk to closer to home. I don’t know if she’ll keep it up, but it’s made things a lot easier between the two of us already.””

  He nods. “She forgive Keegan yet?”

  “Not really.” I turn to Keegan and mouth ‘sorry’. “But I think she will eventually. She’s just very protective of me. Once she sees that things are good between us she’ll relent.”

  Keegan’s arm slips around me to pull me closer. I melt into what by now is the very familiar shape of him. “And then maybe you’ll move in with me like I asked?”

  It’s tempting. “Maybe. Let’s give this a little time, and then ask me again after that.”

  He checks the time on his phone. “That seems good. How about now?”

  “Dork.” I whack him on the stomach with a laugh.

  “Watch it,” he growls. “Eric isn’t the only one here happy to punish his woman when she gets out of line.”

  “What’s that about punishment? Can we join?” Two women approach our table with wide smiles. One’s short and curvy with curly hair that seems to just do what it wants to, the other’s tall and slim, with straight red hair and the brightest green eyes I’ve ever seen—aside from Keegan’s. The shorter one’s been here with Gabriel, the owner, but I don’t recognize the redhead, and she’d be hard to miss.

  “Dawn! Viv!” Amber gets up and gives both of them hugs. “How are you? I haven’t seen you in a long time. Dawn, how’s the baby?”

  She smiles. “Hopefully sleeping. Not so baby anymore, though. He’s starting to crawl. Nothing is safe anymore.”

  “Didn’t bring him to the club?”

  “Hah, no. But if he’s awake right now, he’s probably downing a bottle under his grandmother’s watchful eye. Or getting whiskey-laced milk from his grandfather, but hopefully the former.” She winks. “Just kidding. He should be fine,” she reassures.

  Gabriel and Caleb, the huge guy who was ready to separate Keegan and me when we were arguing back in the thick of things, come from the bar with two glasses each.

  Dawn takes hers from Gabriel happily. “God, you have no idea how much I missed being able to drink these. But today I’ve pumped enough that I can have a drink without worrying about it clearing before the next time I have to nurse. Cheers!”

  She takes a solid sip, while Caleb sidles up behind Viv. One hand goes around her waist after handing her a drink. She leans back against his huge frame with a content smile and a hand over her stomach.

  “Sooo, Viv has something she wants to say,” Dawn grins with sparkling eyes as she sits down on the couch armrest next to Eric.

  “Shh,” Viv responds. “We’re still waiting for Paul and Em.”

  Amber and I look at her bemusedly, but I’m sure she’s noticed the hand over Viv’s belly as much as I have. I don’t know these people, but it sure sounds like it might be good news.

  “Holy shit, would you believe the traffic tonight?” A gruff voice comes up the stairs, followed by a solidly built man with a chiseled jaw and steely blue eyes. His right arm is around the waist of brown-haired woman. She looks strong for her size, and her baby blues are a good match for his.

  “Speaking of the devil,” Caleb exclaims and lets go of Viv long enough to shake hands. “Good to see you, Paul.”

  “Hey, man,” Eric says more casually, waving from the couch. “Hey, Em.”

  Em waves a bit nervously. She seems like a bit of a recent arrival to the group, which makes me feel an instant kinship. “Hi everyone.”

  “Guess everyone’s here,” Caleb notes, a self-satisfied grin spreading on his face as he leans into Viv. “Should I, or do you want to do the honors?”

  She rubs her tummy again and smiles. “We have an announcement to make.”

  “Finally getting hitched,” Paul asks then shrugs to the rest of us. “Been expecting that for a while.”

  “Well, we’re still working out the date on that, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

  “Oh?” Eric leans forward, and Amber’s already hanging over him as if being closer will get her the announcement sooner.

  “Well, there’s going to be”—Viv looks around nervously, and she doesn’t look like someone who gets nervous easily—”there’s going to be a little Caleb. Or Viv. We decided we didn’t want to know the sex until it’s born.”

  There’s a moment of silence before Amber cries out, “I knew it!” And then we all explode into congratulations and hugs. Even I get one, though we haven’t even been introduced yet. Keegan solves that little issue before we resettle on the couch, him taking the far corner to make room and dragging me into his lap. Not that I mind. It’s comfy and safe here.

  As the new girl, caught up in a whirlwind of an announcement, I’m pretty much forgotten for a bit while the others are gushing over Viv and Caleb, but seeing their happiness makes thinking of Keegan and me inevitable. Wriggling a little, I settle more comfortably, my ass no longer getting jabbed by his hip bone, but when he moves his arm, thinking maybe I want down, I possessively wrap it back around me.

  “Don’t you dare let go of me,” I whisper up at him.

  He laughs softly into my hair. “Never.”

  “Do you think that’ll be us one day?”

  “Whoa.” His tone is amused. “I was just asking you to move into my apartment, and now you’re talking babies?”

  “Well, not right now, obviously. But do you think we’ll be happy like them?”

  “I’m pretty damn happy right now.”

  I snuggle closer. “Mmm, me too.”

  “I’d be happier with you over at my place every night.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I whisper. He doesn’t need to know that I already made up my mind. Let him stew in it for a little. For now, I think we’re really good together, and once Mom’s a little more relaxed about things I’ll put in my notice with the rental office.

  You obviously never know, but I have this distinct feeling that for now is quickly going to turn into forever.

  And that’s perfect.

  Preview: Make Me

  A BDSM Romance

  Did you miss where it all started? Read on for a preview of Make Me, my first book, where you meet Gabriel and Dawn for the first time.





  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! For the first time in forever, my lazy ass is out of bed early enough to get to work on time and then this happens. Goddamnit!

  There are a lot of things I absolutely love about my new apartment. Central, close to work, close to nightclubs. A little noisy in the evenings, but I can sleep through most anything once I’m out. Even my alarm clock. Especially my alarm clock. There’s a reason I’m already getting reprimands at the office after only a couple of months.

  A thing I don’t love? Street parking only, and it’s tight. Moving here was a crash course in extreme parallel parking. Almost literally. Like, they should make a game show out of that, or something. Seriously. Still, after a few weeks, I kinda feel like I’m getting the hang of it.

  Last night, I was really proud of how I slipped right into this spot on the first try, and it’s even right outside my apartment. How awesome is that? Apparently too awesome, because I angered the parking gods, horrible beings that look down from up
high, just waiting to screw over a puny little ant like me.

  My car isn’t much, a faded brownish-red sedan that gets me where I want to go, when I want to go there, at least most of the time. Not this time, but for once it’s not my car’s fault.

  I check the front bumper, and the distance between it and the car in front is so short I’m not sure I can get my fingers between them. The back bumper is better, but only by like an inch or so. I can wiggle back and forth in that space all I want, but I’m still not getting out.

  Fuck! I’m this close from pulling out my keys and going to town on those two cars. Assholes!

  There’s a bus, but I’ve never taken it. No idea what the schedule is. Not even totally sure where the stop is. It was just one of those things to check before moving here, knowing it was an option. What now? Mostly, I just want to plop my ass down and cry.

  Sure, I can call work, but with my record, who’s going to believe me? I can just picture Mr. Harrison now. “Young lady, you may think you can do what you want, but I guarantee you, that you will never become a full architect in this company if you can’t even show up on time. In my day, yadda, yadda, blah, blah…” Too bad they’re the only worthwhile architecture firm in town to work for.

  Now I’m going to have to work overtime to make it up, and I really wanted to go out tonight. Not fair. Working late is its own kind of torture, but doesn’t beat a good flogging. At least the way I see it.



  “Aaarrghh!” I wanna tear something apart. Mess things up. Rip something to shreds. If I could, I’d dismantle those cars down to the last screw and spread the parts all across the city. See if those assholes park here again.

  “Hey, you okay?” A deep masculine voice sends heat racing straight down to my core.

  I turn, and immediately wish his first impression wasn’t of me screaming at my car like a lunatic. The most handsome man I’ve seen all day, maybe my whole life, arches his eyebrow and looks at me.

  He’s tall. I’m short, so everyone looks tall, but he’s taller than that. Makes-me-feel-like-a-little-girl tall. His leather jacket’s open over a black t-shirt that’s stretched tight across his broad chest. Not bulging, but hard. Strong. And those arms. Bet he could give a good spanking to a girl in need.

  I swallow and crane my neck, my gaze exploring all the way up, past his powerful shoulders and strong neck, over a chiseled jaw and a pair of full smirking lips that look made for kissing. Bright under short and spiky black hair, a hungry set of deep hazel eyes, flecked with green and brown, are crinkled in amusement.

  “Uh, hi.” That’s right, Dawn. Dazzle him with your smart reply and draw him in with your witty repartee. Fuck, I’m screwed.

  “Hi yourself.” That voice could melt ice, it’s so hot. Deep and with just a little hint of scratch. I bet he’s a growler. I like that, when they’re gruff.

  “So… I was passing by and couldn’t help overhearing your expression of… frustration?” His eyes lock to mine, and I know I can never tell that man a lie to his face. I’d break down. God, those are amazing eyes.

  I realize he’s waiting for an answer. Right. Stop mooning, Dawn. “I, uh… well, my car’s stuck.”


  “Yeah, like parked in. Look at this bullshit.”

  His smirk turns to a crooked grin, like he didn’t expect me to swear, or something.

  Yep, that’s me. A delicate flower. If he only knew, but he doesn’t, and it’s not something I’ll blurt out to someone I just met, so I just wave at the car.

  “Those fuckers made a sandwich out of my car, and now I can’t get to work.” The frustration’s back and the rest just pours out of me. “And now I’ll get reprimanded again, and if Mr. Harrison’s not feeling forgiving, I’ll lose my apprenticeship, and get my ass kicked out on the street and be without a fucking job, and it’s all because I can never get the fuck out of bed on time, and be respectful and not fuck up everything like I always do, and…”

  He cuts me off with a finger to my lips. “Shhhh.”

  A bit close for comfort, but it’s hard to get angry at a smile like that. Besides, he’s right. “Sorry, I know you don’t want to hear it. Why would you care, right? Didn’t mean to dump on you. Just frustrated, y’know?”

  “Sounds like you’ve got a lot on your plate. If you had time, I’d stick around and listen to every single word.” Obviously he sees me screw my face up in disbelief. “Listen, I don’t think I can fix everything for you, but I can fix this. Gimme your keys.”


  “Your car keys. Give them to me.”

  I glance at my car, then back at him. Is he like a parking ninja or something? He’s pretty ripped, but I don’t think he can lift my car out. Wouldn’t need my keys for that anyway. He could just take them and run away, but there’s something about him. I trust him, though I don’t know why. Maybe because he’s willing to listen. Reaching into my pocket, I dig them up and hold them out to him.

  His grin widens as he takes them. He talks as he rounds the car behind mine so he can get to the driver’s seat. “I get the whole getting up late thing, by the way. I’m actually on my way home from work. Maybe you just need a job that lets you stay up late and sleep late. Worked for me.”

  “If you know of any late night architect firms, let me know.”

  He stops with his hand on the roof of the car, and laughs, a bark deep in his chest. “Guess that’s a tough one. Architect, huh? Cool.”

  The keys jingle as he finds the lock and shoves them in. The door creaks when he opens it, like it always does. “You could oil this, you know.”

  He looks unsure for a moment, which doesn’t suit him. Then he reaches in, finds the handle for moving the seat and pushes it back as far as it can go. Even then, he’s way too big for my car. It’s like they built the car the wrong size. Still, he gets the key in and starts it up. Where does he think he’s gonna go? I watch with deep interest.

  Just as his hand shifts into reverse, I realize what he’s about to do. Seriously? He throws his thick arm over the back of the passenger seat, looks over his shoulder and pushes the gas. Gently. The car doesn’t jump backwards or anything, but I cringe when my back bumper touches the asshole bumper. Is this even legal?

  My car stops, blocked by the other car. Maybe he just knows some clever wiggle technique. Nah. The engine revs and the front dips a little as he steps down. My car sounds angry, frustrated, a lot like me. No way this’ll work. That guy’s hot as anything, but he’s gotta be nuts.

  Then something happens. The cars move, a creaky sound like a whiny protest coming from the asshole car. He pushes harder, and the whiny protest grows into a panicked squeal. My hands go to my ears while I watch gleefully. That couldn’t possibly be doing good things to that car’s gearbox.

  Inch by inch, the cars move until they’ve gone almost a foot. Is that enough? My guardian angel lets up on the gas, shifts and drives forward until my front bumper kisses the back bumper of the other car. Again?

  More revving, more pressure, more squealing, and that car moves too. This guy’s over the top. Who does that? He does, I guess. There’s a sharp crack, and suddenly the cars move easily. Fuck, was that the hand break? Will I be responsible for this? I don’t know much about cars, but sharp cracks when forcing a car to move sound really expensive.

  On the bright side, my car’s free, and looks unharmed. Maybe a couple of scratches on the bumpers, but who looks at those anyway? Just plastic.

  He shuts off my car and climbs out. “You probably have to adjust your seat, but I think you’re good to go.”

  “You’re fucking crazy, you know that?” I’m grinning so hard it almost hurts. “Thank you. You’ve saved my ass something fierce.”

  His answering grin makes my stomach knot. Never mind forcing cars to move, can a face that handsome be legal? “It’s a nice ass. It deserves some saving.”

  “What? I…”

  “Shouldn’t you be gettin
g to work? You said something about getting fired.”

  “Oh shit. Yeah.”

  He tosses the keys to me, which, amazingly enough, I catch. Go me. When I look up, he’s already walking away, like his work here’s done.

  “Hey, wait.”

  He turns.

  “Can I thank you for this some way? I mean, later? Like buy you a coffee or something? What’s your name?”

  That smile again. “Gabriel.” He waves. “See you around.” He walks off.

  “I’m Dawn!” I yell it at his back.

  “Nice to meet you, Dawn.” I want to swoon. Is swooning out of fashion these days? I watch him until he turns a corner and disappears.

  Shit, I need to hurry, not stand here and moon. Seat, mirror, keys in the ignition. The car turns over and I get the hell out. I’m late, but not that late, and I can make it up if I hurry. At least traffic’s light. If I get there early enough, I’ll still have time to visit the club.

  Gabriel. I laugh. He really is my guardian angel. I had no idea angels were batshit insane, though.



  You wouldn’t think it was possible to make a flogging boring. Seriously. Same speed, same rhythm, same strength. He wants me to count, but I stopped to get a rise out of him. He hasn’t even mentioned it. Just the same limp-wristed stroke over and over.

  The sawhorse is biting into my hip, too. Not sure if it’s uncomfortable, or I can pretend that it’s part of the play. Wish I was taller. At least my feet would touch the ground then.

  My nose itches, but my hands are bound, stretched out along the sawhorse on either side of me. Kinda stuck staring at the floor while um… Dennis? While Mr. Uninspired works the exact same spot on my ass, and if my hands were free, works would be in air quotes.

  I should say something, but I’d probably crush his fragile ego. For playing at domination, he doesn’t exactly flog with confidence. Not my most amazing BDSM experience, to put it mildly, and there haven’t even been that many.


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