A Nun Goes to Jail (Nun-Fiction Series Book 2)

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A Nun Goes to Jail (Nun-Fiction Series Book 2) Page 13

by Piper Davenport

  “You’re gonna need to let me go, honey.”

  “One thing first.”

  He kissed me… deeply… which left me struggling to catch my breath as I went back to my task. “Not fair, sugar bear.”

  “Did you learn your lesson?”

  I giggled. “Maybe, maybe not.”

  He kissed me again. “Do you need another lesson?”

  I nodded. “Yes, but let’s put a pin in it until we get back. Then, there better be spanking.”

  “I can make that happen.”

  I grinned and finished my makeup, pulling my hair back in a ponytail, having been assured I didn’t have to wear the dreaded wig again since I’d have a helmet while we skied.

  A knock at our door came and we met Ryder and Sadie in the hallway, then joined Dallas, Macey, Hawk, and Payton at the elevators.

  I was a bundle of excited energy and I gripped Reese’s hand as we headed out for our excursion. I’d never been skiing, so heading into the “wilderness” was super exciting for me… even if it was labeled the “bunny hill.”

  Reese had organized a picnic on the hill with more food than we could eat, including crab and lobster. I nearly stuffed myself sick because you get me anywhere near shellfish and I will eat all of it. Every single delicious morsel.

  I was very glad we didn’t have to walk far after eating… I’m pretty sure Reese would have had to roll me back to our room.

  “I think I may have gained twenty pounds,” Payton complained as we sat down to remove our gear.

  We’d skied down the slight hill, right up to the lodge and then handed our skis and boots to the attendant.

  Hawk chuckled. “I’m good with that.”

  I leaned heavily against Reese and he looped an arm around my waist, kissing my temple. “You good?”

  I smiled up at him. “I’m perfect.”

  “That’s what I want to hear.”

  “Are you always going to be like this?”

  “Like what?”

  “All sweet and amiable and crap.”

  “Sweet and amiable and crap?”

  I giggled. “Yes. I like it.”

  “I’ll endeavor to continue to make you happy.”

  “Never mind.”


  “I take it back.” I wrinkled my nose. “Don’t ‘endeavor’ to do anything.”

  He cocked his head. “Why?”

  “Um, because if you’re super nice and never ornery, I won’t get good sex,” I whispered.

  Reese laughed so hard, our friends all turned to study him.

  “What? Nice guys can’t give good sex?” he challenged.

  “No… nice guys hump.”

  “Ohmigod, they so do,” Payton agreed.

  “Hump?” Reese asked.

  “Yes. Real men know how to satisfy a woman, but nice guys only know how to hump,” I said. “Humping occurs only on the appointed night of the week, and only missionary style is sanctioned.”

  “You don’t say,” Hawk said, trying to keep his laughter at bay.

  “I agree,” Macey piped in.

  “It’s a strictly lights off, socks on affair,” I continued.

  Sadie giggled so hard, she snorted.

  “And your so-called ‘ornery’ men?” Reese asked.

  “They do whatever it takes.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Meaning?”

  “Well, you know the difference between sensual and kinky, right?”

  “Do tell?” he asked.

  “Sensual is when you bring a feather to bed,” I said.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to ask this,” Sadie said, her cheeks pink. “But what about kinky?”

  “You bring the whole damn bird,” Hawk supplied.

  “Spoken like a real man,” Payton said.

  “I’d be a little nervous about the bird flu,” Sadie said.

  “Always bag your beak,” Dallas retorted.

  We all dissolved into laughter and Reese pulled me closer.

  Arriving back inside the lodge, we headed to our room and got ready for dinner. Despite my pig-out fest, I was starving again, but I took extra care with my appearance, knowing Reese would look hot as usual.

  And I wasn’t wrong. He wore dark jeans and a black button up with a paisley tie, his black cowboy boots, and a black vest. He’d swept his unruly hair away from his face and he was edible.

  “You okay?” he asked, his mouth turned up in a half smile.

  “Other than wanting to strip you down and lick every inch of your body, yep, I’m great.”

  He chuckled. “Back atya.”

  I smiled. I wore the little black cocktail dress he’d bought me, accessorizing with a blingy, crystal belt and strappy, heeled silver sandals. “I have nothing on underneath, just in case you want to take advantage of that later.”

  “Fuck, baby, don’t say shit like that.”

  I giggled, glancing at his growing erection. “Need me to take care of that?”

  He dropped his head back and counted to ten. “Nope, I’m good.”

  I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse and room key. “Ready?”

  “Yeah, baby, but first…” he leaned down and kissed me sweetly. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. So do you.”

  He took my hand and we walked (quickly) to the elevator and then into the dining room. I really was hungry, but when we approached our table, there were two people sitting there I didn’t recognize. Their backs were turned toward us, so I frowned up at Reese and he smiled.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Lex,” Paisley called, and I realized the couple weren’t strangers, but Paisley and my brother.

  “What did you do?” I squeaked, squeezing Reese’s hand.

  “Go say hi,” he ordered, nodding toward them.

  I made a run for Paisley, pulling her in for a hug, then Sergei. “What are you guys doing here?”

  Paisley giggled. “Reese set it up. Sergei and I drove up this afternoon.”

  “It’s apparently not typically kosher to crash someone’s honeymoon,” Sergei said. “But Reese made it happen.”

  I pulled Reese in for a hug. “Thank you.”

  He kissed my temple. “You’re welcome.”

  The rest of the group arrived and Dallas, Macey, Hawk, and Payton offered to sit at a table close by so we could catch up. After another fabulous meal, we headed to the bar for dancing and drinks. After more than a few too many, Reese took me (carried me) back to our room and lovingly undressed me, mostly because I couldn’t.

  * * *


  “I can’t believe you did that,” Alexa said.

  I chuckled, undoing her sandals and throwing them in the closet. Lex was close to drunk, and cute as hell.

  “Why is that funny?” she demanded.

  “Because you’re always surprised when I do nice things for you.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Am I?”

  I smiled, unzipping her dress. “A little.”

  She stopped me from pulling her dress off, grabbing my hands. “I’m really sorry, honey.”

  “It’s fine, baby.”

  “No, it’s not,” she countered, bursting into tears. “I’m a monster.”

  I settled her on the edge of the bed and knelt between her legs. “Baby, you are not a monster.”

  “I am,” she wailed. “You do nice things for me all the time and I take them for granted.”

  Well, she’d gone down the wasted highway. “Lex.”

  “What?” She sniffed and then hiccupped.

  I bit back a chuckle, ’cause she was so fuckin’ cute. “I love you.”

  She threw her arms up. “Well, you shouldn’t. I’m horrible.”

  “Okay, baby, up,” I directed, pulling her off the bed and sliding her dress off her shoulders. I had to force myself not to react, considering she was, in fact, completely naked under her dress. “I think it’s time for you to sleep it off.”

  “Are you g
oing to leave me?”

  “What the fuck?”

  “You should. I’m no good for you,” she slurred.

  I lost my battle with my laughter and pulled her close. “I’m never leaving you, Alexa. Now, time for bed.”

  She kissed my neck. “I love you so much, Reese.”

  “I love you too, honey.”

  I caught her just as she went limp and grinned as I gently tucked her into bed, totally oblivious and snoring louder than my old bulldog.

  While she slept, I undressed, then climbed in beside her pulling her close and kissing her gently. She moaned, responding to me even in her sleep. I wrapped myself around her and let myself fall into oblivion.

  * * *

  I awoke, rock hard. Especially considering soft, firm lips were kissing their way down my body to my cock. “Someone’s awake.”

  Alexa giggled. “Well, I didn’t get a chance to thank you properly for tonight.”

  “Continue with your gratefulness, baby. Don’t let me stop you.”

  She wrapped her mouth around my cock again and took me deep in her throat. I drew my knees up and wrapped her hair around my hand, tugging gently. With her tongue pressed to the underside of my cock, she took me deeper and I groaned as she gripped the length and pulled down with her hand.

  “Fuck, Lex.”

  She moved her mouth with her hand, and I loosened my grip on her hair. She squeezed my thigh and released my dick. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t you dare interrupt me.”

  “I wasn―”

  “The second you let go of my hair, it indicated to me you may be inclined to drag me into a position where you can shove your cock into my pussy,” she informed me. “I have no problem with this. But not right now. Right now I’m enjoying myself. I will let you fuck me when I’m done, but if you don’t come in my mouth and give me the high protein breakfast my body is craving, I’ll be really pissed.”

  I chuckled. “I wouldn’t dare. Continue.”

  She went back to her task, cupping my balls and moving her hand faster, then gripping me harder.

  “Fuck,” I whispered. She worked me faster and I felt my sac tighten. “Lex,” I hissed. “Now.”

  I exploded into her mouth and she squeezed me gently before releasing my dick and smiling up at me.

  “Now, that’s a tasty breakfast,” she said, doing her best Jules from Pulp Fiction impersonation.

  “Yeah? You like those jizz-eos, huh?”

  “Is the mascot, Captain Cum Shot?” she lobbed back.

  I laughed, pulling her up my body and kissing her deeply. “Fuck me, I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She flopped on her back and spread her arms and legs, taking a deep breath. “You may take me now.”

  I grinned and took what she was offering.


  MY HEART WAS light as I walked with Reese up to the pool area. The group was meeting there to hang out and eat lunch there.

  We had another ski excursion the next day, but for now, it was a free day, and I had all my favorite people surrounding me.

  Sergei was already in the pool, flirting with a really cute blonde, so I waved and headed to where Paisley was lounging next to Macey with Sadie on the end, looking to be very asleep. Paisley stood and pulled me in for a hug.

  “Ohmigod,” I breathed out. “I love your suit.”

  Paisley had a bubbly and confident personality and she currently wore a one-piece fifties style swimsuit that fit her personality perfectly. It was low-cut with all manner of fruit in the pattern. She’d wrapped a sarong over her waist to hide her “thunder thighs” as she called them (I personally thought she had a figure to die for, but as women, we always found fault with our own bodies). She also wore a heavy winter coat… it was still quite cold. She and I were very similar in coloring, so much so, people often mistook us for sisters, which we never corrected. Where the similarities ended, however, was she was petite and curvy, and I was five-foot-seven with a more athletic stature… other than my boobs. I’d been blessed with a full C-cup. Paisley, however, double D’s all the way.

  “I love yours too,” she said, with a cheeky grin.

  “Don’t think I don’t know that was your doing,” I retorted.

  Reese had let me know that Paisley helped pack my bag for this excursion, which also meant her choosing a few items (like my bikini), which looked great on me, but was far more revealing than I would have picked.

  Reese wrapped his arms around me from behind. “I wholeheartedly approve of the bikini, baby.”

  I giggled. “You would.”

  “I’m gonna go talk to the guys for a bit.”

  I smiled up at him. “Take your time.”

  He kissed me gently and left me with Paisley and Macey. “Where’s Payton?”

  “She went to grab something from their room,” Macey provided.

  “I say let’s get in the hot tub.”

  Paisley nodded, so us girls climbed into the hot water and I leaned my back against the stone. “So when did all of this”―I waved my hands between Paisley and Sergei―“take place?”

  “Reese called us the night before last.” Paisley grinned. “I don’t want to know what it cost him, but he made it happen.”

  “Ohmigod, he paid too?”


  I blinked back tears and looked over at Reese who turned toward me and smiled. I mouthed, I love you. He smiled wider and gave me a chin lift, then turned back to Dallas, Ryder, and Hawk.

  “Are those tears happy or sad?” Paisley asked.

  I reached over and squeezed her hand. “Definitely happy, honey.”

  Cold water sprayed over me and I squealed, sitting up quickly. “Sergei!” I snapped.

  He was shaking his wet head and laughing like an idiot. He grabbed his towel and leaned down to kiss my cheek. “Your husband’s pretty cool, sis.”

  I smiled up at him. “I’m aware.”

  He climbed into the hot tub beside me.

  “Who’s the cutie?” I asked.

  “Her name is Tessa and she’s here with her family.”

  “Is she legal?” Paisley challenged.

  “Nineteen,” he said.

  “So, barely,” she mused. “Just your type.”

  He chuckled. “Not plannin’ on doin’ anything but have a little fun, Pa.”

  “Well, don’t hurt her, Ma, or you and I’ll have a conversation.”

  I smiled and shook my head. Sergei had started calling Paisley “Pa” back in high school, so she’d followed it up with “Ma.” Their nicknames had stuck and I knew Sergei loved it. Probably because he still had a massive crush on my best friend… which Paisley still didn’t reciprocate.


  I turned toward the frantic sound of Payton’s voice as she rushed toward the guys’ huddle. Alex was Hawk’s real name, and he’d mentioned she only used it when she was really horny or scared. He’d received a fist to his shoulder from Payton for that tidbit of information, but since she looked scared, he pulled her close and studied her. They were a little too far away for me to hear everything, but I did get snippets.

  “What the fuck?” he snapped.

  Payton nodded over at me and then looked back up at him. Well, this was interesting.

  I climbed out of the hot tub, shivering as I headed toward the men. I wrapped my arm around Reese’s waist and frowning up at him. “What’s going on?”

  “Not sure, baby.”

  “No,” Payton said, and grabbed Hawk’s arm. “He’s gone. If I see him again, I’ll let you know.”

  “No, you’re never goin’ anywhere without me, so you won’t need to let me know shit.”

  She nodded, dropping her head to his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist. After a few seconds, she pushed away from her husband and smiled. “I’m good, baby.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. Macey wrapped an arm around her and led her to the hot tub.
Sergei got the hint he should probably make himself scarce and I climbed back into the water. “What happened?” I asked.

  “Some guy just attacked me in the hallway.”

  “What the hell?” Macey snapped.

  “It’s okay, I maced him.”

  Macey gave her a puzzled look. “You maced him and that makes this all okay? What the heck happened Payton? Spill!”

  “I went back to our room to grab my sun block.”

  “Sun block. Really?” Macey said, her tone one of disbelief.

  “Yes,” Payton said again.

  “There’s no sun,” I pointed out.

  “There’s still UV rays,” Payton said. “Ergo, sun block needed.”

  “You mean sun glock,” Macey retorted. “What’s the SPF on that? 9mm?”

  Payton rolled her eyes.

  “You have a gun with you?” Sadie whispered.

  “They’re here to protect me,” I pointed out. “So it would make sense. I just didn’t think any of you ladies would be packing.”

  “Oh, she’s the only one who is,” Macey said. “I hate… um… sun block.”

  Payton nodded. “Anyway, I grabbed my sun block and left my room. Some guy grabbed me from behind and tried to drag me into a room down the hall. I was able to fight my way out of his hold and mace him, then I just ran.”

  “Why didn’t you just squirt him with the sun block?” Macey asked.

  Payton sighed. “I’m not going to squirt the man in a crowded hotel, Macey.”

  I saw movement behind Payton and nodded. “It looks like Hawk’s going somewhere.”

  “What?” Payton looked over her shoulder. “Shit. He’s going to blow this whole thing.”

  She climbed out of the water, grabbed a jacket and rushed after him.”

  “What would he blow?” Paisley asked.

  “The guys are here mostly to cover me and Reese in case someone managed to find us,” I explained. “If Hawk goes after this guy, it might scare anyone else into hiding. Reese wants them all eliminated.”

  “Or it could just be some creeper and not related to you at all,” Macey provided.

  “Probably,” I agreed.

  “I don’t like this,” Paisley said.

  “You never like anything,” I retorted. “You’re practically a conspiracy theorist.”

  “Doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m talking about.”


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