A Nun Goes to Jail (Nun-Fiction Series Book 2)

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A Nun Goes to Jail (Nun-Fiction Series Book 2) Page 14

by Piper Davenport

I sighed. Unfortunately, she was right.

  “I should have brought my gun,” she breathed out.

  “No, you shouldn’t,” I argued.

  I also hated guns. Wouldn’t touch them, avoided them at all costs, but Reese had carried one for as long as I knew him. My father and brother also carried. It was just part of them, so I was used to them to a certain degree.

  Paisley rolled her eyes. “We’re here to have fun. Let’s have some fun… but let’s do it inside. I’m freezing.”

  We all climbed out and donned jackets just as Reese walked our way and wrapped his arms around me. “You okay?”

  I nodded, snuggling against his chest. “I am now.”

  “I’ve got you, baby.”

  I smiled. “I know.”


  We headed inside, changed and then met by the fireplace about an hour later. Hawk and Payton joined us, looking like they’d stepped into their room for some fun of their own.

  I smiled at her, knowing she’d obviously used her womanly wiles on her husband in order to distract him, which also meant she got something out of that tactic as well.

  By the time we returned to our rooms to dress for dinner, the subject of the attack had changed to more pleasant conversation, however, Dallas insisted he and Macey walk us back to our room.

  Reese went in first, making sure the room was clear, then he waited until I was inside before pulling the door closed. Reese locked it and we headed into the shower.

  He guided me inside and wrapped an arm around my waist, sliding his other hand between my legs. I gasped when his thumb slid over my clit.

  “Fuck, baby,” he breathed as he slipped two fingers inside of me. “You’re so wet.”

  I giggled. “I wonder how that happened.”

  Reese chuckled and stepped under the showerhead, running his hands through his hair before pulling me to him and turning me into the spray. He lathered his hands with shampoo and gently washed then conditioned my hair, then he poured body wash onto his hands and ran it over my back.

  He wrapped his hands around me from behind and cupped my soapy breasts, working my nipples into hard peaks with his fingers. I arched into his touch.

  “So good,” I whispered as he slid his hand between my legs again.

  “Turn around, baby.”

  I braced my hands on his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist as he lifted me, anchoring my back to the wall. I let out a deep breath as his girth filled me, his tip feeling as though it was touching my womb.

  “Too much?”

  I shook my head and leaned down to kiss him. His tongue met mine while his hands gripped my bottom, digging into the flesh. One arm slid up my back and cupped the base of my skull holding me steady while he began to move.

  “Reese,” I whimpered.

  “Need me to slow down?”

  “No. God, it’s amazing.”

  The gentleness of his earlier movement changed and he began to thrust deeper, faster, harder, my arms locked around his neck as my body quickened. I felt my orgasm build and slid my hands into his hair, gripping his head as I screamed on my climax.

  He thrust again and then pulsed inside of me, before pulling out gently and lowering my feet to the shower floor. “You okay?” he asked with a smile.

  I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him. “So, so okay, honey.”

  “You scared?”

  I shook my head. “I know you’ve got my back, sugar bear.”

  Reese tipped my chin up higher. “Always, right?”

  “Always,” I confirmed.

  He kissed me gently and we dressed for dinner.


  SERGEI AND I headed back to our rooms, and we fell into our weird and edgy relationship. I knew he had a thing for me, which would never work, considering he was a total man-whore and I had no interest in being the one he wedded, bedded, then kept his mistress on the side like his dad had done. Men like Sergei didn’t change.

  Before we reached my room, Sergei shoved me into an alcove and I squeaked, slapping his arm. “What―”

  His hand landed over my mouth and he leaned down. “Shhh. I’m trying to listen.”

  I scowled at him, but didn’t speak and he removed his hand, keeping me against the wall and his body facing the hallway. Angry Russian voices carried and Sergei seemed interested in the subject at hand.

  “What’s going on?” I whispered.

  “Pa, shush,” he hissed.

  “Start talking or I’m walking.”

  He faced me and narrowed his eyes. “Two men are arguing over my sister. Now, if you could just stay quiet for ten seconds so I can find out why, that’d be great.”

  “Oh.” I swallowed. This was bad. This was very, very bad. “What are they saying?”

  “Shut up,” he mouthed angrily.

  “Don’t you dare speak to me that way,” I hissed.

  “I’ll apologize later, but right now, I need you to let me listen.”

  He peeked his head slowly from our hiding place, and after about ten seconds, abruptly snapped it back in.

  “Holy shit.”

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Two massive hotel porters, only I don’t think they’re on the hotel’s payroll,” he said, his face pale.

  “What are they saying?”

  “They’re pissed. Something about not knowing how many people would be here with Alexa. They’re talking about demanding more money for the job when they get back. I bet these are the guys that grabbed Payton. Oh my god, we have to get to my sister right away.”

  * * *


  I was on high alert as we made our way to dinner. Hawk didn’t like that some asshole had attacked his woman, and as much as Payton tried to brush it off, I was convinced someone had found out we were here and were gunning for Alexa.

  New rule: no going anywhere without me.

  Alexa hadn’t even tried to argue, which indicated to me that she was more frightened than she was letting on. I didn’t like that.

  We approached the elevator and I saw a group of people waiting to ride, so I guided her toward the stairs instead.

  “My legs are a little gelatinous, honey… why are we walking?”

  “Too many people.”

  She stopped on the landing and faced me, laying her hand on my chest. “Honey, no one’s going to attack us in the elevator.”

  “Not taking any chances.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Reese. You know my opinion on walking… and stairs are my undoing, so let’s just catch the next elevator.”

  “I’m not opposed to carrying you, baby.”

  “You’re going to carry me several flights down? Are you insane?”

  I turned my back. “Hop up.”

  She placed her hands on my shoulders and wrapped her legs around my waist, and I started down the stairs. She wore jeans, so she wouldn’t have to worry about flashing anyone during her piggyback ride.

  “You’re insane,” she said with a giggle.

  We made it to the lobby and I set her on her feet, dramatically leaning against the wall like I couldn’t catch my breath.

  “Oh, suck it Reese.”

  I laughed and pulled her away from prying eyes for a kiss. “Love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too, even though you’re mean.”

  We made our way through the grand dining room, to our table, and joined the others already seated. The only ones missing were Paisley and Sergei.

  “See, baby, we’re not the last to arrive.”

  “Where are my brother and Paisley?”

  “You don’t think Sergei finally wore Paisley down, do you? Maybe she’s admitted her true feelings for him and they’re back in his room—”

  “Ew, stop it,” Alexa squeaked out in horror. “Believe me when I tell you that will never happen.”

  Just then, the devils in which we were speaking about arrived at the table. They were clearly flustered, looked entirely suspicious, and
said absolutely nothing as they sat down. I was about to ask what they could have possibly been up to when Paisley shot me a look that said, don’t you dare say a word.

  “Everyone act naturally,” Paisley finally said quietly.

  “Why wouldn’t we?” Dallas asked.

  “Because there are two assassins here at the hotel, hired by the Russian mob, to kill Alexa.”

  I stiffened, but tried not to react further. “Who and where?” I asked coolly.

  “I don’t know where they are now. They’re posing as hotel porters, but you can’t miss them, they’re real Hans and Franz types,” Sergei said. “We overheard them arguing in Russian in the hallway when we were on our way to dinner. The little I could overhear was very clear to me. They’re here to kill Lex and the rest of us are in the way.”

  “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do,” Dallas said calmly. “We’re going to order dinner and drinks, and have the time of our lives. I’ll tell the waiter to water down the alcohol and be slow on the rounds. I want to be sharp, but don’t want to tip these bastards off if they’re watching us. We’ll stick together and keep our eyes open. We’re going to be the last group to leave this dining room and no one leaves this table until we leave together. Everyone got it?”

  We all nodded and proceeded to act as casually as we possibly could under the circumstances. We ate a fantastic wild boar ragu, and drank shitty, watered down scotch, and conversed among ourselves until we were the last one’s standing, or sitting as it were.

  “Will that be all for the ladies and gentlemen?” Our unusually cheery waiter Ned asked. Most would have 86’d us around the time the vacuum cleaners fired up.

  “Not quite, Ned,” Dallas said softly and slowly. “I’m agent Dallas Stone with the FBI and I need you to listen to me very closely.”

  Dallas discreetly flashed his ID, and Ned’s perma-grin instantly dropped.

  “Nope, we’re smiling. We’re just gonna keep on smiling, Ned, because everything’s totally normal to anyone who may be watching us,” Dallas said softly.

  Ned’s eyes began to nervously dart around as he tried pathetically to re-form a smile.

  “That’s it. You’re doing great, buddy. Now, I need you to make sure that any remaining dining and kitchen staff quietly exit through the kitchen’s back door. If you see a staff member you don’t know, don’t approach them. If you understand, smile and nod.”

  Ned nodded slowly and then exited through the kitchen door.

  Dallas’s plan was to eliminate the number of potential bystanders that could be harmed should these thugs make a move. However, his plan had one weakness. With everyone out of the room, we were left very exposed.

  “Okay, let’s all casually stand up and then we’re going to make our way through the kitchen, and out the back exit,” Dallas said.

  We did as instructed, and casually formed a barrier around Alexa as we walked in a tight group toward the kitchen. Dallas and I were first through the kitchen’s double doors and immediately saw two huge men moving quickly toward us through the empty kitchen carrying baseball bats.

  “Hans and Franz I presume,” I said to Dallas.

  “That’s what I’m thinkin’,” he agreed.

  We pushed Alexa and the others back through the swinging doors, into the dining room. Dallas went for his gun, but before he could raise it, Hans delivered a blow to his right bicep. The gun fell to the floor, sliding under a large stainless steel shelving unit.

  “Poluchit’ yego!” he yelled to his comrade, who was now closing in on me. He had a huge scar on his forehead and I immediately recognized him as the piece of shit I had beamed with the tear gas canister back at the Spider’s compound. With no time to dig for Dallas’s gun, I grabbed the first thing within reach; a large cast iron skillet. I raised it over my head just as Franz tried to brain me with his Louisville Slugger. The bat connected with the skillet with a loud clang, and sent shockwaves of pain from my hands to my shoulders.

  “You motherfucker, I’m gonna make you pay for what you did to my face,” he spit out.

  “Looks like an improvement to me,” I said, and hurled the heavy skillet at him. He side stepped to avoid it, and was momentarily thrown off balance. I lunged at him, tackling him to the ground, and rained down punches to his face.

  These guys were clearly trying to avoid the attention of gunfire, but I’m not sure the ensuing calamity inside the kitchen was much quieter. Hawk pushed through the double doors and headed straight for Hans, who was loading up for another swing at Dallas. He threw a huge overhand right and connected with the large Russian’s jaw, causing him to stagger backward.

  I heard Hawk yell, “Get down on the ground.”

  I turned to see Hawk had his gun drawn on Hans. I glanced up momentarily to see Dallas, now standing over me, his recovered gun pointing at the man I was currently pummeling.

  “It’s okay Reese, I got him,” Dallas said, trying to get me to stop.

  I grabbed the bloody thug by his coat and pulled him close to me. “Who the fuck sent you? Who hired you?” I yelled, to no avail. He was barely conscious at this point. I let him fall to the floor and Dallas cuffed him while Hawk zip-tied his prisoner.

  We led our prisoners into the dining room and Dallas sat a still dazed Franz down on a chair. Alexa quickly began advancing at Hans, her eyes burning with rage, but before she could reach her would-be-assassin, he delivered a straight kick to her ribs, sending her to the floor.

  “Lex!” I shouted and punched that piece of shit, in the jaw, as hard as I could. I heard his teeth hit the dining room floor just before he did.

  “God damn it, Alexa,” I hissed.

  She groaned and curled up into the fetal position as I reached her.

  “I’m okay,” she whispered.

  “Get her upstairs,” Macey ordered. “I’ll come and look at her in a bit.”

  I nodded and lifted Lex into my arms, carrying her up to our room and trying not to lose my mind with every painful whimper she made.

  * * *


  I hissed in pain when Reese lifted my shirt. “Let me see, baby.”

  “Ow, ow, ow!” I snapped when Reese prodded my bruised side. I wasn’t sure whose way my ribs got in the way of, probably Hans, but whoever it was, their foot hurt like a mofo.

  “I don’t think anything’s broken, but maybe Macey should have a look,” he said.

  “I’m okay, honey. I’ll just put some ice on it.”

  He gave me a slight smile. “Badass to the core, huh?”

  “Oh, is that the impression I gave you?”

  “Little bit, baby.”

  “Well, right now I’m in too much pain to feel much like anything other than a damsel in distress.” He scowled and I gingerly stretched out on the bed. “I’m okay, honey.”

  “I’m getting Macey now.”


  “Shit, seriously? Fuck. You really must be hurt if you’re admitting you need to see a nurse,” he deduced, opening the fridge to grab ice.

  “I’ll live… I think.”

  Reese wrapped ice in a towel and settled it on my side… I gasped at the cold, but then there was instant relief, so I was able to relax a little. He then called Macey before facing me on the bed and ran a finger gently down my cheek. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “Because I didn’t stop you from running into the asshole’s foot.”

  I sighed. “That wasn’t my finest hour.”


  A knock at the door interrupted whatever he was going to say, and he slid off the bed and opened the door. Macey walked in and immediately made her way over to me. “You’re in pain?”

  “A little,” I lied.

  “Okay, let’s have a look.”

  She prodded my side gently and I tried not to react, but it hurt, damn it.

  “Okay, honey, I think you might have a broken rib.”

  “I’m sure it’s just bruised,
” I countered.

  “We’d need an X-ray to confirm.”

  “Or we can bind me up tight and go from there.”

  “Lex,” Reese ground out.

  “I’m fine, honey. Just leave it.”

  “You really need to get some Vicodin or Percocet, Lex. If you don’t, you won’t be able to take deep breaths and that could lead to a bronchial infection.”

  “Do you have any?” I asked, hopefully.

  “No. You should see a doctor.”

  “I’ll be good.”

  “You’re going to see a doctor,” Reese said, and picked up the phone.

  “You’ll have to explain what happened, honey.”

  “Let me call Dr. Stone and see if he can call something in. Dallas and I can pick it up for you.”

  “Thanks, Macey,” I rasped. “Before you do that, though, can you please check Reese’s hand?”

  “I’m good.”

  “Don’t think I didn’t notice how bloody and bruised up it is,” I argued.

  “I’m fine, baby.”

  Macey held her hand out, palm up. “Show me.”

  He sighed and did as she ordered and I could tell he was biting back pain as Macey gave him the once-over. “I don’t think anything’s broken, but again, I’m not a human X-ray, and I think you should have it looked at.”

  “I’ll wrap it and we can take care of it when we get back if it’s still buggin’ me.”

  “You’re as bad as Dallas,” she complained.

  Reese smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Don’t.” She rolled her eyes and focused on me with a smile. “I’ll let you know what Alec says. If he refuses to call in something, I’ll sic Dallas on him.”

  “That’s what brothers are for,” Reese said with a smile. “Thanks, Macey.”

  “No problem. Keep icing, Lex.”

  “I will,” I promised. “Thanks for everything.”

  Macey nodded and left our room. Reese stretched out beside me, kissing me gently. “Think you can sleep?”

  “I’m going to try.”

  He nodded and helped me undress, then he took me back to bed and I fell into a fitful and pain-filled sleep.


  WE WERE HOME. Our home. We’d been off the mountain for about a month and all was returning to normal…sort of. Reese’s friend, Frogger was almost completely recovered from his gunshot wounds and he’d just left our home after sharing dinner with us. I was now snuggled up to Reese on the sofa watching one of the Star Wars movies. I couldn’t tell you which one because I couldn’t seem to stay awake.


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