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Hellhound in a Handbag

Page 4

by Viola Grace

  The three mages filled out forms and had Mirrin sign them. As Symon was still supporting her, they brought the paperwork to him.

  Freddy’s voice cracked when she asked, “Just like that?”

  Imara nodded. “Just like that. You only had to be beaten nearly to death before your soul and inherited magic was scorched to free it of the other family line. I am very happy that you survived, Freddy.”

  Mr. E stood up on his hind legs and pawed at the air while meowing.

  “He is happy about your survival as well.” Imara chuckled. “I think we should get you into your normal clothing. You sort of sweated that gown into transparency.”

  Freddy looked down and blushed. Yeah, she was the next thing to naked.

  She tried to stand fully on her feet, but Symon was holding on. His green eyes narrowed as he looked her over. Finally, he set her upright and stepped back. “It is good to see that the bands fit.”

  Freddy blushed. “I am sure that that is what you were looking at. Is that it? Are we done here?”

  Mirrin smiled. “We are. As a representative of the Smythe family, it was easy for me to sign the request. Apparently, you were to have been assigned to Symon, but Martha was born by C-section at the insistence of her mother ten minutes before Symon entered the world, making her the heir.”

  Freddy blinked. “What?”

  “Oh, the services of your family are highly demanded. The entire family knows of the skills and power of the hellhound. I am surprised it doesn’t happen more often, but once the birth has been registered, the line of succession to the familiar is set.” Mirrin inclined her head.

  Freddy’s damp clothing was starting a shiver, and she nodded. “Okay, this is great. I am just going to get into my clothing, and then, we can continue the discussion before I pass out.”

  Imara nodded. “I will keep you company and watch the door. Mr. E, you stay with my mom. Keep all paws above the equator.”

  Mirrin gave a bright laugh and took the kitten, settling him on her shoulder.

  Freddy sighed and headed back the way they had come.

  Imara was true to her word and kept the doors guarded with fixed attention.

  Freddy slipped her arms free of the top of the toga and pinned it in place with her elbows while she got her bra and shirt on. When the shirt hem was down around her hips, she grabbed her panties and wiggled into them. She didn’t need to bother on Imara’s account, but she had no idea who would come in through one of the doors.

  Imara waited until she was zipping her jeans before she said, “I am sorry that it went so quickly, but you were in such horrible shape when you came back that I was afraid of what would happen if she could get her hands on you again.”

  “I know. It is all right. I feel surprisingly light if a bit sweaty.” Freddy chuckled and put on her shoes.

  “Symon’s a good guy. I think he is a solid mage for you.” Imara turned to face her. “He is the mage you should have had.”

  Freddy straightened and walked over to her young friend, giving her a hug. “Thank you.”

  Every bit of relief that she felt and the true gratitude running through her was in that hug.

  “You are welcome. I wish I could have helped earlier, but I didn’t know anything about this stuff until this year, and I didn’t meet you until recently.”

  Freddy laughed. “It is fine. I have learned what power can do, and I am wondering what intelligence can do as well. By the way, thanks for these bands, but I don’t think I need them now.”

  Imara smiled. “Symon is insisting that you keep them. If he needs you, he will use a cell phone or a communication spell. No surprise summonses.”

  Freddy looked at the bands. “He did that?”

  “He did. He can’t call you now, but if his life depends on it, I am sure there is some kind of override.”

  “I will make sure of it. If he is my mage, my safety now depends on his. If I feel a tug, I will go to him.”

  “Excellent. I am fairly sure he is going to be low maintenance.” Imara hugged her quickly. “Now, I have to get back to Mr. E before he and my mother make a scene.”

  Freddy chuckled and folded the toga before draping it over her arm. “That is still an odd match.”

  “You don’t have to tell me.” Imara sighed and kept walking back to the ritual chamber.

  Freddy saw Mirrin holding the kitten and scratching him under his chin. She stifled her snickers with excessive effort. It was exceptionally cute but a little weird. It followed the theme of the day.

  Chapter Six

  Freddy had ten days to recover before she got the call.


  “Freddy? It’s Symon. I hate to bother you, but I need a favour.”

  Freddy blinked. “Sure. What do you need?”

  “Come to Seventeenth and Morkil. I need an assistant for a few days.”


  “Now would be ideal, but as soon as you are able. Ask for me at the entryway, and someone will show you in.”

  Freddy blinked when the connection ceased. “Right. Seventeenth and Morkil. What the hell is at Seventeenth and Morkil?”

  She got up from her kneeling position in the garden and quickly changed into something that wasn’t stained with dirt and chlorophyll.

  The bands of silver on her wrists, ankles, and neck were already like part of her. They didn’t give off any magical energy and were rather pretty. She had the concealment spell ready, but she hadn’t used it. There was no reason to.

  She got into her car and slid on her sunglasses. It was a bright day that was easing toward evening. She was heading due west, so a little eye protection was in order.

  She left the city and headed toward the countryside. Seventeenth was a rural highway, and when she turned onto it and looked forward, she knew the location that she was looking for at first glance.

  The dark tents looked a little odd under the bright sunlight, but the Night Faire was ready and waiting for the cover of night. That is when it would shine.

  Freddy had no idea why Symon needed her help, but if it involved the Night Faire, she was all in.

  She parked in the lot and got out of her car. The entry point was clearly marked, and there was a figure inside the security booth.

  She walked up to the booth, and the figure moved swiftly to bar her path.

  “We are not open to patrons yet.”

  She looked the man up and down. He was a goblin and troll blend. He could be out in the day, but it wasn’t necessarily comfortable for him.

  “I guessed as much. I am looking for Symon. He called and asked me to help for a few days.”

  The man smiled at her, showing a lot of teeth. “Ah, the new booth wench. Come with me.”

  Freddy had been called worse, so she followed the guard. The spell that they walked through across the gate made her grin. He hadn’t needed to speak to her, the gate spell would have stopped her in her tracks.

  She walked past booths that had their entryways covered with fabric, their signs advertised all sorts of bespelled items.

  The Night Faire was whispered about as a place where anything was for sale. Magic or flesh, it didn’t make a difference.

  When he paused next to a booth, she looked at his back. “Are we here?”

  He chuckled. “We are. If you are invited, you may draw back the curtain. I can’t do it.”

  She sighed and stepped over to the slowly waving black fabric and pulled it to one side. The protection spell was strong, but she was able to duck under the fabric and stand inside the booth. Jewellery displays surrounded her. Every style and colour of draping, piercing, or other decorative use of metal were displayed in racks and on wooden heads.


  “Freddy? Wow, you made great time.” He stepped out from the back of the booth, and she fought to keep her jaw from dropping.

  Black leather covered his legs with faithful attention to ever
y muscle and bulge. His torso was covered with a sleeveless leather tunic studded with silver. His eyes were the same pale green that she was getting used to, and his hair was confined in a thick ponytail that nearly reached the small of his back.

  “Symon, how did your hair get so long?”

  He blushed. “It is always this long. I just braid it and tuck it so that no one notices.”

  “Ah. That makes sense. So, what do you need me to do?”

  He looked at her, cocked his head, and crossed his arms. “How attached are you to your dignity?”

  “Not very.”

  “Do you have a problem being ogled?”

  She grinned. “Nope.”

  “Excellent. Lo-rah is two booths down. She will set you up with clothing, and then, you can come back, and I will make you into a walking model for my work.”

  He shooed her out. “Two booths down on the right. Lo-rah is expecting you.”

  Freddy knew a dismissal when she heard one. She left his booth and went to the second on the right. She paused outside the flap and called out, “Lo-rah?”

  “Come in, child. Let’s see what I am working with.”

  Freddy pulled the scarlet panel aside and stepped into the booth. This one was full of fabric and leather. Some were occupying the same space.

  The shadows in the space shifted and extended toward her. Freddy felt the power coming at her, and she straightened her shoulders to meet it head-on. The shadows wrapped around her, and she felt the careful contact. It was measuring her.

  “You are a petite thing.”

  “Yes. That is a good description of me.”

  The woman’s voice was low and rich. “Come into the shadows. My skin doesn’t like the sun.”

  Expecting a vampire, Freddy was surprised to see a dark elf sitting at a table, hand sewing the edge of a hem.

  Lo-rah had the charcoal skin and ashy hair of her kind, but her eyes were a startling blue.

  “Hello, Freddy. I have your outfit here.” She placed her hand on the pile of fabric next to her.

  “Why do I need clothing?”

  “We try to keep our clothing to that used five hundred years ago, in any part of the world. Your costume is pure fantasy, but also was the uniform of the vampire servants of the Costa Rican empire.”

  Freddy raised her brows. “So, I should be grateful this is summer?”

  Lo-rah cackled. “Yes.”

  The fitting was fairly intimate but very quick. Lo-rah refitted the bra a few times until it gave the support and lift she was looking for. The skirt was billowing silk that hung straight unless she moved. When she took a step, the flare of the hem showed the slit that ran to the top of her left thigh.

  Her belly, arms, back, and cleavage were all exposed. The bra was the same black silk as the skirt.

  Lo-rah smiled. “Some soft boots and you are presentable.”

  The shadows moved into the shop area, and they returned with a set of soft black leather boots.

  “They look authentic, but they have modern insoles. I am not a barbarian.”

  Freddy laughed and pulled her boots on. They were delightful. “Thank you for this.”

  “Don’t thank me. I am charging Symon through the nose. Normally, I am still asleep right now.”

  Freddy chuckled and gathered the folded pile of her clothing. “Thanks for the help, regardless. This outfit is surprisingly comfortable.”

  “That is because you didn’t get fussy about the lack of underwear. It is refreshing to work with someone who understands the line of a garment.” Lo-rah smiled. “Now, you had better get back to him. The sun is setting, and folk are gathering at the gate.”

  She took the hint and scuttled with her normal clothing back to Symon’s booth.

  Once she was back in the booth, she looked around and headed to the back where he was looking at a series of chains and jewels.

  “Where can I put my stuff?”

  He waved off to the right, and she saw a locker with an open door. She closed it and pressed her finger to the lock. The click was audible.

  “What next?”

  She turned and faced him, keeping her hands at her sides.

  He looked at her and heat flared in his icy eyes. “You look...”

  “Like a booth wench. So, what comes next?”

  He blinked rapidly, and then, he started the process of adorning her.

  Hand flowers made all of her movements trackable, the wide collar of woven links draped down to tease the edge of her cleavage. An elaborate headpiece went on, draping down onto her forehead and keeping her hair in place, and the final wide belt with woven knots dangling settled around her hips at the edge of her skirt.


  She spun, and everything settled into place. “I think it’s all good.”

  He frowned as he looked at her. “Your ears aren’t pierced.”

  “Nope. They were, but they heal every time I transform and then resume my human form. I got tired of having them re-pierced.”

  Symon nodded. “Understandable. No other piercings?”

  “Nope. Same reason.”

  “Right. Well, I will have to figure out a few other accessories for tomorrow.”

  She smiled. “You really meant you need me for a few days.”

  “I do. My regular booth wench has had a new life opportunity and is making her mind up. Let me quickly walk you through the pricing system and explain my methods, and we can open the booth.”

  It was a quick explanation, and when she demonstrated competence with the sales equipment, he smiled and waved his hand. The front panel on the booth rolled up, torches lit, and they were open for business just as the sun set completely.

  Freddy was front, centre, and on display. She took a deep breath, screwed a wry smile on her lips, and went to lounge in the doorway of the booth. If she was bait for her mage, she was going to be the best bait she could be.

  She didn’t smirk when she rang up the ninth sale in two hours. Elves couldn’t resist a human woman who appeared to be in a vulnerable position. A young human of sexual maturity was like catnip to them.

  “There you are.” She finished wrapping the necklace in waxed fabric that he was buying and turned to the elf with a smile.

  He blinked slightly, and then, he gave her a slow smile. “Are you single?”

  She could feel the push of a glamour against her mind. “I am, but I am not your type.”

  He held his parcel and frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You are seeking a subservient human female. I am decidedly not that.”

  He gave her a wry smile. “You could be.”

  “No. No, I couldn’t.” She looked at him and let her eyes shift to red.

  His eyes widened in surprise, and his smile became genuine. “You are right. You are not what I am looking for.”

  She grinned. “Please, frequent our establishment again.” She folded her hands in front of her and gave him a polite and subservient bow.

  “You can’t blame me for wishing.”

  “I don’t blame you for anything, but I am what I am.” She straightened.

  He inclined his head, took one of her hands, and pressed a kiss to the chain on her knuckles. “Another day.”

  She smiled and nodded. He left the booth with a spring in his step and a determined set to his shoulders.

  She adjusted the folds of her skirt and turned back to tidy up the pay stand.

  “You are very good at that.”

  She glanced over and smiled at Symon. He was a little sweaty, and a tendril of hair was falling over his left eye.

  “What are you talking about?” She knew what he was referring to but wanted to hear him say it.

  “You are excellent at turning men down.”

  She shrugged. “I prefer to be the one in pursuit. When guys come after me, I know it is because I look like a target.”

  Symon cocked his head. “Is th
at how you see it?”

  “If they are after me on the basis of a first impression... yes.”

  His stare was astonished.

  “Sorry. I know that genetics is no indication of character, but if that or my senses are any good, I know that I am after something specific.”

  “What is that?”

  She smiled and gave him a slow look up and down before she whispered, “Trust.”

  He took a step toward her. “Just that?”

  “It is what I have not been able to give or get in my relationships. It is what I value the most.” She took a step toward him. “Now, I have one question.”

  He moved toward her, and she could see his intense focus on her in every line of his body. “Ask it?”

  She made her voice husky as she leaned toward him. “When do I get a break? I am hungry.”

  Symon paused and let out a short bark of laughter. “Go. Charge anything you like to the booth. I will settle up with them.”

  She didn’t need to be told twice; she turned, and her skirt flared wide. With long strides, she headed out into the Night Faire. This was a dream come true. For the first time in her life, she wasn’t fearing a summons from the psycho she had been tied to.

  It was time to locate some fun.

  Chapter Seven

  The moment she left the booth, sounds and smells rushed in on her. The spells that insured privacy and a pleasant shopping experience kept the Faire from encroaching into the booth.

  The wind ruffled her skirt as she walked through the throngs of extranatural beings. The number of humans was miniscule, and all of those were mages. No unpowered human could even find the Night Faire.

  Music suddenly wrapped around her and pulled her in a direct line from the booth toward a large open area being used as a display space where elves and goblins were dancing in formal measures for the folk watching. Freddy knew those dances. She and Benny used to go out together to the karaoke clubs, and Benny would growl, gargle, and belt out goblin torch song after song. Freddy would dance.

  Part of her original teenage self was called by that music, and she wanted to dance.


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