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Hellhound in a Handbag

Page 6

by Viola Grace

  Freddy smiled brightly as the server brought the bill and he took it. He set out the cash, including a nice tip, and got to his feet. He extended his hand to her, and they walked to the door.

  When they reached her car, he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “Drive safely. See you in fourteen hours.”

  She smiled. “I will be there.”

  He waited until she was driving away in the pale light of dawn, and the last thing she saw was him getting to his own vehicle. With a bizarrely light heart, she drove home. The gardens were going to get a tending to before she slept.

  Chapter Nine

  Freddy had never been happier to get to work. When she bothered to check her phone, Benny had been blowing it up with texts.

  Explaining that she was a booth wench by night had caused a demand for details, and once Freddy had explained where and when she would be at the Night Faire, she knew to expect a visitor, or four. Tonight, there was going to be an XIA invasion.

  She cleared the entryway with only a slight tingle of magic and a nod to the guard in the shadows. The route to the booth was simple, and she ducked under the drape before heading back to the workshop.

  “Good evening, Symon.”

  He looked up from his workbench and then looked down again. “Good evening, Freddy. I am almost done here.”

  He was holding his hands out about a foot apart, and in the gap between them, a writhing mass of silver twisted and turned around a brilliant red gem. Fire wrapped around everything, sending a glow against his features that cast him in a semi-demonic light.

  She watched closely as the metal licked at the stone, settling into a surround that continued to grow until the detailed span on either side of the stone was two inches wide and curved into an arc.

  “What is it?”

  He grinned and picked up a chain, linking it to the edge of one side and then mimicking the move on the other. “There. You now have a proper headpiece.”

  She blinked. “Seriously? That’s for me?”

  He walked over to her and settled it in place. “Yes, it is for you. It will also record anything that causes an adrenal reaction in the fear range. If you are scared, I will know.”

  She blinked and touched the warm metal. “That is my job.”

  “Consider this a reciprocal arrangement.”

  Freddy scowled. “I don’t need to be protected.”

  Symon raised his eyebrows. “Then, consider this an order. When you are at the Faire, wear the headpiece.”

  She grimaced. “Right. Let me just get into my outfit, and I will be ready for whatever happens next.”

  “There are new clothes for you. Lo-rah was watching you dance, and she thinks she can do better, so you are wearing her experimental designs now as well.”

  Freddy sighed. “Right. Fine. Can I get some privacy?”

  “Of course.”

  She looked around and saw the soft crimson skirt and top that had been set aside for her. It would match the headpiece, and that was something.

  When she had it on, the skirt was one and a half circles of the soft fabric. Each half circle was only sewn a few inches down over her hips, the rest was an embroidered seam. As she twirled, the embroidery was exposed, but when she stood still, the patterns were hidden. The top was a deeply cut choli that had the same patterns around the exposed edges. It acted as bra and shirt while leaving her back nearly naked.

  Freddy locked up her clothing and cell phone before walking back into the main area of the workshop. “Symon?”

  He walked in from around the corner. His admiration was burning in his gaze again. “You look...”

  “I know. Lo-rah knows just how to cut a skirt.” She gave him the out of the comment.

  “You look stunning. It always surprises me that a woman like you doesn’t have a man in her life.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I have had several. I just scare them all off.”

  He shook his head as if waking from a trance. “Right. Now for today’s costume.”

  She stood with her hands out and away from her sides as he wrapped her waist in a belt that pinned the skirt to her hips. Today’s offering was studded with matching ruby jewels and had dangling links that held the skirt to her thighs.

  “I am sensing a theme here.”

  “Your skirt yesterday nearly gave me heart failure. This will keep it covering everything.” Symon smiled.

  She giggled as he set the hand flowers into position.

  “I am sensing another theme.” She wiggled her fingers, and the ruby gems glittered.

  “Your eyes glow red when irritated. It happens a lot, but it gave me the idea for this. I have had the gems around for ages, and this was a fun project.”

  “Wait, you did this all today?”

  He grinned. “I was inspired.”

  She sighed and touched her chest. “No necklace?”

  “Not quite. I kept your mobility in mind, so I kept things light.” He turned and opened a chest, lifting out a glittering clash of chain and rubies. He walked around behind her and fastened the choker and collar around her, settling it so that it rested across the top of her breasts and over her shoulders.

  The cool rustle of chain was a little distracting on her bare back, but she was guessing that was the point.

  She lifted her hand and slowly pivoted in place. He was right. She wasn’t weighed down by what she was wearing. “Well done, Symon.”

  “I am still working on ear adornment, but I haven’t quite figured it out yet.” He looked her over and nodded. “You look booth appropriate.”

  She cackled and wiggled her toes in the new boots. “What age are we supposed to be mimicking?”

  “The golden age of the wave, when elves were around every hillock and mages cared for their devoted servants.” He quirked his lips in a smile.

  She snorted. “Right. Since I am early today, can I go and take a look around?”

  “Of course, just be back when the gates open.”

  She bowed low. “Yes, my mage.”

  He didn’t reply, so she skipped out and went exploring.

  She had made it to the fifth booth that had opened its flap when one of the leather workers asked, “Are you Symon’s wench?”

  Freddy cocked her head. “I am.”

  The man was huge, and he stepped forward to extend his hand. “I am Hector, a friend of Symon’s. You are quite light on your feet.”

  She took his hand and blinked as he raised it to his lips. “Uh, thanks. It is just a misspent youth and a lot of practice.”

  He chuckled and released her hand. She pulled her fingers back slowly. He looked like an elf that did steroids, but the protrusions of teeth on his lower jaw said troll.

  She finished her introduction. “I am Freddy, by the way.”

  “Will you dance again?”

  “Of course. I struck a deal with Mosk last night. I dance twice, and he buys my food for the night.”

  “Symon went for that?”

  “Sure. He gets a booth wench while I dance, and I get my fee in food.”

  Hector smiled. It showed an unsettling amount of teeth. “How are you enjoying the boots?”

  She lifted the edge of her skirt, and her boots peeped out. “They are very comfortable.”

  “Good. When Lo-rah asked me for a rush job with the silver and crimson colour scheme, I wasn’t sure that I could get it done. I am glad I did. You look splendid.”

  She grinned. “I am glad that Symon has such charming friends. I had better get back. The gate is about to open.” She jerked her head toward the red sky.

  “I will see you later, Mistress Freddy. I hope you have a profitable experience at the Night Faire.”

  She curtsied and headed back to the jeweller’s booth. She waved at a few of the dancers who were making their way to the stage, and to her pleased surprise, they grinned and waved back.

  Symon was waiting in the doorway to his bo
oth, and he grinned as she returned. “Have a nice tour?”

  “Yeah, give me a few more days, and I might make it to the end of the row.”

  He snorted. “There is a lot to see.”

  “There is. Now, what do you do in the back while I am in the front of the house?”

  “I work to replace the stock that you are selling. I can do it at the smaller workbench if you would like the company.”

  She smiled. “Only if it won’t disturb your concentration.”

  “I will try and see how it goes.”

  It was a start, and before she could turn around, the energy from the incoming crowd was pressing toward them. It was time to be the best wench she could be... again.

  She could see Symon watching her out of the corner of her eye as she sold six bracelets for self-control to a goblin about to go into her first heat. She wanted to make the right choice and control was important. She couldn’t be led by her impulses and commit too early.

  Freddy wrapped up the bracelets after she finished the transaction. She handed them over with a smile. “Use these whenever you are afraid of your lust getting out of control. They won’t stop it, but they will keep your head clear.”

  The young goblin smiled with her shark-like teeth and bobbed her head in thanks as she took her precious parcel and left the shop.

  There was a lull in the activity, so she turned to Symon. “Are you working or ogling?”

  He shrugged. “Both?”

  She snorted and looked to the moon. She lost her concentration for a moment, and then, she shook herself and looked over at Symon.

  “Freddy, are you all right?”

  She blinked, and the haze left her brain. “Yeah. I think I just got a little focused on the moon. I will be fine.”

  “Do you need to rest, drink, eat?”

  She laughed. “No. I am fine.”

  Benny’s voice came from behind her. “I should hope so. Freddy, that is a killer outfit.”

  Freddy turned and looked at Benny watching her friend’s expression change from friendly to wary. “What?”

  “Your eyes, Freddy. You are leaking hellfire.”

  Freddy turned and looked at the polished steel next to the cash register. The mirror showed her green flames leaking out around crimson eyes. “Oh, dear.”

  Benny came up to her and whispered, “When did you last use the fire?”

  “Um, the day I came home from that summons. These bands restrict the power.”

  Benny looked to Symon. “Can she take them off?”

  “I will do it.” Symon removed the elaborate necklace and the hand flowers in a few seconds. The collar that he had made came away at his touch, as did the bracelets.

  “That should be enough. You can access your power now, just not change your shape.”

  She nodded, and the urgency to blow off some hellfire was immediate. “Where?”

  Symon threw a ward around his booth. “Here.”

  She didn’t need to be told twice. With a deep breath, she raised her arms above her head and let the fire burn free.

  * * * *

  Symon watched the woman he was falling for projecting hellfire skyward. It hit the stratosphere and splashed outward, and still, it kept coming.

  Her friends were standing at a safe distance and watching her. He didn’t know what he was expecting, but seeing the XIA uniforms and the stern menagerie of men standing behind their female, he was surprised. “You were a Mage Guide?”

  Benny chuckled. “She has shared that, has she? Yes. We studied magic at my family home while she tried to keep up with her looming curse.”

  Symon glanced back at Freddy, and she continued to burn through the demon fire. He walked up to her, and he put his hand on her shoulder. The flames licked around his hand and crept up his shoulder.

  “Freddy, you can stop now.”

  She closed her fists, and the flames shut off. She shivered and looked at him with tired but human eyes. “I think that took care of it.”

  One of the XIA agents made a call and reported that the situation was under control. When Symon heard through the phone that the light was being reported for miles, he sighed.

  “Freddy, did you have any idea that you were building up that much power?”

  She shook her head and reached for the cuffs to connect them again. “No. I didn’t feel anything until the floodgate opened.”

  Benny cleared her throat. “I think I can explain.”

  Symon looked to her. “Please. Tell me what you can.”

  * * * *

  Freddy was tired, but she felt better after purging the hellfire.

  She put on the containment jewellery and listened to Benny explaining the major problem with Freddy’s kind of magic.

  “Freddy is a mage by virtue of the energy from the demon zone that flows through her, but it isn’t what you think. There is a pinhole in her soul, and the fire continues to pour out even if she doesn’t use it. The hole isn’t under her control, so the moment that she reaches critical, well, you saw it. She would have cried, vomited, and bled fire until she had expended it, but her body would have been healing her, so it would have taken days. The restrictors are a great idea, but they are dangerous without a pressure valve.”

  Symon nodded.

  Freddy exhaled. “Sorry, I didn’t think about it. I have always been called to use the power, so this is only the second time that it has happened. The first time, I was a teenager.”

  He waved his hand, and the wards around the shop opened. The presence of the XIA deterred the rush of the crowd that had formed.

  Freddy chuckled. “Aw, we took their fun away.”

  Benny raised her phone and snapped a photo. “Not my fun. I just found my Christmas card photo.”

  Freddy looked down and groaned. “Come on. Be nice.”

  Tremble smiled, and he bowed low. “I never thought to see this side of you, Freddy.”

  “Why? Is my skirt tucked in my waistband or something?”

  Argyle snorted. “He means you look pretty, Freddy.”

  She smirked. “Thank you. You all look very well, by the way. Positively glowing. Smith, are you pregnant?”

  The agent recoiled. “Don’t tease.”

  She cackled. It was always fun to play with Benny and her men.

  A familiar face at the entry to the booth reminded her of the deal she had struck that morning.

  “Darn. I will be back in a bit. I have to go dance.”

  Tremble perked up. “Dance?”

  She scowled at him. “Right. Yes. Dance. Yesterday it was fun, today it is part of my job.”

  Benny grinned. “You know we are going to watch.”

  “I know. Symon, can you finish putting my jewellery on for me?”

  He nodded and efficiently got her back to the appearance she had had a few minutes earlier. “There you go. All secure.”

  She nodded. “Excellent. See you in half an hour or so.”

  The female elf that was waiting for her passed her in the doorway and gave her a smack on the ass. “Go get ‘em.”

  Freddy grinned and headed for the stage where the music wrapped around her and pulled her in. When Mosk held out his hand, she took it, and the rest was a wild blur of energy, laughter, and movement.

  Chapter Ten

  She had just finished the second set by sliding across the polished floor when she felt the first tug.

  She excused herself and began walking toward Symon’s booth when she felt a stabbing in her guts.

  Benny was at her side in an instant. “What is it?”

  Freddy gritted her teeth. “It feels like a summons, but it can’t be. We cut the tie.”

  Benny held her up. “She is calling your blood. I can see it.”

  Freddy didn’t know what that meant, but she knew that if it didn’t stop soon, she was going to start screaming.

  Argyle picked her up and carried her over to Symon�
�s booth. Symon met them on the way.

  “What is happening?”

  Benny filled him in. “The bitch that she was tied to is pulling at her is my guess. The last time she was there, there was plenty of blood, and even an idiot can manage a blood call. We have to find her or shut down the link.”

  Symon wrapped his hands around Freddy’s wrists, and she felt a pulse of power move across her skin. It connected at all the laced metal that she was wearing and spread over her head. The pain stopped, and she gasped.

  Symon nodded to Argyle, and he shifted, handing Freddy over to her mage.

  She was recovering from the pain and didn’t orient herself until she was sitting in his workshop.

  He set her down on his work stool, and he gave her a quick check. “She shouldn’t have been able to do that. Where did she get the blood?”

  “She tried to kick me to death the last time I saw her. There was plenty of blood for her to choose from.” Freddy’s heartbeat was thudding in her chest.

  “I have put a protective web around you, but I don’t know how long I will be able to maintain it if we have any distance between us.”

  She sighed. “Right. So, do you want to come to my place, or shall I go to yours?”

  “Right now, we are staying here. There is no way for your attacker to get into the Faire.” He stroked the sweaty hair from her cheek.

  “Ah, right. I should get back to work.”

  He shook his head. “Stay here. Rest for a few minutes. Your friends are waiting outside, so come out when you feel more like yourself.”

  Freddy watched him go, and she heard the voices of folks discussing what to do with her and how to handle her. Freddy stood up, shook her skirts out, and went to greet her nearest and dearest.

  “I am not going to be handled. I will face her, and that will be the end of it.”

  Benny blinked. “You can do that?”

  “Sure. She isn’t my mage anymore, but I need her to challenge me.” She looked to Symon. “I think I know how to do that, but I am going to need bait.”

  He stared at her. “Me?”


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