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Fire on the Water

Page 6

by Joe Dever

  Turn to 249.

  [5] This Meal of Laumspur may be consumed when instructed to eat a Meal in which case it fulfils the Meal requirement in addition to restoring 3 ENDURANCE points. Laumspur may also be consumed at any other time to restore 3 ENDURANCE points without having any significance as a Meal.


  The fishermen stare at you with open mouths as if they have just seen a corpse return from the dead. Suddenly one of them kicks over the table and they make their escape through the back door of the tavern. In one bound, you leap over the table and pursue them out of the tavern, into the darkness beyond.

  If you wish to continue your chase, turn to 231.

  If you decide to let them go, turn to 177.


  Unfortunately for you, the rope has been nearly cut in two by a sword blow, and it is likely to snap under your weight.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table to see if the rope and your luck holds.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 286.

  If the number you have picked is 5–9, turn to 120.


  The carved spear is made of metal, yet it feels as light as if it were made of wood. You notice the shaft is covered in runes and magic emblems. As you carefully pull it from the man's chest, he gives a long sigh of relief. You are about to examine his wound, when you feel a searing pain shoot through your head. It is so strong and painful that you collapse to the ground. You lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

  You are amazed to see the man jump to his feet, and then horrified to see the dreadful change that comes over him. The skin of his face appears to writhe and change colour, growing darker and shrinking as it decays on his skull. His eyes burn with a bright red glow and long fangs protrude from his bottom jaw. You choke with fear as you realize it is a Helghast, a nightmarish agent of the Darklords. It is attacking you with its powerful Mindforce. If you do not have the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, you will lose 2 ENDURANCE points for every round of combat that you fight with this creature. Normal weapons cannot harm it and it is immune to Mindblast. You can only wound it in combat with the Magical Spear. (The Magic Spear is a weapon-like Special Item. Remember that you only get a Weaponskill bonus in this fight against the Helghast if you have Weaponskill with Spear.)


  You cannot evade this creature and you must fight it to the death.

  If you win the combat, you can keep the Spear. Mark it on your Action Chart under the Special Items section as a ‘Magic Spear.’

  Continue your adventure by turning to 320.


  The captain orders his crew to go alongside. As they board the trader, you are shocked by the sight that awaits you. Dead sailors cover the deck, many pierced by arrows. It seems they must have put up a desperate fight to defend their cargo, but not a trace of it remains in any of the ship's holds. Below deck, you discover the captain in his cabin. He is very badly wounded and near to death.

  If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing, turn to 74.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 294.


  One of the wheels jams in a deep rut and three of the large wooden spokes are shattered. You are forced to stop and replace the wheel before you can continue to Port Bax. You volunteer to help the driver by levering the coach axle with a small tree trunk, so that the spare wheel can be slid into position.

  You are pushing down on the stout branch with all your strength, when the horses suddenly rear up and race forward. The trunk springs back and catches you square in the face, knocking you backwards to the ground. You are stunned and you lose 2 ENDURANCE points. The driver is not so lucky. The coach has run over him. As the poor man dies in your arms, his last words are: ‘No accident … I saw — ’

  If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 343.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 168.


  Blinking the foul water from your eyes, you can see that the flagship of the death-hulk fleet is now ablaze. Black smoke is pouring from the decks, and tongues of orange and yellow flame flicker from its rotten black hull.

  Suddenly, you are aware of the beating of wings directly above you. You are shocked to see a Kraan hovering above, trying to grab at you with its sharp claws. Its hooked talons catch your cloak and suddenly you are snatched up into the air. But it is to be a short flight. You draw the Sommerswerd and sink it into the soft belly of the creature. With a shriek of agony, it releases its grip and you fall. You pray that luck will be on your side and that you will land safely.

  Turn to 120.


  The guard does not believe you, and he attacks you with his sword.

  Watchtower Guard: COMBAT SKILL 15 ENDURANCE 22

  If you do not have a weapon, deduct 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat.

  You may evade the fight at any time by turning to 65.

  If you win the combat, turn to 331.


  The guards reluctantly lower their weapons and allow you to cross the bridge. As you slip past, they stare at you and whisper to each other. Once you are safely across the Rymerift, you quickly hurry on your way in case they change their minds and arrest you. After nearly an hour of walking along the forest road, you arrive at a junction where a signpost points to the east.

  Port Bax — 3 Miles

  You smile and set off eastwards. You should be there in just under an hour.

  Turn to 265.


  You suddenly remember what he said about the shop with the orange door. It is the headquarters of the Silent Brotherhood, Lachlan's notorious secret police. To enter here would be more perilous than entering a roomful of Drakkarim!

  You quickly turn away from the orange door and hurry northwards.

  Turn to 230.


  He is Vonotar the Traitor, renegade wizard from the Magicians' Guild of Toran. He is a master of the black arts and now possesses great power which the Darklords themselves have given him. It was his agents who tried to assassinate you during your quest, and it is he who commands the death-hulk fleet. Destroy Vonotar and you will destroy the evil force that gives power to the death-hulks and their crews.6

  You may climb the tower and attack Vonotar by turning to 73.

  If you do not wish to risk your life against this powerful magician, escape from this ship by jumping overboard and turning to 267.

  [6] It is likely that the information provided here is a combination of the information given to you previously by Banedon and the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, both of which you must have in order to receive the Crystal Star Pendant.


  You have walked for over three hours along this lonely coast road when night starts to fall. The land is flat and barren, and you have seen no sign of life here at all. You finally decide to rest beneath the branches of a large tree standing close to the highway. Making a pillow of your backpack, you pull your warm Kai cloak around yourself and drift off into a deep sleep.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–3, turn to 206.

  If the number is 4–7, turn to 63.

  If the number is 8–9, turn to 8.


  The area around the watchtower door has been cleared of foliage, and the ground is well-trodden. You are looking for a lock or keyhole in the iron-clad door when it suddenly opens. Standing before you is a Knight of the White Mountain, a broadsword held in front of his face.

  ‘State your purpose and mark your words well. My steel will be my answer if you lie!’

  If you wish to tell this knight the true purpose of your mission to Durenor, turn to 80.

  If you want to lie about why you are here, turn to 324.

  If you want to draw your weapon and attack the knight, turn to 162.


  Using your Kai Discipline, you can tell which cu
p hides the marble, for to you, the clay is as transparent as glass itself.7

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add 5 to it. This equals the number of Gold Crowns that you win before the rogue suspects something is wrong and ends the game.

  With gold in your purse once more, you return to the bar and hand over 1 Gold Crown for a room.

  Turn to 314.

  [7] Neither Discipline literally gives you the ability to see through clay. Rather, Sixth Sense intuitively clues you into the marble's location and Mind Over Matter allows you to see the marble in your mind's eye in the process of moving it telekinetically.


  It is a large passenger wagon similar to those used by highway travellers of Sommerlund. The driver pulls the horses to a halt and stares at you from under the wide brim of his hat. You ask where he's bound for.

  ‘We're bound for Ragadorn — due there by noon today. A seat will cost you 3 Gold Crowns, but you can ride on the roof for only one.’

  If you wish to ride inside, pay the driver 3 Gold Crowns and turn to 37.

  If you would prefer to ride on the roof, pay him 1 Gold Crown and turn to 148.

  If you cannot pay the fare, you must let the coach continue and begin your journey on foot. Turn to 292.


  You bid Rhygar farewell and enter Tarnalin. Over a hundred feet in height and width, the tunnel runs to the capital on the far side of the Hammerdal Range, and is lit by torches for its entire length. The highway through the mountain is usually alive with the traffic of merchants to and from Port Bax, yet now the entrance and interior are deserted except for an overturned fruit wagon. As you walk deeper into Tarnalin, a doubt nags at you. Have the Helghast arrived here first?

  Illustration VII—The strange creature is wearing a splendid jacket of patched leather and carrying what appears to be a spear.

  You have been walking for half an hour when you see a strange creature on top of a wagon in the road ahead. It is two feet high and resembles an overgrown marsh rat. You assume it is some sort of tunnel dwelling rodent until you notice that it is wearing a splendid jacket of patched leather and carrying what appears to be a spear. As you get nearer, it suddenly turns to face you. Its whiskered nose is sniffing the air and its bright black eyes are peering into the gloom. It sees you and scampers off into the darkness of a smaller tunnel to your left.

  If you have the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, turn to 279.

  If you wish to follow this creature, turn to 23.

  If you wish to ignore it and continue on your way, turn to 340.


  Shattered beams, pieces of planking and torn sails litter the white-flecked waves. It is all that remains of a merchant ship. But then suddenly you notice a body clinging to a broken hatch cover. A rope ladder is quickly lowered and the poor man is brought aboard.

  ‘Pirates!’ is all he says before collapsing to the deck. The man is wrapped in a large blanket and taken below. He has suffered many wounds and is close to death.

  ‘This crime bears the mark of the Lakuri pirates,’ the captain confides in you, ‘but it is unusual to run across them in these waters. They must be in search of a rich cargo to sail so far from their tropical islands.’

  As the ship resumes its course for Durenor, you cannot help but wonder if that ‘rich cargo’ is you.

  Turn to 240.


  Luck is with you, for you land safely on the deck of the Kalkarm, a Durenese warship. The soldiers here have been involved in a desperate battle but have fought off the enemy and are cutting the grappling ropes that hold the ship to a death-hulk. From out of the smoke strides Lord Axim, his face bloodied and his shield badly scarred.

  ‘Thank the gods you are alive, Lone Wolf. The fight has been bitter and our losses are high, but I am heartened indeed to see you standing before me now,’ he says and leads you to the ship's rail. ‘Look yonder, their flagship is ablaze.’

  Through the fog of war you can see that the huge death-hulk is slowly sinking beneath a plume of dense black smoke. The Kalkarm is eventually freed and slowly it manoeuvres out of the tangle of wreckage. A wind begins to stir, filling its tattered sails and carrying away the smoke of battle. Lord Axim orders the Royal Arms of Durenor to be hoist aloft so that other ships can rally to the Kalkarm. For the first time since the battle began, you can now see the other Durenese ships. It is an amazing sight for as the enemy flagship sinks beneath the waves, so every death-hulk on the horizon returns to its watery grave.

  ‘Their sorcery is broken. We have won this battle,’ says Lord Axim. And within a few minutes, not one of the death-hulks remains afloat.

  Turn to 225.


  As you run along Lookout Street, you quickly reach the waterfront where the River Dorn separates the east and west sides of the city. To your left is the Ragadorn Bridge, an ugly construction of rusted iron that provides the only connection between the two halves of Ragadorn. With the shouts of the street thieves echoing in your ears, you push your way through the people crowding the bridge. By the time you have got across, the street thieves have given up the chase, and you enter a rubbish-strewn thoroughfare known as East Trade Lane.

  Turn to 186.


  This street follows the city wall northwards. On your right you notice a shop with a bright orange door. Unlike all of the other shops in this street, it bears no sign above it. You suddenly remember the tales of a Kai Lord who returned from a visit to Ragadorn about a year ago. He mentioned this orange door in one of his many stories.

  If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 96.

  If not, pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 46.

  If the number is 5–9, turn to 112.


  A strange power is coursing through your body. Instinctively you raise the blade above your head and a shaft of sunlight suddenly catches the edge of the sword and floods the King's chamber with a blinding white glow.

  But almost immediately the light starts to fade and you are aware of Lord Axim's hand upon your shoulder. ‘Come, Lone Wolf. There is much to prepare for your return to Sommerlund.’

  You sheathe the Sommerswerd in its jewelled scabbard and follow Lord Axim as he turns and leaves the King's chamber.

  Turn to 40.


  You quickly search her body but find no evidence that she was your would-be assassin. You discover 42 Gold Crowns, a Short Sword, and a Dagger. Take any of these items if you wish, and mark them on your Action Chart.

  Turn to 33.


  You quickly dash through the side door of the tavern and run the length of the alleyway towards the main square. Through the crowds of people you can see many boats and coracles tied up to the quayside. The thugs are close behind and you must act quickly.

  Untying one of the small boats, you jump from the harbour wall and land with a crash, splintering the wooden seat. It has one paddle which you use to make your way towards the Green Sceptre, anchored three hundred yards across the water.

  Turn to 300.


  The man pulls a hidden bell-rope, and suddenly four armed guards burst into the room.

  ‘These documents are forgeries. No doubt you are a spy, or worse perhaps? No matter, you'll soon find out how we deal with criminals in Port Bax. Take him away.’

  Before you can explain, you are seized by both arms and marched away to the city gaol. All your equipment is confiscated, including all Special Items and Weapons, and you are thrown into a cell full of evil-looking villains. You notice that several of these ruffians bear the strange tattoo of a serpent on their left wrists: the sign of Vonotar the Traitor. By the time the guards have examined your possessions and realized your true identity, you have been strangled to death by the wizard's evil agents.

  Your life and your quest come to a tragic end here in Port Bax.

  127r />
  You awake at dawn to the sound of heavy rain falling on the cobbled streets outside.

  It has been six days since you left Holmgard, and you must eat a Meal here or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. You gather your equipment and leave the room. As you descend the rickety stairs, you see the innkeeper cleaning the floor with a mop and bucket.

  If you wish to ask the innkeeper how you can get to Durenor, turn to 217.

  If you wish to leave the inn without speaking to him, turn to 143.


  A golden glow runs the length of the Sommerswerd as you raise it high above your head, ready to face your enemy. You are confronted by six grisly zombies and you must fight them as one enemy.


  They are undead creatures, so remember to double all ENDURANCE points they lose as a result of the power of the Sommerswerd.

  If you win, turn to 237.


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