Fire on the Water
Page 8
There is a signpost at the entrance to the stone bridge.
Port Bax — 3 Miles
You breathe a sigh of relief, for you are on the correct path and should be in the city within the hour.
Turn to 265.
The driver becomes very angry and shouts, ‘There's a long walk ahead of you, stranger,’ as he slams the door in your face. You cannot afford to buy a room for the night, so you decide to bed down with the horses in the stable next door.
Turn to 213.
The guard is furious and charges down the stairs at you, his sword raised above his head. If you do not have a weapon, remember to deduct 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL and fight the guard open-handed.
Watchtower Guard: COMBAT SKILL 15 ENDURANCE 22
You may evade this combat at any time by turning to 65.
If you win the combat, turn to 331.
The priest does not seem to be surprised by your attack, and he draws a black sword from beneath his robes.
If you win the combat, turn to 220.
You eventually come to a halt at the base of a huge fir tree. You try to stand, but the pain in your legs and side is so great that you collapse and lose consciousness. It is a sleep that will spare you the pain of the Helghast blades, but it is also a sleep from which there is no awakening.
Your quest and your life end here.
‘Forgive me, my lord, I did not mean to startle you.’ The man seems nervous, and the open hand that is extended towards you is shaking quite visibly.
With some caution you accept the gesture of friendship, and sit with the man at a tavern table. The place is deserted save for a couple of mice gnawing at a large chunk of cheese.
‘Captain Kelman has instructed me to take you to the Green Sceptre, but only if I am sure that you are the Kai Lord they call Lone Wolf. Can you prove your identity?’ You decide you must show your mastery of one of your Kai Disciplines.
If you wish to demonstrate your Kai Discipline of Healing, turn to 16.
If you wish to demonstrate your Kai Discipline of Mindblast, turn to 133.
If you are carrying a Weapon and wish to demonstrate your Kai Weaponskill, turn to 255.
If you wish to demonstrate your Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, turn to 203.
If you wish to demonstrate your Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 48.
If you do not possess any of the above Kai skills, or if you do not wish to demonstrate your skill, turn to 348.
The shop appears to be empty. You wait and look at the merchandise for nearly five minutes, but still no one appears. You are about to leave when you notice a map hanging inside the door. It is a plan of the Port of Ragadorn. The Ragadorn stables and coach station is clearly marked near the east gate of the city. This is where land transport can be found to take you to Port Bax. You memorize the map route to the east gate and leave the shop. You run back to Axe Lane and turn east into Sage Street. At the end of this winding lane you arrive at the Ragadorn Bridge, the only connection between the east and west sides of the city. You push your way across the crowded bridge and run along the cobblestones of East Trade Lane.
Turn to 186.
He bellows his battle-cry and lunges at your head.
Knight of the White Mountain: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 27
You may evade combat at any time by running into the trees and turning to 244.
If you win the combat, turn to 302.
‘We've a full sail and a sharp prow. There's not a warship on the northern seas that'll catch the Green Sceptre,’ says the captain.
He is proved right, for the pirate ship soon disappears over the horizon. ‘Twenty-five years at sea and I've never known the Lakuri pirates to venture this far north to raid,’ he says, stroking his beard thoughtfully. ‘They must be after a valuable cargo to sail so far from their tropical islands.’
As the captain descends below deck to his cabin, you get an uneasy feeling that the valuable cargo may be you.
Turn to 240.
You have walked for nearly a mile along this deserted tunnel when you see a flight of steps cut into the rock-face to your left. They lead to a platform which runs the length of the tunnel ceiling. It is used to service the torches.
If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 172.
If you wish to climb the steps and investigate the platform, turn to 52.
If you wish to ignore the steps and continue on your journey, turn to 256.
Placing the gold in your pouch, you remove the Seal and hand it to her. She snatches it and examines it closely. As you leave the shop, you hear her sniggering quietly to herself, and you wonder if you have done the right thing.
Turn to 186.
You make your way up a flight of stairs and onto the crowded deck. Fierce battle rages all around you as the Durenese fleet is engulfed by the rush of ghostly death-hulks. Suddenly a flash of searing flame shoots from a tower at the rear of the death-hulk you are on, and explodes into the side of a Durenese warship less than fifty yards away. You watch with horror as soldiers leap from the deck, their clothes and hair in flames.
Illustration X—Soldiers leap from the deck, their clothes and hair in flames.
If you wish to investigate the tower, turn to 328.
If you wish to escape from this ship, jump overboard by turning to 267.
‘You play a daring strategy, Lone Wolf. But I think I have you now.’
Captain Kelman moves his ornate keystone across to your side of the board with a triumphant smile. But it soon fades to a look of shock as you unexpectedly counter his move. ‘Stalemate,’ you reply coolly. The captain stares at the board in disbelief.
‘The skills of the Kai never cease to amaze me,’ he says, slowly scratching his head. He is still staring at the Samor board when you finally bid him goodnight and return to your cabin.
Turn to 197.
Slowly, one by one, the other travellers appear and stare in shock at the dead coachman. ‘We must bury him,’ says the priest.
You silently nod your agreement and prepare a grave in which to lay the corpse. As you all walk back to the coach, you discuss what should be done.
‘I know the road to Port Bax. I had better drive the coach,’ volunteers Halvorc.
‘I do hope we're not blamed for his death,’ says the priest nervously.
‘It was an act of the gods,’ says Dorier.
‘I shall testify to that,’ says Ganon. ‘Lies are never spoken by Knights of the White Mountain.’
It is true that in Durenor, a true knight will speak only the truth whether for his own good or ill. His words seem to reassure the priest and you are all soon once more on the road heading towards the eastern horizon. It is late in the afternoon when you arrive at a coach station in a small coastal village known as Gorn Cove, which is mainly populated by outcasts, thieves, and Szalls.
The death of the coachman is met by the villagers with great suspicion, but Dorier's words convince them that it was accidental.
There is only one inn at the village, a tavern known as the Forlorn Hope. Its state of disrepair is typical of all the other hovels in this poor sea village. A room for the night costs 1 Gold Crown.
If you can pay for the room, turn to 314.
If you cannot, turn to 25.
You leave the gaming-house and walk dejectedly back towards the coach station. In the distance you can see the east gate of the city. Waiting below it is the coach to Durenor. You must get to Port Bax — the future of Sommerlund depends on it. You slip past the guard and board the coach without him seeing you enter. As the departure time gets nearer, five other passengers climb into the coac
h and seat themselves around you. The guard slams the door and you begin your journey to Port Bax.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–3, turn to 39.
If the number is 4–6, turn to 249.
If the number is 7–9, turn to 339.
The guard looks at your white card and sneers, ‘This is a merchant's pass. It's of no use to you here. You must have a red pass to gain access to the naval quadrant.’ He flicks the card back at you and returns to his post at the gate.
Turn to 327.
Behind the trees you notice a wide coast road running from east to west.
If you wish to head east, turn to 27.
If you wish to head west, turn to 114.
Your Kai sense warns you that there is something evil hiding in the darkness of the platform.
If you wish to climb the stone steps and confront it, turn to 52.
If you wish to sprint past the steps and platform, turn to 256.
If you want to run back to the junction and take the left path, turn to 64.
You enter a magnificent emporium in which are displayed some of the finest goods of northern Magnamund. Even at this late hour, the trading post is busy, as captains and rich merchants haggle over the sale or exchange of their cargoes. The owner of the trading post appears to be a young warrior, who presides over the auction of goods from an ornate chair held up by four massive chains. His men are all dressed in black armour, and on their shields they bear the emblem of a black ship on a red crest.
Then, by chance, you notice a small boy steal a money pouch from the belt of a merchant, and slip it into his boot.
If you decide to grab the boy and make him hand back the pouch, turn to 91.
If you follow the boy outside and steal the pouch from him, turn to 6.
If you just ignore what you have seen and examine the goods for sale, turn to 283.
The knight steps towards you and says, ‘I've yet to meet a peasant who could afford to buy his own horse. You are not a peasant, but I'd wager you to be a thief.’
With a flick of his broadsword, he unhorses you and heavily you fall to the ground. Instinctively, you draw your weapon in self-defence as the knight attacks you.
Turn to 162.
‘It seems our bird has flown,’ says the captain, pointing to a longboat moving swiftly towards another ship on the horizon. ‘She flies no flag, and her hull is of a strange shape. I've ne'er before seen the like.’
You watch as the longboat reaches the mysterious ship. As if by magic a sea fog appears from nowhere and engulfs the vessel. Moments later, both the ship and the fog have disappeared.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 53.
If the number is 5–9, turn to 209.
For three days and nights, you have ridden along the highway as it follows its route up the river valley of the Durenon. In the distance are the peaks of the Hammerdal Mountains, one of the highest ranges in all Magnamund. The capital lies at the very centre of those mountains.
It is now the morning of the fourteenth day of your quest. You have made camp near a waterfall where the fast-flowing Durenon drops over 120 feet. You are about to leave, when a group of six hooded riders appears on the forest highway above, blocking your exit from the camp.
Lord-lieutenant Rhygar demands that they let you pass, adding that you bear a royal dispatch. In Durenor, it is a treasonable offence to hinder a King's messenger, but unfortunately, the cloaked riders do not seem impressed by his warning, and they remain where they are.
Illustration XI—Lord-lieutenant Rhygar demands that they let you pass as you bear a royal dispatch.
‘If you do not care for reason, perhaps our swords will turn your tails,’ says Rhygar. He draws his sword, and orders his men to attack.
If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 322.
If you wish to follow Rhygar, turn to 45.
If you do not want to attack the riders, turn to 277.
As you re-enter the tavern, you can see that most of the sailors are clustered around the centre table to watch an arm-wrestling contest.
If you wish to enter the contest, turn to 276.
If you wish to talk with the innkeeper, turn to 342.
Although the delicious smell of the food is making your mouth water, you suspect that something is very wrong. You set the tray down by the door. Your hunger has made you tired, and you decide to take a short nap before meeting the others in the bar.
When you awake, you see the bodies of two dead rats lying beside the food tray — they have been poisoned. The shock soon turns to anger when you realize that the poison was in the food intended for you.
You grab your equipment and leave the room, intent on discovering your would-be assassin.
Turn to 200.
Using your Kai Discipline of Camouflage, you can hide undetected in the hay-cart until it is safe to come out.
If you wish to hide in the hay-wain, turn to 82.
If you would rather take a horse and leave the village, turn to 150.
If you wish to enter the wheelwright's shop, turn to 71.
You conclude that the crew are either blind or have no intention of rescuing you. The fishing boat continues on its course out to sea and, without seeming to notice you, disappears over the horizon. Pulling off a loose plank from the hatch cover, and using it as a makeshift oar, you set about paddling towards the shore.
Turn to 337.
This street seems dirtier and smellier than the one you have just been down. The cluttered window of a shop to your left catches your attention. In the window are many useful items, all of which bear a price tag.
Sword — 4 Gold Crowns
Dagger — 2 Gold Crowns
Short Sword — 3 Gold Crowns
Warhammer — 6 Gold Crowns
Spear — 5 Gold Crowns
Mace — 4 Gold Crowns
Fur Blanket — 3 Gold Crowns
Backpack — 1 Gold Crown9
You may enter and purchase any of the above items. Remember to mark them on your Action Chart. When you have completed your purchases, you continue your way along Sage Street, towards the Ragadorn Bridge. This bridge is the only connection between the east and west sides of the port and you push your way through the crowds of people and carts. You find yourself in a rubbish-strewn thoroughfare known as East Trade Lane.
Turn to 186.
[9] According to Lone Wolf Club Newsletter #12: ‘Realistically, you can only wear one Backpack at a time, and carry a maximum of eight Backpack Items (Special Items not included).’
You must find shelter for the night or you will risk being arrested by the city guard. Your Kai sense tells you that the best course of action is to return to the tavern and ask the innkeeper for a room. Refreshed by a comfortable night's sleep, you can then make plans to reach Durenor first thing in the morning.
Turn to 177.
The forest drops away steeply at the edge of your campsite, and in your haste you trip and fall headlong through the trees.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–8, turn to 311.
If the number is 9, turn to 159.
As the Drakkar dies at your feet, the pirates falter at the sight of such a powerful warrior floored, and then flee to their sinking ship. Captain Kelman rallies his crew and leads them against the retreating enemy, driving them into the water with the fury of the attack.
The Green Sceptre pulls free of the pirate ship, which keels heavily to starboard.
‘Our thanks, Kai Lord.’ The c
aptain grasps your hand. ‘We are proud and thankful to have you with us.’ A cheer resounds along the deck, and the crew voice their praise.
You help tend the wounded whilst repairs are carried out to the damaged prow. Within the hour, the wind fills the sails and you are back on course for Durenor once more.
Turn to 240.
As you race along the corpse-littered deck, two Drakkarim warriors emerge from a doorway and attack you by surprise. You must fight them one at a time.
You may evade at any stage of the combat by diving into the sea. Turn to 286.
If you kill them both in combat, you can then jump to the deck of a nearby Durenese ship by turning to 120.
You are standing opposite a large building with a sign on the wall: