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The Unexpected Series (Books 1-3)

Page 43

by Amy Marie

  She winks and reaches down for a now sleeping Jason. Noelle kisses him on the head and lifts him into my mother’s waiting arms but keeps the box from leaving with them. Once she is out of sight Noe shakes it in front of my face.

  “This is killing me. I want to open it.”

  I draw her into my lap and situate her between my legs so she is lying against my chest. I take the box and flip open the top displaying it in front of her.

  “It’s beautiful!” She compliments grabbing the necklace out of my hand.

  I saw it in a little boutique that Erin took me to last week when she was looking for bridesmaids’ gifts. It’s a white gold circle necklace with the words “You are My Sunshine” engraved into it. I had a jeweler put a sun charm with a diamond in the middle of it, hanging from the top.

  “Not as beautiful as you,” I tell her taking it back and clasping it around her neck.

  Her hand comes up to glide over it and I can feel the smile on her face. I push her hair aside and kiss the crease of her neck. “I love you, Noelle.”

  “I love you too, Trent.”

  An hour later we walk back into the reception and it seems like no one even noticed we were gone. I scan the room looking for Jace, hoping he took a hike and find him still sitting at a table with a brunette. I let go of Noe and start to walk towards him, but he shakes his head and smiles in understanding. I nod in appreciation and attempt to resume my place connected to Noelle.

  I hear a whole slew of women screaming and am on high alert until I see that it’s Erin, Noelle and Nicole. Walker is standing between all of them shaking his head and looking at me. Noelle is beaming with excitement and showing them the necklace.

  Walker leaves the group and I watch him head towards the DJ. After a few words the DJ hands Walker the microphone. His voice booms inside the large room.

  “Attention Prescott wedding!” He yells excitedly and very drunk. “Not only have you witnessed the union of my beautiful, sexy wife, Erin and me and watched me become the luckiest guy in the world, but today is also the day my new brother in law, Trent, got his head out of his ass and finally got the woman of his dreams. So, let’s all raise a toast to Erin and me as well as Trent and Noelle, the new happily dating couple.”

  The room erupts in mock cheers and drinks from their glasses but Walker just has to add, “It’s about damn time!”

  I start laughing and walk the final few feet necessary to have Noe in my arms again. She senses me and turns around throwing herself into me.

  “Hey, little bro!” Erin says patting me on my shoulder.

  I turn Noelle and my body around. “Erin. I’m sorry if I added drama to your wedding.”

  “No need to apologize.” She leans up and kisses me on the cheek and walks to her husband.

  Noelle stares up at me, her eyes filled with need and in those sexy as hell shoes she doesn’t have to reach up to whisper in my ear, “I have a present for you too.”

  I tilt back to look into her stunning eyes. “Oh yea?”

  “Yea, but you can’t unwrap it until later.”

  I kiss the side of her mouth breathing into her. “Can you give me a hint?”

  “Well,” her voice oozes seduction. “It’s wrapped tightly in red and may have a little black on the bottom.”

  “Hmm, I like things tight.” I flirt. “But I’m going to need more clues,” I say tapping my chin as though I’m trying to figure out what it is.

  Her arms come up my arms and rest on my shoulders as she pushes us closer. “And,” she adds. “It’s fucking soaking wet underneath.”

  I’m half asleep when rough hands slip underneath my shirt and between my legs.

  “Are you awake, Sunshine?” Trent whispers into my ear. I wiggle at his touch and feel his dick push into the back of me.

  I groan and try to turn. His arm has me in a vice grip so I can’t move my back from his front. “Depends on which sunshine you’re referring to. The actual sun or me because one of us for sure is still fucking tired from being kept up all night tied to the bed.”

  His fingers glide into me and curl in hitting the spot that instantly soaks them. He swirls them around and my hips match their pace. At this point he knows my body inside and out. “You loved every minute, Noe.”

  His pace quickens causing my breath to turn ragged. His lips find my neck and it’s all I can do not to scream. I wouldn’t want to wake Jason up...again.

  “I did.”

  The past couple months have flown by. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas we have spent as much time as we could together. Thanksgiving was held at Walker and Erin’s house this year. I smirked the entire time I watched Erin clean up a spot on the carpet. Christmas Eve was spent at Alex’s parent’s house and yesterday, on Christmas, we visited both of our families. I’ve never been so blissfully in love in my life.

  Lately we have been spending more and more time at my house and less at Trent’s. We’ve managed to make my old room, from when Erin lived here, into a room for Jason. I’m pretty sure Trent is going to ask me to move in soon, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to say yes.

  Relinquishing my torso, Trent allows me to fall onto my back. His body covers mine and he pushes my shirt up to reveal my breasts. His eyes find mine. “You’re absolutely perfect for me, Noelle.”

  He grabs both of my hands and pulls them above my head, entwining our fingers. Last night Trent was aggressive. I can already tell this time will be sweet.

  His already nude body adjusts to fit between my legs and he slowly pushes into me, filling me completely. His tempo is bordering on the edge of teasing.

  “My God, Trent, that feels amazing.” I moan and bite my lip to keep it from getting too loud.

  My chest rises to meet his mouth and he takes a nipple into it, licking and sucking until it peaks, then doing the same on the other.

  His neck is strained with his restraint not to go too fast. He wants to make this last but my body is craving a faster speed. I push my hips up urging him on.

  “Stop teasing me, Noe. I don’t want to fuck this morning,” he warns.

  Lifting my legs up, I wrap them around his back, opening myself up more for him. He can’t help it anymore. His body glistens with sweat making it easier for him to slide over me. My arms pull against his but he refuses to let them go. “Fine. You want it hard then you’re getting it hard.”

  The bed starts to shake as he starts pounding into me. He lowers his head and bites my neck, another turn on he knows about me, and I uncross my legs from behind his back. I plant them down on the bed and start meeting him thrust for thrust.

  “Trent!” I yell as an unexpected orgasm rips through my body.

  He frees my hands lowering one side onto his elbow and reaching down with his free hand to rub my clit. I feel the buildup start again and my eyes shut as I see white stars behind them.

  “Come again, Noe. Come with me,” he commands. “Now.”

  He pushes into me a few more times and all the nerve endings of his fingertips come alive. I let go with him and watch the sunshine stream into the room.


  “Pancakes, Noe.” Jason requests when I ask what he wants for breakfast. Trent and I both took the day off work since yesterday was a holiday and Trent has made plans for us to see the lights on Michigan Avenue tonight.

  He’s in the other room talking to his mom about watching Jason so I decided to give him breakfast. By the time Trent is done he walks in finding Jason covered in syrup as well as my table.

  I will admit that I’m shaking a little but Jason is the exception to my crazy analness. That boy could spill marinara sauce on my wedding dress, if I ever get married, and I would just pat it down and take my place at the altar. He has stolen my heart.

  “Messy boy,” Trent comments as he kisses him on the cheek.

  “I could say the same for his father,” I retort. Walking closer to him, I whisper, “I can still feel you between my legs.”

  The look on his face shows
me how caveman he is. He loves knowing when he claims me so hard I feel it all day. “Don’t start, Noe. I might take you back to the room again after my mom shows up.”

  “You’re all talk, Decker.” I joke walking back to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

  I immediately feel his breath on my ear and his heaving body behind mine. “You just won yourself another round.”

  I take a sip of the coffee and shrug, placing the cup back down. “If I have to.”

  He slaps my ass and tells me to go get dressed.


  The lights on Michigan Avenue are stunning. There is nothing like walking past all the shops with a warm hot chocolate in your hand and staring at the beauty that lies within Chicago. The sun has set and the streets buzz with post-holiday bliss.

  Trent has held my hand the entire time and I love how we fit together so nicely. It’s like there was a piece missing from my life that I didn’t know about. He truly makes me happier than I ever thought possible. To have someone love you unconditionally, all your flaws and all your baggage, is the best feeling.

  He hails a cab and before I can ask where we’re going he is pulling me into it. “Sears Tower,” he tells the cabby.

  I look over at him and smirk. “You know it’s ‘Willis Tower’ now, right?”

  He eyes me for a second before saying, “It will always be Sears Tower to me.”

  “Why are we going there?” I ask.

  “Because I love you and I know you’ve never been up there.” Squeezing my hand I see his is shaking a bit. He hates heights.

  I bring his hand up to my lips and kiss it. “That means a lot. I love you too.”

  We arrive a bit later and Trent nervously purchases tickets for us to go up one hundred three floors. When he walks away his smile is wide and he grabs my hand leading me towards the line. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion when we bypass the waiting patrons and go straight to the elevator.

  He notices my confusion. “I didn’t want to have to wait in a line and think about being up that high longer than I have to.”

  I smile at him wondering how I got so lucky. We had a rocky start, but I think now we’re on the right track. I finally understand what Erin felt. How she just knew she wanted to be with Walker for the rest of her life. That’s how I feel with Trent.

  The circulation is cut off on my fingers as the floors go higher and higher. We’re alone in the elevator but I don’t dare make a move. I don’t want to scare him more. I’d ask if he wants to just go back down but I figure we are almost to the top anyways. He can stand by the elevators while I take a look.

  The doors pop open and he jumps slightly. I have to say that his being nervous is sexy. He is always so cool and confident. I love it.

  “Come on, Trent. I’ll hold your hand.” I try to ease the situation.

  He takes my hand and we walk around taking in the beautiful views of the snow covered city. The lake looks majestic from up here. I notice that even though there was a long line downstairs there aren’t many people up here.

  “Do you want to go on there?” Trent’s voice breaks me out from my observation. I look back at him and he is pointing to the glass box called “The Ledge”. It juts out from the building so you can stand on it and look straight down to the street. The daredevil in me has always wanted to try it.

  “I do, but you can stay here. I don’t mind if you don’t go with me,” I say comfortingly.

  Our hands drop and he takes a step back allowing me to walk to one of the four glass boxes. Before stepping onto it I look out to the city again and take in as much as I can. Sometimes I feel like the world is a crazy place and I don’t stop and take a breath. Up here it feels magical. Like I’m flying.

  I place my boot covered foot on the glass and bring my whole body into it not looking down just yet. If I get scared I want to make sure I stood here for a moment. I place my hands on the window and feel the coldness under my touch.

  “Beautiful,” I murmur.

  I feel him next to me and I gasp. “Yes, you are,” he says.

  “Trent. What are you doing out here? Aren’t you freaked the fuck out?” I screech.

  His eyes don’t leave mine. “I’m fucking petrified.”

  He takes a step further onto the glass.

  “Why are you on here then?” I laugh out. I feel like he’s lost his mind. His hands are shaking and it looks as though his knees are going to give out.

  “To do this.”

  My hands fly to my mouth. My body, my heart, my breath stops as I watch him lower himself down onto one knee. As we hover over the city of Chicago he pulls out a box from his coat and starts to speak.

  “Noelle Grant,” he starts as tears spill from my eyes. “My life has been a complete mess since you’ve come into it but somewhere along the way you’ve managed to help fix it up. You’re stubborn, crazy, borderline OCD and sexy as hell. Every morning I wake up next to you knowing I want to do that for the rest of our lives. I want you to be my wife. I want you to be a mother to Jason and the mother to more children to come. I want to fight with you and make up with you and everything in between. Please be the light in my darkness for the rest of my life. Will you marry me, Sunshine?”

  I don’t have to think about it. I scream yes and tackle him to the ground. His body stiffens, and I realize I’ve probably given him an early heart attack. I quickly get off of him, and he slowly stands up. He opens the box but then gets a concerned look on his face. Turning it around, he shows me that it’s empty.

  I instantly feel terrible thinking he may have lost it somewhere in the middle of Michigan Avenue.

  “Here, Daddy,” a little voice says from next to us as we continue to stand on the glass.

  I gasp as Jason walks over with a ring in his hand and hands it to Trent. He thanks Jason as he slips the ring on my finger and applause erupts. I look around finding everyone in our families. My parents, his mom, Walker, Erin, Savannah, Nicole and her family.

  I cry and the 1.5 ct Princess-cut floating halo diamond on top of a 14 karat white gold ring makes my fingers look tiny. It’s stunning.

  After wiping the tears from my face Trent pulls me by my hips into his body. “So, future wife of mine, should we get off this death trap and celebrate with our families?”

  I crash my lips to his, our tongues fighting for control, and when we come up for air I allow him to lead me off the ledge.

  My father shakes Trent’s hand and my mom hugs me. Erin grabs my hand and tells me she can’t wait to have me as her real sister. Walker hugs us and so does Nicole.

  I’m looking to see who I missed when I spot Mama D staring at me. I run to her and pull her into a tight hug.

  When we pull apart I see tears in her eyes. “I thought Alex ruined my baby boy. I never thought he would get over her leaving them but you pulled him out of the shadows, Noelle. I can’t wait for you to be my daughter in law. Congratulations.”

  The line downstairs could only be held for so long so we all had to finish up and head to a celebration dinner.

  As we’re about to step into the elevator I ask Trent. “Are you ready for the old ball and chain?”

  Without missing a beat he says, “I prefer blindfolds and rope. Which is in your near future.”

  “That’s the last of it,” I say putting the framed picture of Trent, Jason and I from Erin’s wedding on the table next to the door.

  Trent’s arms wrap around my waist and he peppers kisses along my exposed neck. “I can’t believe you unpacked all of your stuff in one day, and today of all days.”

  I turn in his embrace, standing on the tip of my bare footed toes and push my tongue between his lips. “I can’t believe I rented my house to some couple that will probably trash the place. I’m going to be freaking out every day thinking they aren’t treating the house like I did.”

  “Noe.” He laughs. “No one is going to treat your house the way you did. That’s why I had you move in here. I’m not sure I could live up to your standards
if we kept your house.”

  Slapping his chest playfully I push off of him. “You always exceed my expectations. That’s why you’re still around.”

  He lifts my left hand up and looks at my ring. After two weeks, his routine never gets old. He kisses each finger and when he gets to the one holding my very expensive ring he pulls my hand to him and kisses the top of it.

  “I love you wearing this. No one can watch me claim you when I fuck you into oblivion but they damn sure know you’re taken when you’re carrying this around.”


  Just as my feet hit the kitchen tile I feel him lift me up and place me on the counter. Unsanitary, but fucking hot. He pushes his way between my legs and groans. “God I wish it was summer again,” he comments gripping the back of my ass and pushing me into him at the edge.

  “Why?” I breathlessly ask. I can’t get enough of him. I’d risk getting cum all over the counter for him. That’s love.

  “Because,” he says spreading my legs wider. “Then I could just slip my hand underneath your dress instead of having to fight the zipper on these damn jeans. I want easier access.”

  He pops my button open, and I wrap my fingers in his hair, while he tips my head back so he can kiss my neck.

  “Well, I’ll be wearing a white dress today.” I wink at him.

  I jump when I hear Jason’s truck gliding across the kitchen floor. “Little J!” I yell fixing myself while shoving Trent aside.

  “Noe, let’s go!” He excitedly commands and I laugh when I find Trent adjusting himself.

  I clap my hands matching Jason’s enthusiasm. “Okay! Go get your bag.”

  He scurries down the hallway to his room. “Love you,” he yells.

  Trent and I both stare at each other completely stunned. Jason doesn’t say “I love you.” This is the first time he’s said it to anyone, and it was to me.

  “Did he just...” Trent starts looking the way Jason went.

  “I think he did. Oh my God.”

  Circling his arms back around me he kisses me like today is our last day on earth...and if it was then I’d die happy.


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