Book Read Free

Brooke's Wish

Page 1

by Sandra Bunino

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2012 Sandra Bunino

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-172-5

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: JS Cook


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  It is not so much our friends' help that helps us, as the confidence of their help.


  To Colleen, Michelle and Evie—Your support warms my heart.

  A special bow to my editor, JoAnne. Thank you for helping my SRE tales come to life.


  The Satin Rose Experience, 2

  Sandra Bunino

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Brooke Allaire sipped her vodka and tonic as the city shrunk from her view through the airplane window. She had had her fill of twinkling lights and nonsensical holiday tunes and wished she were headed to a remote tropical island instead of The Big Apple. Holiday hoopla wasn’t on the menu this year. Brooke tipped her drink to the St. Louis Gateway Arch and settled into her roomy First Class seat.

  The glossy Rosebud Resorts brochure peeking out of her leather laptop case pocket caught her eye. Next to it was a sleek card with the initials ‘SRE’ embossed in red. Brooke bit her lower lip and wondered if she’d made the right choice accepting such a lavish gift from her new surgical practice partner and medical school classmate, Pamela Gartner. As if she had a choice. Pam’s obstinacy was legendary within the St. Louis medical community.

  “Brooke, sweetie, trust me. This is exactly what you need. When the pressure gets to me I head straight to SRE. It’s the only thing that’s kept me sane for the past year,” her friend explained over lunch the week before. She pushed the brochures across the table and announced she’d already booked her a flight. Brooke warmed up to the idea after her second glass of wine.

  “Come with me to New York. We can have a girls’ weekend,” Brooke pleaded.

  “SRE is something you need to experience on your own. Trust me, it’s a life altering experience,” Pam explained.

  Life altering. What a strange description to use for a spa weekend, especially coming from a doctor who dealt with life or death situations on a daily basis. Brooke shrugged her shoulders, swallowed the last sip of her drink and pulled the SRE card from her bag. Maybe they offered yoga or some new fad in self-help with their massages and facials. The Satin Rose Experience certainly put her through an extensive medical review, including a stress test and a battery of blood work. Brooke just wanted to kick back and be pampered for a change. Her surgical residency and ongoing problems with Drake had chipped away at her psyche. She was on autopilot. Only a shell of the happy woman she used to be. Her life had just turned around and she was feeling the pain of the necessary changes. Brooke borrowed money from her parents for her half of the thriving surgical practice she and Pam bought from a retired doctor. She also made the hardest decision of her life and kicked Drake to the curb. Tired of his freeloading ways, the last straw came when she announced the practice takeover. The first thing out of Drake’s mouth wasn’t “Congratulations,” or “I’m proud of you, babe,” or even a “Way to go”. No, it was, “Great. Now I can stop pretending to look for a job.” She threw him out that same night. Brooke was numb and didn’t need any fuck-with-your-head mumbo-jumbo SRE may dole out. She wanted to be left in peace to heal her body and mind.

  Chapter Two

  Brooke flipped through aNew England Journal of Medicine article on her iPad during the long cab ride into the city from JFK when an instant message popped on her screen.

  Pam:Get off your iPad and enjoy the city, girlfriend.

  Chuckling, Brooke pushed the off switch, slid the device into her bag and glanced out the gritty window. The city looked just as she feared. Lights twinkled on every corner and the bustling streets filled with busy shoppers and tourists.If Rosebud Resorts resembles the inside of Santa’s Workshop, I’m out of there. The silent deal was the only thing stopping her from going back to the airport and boarding the next flight to St. Louis.

  The cab came to a sudden halt and a whoosh of damp city air hit her face as the door swung open.

  “Welcome to Rosebud, Miss.” A deep voice with a slight southern drawl boomed from outside, and a hand reached into the cab.

  All Brooke could see of the sexy voice’s owner were strong hands and a fine physique inside a dark suit. Taking his hand, she allowed him to help her out of the cab and discovered there was even more of the man to appreciate.

  “Checking in today, Miss?” He drew out the “s” as a request for her name.

  “It’s Allaire. Brooke Allaire. Do you work here?” she asked. The man held a briefcase and she scanned his lapel for a nametag or something connecting him with the hotel.

  “No, but a good friend of mine owns the private club upstairs. I was on my way there now and thought you could use some help. I’m Ty Venice, your humble servant,” he said with an exaggerated bow.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Venice, but do I have the word ‘tourist’ marked on my forehead or something?” She knew she had an edge to her voice. Even though she was falling apart on the inside she’d hoped it wasn’t evident to perfect strangers.

  “It’s Ty and please forgive my forwardness. Where I was raised it’s polite to help someone new to the area. It’s in my DNA. Come on, I’ll help you with your bag.” He flashed her a smile she was sure had melted many hearts.

  “Hold on, I need to pay the cabbie.”

  Ty signaled the doorman and held out his palm to the entrance doors.

  “The cab’s taken care of. It’s a perk of staying at the finest hotel in Manhattan.”

  Brooke narrowed her eyes and threw him a sidelong glance as she walked passed him. Her shoulders instantly relaxed as she entered the hotel. No blaring Christmas music. No harsh blinking lights. No Santa Claus. A pianist played something classical on the baby grand piano in the middle of the lobby. The only indication of Christmas was a tall fir tree next to the piano wrapped in a red ribbon. Brooke blew out a cleansing breath through her lips and nodded. Yes, this was exactly what she needed.

  “Check-in is straight ahead to your left. Have a nice stay, Brooke. Maybe we’ll bump into each other again”

  A shiver ran through her body when Ty brushed her arm before turning away.

  “Thank you,” she said and headed toward the reservation desk.

  After the check-in formalities were taken care of, the receptionist handed Brooke a black access card and directed her to a small elevator with the initials ‘SRE’ etched into the doors.

  Pam had been holding out on her. The place was incredible. Brooke caught her smile in the reflection of the brass doors as they closed. Spa treatments, good food and hopefully a cocktail or two awaited her upstairs. Maybe she would even have time to read that erotic romance everyone talked about. Brooke giddily planned her weekend as the elevator doors opened on the twentieth floor.

  Chapter Three

  Brooke expected to find the usual Zen-like music, soft beige and white decor and crystal decanters of cucumber water that were typical of an upscale hotel spa. Instead she walked into a black, granite-flanked lobby. The only furnishing on the smooth surface was a dark wood desk. An expansive lounge area sat behind the desk with a wall of glass sh
owcasing the buildings of Lexington Avenue.

  She turned toward the sound of soft footsteps and spotted a young blonde woman approaching from the bar carrying a teacup.

  “Hello, Dr. Allaire, I’m Courtney, SRE’s concierge,” she said, offering her free hand.

  Brooke shook it and admired Courtney’s short black dress and what she estimated to be at least four-inch heels. She was not the typical spa attendant Brooke was used to.

  “Welcome to the Satin Rose Experience. I thought you could use a cup of peppermint tea after such a long trip from St. Louis. Please take a seat in the lounge and I’ll let Mia know you’re here.”


  “Mia Lavender. She’ll ensure your weekend is perfect.”

  Courtney ushered Brooke to a table and placed the steaming cup down.

  “Th-thank you,” Brooke said as she took a seat in one of the upholstered chairs and scanned the bar.

  Courtney cocked her head and smiled. “Are you okay? Can I get you something else? Something to eat perhaps?”

  Brooke looked up and searched Courtney’s eyes. “No, no. I’m fine. It’s just this place. It wasn’t what I expected.”

  “All of our first time guests have the same reaction. Just relax. Mia will explain everything.”

  Courtney swiveled on her heels and clicked her way to her desk. Moments later another set of footsteps echoed through the lobby. Brooke regarded a beautiful woman who first stopped at the desk to talk briefly with Courtney before heading her way. Brooke gave the woman a once over glance. Black slacks hugged narrow hips and her glossy long black hair complemented her snug red sweater. She smirked at the woman’s stilettos. It must be part of the dress code, she thought looking down at her loafers. She wouldn’t last an hour tottering around the hospital on those things.

  Brooke rose from her chair when the woman approached with a toothy but genuine smile. She took Brooke’s hand into her own.

  “Hi, Dr. Allaire. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Mia Lavender, Vice President of Client Experience here at The Satin Rose Experience. We’re glad to have you as a guest for the weekend.”

  “Good to meet you. But please, call me Brooke.”

  “Okay, Brooke. Let’s go into my office where we can talk about your expectations while staying at the Satin Rose.”

  Mia guided Brooke to a small sitting area in the corner of the office. “So, what can I do for you this weekend?” Mia asked.

  Brooke looked at Mia and at the coffee table in between them in search of a brochure or menu of spa services.

  “I’m sorry to sound naïve, but this isn’t the type of spa I’m used to. What services do you offer other than the normal massages and facials?”

  Mia moved to the edge of her chair and smiled. “What exactly did Pamela tell you about SRE?”

  “To tell you the truth, not much. She just says she’s a new person when she gets back. The membership fee is the best money she’s ever spent.”

  Mia looked into Brooke’s eyes. She seemed to be waiting for her to say more. “I’m going to be blunt here. The Satin Rose Experience is not a day spa. It’s a high-end BDSM club. Your friend Pam doesn’t come for facials and massages.”

  Brooke’s face heated and she was sure her normally pale complexion had flushed a rosy red as she processed the information Mia had just laid on her.Pamela was into BDSM? She comes to New York for whip and chain treatment? Impossible. Even more impossible was the fact that Dr. Brooke Allaire sat in some posh New York City bondage club. She had to get out. Fast.

  “Look, there’s been some mistake. I’m not interested in any part of this. I really thought I was here for a spa weekend to reflect and regenerate from a stressful time in my life. I-I can’t stay here,” Brooke said as she stood.

  Mia placed her hand on Brooke’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Brooke. Really. Sit and relax for a moment. Let me see if I can get you a room in the main hotel.”

  Mia strode to her desk and picked up her phone. “Courtney, please call Rosebud and see if you can book Dr. Allaire into one of the spa suites. Uh-huh. Yes. Thank you.”

  Mia hung up and smiled at Brooke. “Just give us a moment.”

  “I’m really sorry for the mix up. I’m going to kill Pam.”

  Mia walked to the front of her desk and leaned back. Her blue eyes sparkled. “Why do you think your friend did it? Booked you a suite here for the weekend? She specifically reserved Suite One, the biggest and most expensive suite at SRE. There must be a reason.”

  Brooke shook her head. “I don’t know. Maybe she thought it would help me.”

  “Maybe it will.”

  “I don’t see how getting tied up and tortured by a stranger will help me.”

  Mia crossed the room and sat on the chair next to Brooke.

  “SRE isn’t about being tortured by a stranger. It’s about fulfilling fantasies, satisfying curiosity and possibly ridding yourself of insecurity. The experience is different for each person, but I assure you that no one gets tortured here. That is, unless they want to be,” Mia said and laughed.

  Brooke giggled nervously, eased back into her chair and sipped her cold peppermint tea.

  “May I ask you a personal question?” Brooke asked and cocked her eyebrows.

  “Of course. Shoot.”

  “Are you in this type of relationship?”

  Mia’s eyes lit up. “I am, but I haven’t always been. My boyfriend and I are still testing limits.”

  “And you like it?” Brooke asked and gulped down the last of her tea just as Mia’s phone buzzed.

  “I love it,” Mia said, standing up and touching Brooke’s shoulder as she walked by.

  “What do you have for me, Court? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Oh. What about—Oh. Okay. Thank you.” Mia placed the phone down and rested her elbows on her desk. “I’m afraid the entire hotel is booked, it’s been booked for months. In fact, Courtney tried the other area hotels too and there’s no vacancy anywhere in the city. It’s normal during the holiday season.”

  “How did Pam get me the room here on such short notice?”

  “Didn’t she tell you? She’d reserved the suite months ago for herself. Pam called me last week and requested that we move the reservation to your name. We normally don’t offer guest passes, but she explained you needed the weekend more than she did, so we agreed.”

  “Wow. What a mess,” Brooke said and shook her head.

  Mia cocked her head to the side. “You know, your suite is exactly what you would get in the hotel with one difference. Suite One contains a playroom. It’s locked and stays locked until the guest goes through an orientation. Why don’t you stay in the SRE suite? You may still enjoy the amenities of the hotel. I promise, no one will chase you around with a paddle. That is —”

  “I know. Unless I want them to?” Brooke asked with a tight grin.


  Chapter Four

  Mia led Brooke to Suite One. Brooke was pleasantly surprised to find her clothes unpacked and hanging in the closet and her toiletries neatly placed on the vanity.

  “I could get used to this place,” Brooke said while looking through the large window to the city below.

  “We try to give our members everything they need. Which reminds me, remember when I said the only difference between this suite and one at Rosebud is the playroom?” Mia asked.

  Brooke turned from the window to see Mia standing next to an opened dresser drawer with a grin on her face.


  “Well, I forgot about the drawer of fun.”

  Brooke walked slowly to the dresser and looked into the opened drawer. It was stocked with packaged dildos, vibrators and other devices Brooke wouldn’t know what to do with.

  “Ever use one of these?” Mia raised her eyebrows.

  “Oh yeah, of course,” she looked from the drawer to Mia and back down again. Heat flooded her face. “No, no, I haven’t.”

  “No? Well I recommend this one to start.” Mia removed a black b
ox with a picture of a magenta colored egg with gold accents. Brooke picked it up and examined the box.

  “And what do I do with this?” She laughed and gave Mia a sideways glance.

  “You’re the doctor; I think you can figure it out.” Mia chuckled and winked at Brooke. “If you can’t, you can always give yourself the massage you came here for.”

  “Funny,” Brooke said and swatted Mia’s arm. They walked out of the bedroom and into the main room of the suite.

  “This place is beautiful. Thank you for suggesting I stay.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you did. I’ll have a Rosebud Spa attendant bring you a menu of services so you can book—”

  Brooke stood in front of a door painted a deep shade of red. Her heart beat so loud the sound filtered out Mia’s voice.

  Mia’s fingers grazed up and down Brooke’s back. “Are you okay?”

  “Is this The Playroom?” Brooke’s asked quietly, never taking her eyes from the door.

  “Uh-huh. Do you want to see it?”

  “May I?”

  “Of course. I’ll just need to lock it when you’re through looking.”

  Brooke moved out of the way, and Mia inserted and turned the key she kept on a ribbon around her wrist. The door clicked softly, Mia turned the handle and the women entered the shadowy room together. Mia flipped the light switch on the wall. Decorative candle sconces on the wall cast a flickering glow on the walls and furnishings. Brooke continued a few more steps into the room.

  “This is not what I expected.”

  “What’d you expect, a dungeon?”

  “Something like that.”

  “We have one of those too, but in a different suite. Take your time to explore.” Mia sat on the edge of the bed against the far wall.


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