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Fake It Baby One More Time: A Fake Romance Collection

Page 13

by Logan Chance

  I spritz a little perfume on my neck and wrists, slip on nude high heels, and head downstairs.

  While I slide my phone into my handbag, Vin strolls into the kitchen, ready for poker night, wearing jeans and a white button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Once again, showcasing the tattoos covering his forearms. It’s hot as hell, and now I need a do over, because I can’t believe I didn’t lick them.

  “I’ll be home early,” he tells me. “If any shit seems weird, you call me. Ok?”

  “I will.” The doorbell rings. “That’s probably June.”

  “Anything at all, Addison,” he stresses. “You text me.”

  I force my brain to do its job and focus on the case instead of tattoos. “Don’t worry,” I reassure him on my way out of the kitchen.

  When I open the door, June, wearing a red sundress and cowboy boots, grins. “Ready?” she asks.

  “So ready.”

  As she navigates her SUV out of the Highlands, she turns the music up, singing along, and her energy is infectious.

  Like I said, under any other circumstances, I could see June and I being the best of friends. This could possibly be over soon, and I kind of like being the wife of Vin Mills. Playing the part of Mrs. Davenport is bringing out this whole new social side of me. And it’s not so bad.

  When we pull up to the nightclub, June parks the car and I step out, admiring the brightly lit building flanked by palm trees that glisten with colored lights. The place is packed with a frenetic type of energy I can’t help but get caught up in as we head inside. Matteo is definitely earning some money tonight.

  “I’ve never done anything like this,” I tell June as she texts Helena to see where they are in this madhouse of gyrating bodies.

  “They’re by the bar.” She shakes her hips. “Let’s go pop your cherry.”

  I follow her through the crowd of people, to the table where Miffie, Helena, and Kelly sit, laughing and drinking.

  “Want a drink?” June asks.

  I nod. “Vodka and cran.”

  She crosses to the bar, and in a few minutes returns with our drinks.

  “Let’s dance,” Miffie says, grabbing my arm.

  “Yassss,” Kelly chimes in, moving her body to the beat of the music pumping into the room.

  “I’ll keep an eye on the purses,” Helena says to us.

  I lean closer to her. “Are you sure? You don’t want to dance?”

  “Maybe later.”

  I’d really like to not be separated from anyone, but before I can convince her to join us, I’m whisked away to the crowded dance floor. We find a spot near the edge—where I can still see Helena— and shake our asses to the thumping beat.

  I sip on my drink, and Kelly is full on twerking against me, when I feel someone touch my shoulder.

  I spin around and gaze up into deep blue eyes. The eyes of Matteo Lombardi.

  He’s not what I expected. I've seen pictures of him, obviously, but they certainly didn’t capture the dynamics of the man in the flesh before me—the dimple in his left cheek, the thick lashes framing his eyes, the restrained power beneath his dark suit. It would be very easy for a man like him to summon one of my dancing friends to the dark side.

  Barely breathing, I wait to see which woman in the group he’s about to make contact with. And apparently that woman is... me?

  “You’re married?” He hones in on the diamond on my ring finger.

  “Are married people not allowed?”

  He does this half smirk thing, like I’ve amused him.

  “Maybe they shouldn’t be,” he remarks. “I’m not sure I’d let my wife come to a club by herself, if she looked like you.”

  “Good thing I’m not your wife.”

  I chew on my bottom lip. This is not good. I need to neutralize the situation, basically I need to not piss him off.

  He doesn’t budge from his spot. “What’s your name?”


  “Matteo.” He holds out his hand, and I make sure to shake it with my left that has the ring on it. “It’s a pleasure,” he drawls.

  I watch for any signs that he’s connected to one of my dancing friends, but he gives me none. And the only thing my dancing friends are giving me are curious expressions.

  “Same,” I yell over the loud music.

  “How are you enjoying my club?” He gestures around, never making eye contact with any of the women.

  “I love it here.”

  “Dance with me,” he says.

  It’s not really a question for my permission. He’s clearly the type of man who doesn’t hear the word no very often. Can I even say no? This is like the motherlode I’ve been given. So why am I hesitating? Part of me feels weird, like it’s wrong. This is my job, though. I’m here because of this man. To not dance with him would be absurd.

  “Well, I’m all danced out,” I finally answer, because I’m definitely absurd, but I also have a better plan. “These are not my dancing shoes.” I lift my heel, for emphasis.

  Lucky for me, he’s a persistent devil and falls right into my trap. “Well, we should sit in the VIP area.”

  “Yes. Let me get my friends.”

  Whoever is cavorting with the devil here will show some kind of tell. I gather the ladies, and I’ve either underestimated them, or they’re innocent, because not one person gives anything away when he shakes their hands.

  Matteo leads us to a secluded area in the back of the club, and we take a seat on the horseshoe shaped leather sofa.

  “You should come back Thursday,” he says to me. “We have a live band.”

  “Sorry, we have cookbook club.”

  “Cookbook club?”

  Miffie pipes in to explain, in detail, how this is her week and what it entails. While she talks, his eyes touch on each woman in our group, not giving anyone more attention than the other. Except for me.

  “I know a thing or two about pizza,” he directs at me. “I have several restaurants.”

  That’s just what I wanted to hear. And now, I have the perfect moment to make my move.



  Poker night is a major snore fest when you know your woman is out on the town in a smoking hot blue dress that exactly matches the shade of her eyes. What makes it even worse is when you know your wife—fine, pretend wife—is at Musico.

  Just the thought of Matteo breathing the same air as Addison drives me to a point of insanity I’m not familiar with.

  This is primal.

  This is feral.

  This is downright maddening.

  I scrub a hand down my face, focusing on the pair of Jacks in my hands. My mind keeps time traveling to the image of Addison in the shower.

  Fuck me.

  She was stunning.

  And more than breathing itself, I want to be wherever in the world she is, making sure she’s ok.

  “Ever been to that club, Musico?” I ask the men at the table, to gauge a reaction.

  “Can’t say that I have,” Greg responds, but I’m mainly watching for Richard’s answer, because I just don’t trust the fucker.

  “Yeah, it’s a pretty high end place. I wonder who owns it?” I’m fishing here, hoping someone takes the bait.

  “I heard it’s that new company from Chicago,” Richard brings up. “Lombardi or something.”

  I check my phone. Still no message from Addison. Time to move.

  I excuse myself from the table while the men groan about me being pussy-whipped.

  Next thing I know, I’m headed for downtown. I roll up to the club, and park the Rover close to the gray-stone building.

  I spot June’s SUV in the lot, and weave between the empty vehicles over to it. If a drop is going down, I’ll find out. I pull out my tiny flashlight and peek into the back cargo area. Nothing out of the ordinary.

  I move onto Miffie’s car, and again there’s nothing out of the ordinary with hers either. Fuck.

  Matteo’s men could h
ave already picked up the drop, so I scan the lot, trying to see if there are any clues left behind.

  The coast is clear and the lot is clean.

  Time to head inside. Once I’m past the bouncers, it takes me all of about three seconds to locate Addison. It takes another three for me to cross the dance floor.

  “Hey, babe.” I step between her and Matteo.

  “Vin, what are you doing here?”

  “I have to meet the man who took Addison off the market,” Matteo says over the music.

  I shake his outstretched hand, wanting more than anything to slap some cuffs around his wrists. “I have to meet the man who thinks it’s ok to dance with my wife.”

  Years of trying to catch this asshole, and he’s standing right in front of me.

  “What’s your name?” he asks.

  “What’s yours?” I volley back.

  “Vin this is Matteo,” Addison interjects, “the owner of the club.”

  “I like a man who protects what’s his,” he tells me. “So I won’t hold it against you. Have a good night.”

  The sea of dancers parts for him as he walks away, and I pull Addison in close, under the pretense of dancing.

  Her brows pull together in a frown. “You didn’t think I could handle this all by myself?”

  “Of course, I did. Anything happen?”

  “No.” Even though she’s miffed, she plays the part of loving wife very well, resting her hand on the back of my neck, causing the fine hairs to rise. “Except, Matteo is coming to cookbook club.”

  “What? Who invited him?”

  “Me.” She beams brighter than the flashing lights in here. “I’m quite proud of myself for finagling that one.”

  Over her shoulder, I have a beeline shot of the women, setting down their drinks and pulling out car keys. Miffie points to us, and they walk toward us.

  “Admit it, you didn’t think I could handle this by myself.”

  I wrap my arms around her trim waist. “It’s not that, I promise.”

  “We’re headed home,” Helena says once they’ve all reached us. “What are you doing here, Vin? Couldn’t stay away?”

  “Nope,” I answer. “Sorry to interrupt girl’s night.”

  “It’s romantic,” Kelly gushes.

  Addison begs them not to leave. We both want to keep the women here as long as possible to catch any interaction between Matteo.

  “Sorry, it’s getting late,” June says, nixing the idea of staying.

  Addison concedes and hugs the women goodbye.

  My eyes are on Matteo, near the bar, as the ladies pass by him. He doesn’t even look in their direction.

  “Let’s hang out a while longer,” Addison says close to my ear.

  “As long as Matteo is here, then so are we.”

  We move in unison along the dance floor for a few more minutes, but the night is coming to an end. People leave in waves, and Matteo finally moves from his spot by the bar. Addison and I watch him cross to the metal staircase in the corner, and head upstairs.

  “Maybe we should get out of here,” Addison suggests, scanning the emptying club.

  The bar is closing soon, and the night is winding down. If we stay any longer it may just look weird, but if Matteo is here than I want to stay here too.

  “We can watch from the Rover.”

  And that’s exactly what we do, we pile into the backseat of the Rover for better cover, and try to wait for anything suspicious to happen. Nothing does, as usual. It’s late, and we’re one of the only cars left in the lot.

  “Admit it,” Addison says. “You didn’t trust me.”

  “I trust you.”

  “That’s why you showed up to the club? I told you not to worry.”

  I scrub a hand down my face. “It’s not that.” I turn to face her. “I don’t trust anyone else.”

  I can’t help myself, I kiss her, moving my lips over hers, begging entrance into her sweet mouth with my tongue.

  Her hands fly around my neck, her fingers roaming through my hair.

  I pull back. “Do you want to know why I showed up here?”

  Her eyes flare. “Yes.”

  “I’ve always been a lone wolf, working alone. But for the first time, I’ve got someone else to think about.”

  “Like the snow leopard?”

  “The what?”

  “The snow leopard. It’s a solitary animal that likes to live alone.” Her big eyes meet mine.

  She’s so pretty with the moonlight directly behind her, creating the perfect backdrop to her beauty.

  “Yeah, like the snow leopard, I guess.” I’m getting turned on from the way her eyes keep dropping to my lips. “I just never expected to have someone to look after so...closely.”

  “But, I can take care of myself.”

  “I know you can, but it’s just something that’s taking a little while to get used to.” I reach out and trace her lips with a featherlight touch of my finger. “Like wanting to kiss you every second.”

  She blushes. “Let’s finish this at home.”

  “No, I’m going to fuck you right here.” Nothing is going to stop me from doing her right here, right now. Nothing.

  I need inside her so much, that instead of taking my time with her and driving home, I find my hands inching up beneath her blue dress.

  “Don’t tease me,” she pleads. Her hand palms my cock.

  I want to get all kinds of naughty with her tonight. “I’m not. I plan on fucking you here and now.”

  Her eyes study me, like I’m a case to solve.

  I run my hand down the side of her face, cupping her cheek, and ending at her chin. “So, fucking beautiful.”

  My hand continues tracing, outlining her soft curves.

  “Vin,” her soft voice begs.

  This SUV is roomy, and I thank my lucky stars for that fact right now as I pull her into my lap, letting her straddle me in the backseat.

  Our tongues tangle together as she grinds her pussy against me. Too many clothes are in the way.

  I hike up her dress, and then undo my pants and pull out my hard cock, pumping it in my fist.

  Addison rubs her panty-clad pussy against it. “I want you, Vin.” Her blue eyes gaze down on me as I grab a lush handful of her ass, kneading my fingers into the lace of her panties.

  “I’ve been thinking about this all night.”

  She rocks back and forth once. “Do you know what I need?”

  Yes, I know what she needs. I know exactly what my Addison needs—me inside her.

  I remove a condom from my back pocket, and she watches as I roll it over my thick cock before she slides down, inch by inch.

  And now we’re fucking, and she pushes and pulls, grinds and rocks against me. She rides me like a stallion, and I don’t know how much more of this I can handle.

  I grip her ass, feeling her silky skin underneath my fingertips and move her along my cock. She strokes my chest, her eyes pinning me down with their lust and passion.

  My hands explore her body, running over and under her dress before I’m ripping it off over her head. I rub my palm over the peaks of her breasts that bounce with each tilt of her hips.

  “You wanted me to fuck you tonight, admit it.”

  Her eyes drift closed as she moans out her answer, “Yes. Oh God, yes.”

  My dick is so hard, it hurts. I give her everything I have. My heart pounds against my rib cage, pumping my charged blood through my body, bringing the majority down south.

  “Take my cock, Addison,” I growl out.

  Her moans grow louder, and what a fucking sight.

  I can’t keep my eyes off her. I can’t stop staring at the way her body takes mine in.

  She has me mesmerized at the way she owns my dick. The way she rides him, getting herself off in the process.

  And she is getting off, because there’s no other explanation for what’s happening to her right now. It’s like an explosion of colors, soft rays flickering throughout the nig

  Her hands rest on my pecs, and she runs her fingers back up to my face.

  “I’m coming,” she tells me as if I didn’t already know.

  I have to see her eyes. I want to be the one she’s staring at when her body crashes back down.

  “Open your eyes.” I tell her as she moves her body along mine.

  She does, and I can see it all there. Everything.

  “Fuck,” I groan out, not wanting this to end just yet.

  I keep pumping into her, readying myself for an epic ending to this beautiful fuck.

  And then I come.

  I can’t stop coming as I watch her take it. As I watch her calm the beast raging inside me.

  God, I think I’m falling for this woman.



  Things to ponder at the buttcrack of dawn when you’ve pretty much thrown away years of training, years of doing without pay for said training, years of working toward a goal, years of avoiding entanglements to avoid feeling that familiar sense of not being wanted:

  •Is the dick that good?

  •Do I love him?

  Yes, and maybe.

  Pretend to be married and catch money launderers for the mob sounded so easy. But when you throw me together with an attractive god like Vin, this was bound to happen, right? And as much as I try to deny it, something is growing between Vin and I. But, am I just another notch in his belt?

  Vin’s side of the bed is empty, so I drag myself from under the covers to the shower where I can hopefully wash away all these feelings. It doesn’t work. My mind is a mess while I get ready for my walk. It’s still a mess when I enter the kitchen, where Vin has coffee brewing for me.

  “Morning,” Vin says. “Grubbs will be here tonight, and we’ll be listening while you cook with Matteo.”

  The frown on his face lets me know he’s not happy about the turn of events. I can tell he would rather be the one cooking with Matteo, and not me. But I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.

  “Ok,” I say.

  “Maybe if we’re lucky this whole thing will be over by tonight.”

  I give him a half-smile but I don’t feel any of it. Lucky? I’m sure he’d love to close this case right up so we could both go back to our own homes.


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