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Misfortune: A Time Travel Romance (Ball and Chain Book 1)

Page 11

by David L. Hilton

  I ran a hand through my hair, wondering how to explain this. "I'm part hummingbird, which is why I have wings. Hummingbird's vocals have a higher pitch them most other birds. Not only that, but their vocals are different. Sometimes, a Hummingbirds tweet can help heal wounds, and that's at a normal level. But, at a higher level, like it's song, it could quite literally... Kill someone..." I sighed again. "I'm not sure if it'll happen right away or overtime but they're is still a possibility..."

  Silence again. "So... You mean, that if he sings, he'd kill someone?" Rory said, and I nodded. "What about you? I'd you sing, would you kill us?"

  "How long have I been out?" I asked, looking at the window. "What is is? Six? Seven? If you plan on infiltrating Vampire Academy, we might want to--"

  "Hazel, why are you avoiding the question?" Amy asked, and I rose an eyebrow.

  "Question? What question? If anything, you're avoiding my question and that's--" I cut myself off, when I saw the intense glare the Doctor was giving me.

  I exhaled. "Yes, I could do that, but I don't. If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead." The room went silent again, and I looked away, mad that I had to disclose such information.

  "So how about it," Amy spoke up. "I go to the Vampire school as Rory's brother."

  "I'm still coming," I added.

  "No, you aren't," the Doctor argued.

  I glared at him, "We'll see."

  -• ••/•-••/---/---/-••

  "So, basically, both of our parents are dead from getting the plague," Rory told the woman bluntly. "I'm a gondola driver, so money's a bit tight, so having my sister go to your school for special people would be brilliant," he laughed nervously. "Cheers."

  I narrow my eyes and resist the temptation to facepalm. Rory's not only a Whitecoat, he's also a idiot! Would it hurt to act like you're from the 1500s, just a little!

  "Have we met?" The cold voice of the young man beside the elegant woman asked, looking at Amy.

  "I've just got one of those faces," Rory said, trying to help, but failing miserably.

  "I wasn't talking to you," the man scoffed.

  "She's got the same face, which is because she's my sister," he smiled, but I could hear the pounding of his nervous heart.

  "Carlo, explain yourself," the woman demanded. "Why have you brought me this imbecile?"

  "Signora," a man behind us answered, who I'm guessing is Carlo. "They have references from His Majesty the King of Sweden."

  "What?" The woman exclaimed, "Let me see." Rory walked over and handed the physic paper to the woman. Meanwhile, the man who attacked me went to Amy, silently circling her. I took a silent step back, making sure he didn't touch me at all, but he didn't notice since he didn't see me.

  "Well, now I see what got my Steward so excited," the woman sighed. "What say you, Francesco? Do you like her?"

  "Oh, I do, Mother," the man, Francesco, said, I saw him sniff her and sigh in delight. "I do."

  "Then we would be delighted to accept her," the woman smiled. "Say goodbye to your sister." She motioned to Carlo, who grabbed Rory by the shoulders, pulling him away.

  "Tell Uncle Doctor we-- I'll see you both really soon, okay?" She smiled at her fiancé, who had more of a worried look on his face. "I'll be fine."

  "Amy," Rory muttered, concern shining in his eyes before he was pulled out of the building.


  We walked up the steps leading into a tower silently, occasionally passing groups of vampire girls who would hiss at Amy, and didn't seem to notice me. Eventually, we made it to her dorm-room, filled with a bunch of vampire girls, who stared at us once we entered.

  "There are clothes on the bed," Carlo said. "Get changed and wait here."

  Amy looks around the interior designing of the dorm room, as do I. It is beautiful, I have to admit, "Blimey," she breathed. "This is private education, then?"

  Carlo rolled his eyes and took everyone out of the room, except for Amy, and a dark-skinned girl, with beautiful long brown dark hair. She was sitting on the bed, staring at the floor, but by the subtle glances she gave Amy, I could tell she was curious.

  "Hey," Amy smiled to the girl politely, sitting on the vacant bed across from her. "Hello, I'm Amy. What's your name?"

  "Isabella," she answered, her voice soft and quiet. I nodded, and went to the door, making sure it was completely closed, then undid my invisibility. She looked at me, probably surprised that a girl had magically appeared near the wall. "How-- where did you come from!?" She exclaimed, but I shushed her, not wanting to cause some kind of riot.

  "Listen, we're going to get you out of here," Amy explained. "But I need you to tell me what's going on. What is this place? What are they doing?"

  She nodded, understanding that we were hear to help. "They er, they come at night," she explained. "They gather around my bed, and they take me to a room with this green light and a chair with straps, as if for a surgeon."

  I frowned, the situation she described sounding all too familiar. "What happens in there?" I asked.

  Isabella shook her head and gave a small sigh, "I wake up here. And the sunlight burns my skin like candle wax." A bell struck loudly, making me cringe.

  Amy sighed, and looked at me, who was giving the girl a thoughtful look. "Hazel why did you undo the invisibility?" Amy demanded, "They could come in at anytime!"

  "Using the invisibility is like holding your breath underwater," I explained. "I was nearly at my limit. I need to rest for a few minutes..." I sighed and sat down on one of the beds, looking at her. "If one of the girls say that they smell bird, just... Ignore them..."

  Amy sighed, "And now, all we have to do, is wait..."


  We were exploring the damp basement. I was invisible, and Amy holding a candle. It was really eerie, since there was water dripping down from nowhere, and occasionally, I would hear the scuttling of mice.

  Neither of us have spoken a word since we didn't want the Vampires to hear us. We passed a corpse lying on the ground, it's bones brittle and it's body brown. I suppressed a gasp in shock, and glanced at Amy, who didn't seem to notice the rotting body.

  Finally, we find a dusty cover on the floor. Amy pulls it back to reveal a trapdoor with a keyhole. She pulls on the trapdoor, but it doesn't budge. It's locked.

  I go over and placed a hand on it. I frowned, the lock is old and extremely complicated. It would take at least five minutes for me to undo... We didn't have that time to waste. We'd have to find another way in, somehow.

  I tap her hand twice, signaling 'no'. She nodded and stood up. My eyes widened when I saw a man standing behind her. I tried to stop Amy, but it was too late.

  She turned, hitting the man in the chest, and falling down. The candle fell beside her, easily going out. The dark room was replaced by a creepy green light that seemed to be emitting from the walls.

  Carlo grabbed Amy by the arms, forcing her the opposite way. "Control yourself, child!" He hissed at her.

  "Let go of her," I shouted, undoing the invisibility and pulling his arm off, nearly breaking his wrist in response. "C'mon we need to--"

  "Stop," a bored, familiar voice said, making Amy and I go stiff. Francesco stepped into our vision, his eyes a bright yellow, similar to mine's when--

  Oh my god.

  "You're a interesting human," Francesco said causally, walking over. "You're blood. It's different." He caressed my cheek with his long fingernail. "It's very... Delicious. You wouldn't mind if I had a bit more, would you?"

  A growl rose from my throat and my eyes went yellow too, "Release us," I commanded, but his power didn't waver.

  "You're abilities are also interesting," he commented, going over to Amy. "I found them earlier around dawn. I was singing a short tune, and suddenly one of our students dropped dead."

  Amy gave a small gasp, and I clenched my teeth. "It was quite unfortunate, you see," he continued. "She was such a
pretty girl," he sighed and played on the ends of my hair. "Oh well. Mother was going to disposed of her anyway." He let go, and looked at me, "She is quite eager to meet you two. In fact, she is coming down now."

  "This is your last chance," I groaned, glaring heavily at the man. "Release. Us."

  "Or what?" He laughed, staring at me playfully. "There's nothing you can--"

  He was cut off by me kicking him in the crotch. Unsuspecting this, he fell to his knees. Swiftly, I kicked him in the head, and he fell to the ground, groaning painfully. I turned to Carlo and punched him, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

  Amy gasped, and I caught her, "You could move?" Amy asked as I wrapped her arm around my neck.

  "Yeah. When I activated it the first time, it nullified his ability," I explained, as we quickly ran to the exit. Amy was much weaker, since she had been under his influence for longer than I had. "Just had to wait for the right-- shit."

  We stopped because the exit was being blocked by Vampire girls. I turned to see the other exit being closed in as well. The woman from earlier stepped out and glared at us. "Psychic paper," she scoffed. "Did you really think that would work on me?" One of the Vampire girls moved to help Francesco.

  "We were hoping," I shrugged. The girls pulled me away from Amy, and grabbed our arms. I glared at them and they hissed back. Fighting back was useless, seeing that we were obviously outnumbered.

  They dragged us to a cellar. My eyes widen when I see two metal chair with leather straps and plastic medical bags. I quickly pull back, not wanting to enter the room. My breathing quickens and I slammed my feet into the ground. "Let go! Let go of me!!" I screamed. No! Not again!!

  Amy looked at me as I was placed into the chair, my arms strapped down. I felt a sharp prick in my neck, and a few seconds later, my body went stiff. "Paralysis shot," the woman said, with a smug grin. "Enough to hold off a large animal."

  "Leave her alone!" Amy shouted as they strapped her and I to the chair, gagging me around the mouth for extra precaution.

  "Now that that's taken care of," The woman clapped her hands and the girls left the room after they had set everything up, leaving us four. "Where are you from? Did you fall through the Chasm?"

  "Mother this is pointless," he sighed impatiently, his eyes not leaving my body the ever since we've entered. "Let's just start the process and--"

  "Hold your tongue, Francesco," she interrupted him. "I need to know what this girl is doing in a world of savages with psychic paper. Who are you with? You see, I scarcely believe your idiot brother sent you. What are you doing in my school?"

  "Okay, I'll tell you!" Amy said, glancing at me hesitantly. "I'm from Ofsted."

  The woman glared at her, "Oh, make sport of me, will you? Tease me as if I were your dog?" She -- ironically -- growled, "Well, this dog has a bite, girl."

  "Mother," Francesco spoke up, striding over to me, where my eyes were set into a dangerous glare and my chest heaving in quick, panicky breathes. There was no way out. Even if I controlled the metal, it would still be useless, he could just bend it back. Besides, if I did get out, they'd surely use Amy as a hostage, and I would be in a tough situation. Not to mention the Paralysis poison, which does not seem to be wearing off anytime soon.

  "If I may, can I have the first drink of this one?" He asked politely, grabbing my chin tightly, squishing my cheeks. "She's quite irresistible, you see. I've held myself back all this time, but I believe I'm at my limit."

  "Do go ahead," she shrugged carelessly. "We only need this one. You may drink her dry if you like, but please save some for me."

  The man smiled, "Of course, Mother." With that he bit into my neck, and I suppressed a scream. I felt him drain the blood from my system, moaning in delight. I tried to move and struggle away, but the Paralysis was strong, only having me to occasionally twitch my fingers and sometimes arm.

  Soon, the green room began to haze and blur together and my ears began to ring loudly. I saw something enter the room, and someone else pick me up quickly before everything went black.


  I woke up groggily to a white room. The air smelt sterile and there was a annoying mechanical--

  I jumped up, going to the back of my pants for my knife. I saw the Doctor flipping casually through a book, not even sparing a glance at me. After watching him for a few seconds, then glancing at the door, to see it was closed shut, I sighed, and lied back on the bed.

  "You lost much more blood," the Doctor noted. "You almost died."

  "But I didn't," I gave him wink, but he looked at me seriously.

  "When I was helping you earlier, I found these." he went behind him and pulled out several knives. They were all different. Some were kitchen knives, others were makeshift ones out of the scrap metals I had found in Guido, Isabella's father, home. "Want to explain why they were on you?"

  "I wasn't going to run into the School o' Vampires unarmed," I explained, crossing my arms, and looking away.

  "Hazel we went over this," he sighed. "You don't have to be a walking, talking arsenal."

  "Sorry," I apologized, running a hand through my hair. "I just..."

  "You need to start trusting me," he said seriously. "I won't let anything happen to you, but if you won't let me, then I can't."

  "And what if when you're not there? What if I was alone and was attacked? Doctor, you're not Superman. You can't be everywhere at once," I sighed. "Besides, it wasn't like I was going to go up and kill someone. They were for self-defense."

  "Hazel, you don't need these, even if they are for self-defense. You're fourteen! You should be going out. Being a teenager! Enjoying life."

  I laughed bitterly, "You know I can't do that?"

  "Why not?"

  "Well, first of all, bird kids aren't exactly a concept ready for society yet. I can't even go outside without looking over my shoulder for Erasers. Besides... I'm a freak. I was a mistake and shouldn't even be alive."

  "Don't say that," he growled.

  "It's true!" I cried, "I'm defective! I was supposed to die a few days after they first tested on me! I could never have a normal life, even if I wanted to..."

  Then, his large arms wrapped around my body, pulling me into a strong hug. "Hazel, you're not defective," he assured. "Don't ever say that. You are a beautiful living girl in this universe. You are the most amazing human I've ever lived to know. Know why?" I didn't answer, and he poked me in the chest. "You've got two, brilliant wings on your back, which doesn't make you a freak. It makes you unique, and unique is good."

  I didn't saw anything for a while, until finally, we pulled away. I looked at the ground, and brought my wing out, pulling it over my body, and in front of him. "What-why did you--"

  "You can touch it," I interrupted. He gave me a strange look and I added, "I never let anyone willingly touch my wings."

  His eyes fractioned. He hesitantly stretched out a hand so that he could touch my black-and-brown feather wing, when...

  "Hazel! You're awake!!" Amy shouted, making me jump and recoil against the bed. I saw that she was with Rory, both wearing different clothes.

  I sighed, calming myself down, and looked at her. "Why do you have your wings out?" She questioned, sitting at the foot of the bed.

  "No reason," I shrugged, not sparing a glance at the Doctor's disappointed face.

  "Can I..." Rory spoke up hesitantly. "Uhm... Can I to--"

  "No," I denied instantly, my voice harsh, and threatening. He looked away and I glared at him.

  An awkward silence rang through the air. I turned to the Doctor, "Where are we going next? And, can I suggest a place with no Vampires in the area?"

  He rolled his eyes, "Actually, I was going to take Amy and Rory to the Delai Galaxy. It's a really good vacationing spot and--"

  "What about me?" I frowned, "You said you were taking Amy and Rory...?"

  "Well, you're going to stay here," he explained. "In bed. Where no more Vampires can suck your blo
od out, that I know of."


  "Because," he gave me a firm look, "You need to rest. First you have a Angel in your mind, then you're having your blood sucked out by fish!" Fish? "You've been through alot. Therefore, as your Doctor, I demand that you stay here and relax."

  I frowned at him, "It wasn't that much blood," I pouted.

  "It was a lot of blood," he said.

  I sighed, "Fine. I'll stay here, you three go have fun. Bring me back a souvenir or something."

  The Doctor grinned, "See, that's the spirit!"

  I rolled my eyes, "Just go." Amy smiled and the three of them left the room, discussing their plans, leaving me by myself.

  After sitting in my room for a few minutes, of just sitting there, I reluctantly decided to lie down, and let sleep and exhaustion consume me.




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