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Hot Hits

Page 6

by Harry Blue

  ‘Fancy an ice cream?’ asked Roger.

  ‘Yeh. There’s plenty of cafes to choose from.’

  They returned to the seafront, and entered a restaurant that had an ice cream dispenser outside, having already looked at the menu and seen that it had a very wide choice. They quickly found a table, looked at the menu again, and then the waitress was standing next to them.

  ‘What can I get you’ she asked with a smile.

  ‘How did you know that we were English?’ asked Sue.

  ‘Ah, that’s easy. You were holding hands as you entered, and there’s not many other nationalities that do that. So, what type of ice cream can I get you?’

  ‘You see that over there’, said Sue, pointing at a couple in the window. ‘I’d like what she’s having, please.’

  ‘Dame Blanche. And for you?’ asked the waitress, looking at Roger.

  ‘I’ll have what he’s having please.’

  She went away, as they both looked at the couple in the window. She was eating a sundae that looked superb. It had chocolate ice cream in the bottom half of the dish, a lighter ice cream in the top half, and as well as two wafers it had some kind of chocolate topping. He had something that looked as if it was strawberry based, was in an extra large dish, and it seemed as if it had some kind of sorbet mixed in with the strawberry ice cream. The service was so fast and efficient that they had it before them within five minutes, so they were soon tucking in.

  ‘What’s your like?’ asked Sue.

  ‘Fantastic. Want to try some?’

  ‘Hmm. Yes please.’

  Roger took a spoonful, and placed it very slowly and carefully in her mouth. When he had withdrawn the spoon, he then wiped her bottom lip with it, making the lip messy.

  Sue leaned forward. ‘You had better make it all clean again.’

  ‘My pleasure.’ Roger also leaned forward, licking his lips first, then kissing Sue full on the lips, deliberately being messy, missing slightly so he was able to lick her lips so he could remove the excess. He made it last, performing the task very slowly.

  ‘I have a messy mouth as well.’

  ‘No you haven’t’ said Sue

  ‘I really really have. I have been such a messy boy.’ He moved his head forward, pouting his lips.

  Sue exaggerated her reply. ‘Oh, all right then.’

  She leaned forward, licked his lips, said nothing, then continued with her delicious ice cream. When they had finished they both sat back, replete, using the paper napkins to clean their own mouths. Roger paid the bill, so they left, continuing their stroll. They returned to the hotel, went to their own rooms to retrieve their instruments, so they could go to the bandstand for the rehearsal. They were not the last to arrive, with their leader standing waiting. Cedric allocated their chairs, so they sat, waiting, for the practice to begin. That soon came, they warmed their lips, looked at the music, and the rehearsal began. They soon gained an audience, and it was obvious to Roger that the newer members were a good addition, as they seemed to be more than competent and certainly an improvement on the previous standard. Maybe, just maybe, he was joining a half decent band. He hadn’t asked anyone before, just assumed that they were playing in a competition, so was surprised when the rehearsal ended after an hour with no other band waiting to play at the bandstand.

  ‘Is this just a gig?’ he asked Sue.

  ‘Yes,’ she replied, in a way that she thought he had known this all along.

  ‘Wish I had known, I would not be here for free. I would have insisted on getting some kind of fee as well as expenses.’

  ‘But we all play for the love of playing. It’s for the good of the band, and Mr. Thomas always says that there’s no money to be made out of it, the expenses are only just covered.’

  ‘Hmm,’ said Roger, thoughtfully. ‘Not too sure about that. I would have thought that a band coming over from England would command a fee in excess of £1,000 for a weekend, plus expenses.’

  ‘What makes you think that?’

  ‘Something I’ve picked up over the years, listening to what I have been told. It’s usually a fee not including expenses, that’s for sure, with the band players usually taking away roughly fifty pounds minimum to cover themselves. Don’t forget that bands are very popular in Europe, especially British bands, who’ve usually got a good reputation. Still, what do I know?’

  They returned to the hotel for a buffet dinner, which was waiting for them. Then it was back to their rooms to change into their uniforms. Roger looked really hunky in his. The jacket was quite tight, showing off his muscles, and he could possibly have managed with a larger size, but that was the only one available at reasonably short notice. He had a new one on order, though. He and Sue made a good looking couple as they wandered to the bandstand for the evening’s entertainment.

  Chapter Twelve

  Later that evening, when they had finished playing, Roger and Sue returned to the hotel to change into casual clothes. It was still early, so Roger was very quick, soon knocking on Sue’s door, which she opened very slowly, peering out with just her face showing.

  ‘I’m not ready yet.’

  ‘That’s okay, I’m not in any rush. I’ll come in and watch you get dressed.’

  Sue opened the door, and as he walked in he could see that she was completely naked. Her pert breasts were thrusting out at him, with the nipples erect. He managed to take his eyes further down her body, seeing the pubic bush in perfect symmetry. They had only had sex the two previous occasions, when it had been dark both times, so this was the first time that he had seen her full, naked, and unadorned body in its wonderful glory. He could only stand there, open-mouthed, as he took in the fantastic sexual beauty. And it was all for him.

  Sue said slowly ‘by the look on your face, I suspect that going out is going to be slightly delayed.’ She proceeded to look up to him, and then placed her arms around the back of his neck, reaching up on tiptoe. She kissed him long and slow, opening her mouth so her tongue could roll around in his, caressing his teeth, loving his mouth moisture, making this moment last as long as possible. His hands were by his side, but not for long, as he placed them on her hips, pressing her naked body close to his clothed one. His erection was already big, and they stood there in each others’ arms, embracing lightly, for as long as she could stand the tension, before she took her arms away, placing them on his trouser zip, slowly releasing the metal. Now there was a gap, his prick was still enclosed in his pants, but not for long as she released it, immediately going on her knees to take him orally. This was the ultimate male fantasy for him, standing still dressed, as a gorgeous naked woman took his erection as far as she could into her very willing mouth. He knew that although she was doing an excellent job, he could last for quite a lot longer, and though no word was spoken, intuitively she also knew. She stopped after a while, took his polo shirt by the bottom and tried to raise it above his head, but wasn’t sufficiently tall so he assisted her. He quickly shrugged his trousers and loafers off, no socks. And there he stood in front of this beautiful sexy woman, completely naked as well. Sue was breathing quite fast by this time, as she demanded he share the pleasure. Saying nothing, she took his left hand and placed it on her left buttock. The right she guided between her legs, opening them to assist his entrance. Needing no second bidding, Roger, worked two fingers around her clitoris, the index finger slowly going into her hole as the moisture was released, the next finger working round the entrance until she was moaning and writhing with ultimate pleasure. He had found her G spot. Both fingers worked well together, one performing its task, the other doing its duty, with his spare hand pressing her body into his fingers. Suddenly she became a lot wetter, as she approached her climax, and before he could stop her from coming, his fingers were very wet indeed. She went rigid, as she came, then relaxed, her weight going into both hands. Roger kissed her pa
ssionately, then lowered her onto the bed.

  He opened her legs some more, this time so his mouth could be accommodated.

  ‘Not more. I can’t stand it’.

  ‘I think you can, especially as you’re so wet.’

  Roger worked his tongue around her willing clitoris, and immediately finding her G spot again with his finger. He used his same two fingers, this time under where his tongue was previously, not too close to her anus, as he didn’t know how receptive she would be to this area of intimacy, but working the tongue and fingers round and round until he popped his tongue as deep inside her hole as he possibly could. His reward was a steady moaning from Sue, as she got closer to her second climax. Her legs were wide open to receive him, and as soon as she shouted out his name as she came, he was inside her, maintaining the motion of the sexual union. Her eyes were wide open as she received his throbbing cock, scarcely believing how big he was and how easily she had been able to take him inside her. With eyes opened wider with every thrust, each time he went deeper inside, until he couldn’t go in any further. Her legs were as wide open as they could possibly be to accommodate his every jerking movement, she was as wet as she could possibly be, with his prick slipping and sliding inside her very willing and accommodating love box. He knew that his release would not be far away, and then there was a rumble in his throat as he knew that he was about a dozen thrusts away from the end. His prick just knew that the come was going to be released, it was instinctive, and then, right before the final stroke, he took himself out, using his hand to assist the milky fluid’s exit onto her very willing body. More and more seemed to come out, the first ejaculation reaching as far as her throat, the next her willing breasts, the rest making her stomach. Finally, his semi-erect prick rested on the pubic hairs, with a little trickle.

  ‘Why did you come out. I wanted to have you inside me for as long as possible.’

  He answered slowly, still trying to recover his breath and composure. ‘Because you wouldn’t thank me if you were going to wear something short and sexy tonight. Your panties would hardly absorb all I’ve just given you, and you would be squelching along Ostend seafront, sitting in the cafe, having dinner, with my come still releasing. You see, I am a very considerate lover.’

  Chapter Thirteen

  Barbara, the blue eyed blonde, was the new member of the band. She had been brought in by the owners of the Club Sadist to keep an eye on their investment in the band, and to check that Rick Thomas and his sidekick Cedric were performing correctly. The two club owners were very secretive and careful men, who chose their staff with great care. Barbara was well known to one of the owners, with a good reputation built on an excellent record of past successes.

  She was now 27, had been a professional contract killer for eight years, and never failed on a commission.

  Barbara had many assets, but her main one was her looks. She was only 5ft 5in tall, quite slim and ultra fit. She always worked out wherever she went, if there wasn’t a gym available then she went for long runs. Her natural blonde hair was shoulder length, which she usually kept in a pony tail, only releasing to flow naturally when she wanted to create an impression for one reason of another.

  She had been brought up in South London to a good quality family, with her father as a family doctor marrying his nurse. Barbara was an only child, receiving a better education than most. This had included the arts, with music a speciality, and physical education, where she had excelled at close combat. This is something that she had continued into adulthood, attending classes at her local club. She was never outstanding, but more than competent. She kept her weight to 8stones, or 60 kilos, so she was always able to look good in clothes. As far as her family were concerned, Barbara’s job as a personal assistant to an anonymous executive meant that she was only ever available on her mobile, going away on business trips when in reality she was on a contract of one kind or another, as she was now. Barbara had a series of mobiles, one for family and friends, the other a series of throw aways with sim cards that were frequently disposed of. She was a very careful young woman. She had started her unusual career in a strange way.

  Barbara was at a local university, not one of the better ones, but more than sufficient, not knowing what she wanted to do for a career, when she had been attending her usual weekly exercise class, afterwards showering. She overheard two of the other young women in the changing rooms talking about a local case.

  ‘That man who was released by the police three months ago on the rape charge has come to live in one of the flats in my house,’ said the first young woman. ‘I am really frightened, because he has been getting pissed and boasting about what he has got away with.’

  ‘That’s terrible,’ replied her friend. ‘Can’t your boyfriend do something about it?’

  ‘He would, but wants the law to take its course, instead of being a vigilante.’

  ‘That’s the trouble with the country these days. Some low life like him gets away with rape, brags about it, returns to the community, and no-one does anything about it. And when and if he ever comes before a court, they won’t do anything, just give him a slap on the wrist.’

  ‘I’m scared to live in the flat now, so will probably move, just to get away from him,’ said the first girl.

  ‘The trouble is,’ continued her friend, ‘the problem won’t go away until he does it again, and even then he might not get caught.’

  Barbara had been changing, and on impulse decided to leave the gym at the same time as the first young woman, the one who lived in the same building as the rapist. Even though she usually kept an open mind, this time she had no doubt that he was guilty, from what she had heard, and had empathy for what the woman was talking about. She followed her back to her flat, and as she was still wearing her gym clothes she didn’t stand out, with the other woman having no idea that she was being followed. After about fifteen minutes she found herself in a familiar street about five roads away from her own house, so the close proximity of the rapist gave her even more cause for concern. It was a lovely road, with large houses either side that had not so far been knocked down and changed into blocks of flats. Some of the houses were still lived in by large families, so children were around as well. It got worse.

  Barbara carried on walking when her ‘friend’ walked into number 16, then went home and immediately went onto the internet. She googled in the local paper for three months previously, immediately finding the record of the rape. There was a photo fit of the alleged perpetrator, which she printed out.

  Barbara then googled in the latest census, which showed that the owners lived on the ground and first floors, with the top floor rented out to two occupants, one a female who was obviously the one from the gym, and a male with the name of Moussa Sempele. His occupation was given as student.

  At that time Barbara was still living at home with her parents, so told them that night that she was going out to see a new boyfriend. They were pleased, because so far she hadn’t shown a great deal of interest in bringing anyone home to meet them. It was a spring evening, light warm weather, so she dressed in light slacks, comfortable smart top, with a leather jacket. She didn’t like to wear trainers, as her mother was bound to criticise her going out on a date with nothing suitable on her feet, so wore smart lace-up shoes that matched her outfit. She had also decided to call herself Tracy while in her new personaility, as it was such a nice, anonymous name that she had always liked.

  Dressed and with personality to satisfy mother, Barbara left the house with a bottle of handy water, a quality camera, and the photofit of the rapist in her bag. She managed to park quite close to number 16, and sat there, just patiently waiting, but no success. By the time that eleven o’clock came round, she was desperate for a pee, but no sign of her quarry. Barbara was determined however, so went round for the next three nights, giving her mother the same pretext. She had already decided to use this subterf
uge as long as necessary, and then dump her imaginary boyfriend when expedient.

  The fourth night of her vigil gave results, as she saw Sempele come out within five minutes of her arrival. She waited for him to turn the corner, then quickly got out, locked her car, and followed. He didn’t go far, to the Wagon and Horses pub two streets away. This was a very popular pub for people to have meals, and Barbara was hungry. She had her newspaper in her bag, so ordered some food and a glass of wine, finding a table not far from Sempele, who was still alone, standing at the bar. She took out her Daily Mail, started reading, and was not particularly surprised when her quarry came and sat next to her. Even though she was wearing sensible, anonymous clothing, she also knew that she was attractive to men. She wore a high necked jumper, low heels, hair tied severely back, with the whole impression of anonymity as she didn’t want anyone to remember that she had been in his company. The pub was reasonably busy, and she had found the last unoccupied table, so it was not unreasonable for him to sit at her table as well.

  ‘May I join you?’ he asked

  ‘I’m not expecting anyone, but I prefer my own company’ she replied in a tone that was not dismissive, on the other hand certainly not welcoming. She continued reading her paper. Barbara had purchased a pair of reading glasses, the weakest possible, trying to change her appearance as much as possible.

  He said nothing, looking at her now and again, with no-one sitting at the table as well. After a while her food arrived, so she stopped reading. She had ordered a cheese omelette with a side salad, French dressing, and was quite content to eat away, minding her own business, confident that she knew how the evening would develop. After a while he commented

  ‘That looks good. I think I’ll have it next time.’


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