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Lovell, Cooper - Tessa's Highlander (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 15

by Cooper Lovell

  Tessa smiled and said to Marlena, “You’re right. I’m being silly. They’re just pictures. But do me a favor and don’t let Gavan see them. I want to surprise him with this one.”

  Marlena smiled and winked at her. “Honey, I think he’s going to love it.”

  * * * *

  Three weeks later, Tessa struggled to get through the door with grocery bags and a large, flat, package wrapped in brown paper. She set the bags in the kitchen and placed the package next to the sofa. She ran up the steps to find Gavan working in her closet.

  He stood as she approached and she launched herself into his arms, kissed him, then looked around the closet.

  “Wow, it looks great! I can’t wait to be able to reach things without pulling out a ladder.”

  Gavan kissed her forehead. “Another day or two, lass. Do you need help with bags?”

  Tessa shook her head. “No, not with bags. But I got a photo I’d like to hang if you want to help with that.”

  He grabbed his hammer and smiled. “At your service, milady.”

  She showed him where she wanted the photo to hang and stood back while he completed the task she could have easily done herself. But that wouldn’t have been any fun at all. Besides, she liked watching his muscles ripple when he worked.

  He stepped back and held out his hand. “Okay, where’s the photo?”

  Tessa picked it up from next to the couch and handed it to him. At first, he was concentrating on getting the wire on the hook and the level of the frame so he didn’t notice the subject right away. When he finally looked at the picture he made an inarticulate sound.

  “Ga! What is this?” he exclaimed.

  Tessa snickered, half out of elation, half out of nervousness. She took a breath. “That’s us, honey. Can’t you tell?”

  He leaned in and looked closer. “Lass, you’re, well, you’re breathtaking in this.”

  She smiled. “Yeah, well, you’re not so bad yourself, handsome.”

  She took another breath, still not sure exactly how he felt about the picture.

  “When I was looking at the roughs that day, this was my favorite. We’re just so completely absorbed in each other. Like we were really in the middle—”

  He cut her off, not taking his gaze from the photograph. “I’m just taking you, possessing you, and you’re loving every minute of it. You’re so small and I’m hulking over you. There’s a real sense of menace about it, isn’t there?”

  Sensing that perhaps he wasn’t thrilled with their portrayal, she started lining up defenses for the picture, but before she could voice them, he said, “I like it. I like it a lot.”

  He turned to her and grinned wickedly. “Tell me, will this one make it inta the magazine?”

  Tessa nodded. “Yeah. Marlena called it the money shot. It’s what they picked to be the centerfold.”

  He grinned wider and pulled her to him. “Good. This picture captured exactly what I wanted your fans tae see. You’re still you. Strong, independent, beautiful, and a little wicked. But now, I’m in the picture. And you’re all mine. Nobody else’s. And I, my beautiful High Priestess, am at your service. Use me as you will.”

  He swooped down to kiss her and her mind wandered to all the women out there who would soon be coveting her man.


  Eighteen months later…

  “Gavan, honey, really. I’m fine. You’re gonna give yourself a heart attack.”

  He pursed his lips as he looked at her, as if to say, “Oh, silly girl,” on his way to the SUV that he’d pulled around to the front door, carrying her bag. Rolling her eyes, she started to walk to the door.

  Gavan slammed the cargo door and sprinted back to the house.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing?” he asked with the same tone he would have used if she had a twelve-inch knife poised to plunge into someone’s chest.

  She put her hands on her hips and looked up at him. “I think I’m walking to the truck. Why? What are you doing besides running around like a lunatic?”

  He took a deep breath and pushed his hand through his hair. “I think I’m taking my beautiful wife tae the hospital tae have our babes.”

  * * * *

  Since the moment she’d brought it up as they sat by the fire after dinner, he’d been in hyperdrive.

  Called the doctor with every contraction.

  Brought her eighty glasses of water.

  Reviewed Lamaze until she thought she’d bop him.

  Rubbed her feet, hands, arms, back, neck, and belly, which was nice at first, but then he got a little frenetic.

  She almost didn’t want to tell him when the contractions got close enough to take action. She was afraid of what he’d do. And she’d been right. When the poor doctor, on the other end of the phone for the umpteenth time that night, said it was time to bring her in, Gavan slammed the phone down and flew up the stairs.

  Tessa just watched from the couch.

  She had never seen him out of control like this. Gavan was normally calm, strong, and stoic. His very out-of-character behavior made her giggle. In a moment he flew back down to her.

  “What do you need me tae get for you. I know you’ve got a bag all ready. Do you need anything else?”

  She smiled at him. “Other than my coat and shoes, everything’s in the bag. Robe, jammies, toiletries, focus object, music, picture of us in Scotland with your family, list of phone numbers, and all our paperwork.”

  He nodded once. “Right. I’ll get your bag.”

  He flew back up the steps, taking them three at a time.

  With more than a little trouble, Tessa managed to get herself off the couch, winning no points for grace, and started to bank the fire.

  When Gavan got to the top of the stairs he yelled, “What are you doing? I’ll do that. Ya shoul’na be doing that.”

  Tessa shook her head and put the poker in the holder. “Too late, it’s done,” she said as she drew the screens across.

  In an instant he was by her side, helping her to one of the chairs at the dining table.

  “Please, Tessa. Just keep your little arse in this seat till I pull the car around front, then I’ll be back in for you.”

  She moaned when he said this. Her arse was far from little these days. She’d known her body would change with pregnancy, that things would naturally get bigger. But on their second visit to the obstetrician they were informed that Tessa was carrying twins. As a result, every change in her body happened doubly. The fact that Gavan would barely let her move anywhere on her own steam didn’t help matters. If he saw her even attempt to waddle more than five steps, he ran to her to pick her up and transport her.

  As sweet and adorable as he was, there were times that he made her crazy. And tonight he was doing it in spades.

  All the times in between though, she was a pampered, attended, much-loved woman. From the moment he learned she was carrying his baby, his love for her kicked into overdrive. The news that the baby was actually babies doubled his attentions. He kept a huge and various supply of foods and drinks she might crave. He slept so lightly that if she moved, he was awake and out of bed to ask what she needed. When her belly started to swell to the point that normal activities became trying, he bathed her, washed her hair, shaved her legs, smoothed lotion on her skin, and helped her dress. She received daily massages from him. At least three times a day, he forced her to relax while he stroked her belly and talked to the little lives growing within her, mostly telling them about Scotland, the future, and how their parents met, Uncle Jaime’s doing, and fell in love.

  In her fourth month, it became obvious that Gavan had no intention whatsoever of leaving their home to go to work. Tessa decided to keep him and Jaime busy with creating a nursery and a guest suite in the house, as well as finish the spacious apartment above the barn so Gavan’s family could come to stay for extended visits once the twins were born.

  At six months, Gavan decided that Tessa should never be left alone because the size
of her belly had grown to be very cumbersome. Unfortunately for her, Jaime, Alex, and Marlena all agreed and were willing co-conspirators in this theory, so she hadn’t spent one minute alone since.

  She loved them for their good intentions, but she was sick to death of each and every one of them.

  A blush crept over her when she thought about his appetite for her since she’d become pregnant as well. Even though she spent many days feeling less than attractive as her stomach grew with the twins, Gavan seemed to find her more alluring with every passing day and every gained pound. He couldn’t keep his hands and eyes off her. He never tired of sliding into her from behind, standing, lying down, in the shower, wherever he could while stroking her swollen belly. It was like he reveled in her body and worshipped the changes it was undergoing. If he happened to catch her looking down at her swelling abdomen or running her hand across it, he became a man possessed. Tessa would be ushered to a chair or the couch or the bed, where Gavan would bury his face between her legs to bring her to climax as he whispered how much he loved her into her wet folds.

  All of his doting didn’t go unnoticed by the others. Jaime teased Gavan mercilessly about how such a big, intimidating man could turn into a puddle of sentimental, blubbering mush every time he was asked about Tessa and the babies.

  She watched now in disbelief as one by one, he pulled each of their five vehicles to the front of the house, only to return the first four to the garage because it wasn’t right for some reason. Ride too rough, seats too hard, not safe enough, and finally, the best one of all, the Avalanche just didn’t feel like something a pregnant woman should ride to the hospital in. Tessa guessed he settled on the Expedition because, unless he was ready to start saddling up the horses, he was out of options.

  She sighed.

  She watched him trot from the Expedition to the house.

  “All ready?”

  Just to be sure, Tessa took a second to think since this wouldn’t be the best time to forget something important. Her eyes widened.

  “We didn’t call Jaime. He has to be there.”

  Gavan ran for the phone and handed it to her. “Aye, he’ll be a help tae me, too.”

  Jaime answered on the second ring. “Hello?”

  “Hey, I just wanted to let you know we’re on our way to the hospital.”

  Jaime whooped. “Cool. I’ll meet you there. Tessa? How are you? You okay?”

  “I’m fine, thanks. It’s gonna be fine.”

  “Uh huh. And how’s the big guy?”

  Tessa laughed. “Yeah, that’s a whole different story. I think he might live through it, but it’s kind of touch and go right now.”

  She smiled at him sweetly as he gave her the best glare he could manage. He’d good-naturedly accepted being the butt of the siblings’ “frantic pregnant daddy” jokes since they’d learned she was pregnant.

  “Okay, then. We’ll see you there.”

  Tessa handed Gavan the phone and he hustled to the base to replace the handset. He carried her bag out to the truck and turned just in time to see Tessa walking out the front door. He returned to her side in an instant, lifted her into his arms, and carried her to the truck.

  “Gavan, really, I’m capable of walking. I wish you wouldn’t treat me like I can’t do anything.” She was ready to kill him and he just kept walking with her in his arms, grinning like a fool.

  Once he had her settled into the passenger seat, Gavan leaned in and raised his hand to her face, softly brushing her cheek with his fingertips. He pressed his lips to hers and licked his tongue across them to taste her, to drink her in. He pulled away and his dark amber eyes danced and twinkled with tears welling in them.

  “Tessa. I love you. I love you. I love you. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world, when you’re my tiny little, hot-headed firecracker giving me hell for who knows what or when you’re big with my babes and everywhere in between. I can’no wait tae raise our family together. Birthdays, school plays, holidays, cuts, bruises, laughter, and tears. These two little babes are the perfect blend of both of us together, the embodiment of our love, and I can’t wait tae hold them in my arms and love them.”

  Tessa’s tears rolled freely down her cheeks. She would always be amazed at his ability to melt her with his well-timed, sincere eloquence.

  “Oh, Gavan, I love you, too.”

  Gavan leaned his forehead to touch hers.

  “Deep down, I’d like sons, but two smaller versions of you would definitely keep me on my toes.”

  They laughed and sniffled together. Gavan shut her door and ran to his side of the truck to jump in.

  * * * *

  Just over thirteen hours later, Jaime entered the room, balloons, bouquet, and teddy bears in hand. Tessa looked exhausted but more beautiful than he’d ever seen her. His best friend, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed beside her, was smiling like the biggest loon he’d ever seen. They each held a baby in their arms.

  “Jaime, brother, meet your nephews,” Gavan said proudly.

  Jaime stepped to Gavan to gaze down at the brown-haired wailer with stormy gray eyes. He turned then and leaned toward Tessa to stroke the cheek of the blond boy, eyes already tinged with a touch of dark amber, quietly cooing in her arms.

  “What are their names?” Jaime asked, kissing Tessa’s cheek, smiling at her with pride.

  Tessa grinned. “Well, this is Greer Mackenzie Murdoch and Gavan’s got Jaimeson Danvers Murdoch.”

  Jaime’s eyes opened wide.

  “We’ll be calling him Jaime,” Tessa said.

  Jaime turned and Gavan handed him his namesake with a wink. “It’s the least we coul’ do, man. After all, if it weren’t for you, they probably woul’na be here.”

  After gooing and gahing at the twins for a sufficient amount of time, they put the sleeping babies in their cribs.

  “Gavan, I called your family as soon as you guys went in and they said they’d be leaving for the airport within an hour. They’ve been checking the flight schedules every day for two months waiting for this,” Jaime said with a chuckle.

  Gavan nodded. “Aye, I think they might be just a little excited about this. You didn’t mention twins, did you?”

  Tessa chimed in. “Ooo, yeah, we want that to be a surprise when they get here.”

  Jaime shook his head. “Nope. Not a word. They have no idea.”

  As he bent to plant a kiss on Tessa’s forehead, Jaime wished her good night.

  “They’re so beautiful, Tessa. And I’m so proud of you.”

  She smiled up at him, her eyes nearly closed from exhaustion.

  He and Gavan exchanged those big, slap-on-the-back hugs that men do, and Jaime congratulated him again.

  Bending over the twins, he lightly stroked each of their cheeks with his index finger and whispered, “Good night, little men. I can’t wait to teach you two all kinds of mischievous things to make your mommy and daddy go gray prematurely.”

  At the door, he paused and turned back. Tessa was already asleep, curled up against Gavan, who was happily gazing over at his sons while he absentmindedly traced his fingers up and down Tessa’s arm.



  I love to read, always have. There have been times when I’ve been reading several books at once and was so caught up in them that when I finished one, I’d find myself wondering what some of the characters were up to that day. Eventually, I discovered that romance novels ain’t what they used to be and, thanks to the almighty internet, there’s a whole new world of erotic romance out there. I think because I read so many of them, they started to spill over and my own ideas just clambered to get out. So, here I am.

  I don’t think I’d be able to decide between curling up under Grandma’s afghan with a cup of hot chocolate to read a book or sitting on the beach with my toes digging in the sand to read a book as my favorite way to spend a day.

  I live just outside Philadelphia with my husband of 17 years, two humongous dogs an
d a cat who thinks she’s a dog, too.

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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