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Fantasy Warrior

Page 10

by Jaylee Davis

  “No. I can’t think when you kiss me.”

  A sly, sexy smile appeared beneath her touch. “That’s bad?” His soft lips and warm breath caressed her finger.

  “No. Yes. Stop confusing me.”

  Kord straightened, threw his head back and gave a throaty laugh. The sound of it warmed her to the bone, and she relaxed. Unable to help herself, she leaned against him and sighed. She trusted him, maybe even loved him. He thought they were meant to be together. Pam had never believed in love at first sight or the idea of a perfect soul mate. It was ridiculous. Yet, there she was, wrapped in the arms of an over-amorous alien who thought they were mates.

  “I don’t understand, Kord. I feel things for you, but I shouldn’t. It’s not right.”

  He heaved a great sigh that sounded full of regret. Pam looked at him. His jaw clenched for a moment, then relaxed before he ushered her back to the bed. Once they were settled, he took her hand and gently held it.

  “Doesn’t my claiming scent appeal to you?”

  “You smell wonderful. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “It’s meant to have a powerful effect on our mates to ensure they can’t resist us.”

  Pam stiffened and tried to pull away. His grip tightened, and she shot him an angry look, but he didn’t release her.

  “You tried to drug me? With your…smell?” She couldn’t believe the implications.

  “Claiming scent. It’s a biological reaction. You trigged it the moment we touched each other. I have no control over it. Warriors have taken their mates this way since ancient times. For several years, we’ve taken a medication to suppress the reaction, because there are so many of us and too few Tauran females. I was on the drug when we met. It must not work as well with human females. Perhaps the dosage needs to be increased, but that’s something the medics will have to explore.”

  “Then this claiming thing will wear off, right? It can’t be real.” The whole thing was totally absurd. “People don’t just touch each other and bang. They’re mated for life.”

  Kord’s scowl was back in full force. Obviously, he didn’t agree with her.

  “We are mates,” he insisted. When she shook her head, he shrugged helplessly. “You’ve calmed a rage inside me that unmated warriors struggle to control every day, and if we’re apart for too long, you’ll go through a painful type of withdrawal. I need you as much as you need me.” His dark pleading gaze seemed to pierce straight into her soul. “You’re mine.”

  She couldn’t think. She needed time—days, weeks maybe. Years might not be long enough. His last declaration, you’re mine, rang in her ears.

  “You keep saying I’m yours. What do you mean?

  Kord swallowed hard. “It’s difficult to explain.”

  “Try,” Pam insisted.

  “It means you’re my reason for living now. My heart beats for you alone.” Kord dipped his head, looked away and fell silent, as if he struggled to find the words he needed. It pained her to watch such a strong giant of a male labor to explain his feelings, but there was something inside her that insisted on hearing it.

  “Go on,” she said softly and gripped his large hand tighter. He shot her a wary glance. In return, she gave him a brief encouraging smile, and his stiff demeanor relaxed a fraction.

  “You’re the missing piece, a part of me that makes me whole. I love you. For the first time in my life I know how it feels. It’s…fearsome.”

  Pam couldn’t hold back a surprised chuckle. He looked so perplexed and thankful all at the same time. Despite her reservations about his explanations she felt certain he believed every word.

  “Fearsome? That’s a strange description for love.”

  Kord scowled. “I’ve never known fear of any kind until now.” His expression softened. “I fear losing you.”

  You’ll never lose me. The words sprang to mind, but she stopped them before they tumbled out of her mouth. It was pure insanity to believe he loved her, and even crazier to think she was in love with him. Only a complete romantic dodo would fall for such a thing.

  Instead, she said, “Humans don’t fall in love that way.”

  “Neither do Taurans,” Kord countered, then shrugged. “It’s different for warriors. There have been several human females claimed by us. All were happy. At least that’s what we’ve been told.”

  “How did your people find them?”

  “Sometimes the Krell slavers take chances. They cross our border. If we detect them, our fleet captures them and rescues their captives. Some of the females were human.”

  “Why not return them to Earth?”

  “Impossible. We didn’t know your planet’s location. Even if we did, we couldn’t have brought them back. Your world is located within Alliance territory, and we’ve been at war with them for many years. Only recently have we formed a treaty. We work together to stop the slave traders, especially the ones who prey on your species.”

  “So the people who were taken last evening will be rescued?” Pam’s hopes soared.

  “Yes. We have the technology to locate and track the Krellian ships even while they’re submerged in your planet’s oceans. Once they attempt to leave the surface, we notify the Alliance with the coordinates and they intercept them.” A broad, sly grin spread across his face. “Don’t fear for your friends. They will be rescued very soon.”

  The news quieted her worries about Amanda and Sam, but not her concern about how her family would take her disappearance.

  “Kord, you have to send me home. My family will search for me and they won’t stop. I can’t stay here,” she pleaded, hoping to sway him.

  “No,” he said with a nasty snarl. “We’re mated and we’ll go to Pella together. You’re mine!”

  “That sounds pretty owner-ish to me!” Pam ripped her hand away from his and made a dash for the bathroom. She made it just in time to close the door in front of him before shouting, “And I’m not going anywhere with you!”

  A terrifying roar rang out from the other side, then all was quiet. Odd.

  She’d expected some cursing and pounding on the door type of male reaction. Instead, it seemed as if he wasn’t going to push the issue. In a way, she was a bit disappointed. The man who’d just told her he loved her and that she was his perfect match wasn’t willing to pursue her.

  She actually hated to admit it, but his lack of action hurt her feelings. Perhaps she should storm out there and confront him. The idea sounded appealing, but only until she realized she’d abandoned her blanket. She was naked, and she wasn’t going anywhere. She didn’t even know if there was a lock on the door. Her situation hadn’t improved.

  She glared at her reflection while contemplating her next move. Actually, she didn’t look too bad. The bruises on her face seemed to have faded just a bit along with most of the pain. Her bladder sent an urgent request for relief. Despite all her other problems, at least she was in a position to handle that one.

  Chapter Ten

  Kord stood in front of the closed bathroom, not sure of his next move. Surely his fellow warriors had heard him roar since the sounds in the hallway had quieted. He could hear Pam’s footsteps as she walked away from the door.

  He wondered why his mate had fled and hidden in the bathroom. If she managed to lock the door, he could easily open it by using his personal code. Since she was secure for the moment, he decided to give her some privacy and time to think. Perhaps she’d realize he’d spoken the truth about them.

  There was no way he could tolerate her leaving him. He knew it was a selfish attitude on his part since warriors always left their mates during times of war. Duty compelled them to do so. Their females simply waited in a safe place for them to return. Pam’s unwillingness to stay with him puzzled him, and the fact she didn’t believe him was more worrisome. It hurt.

  He backed away. Perhaps he should change his approach. Kord tried to think of a better way to explain their situation while he searched his wardrobe drawer for a clean pair of
trousers. Nothing came to mind as he dressed. Frustrated with his failure, he stormed over to the entryway of his quarters and slammed his palm against the opener. The door snapped aside. Flyn and Draven were already backing away from the opening as he stepped into the hallway.

  “Gacking stench,” Draven complained as he covered his nose and mouth with one hand while he stumbled backward.

  Flyn gagged and dashed down the hallway. Draven followed hot on his heels. They came to a stop at the far end and turned to look back.

  Kord closed the door before he burst out laughing. His clan bothers’ reaction went a long way to improving his dark mood. It was a shame the irritating component of his strong claiming scent would fade all too soon. He liked to see them run, especially away.

  Draven lowered his hand and his nostrils flared. “You stink!”

  “I’ve never scented anything so disgusting,” Flyn declared.

  “Maybe we’ll be running from you one day,” a familiar deep voice chimed in. Thoren rounded the corner and came to a quick stop in front of the two warriors. He took a testing breath and his lips pulled back in a grimace. “Definitely mated,” he said with a knowing chuckle.

  Obviously, his brothers had been listening to his activities. Kord couldn’t blame them since he would’ve done the same. His mate’s screams of pleasure and his own roars would’ve been difficult for any warrior to ignore.

  Thoren tossed a package down the corridor. It hit the deck about halfway and slid to a stop at Kord’s feet. He eyed it suspiciously.

  “I stopped by the ship’s outfitter on my way from the latest debriefing. It’s the smallest spacer uniform they had.” He grinned, saying, “Your mate will need clothing when the surgeon visits. Shall I summon him?”

  At first, his partner’s words confused him until understanding dawned. Of course! Pam would need to wear his mark on her wrist to prove she was his mate and that she was a legal citizen of the empire now. He’d forgotten to tell her. After their last words, he doubted she’d be happy about the requirement. He hoped he’d be able to convince her to willingly accept the tattoo. If not, Kord didn’t care to dwell on what might happen.

  “Not yet,” he admitted. At their bewildered expressions, he hastily added, “She needs to rest.” He spied a food tray on the bed nearest the door. It must’ve been the one Flyn and Draven had fought over. “And she should eat before the procedure.”

  Kord bent over and grabbed the package, tucked it under his arm, then picked up the tray. He turned to open the door, but before he could escape back into his quarters Thoren’s voice stopped him.

  “You haven’t told her about the tradition, have you,” he accused.

  Kord groaned. “We had a…disagreement,” he said with a growl of irritation.

  Audible gasps from all three males reached his ears. He could guess what they thought. It was unheard of. Mated females simply didn’t question their warrior mates. At least Tauran females didn’t. He easily overheard their whispered discussion.


  “This isn’t good. How can we live with females who challenge our decisions?”

  “It must be because they’re human.”

  “We need mates.”

  “We’re doomed.”

  “Maybe we can train them?”

  Kord rolled his eyes, and with a loud snarl, declared, “You’re all idiots!”

  He punched the door latch. It snapped open, and he stomped inside, relieved to leave his brothers to their worries. He had more than enough problems waiting for him.

  * * * *

  There was a slight chill to the room, and Pam hugged herself in hopes of stopping her shivers. She shouldn’t have run away without her blanket. She considered taking another “green goop shower” to help warm her. It’d seemed as if the cubicle was quite heated when she and Kord had bathed earlier. A nagging voice told her it was his giant body, not the shower that was so hot. His thick muscular arms wrapped around her would feel so wonderful about right now. She didn’t even mind that they came with such dangerous weapons. The scary thought hadn’t even occurred to her the whole time they’d slept together or the many times they’d made…love. Yes, love. It’s not just sex.

  Great! She was losing her ability to think rationally, but was too damn cold to argue with herself. Maybe she should try to talk some sense into him. She’d heard him leave, but he’d returned too soon for her to leave the bath and snatch her blanket. The sound of chairs scraping across the metal floor and his heavy footsteps just beyond the door put her on alert. So far, he’d ignored her. It still pissed her off to no end.

  Pam shuffled closer to the door and pressed her cheek against the surface. “Kord,” she called. “I’m cold. Could you bring me a blanket?”

  The scuffing noises stopped. She heard him come closer.

  “Thoren brought clothes for you. There’s food also. Will you come out, please?”

  Well, as far as she could tell from his tone, he wasn’t angry. Pam pressed the “open” button and then stepped back as the door slid aside. Kord blocked the doorway, but instead of pouncing on her and dragging her out of the bathroom, he thrust a bundle of clothes into her arms. His stern gaze raked her up and down.

  “You’re shivering. Put these on quickly and join me. The food is warm, and you need to eat. Please don’t shut the door between us. I’ll look away while you dress.”

  To her surprise, he turned on his heel and walked away. True to his word, he sat at a round table near the far wall with his back to her as he waited. She was struck by the sweetness of his gesture. It was as if he understood she needed some privacy even after they’d gotten all naked, hot and sweaty together. In return, she wasn’t about to close the door since he’d asked so nicely. However, she couldn’t help but wonder why he was being so nice.

  In a rush, Pam unfolded the bundle and examined the two blue pieces—trousers and tunic-style top. She recognized the uniform of the spacers. She stepped into the pants. They were a little too long, but they fit fairly well, especially when she discovered how to tighten the waistband. The top was too big in the shoulders, but she liked the length. The hem came all the way down to mid-thigh. The sleeves were an easy fix. She rolled them up a few turns until her hands were free. One last item remained—a folded pair of tube-like blue socks, at least the Tauran version. A thin, rubbery material covered the bottoms of them. Pam thought they looked a lot like knee-high socks that were attached to house slippers. Grateful to have something that resembled shoes, she quickly slipped them on.

  Now that she was covered and warmer, her confidence made a welcome comeback. Pam walked confidently out of the bath area and then crossed the room. She maneuvered around until she stood in front of him.

  “What do you think?”

  She spread her arms wide and did a three-sixty turn, making sure to give a head toss so her hair billowed out. Long strands settled around her shoulders and some draped over and down her chest. What little bit of nagging uncertainty she felt fled at the sight of Kord’s wide, appreciative grin.

  “You’re beautiful, even in a spacer uniform,” he said. “I think you look best naked, and I’ll enjoy removing it.”

  Well, she certainly couldn’t fault him for his enthusiasm. The intense look he gave her warmed her to the core. Memories of the past few hours intruded, and she felt her cheeks warm. Kord held his hand out, and she automatically took it. He drew her closer, and his expression turned serious as he studied her.

  “Your face coloring changes to match your hair again. Why?”

  His question only intensified her reaction, and Pam gave a nervous laugh before trying to explain.

  “People with my coloring blush easily, especially if we’re shy or when we’re embarrassed by something.”

  “I do this to you?”

  “Sure. When you say things that make me feel…” Pam had to stop before she admitted that he could turn her on with a single look.

  He took a breath, and a knowing
smile spread across his face.

  Oh god. He knows. Damn his nose.

  “You’re aroused.”

  That did it. She was sure her face was on fire now.

  “Yes! I’m…aroused. Happy?”

  “Very,” he said with an eager nod. “I want to take you back to my bed, tear that uniform off and pleasure you until I hear you scream my name again.”

  Pam gawked at him, but managed to pull her hand out of his grasp. “Is sex all you can think about?”

  He shook his head, and his narrowed gaze locked with hers. “Why are you upset? Have I done something wrong? Insulted you? If I have, then tell me so I can make things right between us. I love you and only want to please you.”

  Oh, this was not going the way she’d hoped. He sat there looking at her with his dark puppy dog metallic eyes. It wasn’t right, and she felt awful. He truly seemed to want nothing more than to please her—in every way possible.

  Sex for Kord was all about her pleasure first—a far cry from a human male’s idea. At least for the ones she’d been with, Pam amended. She had to admit, his declarations of love were getting to her. He seemed sincere, and it would be so easy to believe him.

  “Kord, I’m sorry. You haven’t insulted me, and I’m only upset because you shock me sometimes when you talk about sex. We humans don’t speak about it in such a direct way.”

  His brows furrowed. “Why not?”

  “Well, it’s just a subject that… Oh, hell. I don’t know. We just don’t, that’s all.”

  Since he just stared at her with an expectant look she took a seat at the table and tried to gather her thoughts. In the meantime, he selected a tall, narrow container from the food tray, opened it and offered it to her.

  “Water,” he said. “You must be thirsty.”


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