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Irresistible Love at Silver Falls (Island County Series Book 7)

Page 15

by Karice Bolton

  Not sure what I expected to see, my heart fell slightly.

  “All right ladies and gentleman,” Carrie began over the speaker, “if you could please make your way inside for our first auction of the night.”

  “Is Chance coming?” I asked my aunt and she shook her head quickly. “He had to take care of something.”


  I didn’t think bidding was set to start for another two hours, but I followed Carrie's lead and gathered the guests from the tent and walked into the building.

  “This is a little unorthodox, but we have a donation underway at the lavender fields at the north end of the island,” Carrie began as the crowd grew.

  I looked over at Hildie, and she shrugged her shoulders. I turned my attention back to Carrie, and she began describing what was up for bid.

  “As we speak, Chef Harlen is preparing a six-course meal for two in the private dining room at the farm. Let’s start the bidding at five hundred. Do we have five hundred?”

  Unbeknownst to me, Roger shot his hand up in the air followed by Brent.

  Maybe they planned on enjoying the meal together.

  “Do I have seven-fifty?” Carrie went on. “Eight? Eight-fifty? Nine? Nine-fifty?” Carie’s eyes widened. “Do I have a thousand?”

  Both hands dropped and I heard Kyle’s thunderous voice.

  “A thousand,” he nearly roared.

  And that was when I saw him. My pulse quickened and my cheeks flushed.

  Kyle North was coming this way.

  “Going once. Going twice.” Carrie nearly squealed. “Going to the highest bidder at a thousand. What a way to start the evening.”

  Not even realizing what came over me, I hopped up on my toes and dashed toward Kyle. He scooped me in his arms and gave a low growl of appreciation.

  “You look stunning,” he whispered, pressing his lips to my hair.

  “You’re supposed to be with your daughter in Idaho.”

  “She’s the one who told me I was dumb for missing this event.” He put me down and held my hands. “Abigail said that the charity obviously means a lot to you, especially with the ties to our Fievel, and she felt it was important for me to do more than donate a ski trip. She’s a smart girl.” He smiled. “Plus, I think she didn’t want to miss out on a high school dance. Something called the Spring Fling.”

  “Well, I think she was right. This means so much, and I didn’t even know it.” I smiled, looking up at him and just like that the moment went poof when Roger’s voice charged through the air.

  “She’s worth a grand to you, huh? Too steep for me.” Roger wore a cynical smile. “She’s gotten more expensive as the years went by.”

  My cheeks turned red, and I saw the anger scorch Kyle’s gaze. He lifted his fist and right before he was about to throw a punch, Billy knocked Roger out to a crowd of gasps that quickly turned to applause.

  Brent stepped over Roger and stuck out his hand to Kyle. “You’re a lucky man.”

  “The luckiest.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “I can’t believe you’d do all this for me. You could have just gotten me a hot dog from Billy’s,” I teased.

  “And where’s the fun in that? Billy seems like a genuinely nice guy. I’d rather have your cousin wait on us.”

  I laughed and nodded. “I like your line of reasoning.”

  The private dining room was tucked in the far corner of the restaurant, and the soft lighting only highlighted how attractive Kyle was. It didn’t hurt that a dozen long-stemmed roses were waiting at the table for me.

  “I’m sorry that guy talked to you that way.” His eyes steadied on mine. “No one should ever—”

  “No one ever has.” I pressed my lips into a thin line and shook my head. “But it tells me who I was really surrounding myself with.”

  Kyle reached over the table and clutched my hand. “I’m glad my daughter kicked me out of Idaho.”

  “Me too,” I confessed, as the tuna tartare with sesame seeds was delivered to our table.

  Kyle let go of my hand but kept his eyes on me.

  “Thank you,” I told our waitress, Savannah.

  “I’ll be back with another bottle of wine. Chance picked a special bottle for you.” She smiled and made her way out of the dining room, and I turned my attention back to Kyle.

  “You’re certainly a charmer.”

  He laughed and sat back in the chair. “Is that how you see me?”

  “I do.” I nodded and chuckled.

  “Is it working?” His brows lifted.

  “So far, so good.”

  Savannah came back in and held out the wine for Kyle. She replaced our wine glasses and poured a sampling for Kyle.

  I didn’t have the heart to tell him I wouldn’t know one from another.

  He took a sip and nodded. “Perfect. Thank you.”

  She poured more wine for us as I took a bite of tuna. I wasn’t really a fan until Chance made me taste it his way, and now I couldn’t get enough.

  “There are so many moments where I look at you and my heart feels like it’s going to implode because of all the time I’ve missed with you.” Kyle’s eyes stayed on mine “All the adventures we’ve never been on. I don’t want to miss out any longer.”

  My stomach fluttered from the way he was looking at me. Kyle was the only man who’d ever been able to get my heart rate soaring or my palms sweaty. I never wanted to admit that I’d been missing out all those times I’d been with other men. I told myself the only reason I wasn’t feeling what I had with Kyle was because Kyle was my first, and it was teenage hormones at their best.

  It had nothing to do with hormones and everything to do with Kyle.

  “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  My chest tightened.

  “Abigail wanted to meet you.” Kyle’s face remained expressionless. “I don’t want you to feel pressured into it. It’s akin to meeting the parents. I get that.”

  “I’d love to meet her.” And I would. She sounded like an amazing little girl. Although, I guess she wasn’t so little.

  “Well, we swapped weeks so I could be here and she wanted to come to Silver Ridge for spring break next week.”

  Next week? I pushed down the panic and paranoia. What if she hated me or thought I wasn’t good enough for her dad?

  “Sure. That sounds like a great idea.” I nodded slowly, trying to push all the worry away.

  “She’ll love you.” Kyle smiled. “So what do you have planned for tomorrow?”

  Savannah delivered our pear walnut salad and removed the tuna tartare plate.

  “I was just going to dust my clown collection, possibly polish up the owls or the other way around.” I took a sip of wine and felt it go straight to my head, which seemed like the perfect place to zip to under the circumstances.

  “Sounds like a dangerous job.”

  “It can be.” I nodded, taking a bite of salad.

  “I’m going to be in town…”

  “You are, are you?” My brow quirked slightly.

  “And I thought you might like to go on a tour of Fireweed.”

  “A tour of Fireweed? That sounds interesting.”

  “It’s actually a haunted tour,” he added. “Did you know both Hound and Fireweed are known to have several haunted mansions?”

  “No, but I like to sleep at night.” I finished my salad.

  The thought of getting to spend a Sunday with Kyle sounded incredible and how we would get through the night was even more appealing.

  “I don’t.” He grinned, and I cocked my head.

  “Maybe if you’re lucky, someday, we will test that theory.” I straightened up and his gaze dropped to my chest before drifting to my eyes.

  “A guy can dream.” He laughed.

  “You’re just as bad as when we were young.”

  “I take offense. We’re still young,” he informed me.

  I laughed.

  “I guess it’s all relative. I
just find it odd that things are so easy with you. I’ve never had that before. Usually people get on my nerves.”

  “Seeing who you used to hang out with kind of explains that reaction.”

  “You have a point.”

  “Do you think we’d be here together had we stayed on the same path as when we were kids?” he asked, his gaze turning serious.

  “I don’t know. Possibly not. I don’t regret anything from my life because I’ve often learned a lot from the missteps. I know what in life to appreciate now for sure.” I drew a breath. “Maybe had I not gone through some of the experiences I did, I wouldn’t know how much to appreciate the goodness of your heart and you. I might have taken you for granted, assuming all men were just as wonderful when they’re clearly not.”

  Kyle laughed. “Why, thank you.”

  Savannah came into the room and changed our plates out for a tasting soup.

  “I’m smart enough to know we were both young, and at that time in life our world could feel really small. I’m not saying I wasn’t crushed but hearing what you’ve managed to accomplish while I’ve been running wild in Colorado puts things in perspective.”

  “You’re an amazing woman, Brooke. You’ve run the marketing and hospitality departments at one of the most expensive luxury resorts in the country.”

  “I appreciate that.” I nodded and reached out for his hand.

  Surprised, he held onto my hand and clutched it tightly.

  “I hope someday you’ll be able to forgive me for not reaching out.”

  I smiled. “I think I already have.”

  “So do you want to wrap me in cling wrap? Rub clay all over my face to get back at me? Would that help?”

  I studied him. “I don’t want to get back at you. . . But I think it’s only fair, don’t you? Maybe strip you bare, tie you up and—”

  “Whoa. That sounds way more advanced than high school.” He laughed, but I saw heat flicker behind his gaze.

  “Way more advanced.”

  Savannah dropped off our entrée, but I kept my eyes on Kyle. It was about time he got some of his own medicine. Doing what he did to me at the Mexican restaurant wasn’t playing fair.

  “I’d imagine I’d start by spreading kisses along your chest, while slowly unfastening your jeans. I’d let my hands skate down your abdomen while I worked my way up to your mouth where I’d kiss you with the need I’ve had for you since I saw you up in the mountains and have been thinking about ever since.”

  His brows furrowed. “You’d been thinking about me?”

  “I’ve been imagining all the things I’d do to you,” I nearly cooed, and I watched Kyle close his eyes.

  “I imagine what it would be like to circle my tongue—”

  His eyes flicked open and I giggled wickedly.

  “God, doesn’t this steak look divine?” I asked, laughing even harder.

  “You’re pure evil.” He picked up his fork and knife. “This is going to be the quickest steak dinner I’ve ever eaten.”

  “Why’s that North? Have some place to be?”

  He flashed a coy smile just as I took a bite of the steak. I let a little moan escape my lips from the delicious meal, and Kyle nearly glowered at me, but a smile touched his lips.

  “This tastes so good, I don’t want to rush it.” I looked at the half-empty bottle of wine. “Maybe we should order a different kind of wine.”

  Savannah appeared just in time and before I had a chance to take another bite, Kyle ordered all of our meal and the dessert to be packaged up.

  “What do you think you’re up to?” I teased.

  “The same thing you’ve been thinking about since I wound up at the cabin.” He smiled and stood, holding out his hand. The moment I gave him mine, he pulled me in and his gaze intensified. “You’re asking for it, Brooke.”

  “Little ‘ol me?” I teased and his lips crushed against mine.

  Every cell in my body exploded with desire. I parted my lips and felt his kisses deepen.

  Savannah came up behind us and Kyle broke his lips from mine.

  “Thank you,” I said hoarsely as I grabbed the boxes from her.

  She concealed a smile and nodded as we left the room.

  The moment we got outside, I looked up at Kyle. Seeing the desire stirring behind his gaze took my breath away.

  “The cabin I rented from Aunt Hildie before I moved to my apartment is vacant. I have the key code,” I whispered.

  “You don’t want to go back to your place?” His voice gravelly and full of need.

  “I can’t wait that long.”

  His eyes darkened even more, and my pulse pounded as we walked along the gravel path to the line of small cabins. By the time we got to the door, my hands were nearly trembling with desire. It had been sixteen years of wondering, waiting, and hoping for this moment, and now that the time had arrived, it was all-consuming.

  I punched in the code and opened the door to the beautiful retreat. A plush white goose down comforter was on the bed and several pale lavender pillows lay on top. I didn’t bother turning on the lights as Kyle shut the door and I turned around to see him.

  Even in the shadows, I could see the need rolling over him. He touched his lips down to mine, softly at first, but harder with each kiss. I ran my hands through his hair and felt him press against me.

  Our kisses only stirred the desire we shared. Kyle moved his hand up my leg, his fingers teasing along my panties when his breathing turned ragged.

  “You’re so soft,” he whispered in between kisses, and I slid my hand under his shirt, feeling his well-defined pecs before quickly unbuttoning his shirt.

  He growled as I tugged on it, his kisses keeping us connected as I pressed myself against his bare chest the moment I tore off his shirt.

  Every swirl of his tongue and our deepening kisses made the wait that much harder.

  “I just don’t want my heart broken,” I whispered, his eyes on mine.

  “Never again.”

  I slowly moved back on the bed, and he pulled my dress over my head, letting the fabric fall to the floor. My hands ran over the ripples of his abdomen, and my breath hitched with longing.

  He clutched my hands, gently laying them over my head, and kissed me once more before pulling away.

  Hovering above me, his eyes filled with aching desire as his gaze went along my body, pausing only briefly at the sight of my pink lacy bra and panties.

  Kyle made me feel like the sexiest woman in the world all off of one look, and it took me right back to our very first time.

  “You’re so beautiful, Brooke. What we shared meant everything to me,” his voice lowered. “And tonight will be no exception.”

  He trailed his lips along my bare belly, and my body quivered underneath.

  I finally let myself feel vulnerable and exposed for the first time with a man. But it wasn’t just any man. It was Kyle.

  “You taste so sweet,” he whispered, sliding his tongue along my thighs and letting go of my hands.

  My body trembled from his words before he brought his mouth back to mine, his length pressing into me.

  I shifted my body so I could reach down, feeling him in my hands just under the fabric.

  This wouldn’t do. I unfastened his trousers, and he quickly kicked them to the floor as I shoved down his boxers. His hands unfastened my bra as I rolled my panties down while he propped himself on an elbow, still kissing me and running his fingers along my thighs.

  His tongue traced along my breasts, and I grabbed his hips, guiding him into me.

  I felt the first push, and everything I’d remembered magnified being with Kyle. His thickness filled me, and with every movement, my body quivered underneath his. I dug my hands into his back as he kissed along my collarbone.

  He withdrew, and I sucked in a sharp breath, not ready for him to leave. I wanted more, but his teasing was endless as he trailed his tongue down my belly.

  “I’ve wanted to be with you since the ca
bin,” I said softly.

  Kyle stopped and hovered over me. His heated gaze took in every inch of me, and my pulse spiked with need as he committed each detail to memory.

  “Kyle,” I whispered, running my hands along his chest.

  “I’ve waited far too long to rush this,” he murmured, his hands sliding along my hips.

  It was as if his hands were memorizing every curve of my body.

  I raked my hands through his hair and brought his mouth down to mine.

  He moved back inside of me, filling me, and I cried out from the intense feelings shooting through me with every move he made.

  “God, that sound is incredible,” he murmured, pressing his lips to the crook of my neck, his hips pushing deeper.

  “Don’t stop.”

  He linked his fingers with mine, and I felt him explode as our worlds came together.

  “I won’t.” Raw assertion filled his voice and my old world shattered as I began a new chapter with Kyle.

  “I don’t think you’re afraid of getting your heart broken. I think you’re afraid of letting yourself fall in love,” he whispered, our bodies still joined, and I knew he was right. “But I’m already there, Brooke.”

  His hand slid down my belly, and I knew our night had only just begun.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I rolled over and felt Kyle’s arms wrapped tightly around me. I couldn’t imagine a better place to be, and I had to admit, I was thrilled we weren’t at my apartment. The thought of rolling over to see owl wallpaper staring at me didn’t seem appealing after something as wonderful as last night.

  Not to mention, I’d like to keep the owl wallpaper a secret from Kyle for as long as possible.

  “You awake?” He nestled deeper into me.

  “I am,” I said softly, feeling his whiskers on the back of my neck.

  Slivers of light from the outside burned through the wood blinds, and I turned over to see Kyle. It felt like a dream, only better.

  “When do we have to be to Fireweed?” I asked.

  He rolled me over and hovered over me, kissing my neck softly, and I felt my world turn upside down once again. I loved the way he looked at me.


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