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Irresistible Love at Silver Falls (Island County Series Book 7)

Page 19

by Karice Bolton

“Anyway, I feel absolutely awful that you overheard my call and thought I was talking about you. I don’t even remember what all I said, but it couldn’t have been good.”

  Instead of feeling like I was in an endless free fall, I suddenly felt like a parachute just opened up to save me, and it came in the form of an almost sixteen-year old.

  “I’m sorry for listening.”

  “I would have too.” She laughed and shook her head. “My dad would kill me if he knew he almost lost you over a guy I like.”

  “Actually, I think he might kill you just knowing you like a guy.” I smiled and she laughed.

  “You know my dad well.”

  “So what’s the guy’s name?”

  “Jeremy.” She rolled her eyes. “I just don’t get it, but I’m not going to compromise my beliefs. I mean, come on, I’m the poster child for holding off.” She giggled. “Not that I’d change it for the world.”

  “And neither would your parents.”

  She beamed. “I know.”

  “So what makes this Jeremy guy special?”

  “He’s really hot and funny.”

  I nodded. “Does he make you feel special?”

  I asked and her eyes stayed on mine

  “No. He doesn’t. He barely acts like I’m alive until he needs something.”

  “It’s not my place, but I’m just going to throw this out there.” I glanced at Clara. “Wait until you find a guy who worships the ground you walk on, who makes you feel safe and like you’re the only woman in the world he could ever want.”

  A glint of determination flashed through her gaze and she nodded. “Thanks.”

  “It will happen, but if you’re busy going after the wrong ones, it’s hard to find the right one.” I blushed. “I have personal experience with that.”

  “Thanks for talking to me like I’m not crazy to have these feelings.” She glanced behind her shoulder and waved at her mom.

  “Anytime.” I handed her the letters back, but she refused them.

  “Read them. I’d start with the first one and go from there.” She dove in for a quick hug, which totally caught me off-guard, but I hugged her right back. “I hope everything I said changed your mind. I’m just sorry I didn’t figure it out sooner.”

  “Well, I’m never too old to learn things either. I should have knocked on your door and it all would have been sorted out.”

  “Shoulda, woulda, coulda.” She laughed. “I hope to see you again.”

  “Thanks, Abigail. Me too.” I bent down to wave again at Clara. “It was really sweet of you guys to drive three hours out of your way to deliver these and to tell me what you did.”

  “I figured as long as my dad has been waiting for you, it was worth the extra drive.” She grinned. “Besides, my mom promised we’d go shopping in Seattle on the way back.”

  “Now it’s all making sense.” I laughed, and she came in for another hug.

  “See ya.” She turned around and bounded down the steps.

  “See ya, Abigail. Tell your mom thank you.”

  “Will do,” she hollered back, and I closed my door.

  I held the letters in my hand and wandered to the couch. I wanted to read them so badly, but I was a wreck. My emotions were spinning in a million different directions. I placed them on the coffee table and slid my phone out of my pocket, texting back Kyle.

  Everything is absolutely wonderful. I love you, Kyle North.

  A few minutes passed and I got another text.

  Well, that’s good because I’m on my way over. I pulled over to text you, but I honestly can’t wait another minute to see you. Are you sure you’re okay?

  A smiled touched my lips. Kyle knew me better than anyone in the world and I never wanted that to change.

  I always thought I liked living without questioning myself or others. I’d just do what I did and never get emotionally involved with anyone I dated. I didn’t even know that was what I was doing until Kyle came back into my life.

  He showed me what it was like to have a real connection with someone, a special connection where we could count on each other and know one another’s most intimate thoughts before we even shared them.

  Our lives had gone completely different directions and yet here we were.

  I quickly texted back.

  Well then get back on the road. I’ll be at the farm this afternoon doing wedding tours.

  He wrote back.

  Is that a not-so-subtle hint?

  I laughed and sent back a heart before my gaze landed on the top letter. I texted one more message.

  Your daughter dropped off some letters.

  He wrote back.

  I thought they were up to something. So, did you read them?

  My fingers tingled at the thought, but I wrote back.

  I didn’t want to without your permission.

  He texted back.

  I’d never hold anything back from you. I’d start with the first one. I’m gonna pull back on the highway. See you soon.

  I laughed. Like father, like daughter.

  The first one it would be then. I pulled off the rubber band and lifted the first envelope toward me. I didn’t know why I was afraid to pull out the letter. I sat back on the couch, my fingers clinging onto a piece of our history.

  A history that shaped our lives.

  For better or worse, I’d never know, but I was grateful to have Kyle back in my life. I drew a deep breath and removed the letter, opening it up to see Kyle’s handwriting.

  Dear Brooke,

  It’s been less than twenty-four hours since I left you, and my life has turned completely upside down. I promise I didn’t tell anyone about us, but my brothers already knew. My dad overheard something and went nuts.

  I’m probably not even making sense. I don’t know what to do, but I hope you’ll wait for me.

  I’m sorry for not calling you like I promised when I got home from the flight. So much has changed since I left Colorado and you probably wouldn’t even believe it.

  I don’t. I’m sitting in shock on a bunk bed in military school.

  Military school!

  I miss you so much it feels like I’ve lost a part of me. It doesn’t matter what I do, I can’t get the pain to stop. I see you in everything I look at, and I honestly think that’s the only thing that’s going to get me through the next year.

  My dad sent me to military school, Brooke. He came uncorked, and I can’t even explain what happened. Something tells me it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with him, but he’s the parent and I’m not eighteen.

  I feel so alone and I just need you. You’ve been my best friend and now we’re so much more. It kills me not to be with you.

  I’m not allowed to have contact with anyone for a while. I don’t know why.

  I can tell you I’d never treat our children like this. I don’t care what they did, I wouldn’t do this to them. I’ll never turn my back on our children. I’ll never turn my back on us, Brooke. You mean everything to me. It’s just you and me, and I’ll always protect you.


  No matter what that means, I’ll make sure you’re not crying tears because of me.

  But I’m hoping this letter makes it through. I’ll keep writing them, and maybe someday when we we’re old and grey, we can laugh about this.

  I love you, Brooke. I’ve loved you since the first summer I met you. I just didn’t know what to call it then.

  Now I do. Hold tight, and I promise, I’ll somehow get this straightened out and call you. I’ll be thinking about you every single day until I see you again.

  Yours forever and always,


  By the time I got to the bottom of the letter, tears were streaming and my world forever changed. I could feel the pain rolling off his words, the confusion about why he was there, and the hope that eventually died off.

  I folded the letter and put it back in the envelope. Maybe someday I’d be brave enough to read the rest, but
today, this was all I could handle. I brought in a big sniff and placed the envelope on the stack.

  Wiping my eyes, I stood and walked over to the kitchen and dumped out my coffee pot. I needed to get to the farm and feel the rare Hound Island sunshine on my skin.

  Kyle was already irresistible, but that letter sealed the deal.


  I loved that man, and while I had absolutely no idea where our life would go, I knew I needed him in it no matter where the journey went.

  When I arrived at the farm, I nearly floated to my first appointment with the newly engaged couple. I showed them the different venues, examples of floral, and walked them around the gardens. After I saw them off, I ran into Hildie.

  “Well, don’t you look like you’re with the living again.” Hildie smiled and reached for my hand.

  “Abigail came to my house this morning.”

  “Who do you think gave them your address?” She winked and I groaned a happy sound.

  “I should have known.”

  Aunt Hildie’s gaze went over my shoulder and her smile widened.

  “Someone’s here to see you.” Aunt Hildie turned around and made her way to her house.

  Just knowing Kyle was on the property made my stomach feel like I was teetering on a tightrope. He had no idea what I’d just put myself through for the last week and that was probably for the better. I didn’t need to scare him off quite so soon.

  “Hey, baby. Miss me?” He came up behind and circled his arms around my waist, pulling me into him as he nuzzled his mouth against the crook of my neck.

  “More than you can ever imagine.” I turned around and looked into his gorgeous blue eyes. “How did I ever get so lucky?”

  “You read the letters?” He smiled.

  “Only the first one,” I confessed. “It tore me up.”

  He kissed the top of my forehead and I felt safe in his arms.

  “I’ve loved you since forever, Brooke, and I always will.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  It was the weekend before the Fourth of July, and Kyle’s family and friends had gathered at his mom’s house for a barbecue at Silver Lake. The sun was shining and the indigo blue lake water was surprisingly warm.

  I was sprawled out on one of the beach chairs watching Kyle play badminton with his brother, Joel.

  Kyle had ripped his shirt off once the game got serious, and I couldn’t have asked for a better view. I sipped my iced coffee and adjusted my swimsuit as he dove for the bird and landed the shot.

  He quickly glanced over to make sure I caught that move, and happiness filled me completely.

  “So have you heard?” Maddie walked over with her daughter who turned two months old yesterday.

  Maddie handed me the little bundle known as Scarlett May, and she cooed in my arms as I brought her to my chest.

  “Heard what?” I slid my sunglasses back so I could see Maddie better.

  “I think Joel has a crush.”

  “No way.” My jaw nearly dropped on Scarlett’s head. “He’s a sworn bachelor.”

  “Aren’t they all?” Maddie rolled her eyes.

  “Anyway, I guess someone just moved to town to rehab some old B&B or something.” She shook her head. “I’ve tried to get the scoop, but Joel just clams up and turns beet red.”

  I pointed at Joel and laughed. “That Joel? The guy who’s running around shirtless with six-pack abs and an attitude from—”

  “That’s the one.” Maddie giggled, and I continued to rock Scarlett May.

  “Well, now I have to go to town and find out what’s going on.”

  Since Hildie decided to purchase the property from the North sisters, I moved to Kyle’s house once the deal closed. I’d actually planned on getting a little trailer on the property, but that idea didn’t fly at all, and I was secretly relieved.

  I’d been spending most days at the farm, putting in at least ten hours a day to take advantage of all the daylight, so today’s picnic at the lake was a welcome retreat.

  Kyle jumped toward the sky and his sleek muscles glistened in the sun.

  “Earth to Brooke.” Maddie giggled.

  I snapped my attention back to Maddie and uttered a sorry. “I get distracted easily with him.”

  “Isn’t it the best?” she gushed.

  “It really is.” And I knew just how lucky I was. I’d kissed a lot of toads, snakes, and roaches to finally find my way back to my prince.

  “Anyway, what I’d said was that our friend Tori, who’s a schoolteacher on Fireweed…” She paused. “Did you meet her?”

  I nodded. “Yup. She’s the redhead who’s with the twin.”

  Maddie laughed. “Yeah. That’s her. So Mason is a contractor, and the B&B owner contacted him to do some bidding and that guy…” She pointed at Joel. “Was at the job site when Mason showed up. According to Tori, Mason said he had it bad and was offering to help any way he could on the project.”

  I shook my head. “Now, that’s a story I’d like to hear. I pretty much thought I snapped up the only North brother who was willing to settle down.”

  “Age does funny things to men.” Scarlett May’s white sunhat fell to the grass and Maddie picked it up.

  “Do you love living in the mountains?” Maddie asked. “I miss seeing you over at the farm.”

  “I miss you too, but I love everything about living at Kyle’s. What’s great is the valley isn’t that far away, so if I need something from town, I can just drive about fifteen minutes and get to Silver Ridge.” I smiled. “Because sometimes an ice cream cone just calls a person.”

  Maddie laughed. “I hear ya on that one.”

  I glanced toward the house and saw Grandma Martha and Kyle’s mom making their way over. They were such beautiful women, and Kyle wasn’t kidding when he said they were strong. They had most of the businessmen cowering in the town of Silver Ridge. They knew how to negotiate tough deals, except when it came to Hildie. I guess they nearly gave away the property.

  Maddie reached for Scarlett May and stood. “Well, I better go make sure Chance and Jake aren’t up to no good.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “I’ll need it. The fact that Jewels has disappeared has me worried too.” She winked.

  I laughed and took a sip of my coffee as Maddie hugged Grandma Martha before she bounded toward the house.

  “I brought some of my pecan pie,” Grandma Martha told me as she took a seat on the lounger next to me.

  “My favorite.”

  “I know. That’s why I brought it.” Her eyes twinkled.

  Kyle’s mom and grandma not only took me into their family, they made me feel like I was the only one who could ever fill the role, and I loved them for it.

  I heard Abigail squeal and my gaze shot across the grass and so did Kyle’s.

  Kyle had budged and let Abigail bring her first boyfriend over for the Fourth. He lived in Idaho, so it took a lot of begging and near twenty-four hour surveillance, but Kyle finally relented. I knew it was killing him, but he was doing a great job of holding it together despite Abigail’s squeals of happiness.

  “Seems like a nice boy,” Grandma Martha’s eyes narrowed in on Abigail as her boyfriend scooped her into his arms and started toward the lake.

  Abigail was kicking her legs out in front of her but enjoying every second of the trip.

  “I’d say he worships the ground she walks on.” Kyle’s mom nodded approvingly.

  “I think so,” I agreed.

  “What’s his name again?” Grandma Martha asked.


  “A solid name.” Grandma Martha smiled. “Young love. It’s the best kind out there.”

  I hid a smile and watched as Kyle forfeited his match to Joel so he could keep an eye on Carter and Abigail in the lake. The good news for Kyle was that Abigail was fully clothed. The bad news was that we’d already tried everything under the sun at that age and knew very well what was going on.

think I need to go check on Kyle.” I laughed and Kyle’s mom glanced at her son.

  “Probably a wise idea if we want Carter to live to see the Fourth.” She smiled and sat down in one of the lounge chairs.

  “You’re really good at reading one another,” Grandma Martha said, nodding. “I tell you. It’s young love at work.”

  I laughed and made my way over to Kyle. I slid my arms around his waist and looked up at him through my lashes.

  “Hey, there,” I whispered.

  “I don’t know about that Carter boy,” Kyle grumbled.

  “I do. He worships the ground Abigail walks on, and you can’t ask for anything more than that at that age.”

  His eyes softened and he pulled me in. “You’re right.”

  “Clara said they go on hikes together, and she goes to his family’s ranch and helps with the horses every chance she gets.”

  “She’s always wanted a horse.” Kyle sighed.

  I laughed. “And now she’s got one.”

  “The one time I don’t get her what she wants, she finds a guy who does.”

  “She’s resourceful that one.”

  Abigail was no longer in Carter’s arms, and instead she was splashing him with lake water full on. She was merciless.

  “At least she doesn’t hold back. She’s nailing the kid with the water.” I shook my head.

  “There’s just something that’s in the bloodline.” He grinned, turning his attention back to me. “I have a little surprise for you.”

  My heart literally flipped when I saw the look in his eyes. I glanced around the lake and didn’t see anyone knowing anything so I took in a deep breath. Maybe it wasn’t what I was thinking.

  “It’s kind of a surprise, but Jake just texted that everything’s set.”

  “What do you mean everything?” My brow arched.

  “I invited your parents for the weekend. They just got here with Hildie, Jake and Chance.”

  “Are you serious?”

  He slowly turned me around and I let out a squeal to rival Abigail’s. I hadn’t seen my parents since Christmas.


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