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Irresistible Love at Silver Falls (Island County Series Book 7)

Page 22

by Karice Bolton

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I snapped, turning to face the guy who was beyond brazen, but instead of being angry, I was in awe of the man in front of me.

  His icy blue eyes rested on mine as I studied him. His chiseled features looked like a carving from one of the masters, and he filled out his expensive suit to perfection. My eyes dropped to his pouty lips before bringing my gaze back to his, and that’s when I realized how much he resembled the photo of Drake Volkov, the man I was supposed to be watching from a distance.

  I stiffened at the realization but forced the worry away. There would be absolutely no reason for Drake to know anything about me or why I was here. Luke would’ve made sure of that.

  I turned my gaze to the street below. My brother’s instructions had been simple. Keep an eye on Drake from afar and find out who he was here with and where he was going after the event. By the looks of it, I’d say Drake Volkov was here alone.

  “Well?” I asked again, attempting to sound annoyed. “I’m waiting for an answer.”

  Intrigue flashed through his eyes, and my pulse increased slightly. I’d never gotten nervous around men.


  In fact, I liked to believe I made them nervous. I’d always managed to maintain control of my life. Relationships had never been a priority, and they never would be. I didn’t need a man to be satisfied. I had my work. I had a full life back in California. If I had needs, I made sure they were met and moved on.

  “My hope is to convince a very beautiful woman to stay and endure the horrors of the evening with me. You don’t belong here, and neither do I.” The man could cast a spell with just his words, and they curled around me like magic.

  “When you put it that way, why would I ever run away? Sounds like a delightful event.” I couldn’t hide my smile, but a pulse of worry dashed through my veins. “If you can tell me one good reason to stay at an event with a bunch of men in feathers, then maybe I’ll reconsider.”

  “Because I’m not one of them.” His eyes glinted with satisfaction, and I had to chuckle.

  Drake was confident and smooth, two characteristics that usually got me in deep trouble.

  “Which reminds me. How did you get away with wearing no mask to a masquerade ball?” My brow arched.

  “I’m not much for rules,” he replied simply as he held out his arm for me, and rather than run away, I slipped mine through his.

  Drake slowly led me up the stairs, and I had to remind myself that he was completely off-limits and the man my brother wanted me to tail.

  “What made you come tonight if you’re dreading it as much as me?” I glanced at him and noticed the dark stubble along his jawline. This guy was beyond sexy and definitely my kind of trouble.

  “I’m here on a dare. How about you?” he answered.

  I let go of his arm and glanced toward the crowd of people congregating near the bar. I didn’t see Ginger, which wasn’t a surprise. She managed to get swallowed into whatever affair she was attending.

  “I wish I could say the same.” I smiled and saw a number of women slow their steps purely to admire how handsome this guy was. I couldn’t say I blamed them. Besides, he wasn’t mine to claim.

  “There you are,” Ginger said, rushing over with a martini in her hand. “There are men all over the place.” She barely gave a glance in Drake’s direction. “How about we move toward the dance floor?”

  “I’m not feeling much like dancing,” I confessed.

  Noticing Ginger’s expression fall, I quickly changed my tactic. After all, I didn’t want to blow my chances at her art gallery because I’d brought her here under false pretenses. In Ginger’s eyes, I was here to find a date for my brother’s wedding.

  “Maybe it’s just my nerves. He’s already caught me trying to escape once.” I pointed my thumb in Drake’s direction, but she didn’t bother to look at him.

  “It’s true. Really, you should be thanking me that she’s still here.” His low voice held an intensity that unsteadied me. I wasn’t used to this kind of reaction. I always knew how to keep a safe distance between desire, need, and lust, but as I stood here next to him, the line was starting to blur. Maybe it was because I knew he was off-limits. That had to be it. I knew I couldn’t have him, so I wanted him even more.

  Made sense.

  I snuck a look at Drake, but his eyes were already fastened on mine. His gaze was filled with some sort of possession I’d never encountered before, and it sent an unexpected shiver through me.

  “Umm . . .” I bit my lip, completely taken aback at my response. I was rendered speechless.

  I was never rendered speechless. I always had too much to say about everything and everyone.

  “Let’s get you a drink and get you loosened up.” Ginger pulled me with her before I could gather my thoughts or object.

  I felt Drake’s eyes on me all the way to the bar, and I was quite tempted to give him another look, but I resisted.

  “So you can thank me later for pulling you away from the most notorious bachelor in all of Hell’s Kitchen.” Ginger laughed nervously. “Not to mention, he’s the son of a mobster. Not wedding date material.”

  I leaned against the bar and tapped my fingers along the white marble as I waited impatiently to place my drink order. Leave it to my brother to skip one or two important details before sending me here.

  “That doesn’t automatically make him bad,” I whispered, thinking back to my own rather cavalier ideas about relationships and sex. I liked having zero commitment. And as far as family not always sticking to the right side of the law, I wasn’t one to judge. Not all of our family was on the right side of the bars.

  “What’s his name, anyway?” I asked casually, pretending to play the part my brother assigned.

  Ginger’s loose blonde curls bounced along her shoulders as she broke into laughter.

  “Drake Volkov. But I’m telling you, if you knew even half of his issues, you’d stay far away.” She continued to shake her head. “Just trust me. You don’t want a thing to do with that man or his family.” Her eyes narrowed on me as she took a sip of her drink and I ordered mine.

  “I mean it,” she continued. “Steer clear. The entire family should be locked up.”

  Obviously, Ginger didn’t know me that well, or she’d understand that the moment someone told me not to do something was the exact moment I wanted to do it.

  It was a sick trait, but I couldn’t help it.

  I glanced behind me to where Drake had been standing, but he was nowhere to be seen. I’d found him and already managed to let him slip away. This kind of work really was exhausting.

  I reached for my glass of champagne and took a sip. By the looks of the place, I’d need several glasses to survive the night.

  I slid my finger along my hair and readjusted the mask around my eyes. Gold glitter floated through the air, and I held in a groan of frustration.

  My brother owed me big time.

  “There are two very good-looking men over by the sign-in table, and they’re looking our way,” Ginger hummed, setting her empty glass on a table.

  I followed her gaze and saw two decent-looking guys watching us as they drank beer. Granted, they were wearing masks, so who knew, but neither did a thing for me.

  In fact, the red velvet curtains behind them looked far more appealing—especially from an artist’s point of view—but I knew I had to tread lightly with Ginger. After a two-year court battle, her divorce was finalized one month ago, and she hasn’t wasted a moment since.

  Not to mention, we were two nights away from my big night, the opening of my exhibit at her gallery. She held the key to my entrance into the New York art scene, and if it meant some harmless flirting, so be it.

  One of the guys held up his beer toward us, which was exactly the opening Ginger had been waiting for. She let out an excited chirp, and I held my glass tighter, praying it would shatter in my fingertips and buy me a bloody ticket out of here.

  “You know
you don’t want to bother with either of those men,” Drake said in a hushed tone. His voice made my skin sizzle with excitement. “They won’t interest you in the least bit.”

  Ginger snapped her head to look at the man standing behind me. Her gaze hardened on him, and I realized in that moment that there might be more than one reason Drake was off-limits. I turned around to see him but took a step back.

  “And you will?” I asked, folding my one arm across my chest.

  I took a sip of champagne, not taking my eyes off him.


  The attraction I felt toward Drake was insanely dangerous. The combination of dark hair and light blue eyes was hauntingly beautiful, and the dark lashes outlining his eyes would probably be the death of me. Men like this didn’t exist where I lived in California. I was used to the surfer boys and club owners. This guy had an edge about him that drew me in far too deep.

  “Certainly sure of yourself,” I retorted, swallowing more champagne.

  “If I don’t believe in myself, no one else will. It’s totally your call, though. If you’re into those two over there, be my guest. I’ll just hang at the bar, enjoying the view of you in that goddess of a dress.”

  The cocky bastard had me. He could read me like an open book, and I didn’t like it one bit.

  Not one bit.

  I hadn’t stayed single this long by falling for some guy’s pick-up lines and . . .

  Who the hell was I kidding?

  He was the exact type of guy I ran from, but for some reason, I didn’t want to go anywhere, which was a danger sign as clear as any.

  I couldn’t be a part of whatever Drake had planned for the rest of the evening, or I wouldn’t get the information Luke needed. I brought my eyes back to his, and he looked thoroughly amused.

  “Listen, I’m looking for safe with no drama, so I’ll take my chances with the Hardy Boys over there.” I kept my face void of expression and pointed at the two guys who were still watching us closely.

  Ginger snickered, and I suddenly felt bad for Drake, but he didn’t miss a beat.

  “Well, it sounds like the matchup is off to a good start already. If you change your mind, you’ll know where to find me.” He turned around but stopped and spun back around. “And don’t let Ginger taint your views about me too much. She’s biased.”

  Ginger grabbed my hand and nearly pulled my arm off as she tugged me toward the two men.

  “So you know him?” I asked. “Like personally? Not just his reputation.”

  She let out a sigh and slowed her pace.

  “My sister was married to his brother.”

  Mia is Available Now!










  JAXSON – Coming Soon









  TITLE TBA – Spring 2017


  TBA – Spring 2017












  Zombie UprisingZ










  TAKEN NOVELLA (A Watchers Prequel)

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  About the Author

  Karice received an MFA in Creative Writing from the U of W. She has written over thirty novels, and she has several exciting projects in the works (or at least she thinks they're exciting). Karice lives in the Pacific Northwest with her awesome husband and two cute English Bulldogs. She loves anything to do with snow, and she seeks out the stuff whenever she can, especially if there's a toasty fire to read by.




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