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Bearly A Squeak

Page 7

by Ariana McGregor

  “Alex,” she said softly. “Is your mother nearby?”

  What? He really didn’t want to be thinking about his mother right now.

  “No,” he answered. “Nowhere nearby. Why?”

  She shrugged a little. “I’d prefer not to have an audience for our mating.”

  “You mean... you want to…” he spluttered. “You’re ready? Now?” Please let her say yes, please let her say yes.

  “Yes,” she said. Her eyes looked right into his. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

  In answer, he lowered his head and captured her lips. They were so soft, so warm, so sweet. He enfolded her in a hug as he kissed her deeply, passionately. He forced himself to pause long enough to gasp, “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely,” she answered, reaching up to resume their kiss.


  She had never been more ready. She hadn’t known Alex for long, but she was already hopelessly smitten with her bear. A little part of her mind warned her to slow down, that she should be careful of making the same mistake that she made with Barry. She told that part of her mind to shut up. Alex was not Barry. This time, she knew absolutely that Alex was her mate and he had treated her with nothing but patience and kindness. She wanted Alex and she wasn’t letting him go. Ever.

  She snuggled into his warmth as she kissed him, gently at first and then more firmly as passion rose between them. His hands were now cupping her ass, pulling her into him. She slipped her hands up his chest to his shoulders. Her neck started to hurt. Dammit. He was so much taller than her and she was already standing on tiptoes.

  With a growl of frustration, Alex lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Much better. From her new position, she could feel his cock nudge her opening. Moaning, she undulated her body, creating the most delicious friction, as she continued to kiss him deeply.

  With another sexy growl, Alex stalked a few steps and then she felt her back hit a tree. The bark was rough against her bare skin but she didn’t care. His lips left hers to trail down her neck, sucking at the skin there. She shivered, knowing that would be the spot where he bit and claimed her. With her pinned against the tree, Alex held her there with one hand as his other hand slid down her side and then slipped back up to cup her breast. She moaned as he pinched a nipple, enjoying the slight bite of pain. He continued to roll the nub with his fingers, alternating between pinching and pulling on it, as he nibbled at her collarbone.

  When his hand left her breast, she whimpered and he chuckled. His hand glided down her body, slipped between them, and then a finger dipped into her, making her moan loudly. She squirmed restlessly, but trapped between Alex and the tree, she was going nowhere. She could do nothing but feel as Alex slipped his fingers in and out of her, hitting her clit every time he withdrew.

  “Alex,” she whimpered. He was back to nibbling on her neck as he rubbed more firmly on her clit, sending little shocks rippling through her. He drove her higher and higher, keeping the pressure on her clit, and then he suddenly nipped at her neck, flinging her over the edge as she came with a wail.

  She was still coming down when she felt him press his cock slowly into her, stretching her as she made way for him. Still he held her pressed against the tree, more than strong enough to support her. There were certainly benefits to having a bear as a mate. She panted as she adjusted to his size, noting the sweat that stood out on his forehead as he held himself under control. Finally, he was completely inside her. They stared at each other for a moment and then he withdrew just as slowly as he’d pushed himself in. Then another slow advance, the pace maddening.

  “Alex,” she growled, sinking her nails into his shoulders.

  He smirked at her and continued to move slowly, gliding in and out, tormenting her with the gentleness of his lovemaking. She didn’t want gentle, dammit. Not right now. She tightened her inner muscles around his cock, noting that his breath became harsher.

  “Tara…” he warned her. Now it was her turn to smirk. She did it again and again as she leaned forward and nipped at his neck.

  With a roar, he began to move faster and faster, all restraint gone. He pounded into her, the movement slamming her back against the tree. No doubt that’d leave interesting bruises later, but that was tomorrow’s problem. Right now, she lost herself in the sensations of mating with Alex. He was growling as he thrust into her, the sound exciting her further. She did this. She made him lose control just as he did to her. Tara leaned forward just a little, loving the feel of his chest rubbing against the tips of her breasts.

  “Gonna…” he panted next to her ear.

  “Do it,” she gasped back. She was riding high again, almost there. Nothing in her life had ever mattered as much as this moment. It wouldn’t take much to send her flying again.

  The sound that came from Alex was half growl, half moan, as he came within her, simultaneously biting down on her neck. The added sensations tipped her over the edge, as she bit him back, before shattering apart for the second time.

  She had no idea how long it took to regain her senses. Eventually, she became aware of the tree bark digging into her back. She was a lot less inclined to overlook it now.

  “Ow,” she whined.

  Alex lifted his head from where it had been resting on her shoulder. “Ow?”

  “I think I have tree burn,” she said.

  He lifted an eyebrow.

  “It’s like carpet burn, but with trees,” she explained, shrugging. “It kinda hurts.”

  Comprehension dawned in his eyes. “Shit,” he said, straightening up and stepping back, carrying her with him. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” he said. “I didn’t think.”

  She kissed him lightly. “It’s fine. I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”

  “That was pretty awesome, wasn’t it?” He smirked at her. He had totally earned that smug look, so she didn’t bother calling him on it.

  “Yeah, I think we can safely say that we’re sexually compatible,” she said wryly.

  “I dunno,” he said, a completely fake solemn expression on his face. “I think we should really test that hypothesis a few more times.” A smile played at the corners of his lips.

  “I really like the way you think,” she said, kissing him. A rustling sound had her breaking the kiss to look over Alex’s shoulder.

  She sighed.

  “What?” Alex said with a frown.

  “Our furry stalker is back,” she said. The dog from earlier was sitting there watching them.

  “So?” Alex shrugged.

  “We are not making out in front of the dog,” she insisted.

  “I don’t think he minds,” Alex said.

  “You are missing the point.”

  “Which is?” Alex asked, amusement written all over his face.

  “The dog is a bloody pervert,” she hissed. “I don’t want him watching us.”

  Alex snickered and she mock punched his shoulder.

  “Fine, fine,” he conceded. He lifted her off him and set her on the ground. He was still pretty hard, the joy of shifter stamina, particularly with new mates.

  “We’re actually mated,” she whispered, staring at him.

  His forehead creased. “Is that a problem? You said it was what you wanted.”

  “It was, it is,” she assured him. “I don’t regret it. I guess it’s just going to take a bit of getting used to, that’s all. What do we do now?”

  “Well…” he cocked an eyebrow at her.

  “Not in front of the dog!” she said. “I meant, what happens with us? Do we live together?”

  “Of course,” Alex said with a shrug. “What else would we do?”

  “I don’t know,” she said helplessly. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead. So, do we live at your house or mine?”

  “Right now, yours,” Alex said. “Mine currently has my mother in it.”

  Fair point.

  “After that,” he continued,
“we can decide which we prefer. Or even buy a new place. I don’t mind.”

  Honestly, neither did she. The important point was that they’d be together. Without any furry creatures watching them. She glared at the dog.

  “We should get back,” she suggested.

  “I guess,” Alex said.

  Hand in hand, they wandered through the woods, back to where they’d left their clothes when they’d shifted. The dog trotted behind them the entire way.

  “Alex,” she said softly.

  “Yeah, babe?” he answered.

  “I swear that dog is staring at my ass.”

  Chapter 9

  “What the hell happened to you?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Barry grumbled, using his one good eye to look up at his brother, Geoff. Wait, why were there two Geoffs? Turning his head, he saw two of cousin Lenny, and two of cousin Dave. At least he was being consistent. Looking down at his hands, he saw two right hands each holding a packet of frozen peas. He slapped the peas back onto his swollen eye. He probably had a concussion.

  “Did you get her to come back to you?” the two Geoffs asked.

  “Does it look like I’ve had a successful day?” he growled. Poking with his tongue, he could feel at least two loose teeth, and tasted blood.

  Both Daves looked at him. “Did she do that to you?”

  He snorted, feeling his lungs wheeze. Did he have a broken rib? A punctured lung maybe?

  “Hardly,” he said. “She’s still a quiet little mouse. Although she does have a mouth on her these days. I’ll have to cure her of that.”

  “So it was the other bloke then? The big bear dude?” Lenny one and Lenny two asked. “I wouldn’t like to tangle with him.”

  “No,” Barry said, looking down at his hand. Wait, should that finger be sticking out at that angle? He winced as he snapped the digit back into place. “It wasn’t him.”

  “So, who?” the Geoffs asked.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” he huffed. No way was he admitting that a tiny little female about twice his age had totally handed his ass to him. He shuddered as he thought about her.

  “Do we have a new plan?” the Geoffs asked. “We can’t let her go.”

  “We’re not letting her go,” Barry confirmed. “I spent far too long working on her to give up now. She needs to marry me and give me access to her family’s money. After that…” he shrugged. “We’ll see.”

  “We need that money,” the Geoffs insisted. “After Dad and Uncle John lost theirs, we have nothing.”

  “Stupid tax man,” the Lennys chimed in. “Just because they didn’t pay their taxes for ten years…”

  “… and because they possibly committed just the tiniest bit of fraud…” the Daves added.

  “… It doesn’t mean they should have been financially ruined and sent to prison,” the Lennys finished.

  Barry nodded. It had been such a shock when their families had lost everything. The four of them had grown up rich, attending private school, having everything they wanted. Barry had just finished university, thanks to a few bribes from his father, when it had all come crashing down.

  Now this is what he was reduced to. Attempting to marry a mouse of a woman just so that he could survive on her money. It was completely unfair.

  “So what do we do?” the Daves asked. “The bear is a problem.”

  Barry nodded, and then immediately wished he hadn’t as his vision blurred and nausea rose. He stood up, holding onto the table for support as his leg buckled under him. Breathing through the pain, he fixed his gaze on Geoff. Well, one of them. Oh hell, he’d just stare between the two of them.

  “Then the bear is just going to have to go, isn’t he?” he stated.

  Somebody spoke then, but Barry couldn’t make out the words. The floor came rushing at him alarmingly quickly as he passed out.

  Chapter 10

  “We need a bigger bed,” Tara announced.

  “I like this one,” Alex answered. “It’s cosy.” Nothing beat waking up with his mate. They’d gone to her house to avoid his mother. Not that she wouldn’t be able to track him down eventually. He’d always suspected that she’d had him microchipped as a cub.

  His mate snorted at him. “There’s not enough room for us both,” she pointed out, poking him in the chest.

  “Sure there is,” he disagreed. “We’re both in it right now.”

  “No,” she said. “You’re on the bed. I’m on you.”

  He snickered. “I like it that way.” Sure enough, the only way they could fit was for Alex to lie down and then have Tara sleep on top of him. He was totally fine with that arrangement.

  “I drooled on your chest,” she said.

  He shrugged. “Probably because I’m so tasty.”

  She rolled her eyes at him.

  “We’ll be getting a bigger bed,” she insisted.

  “Fine, fine,” he capitulated. “If it makes you happy.”

  She smiled at him. “It does.”

  “Know what would make me happy?” he waggled his eyebrows at her.

  She giggled. “I’m pretty sure I do,” she said, kissing him briefly. “But I’m also pretty sure that you’re due at work shortly.”

  Turning his head, he looked for the clock. Oh shit. No time for a little morning delight. His bear huffed at him inside his mind. Jumping out of bed, he heard a thunk.

  “We are definitely getting a bigger bed,” his mate yelled from the floor. Oops.

  He was out the door in record time, pausing only briefly to kiss his mate and promise he would call her later.

  Striding into work a short time later, he noted a few strange looks being sent his way.

  “Hey boss,” Ethan said, waving a half-eaten doughnut at him.

  He paused by Ethan’s desk. “What’s with all the looks?”

  Ethan smirked. “You’re whistling. You’re smiling. For the first time in ages, you don’t look like you’re about to rip anyone’s head off.”


  Ethan shrugged. “It’ll take a little getting used to. So, I assume from the bounce in your step that things are going well with Tara?”

  Alex felt himself grin. “Yeah, we’re mated.” Satisfaction warmed him.

  “Congrats,” Ethan said. “Her ex not causing any more trouble?”

  Alex merely shrugged. “Nothing I can’t handle.” He was not even going to think of what may or may not have happened with his mother. If he didn’t know anything, then he couldn’t be accused of anything later. Ignorance was not only bliss, but also the only sensible path to retaining sanity.

  “I left some reports on your desk,” Ethan told him. “Seems like a pretty quiet day so far.”

  “Good,” Alex responded, walking into his office. He had no intention of working late tonight, not when he had a mate to get back to, so the town better behave itself today.

  He sat for a while, concentrating on catching up with paperwork, his thoughts often straying to Tara. When the phone rang around lunchtime, he jumped.

  “Hey, Alex.” The caller was an old friend, a fellow cop from a shifter town much like Bearbank.

  “Blair” Alex greeted him. “How are you?”

  “Oh, not bad, not bad,” Blair answered. “And you?”

  “I’m good,” Alex said. He could feel himself grinning. “Recently mated.”

  “Congratulations!” His friend sounded happy for him. “That’s excellent news. I assume your mother is thrilled.”

  Alex snorted. “Yeah, you know how she is.” Dare he hope that his mother might go and torment, er… visit… his brother now?

  “Yeah. Look, the reason I’m calling is about a case I have here. I feel it’s something you should be aware of. I might need your help at some point.”

  “My help?” he asked in surprise. Blair was more than capable of handling anything himself. “What kind of case is it?”

is friend sighed. “Assault. Shifter on shifter, so we’re not out to arrest anyone. The guy who got hurt was the one who started it, so no one is losing any sleep over it. He refuses to press charges, and since it’s a shifter matter, nobody wants to take it further and draw attention.”

  “So why call?” Alex asked, puzzled.

  “The man was beaten pretty badly. I don’t even know what she hit him with, but she did a fair amount of damage.”

  “She?” Alex had a sinking feeling. He ran through all the information in his head, trying to remember where his mother had been and when. Sadly, it wasn’t the first time he’d had a call like this.

  “Oh, no, I know what you’re thinking,” his friend said quickly. “It’s not your mother. Not this time.”

  Alex let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

  “The woman has recently moved to your area though, so I figured that you should be aware of the situation, maybe keep an eye on her.”

  Alex pulled a notepad and pen closer to him. “What’s her name?”

  “Sara Evans.”

  Alex dropped the pen and groaned.


  “That would be my mate’s sister,” he informed him. “Who did she hurt?”

  “A guy called Kevin Mackie. Nasty piece of work who is a bit too free with his fists. From what I understand, he was harassing your sister-in-law, she put him in his place, and he started getting physical. He started it, she ended it. It’s the amount of damage she did that has me concerned. You just need to keep an eye on her.”

  “Will do, Blair” Alex assured him. “Thanks for the heads up.”

  Call ended, Alex drummed his pencil on the notepad. How could he handle this? Should he talk to Sara or let his mate deal with it? Yeah, it would be better coming from Tara. She knew her sister and would be able to get to the bottom of it.


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