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The Devil's Good Intentions

Page 11

by Kari Miller

  “That’s very kind of you Abigail. Could I request that you switch out that wine for some heated brandy?” She asked suddenly, not so sure if that was an appropriate request.

  “It will be done” Abigail declared with a smile and then closed the door behind her as she left.

  Katherine made use of the strange chamber pot and then grinned her pleasure when she saw no evidence of her business left behind. Funny how she took such delight in the smallest things.

  Finally she melted into the steaming bath. The water was deep enough that it reached right up to her chin if she lied down just slightly. She was in heaven. After she bathed and dried herself off, she wrapped herself into the thick cotton robe that Abigail had pointed out and headed into the bedroom. Abigail smiled at her as she made her way to the fire. After taking a sip of her warm brandy, she moaned her pleasure as her thanks and slunk deep into the chair to watch the flames flicker about.

  Behind her, Abigail busied herself in emptying part of the bath and then topping it off with a fresh amount of hot water to await the master.

  “Tomorrow I will wash and press your clothes for you.” Abigail declared as she entered Katherine’s vision.

  “Thank you Abigail. I guess if I am your only chore than you are free to retire for the evening.”

  “Would you like me to brush your hair before I leave?”

  “If it’s not too much trouble.” Katherine responded - a little relieved that she wouldn’t have to lift a finger other than to bring her night cap to her lips.

  Abigail retrieved the brush from the dresser and hummed a lovely tune as she worked, slowly lulling Katherine into a feeling of peace.

  When Abigail was finished brushing her hair, she braided and set it upon her head. Katherine smiled at the memory of how her mother used to do that for her when she was alive. Katherine had left her hair down at night ever since her mother’s death. Oddly enough, tonight it brought her comfort.

  She and Abigail said their good nights to each other and once again Katherine was left alone to her thoughts.

  Salvador arrived in the chamber not much longer after Abigail departed. He swiftly walked over to Katherine’s chair and kissed her on the forehead before disappearing into the bathing chamber. When he reappeared, he too wore a robe and reached for his night cap of whiskey, then dropped into his chair with a sigh.

  “Good to be home?” Katherine enquired with a smile on her face.

  She had never seen him look so relaxed.

  “So good.” He replied with a smile that made her stomach flip.

  “What is that?” He asked as he nodded his head towards her night cap.

  “Heated brandy” She replied, keeping the smile on her face. “It’s what my Mother used to drink before bed. Once when I was a child I snuck a sip and remembered liking the way it warmed my belly, tonight seemed like a good night to try it again.”

  “And is your belly warmed?” He asked with a grin.

  “Quite” She replied with a lazy grin of her own.

  “Judging by the gazed look in your eyes and the lazy grin on your face, the brandy is warming more than just your belly, my sweet.” He chuckled out.

  “Yes well, I do feel quite relaxed. I suppose I don’t have a high tolerance for spirited drinks.” She speculated.

  “You mean you don’t know?” He laughed.

  “How should I?” She shrugged her shoulder “I was fifteen when I left my home and did not have the luxury of a night cap when I turned of age. It is only with you that I had my first full drink and now my first real night cap.”

  He suddenly scowled and looked into the fire as though in deep thought.

  “Don’t look like that!” She chuckled out.

  “How can I not? I take so many things for granted and don’t even consider that my own wife has not experienced what many experience as a regular occurrence. I wish to God you had a better life than you did and I swear that I will spend my time filling in for all that you lacked.”

  “I don’t feel sorry for myself and don’t want you feeling sorry for me either, Husband.” She gently scolded, feeling braver with every sip of her brandy.

  “I lived through experiences that assure that I will never take for granted any genuine kindness or small detail in life. I feel blessed because of my experience and feel no need to rush out and make up for what I feel I should have had. I don’t feel envy towards those who had more than me and even though I felt lonely at times and even sorry for myself that I couldn’t continue to live the life that I should have, had my mother not died, I can now see that it was all for the best.”

  Salvador sat back and looked at her long and hard as he lost his himself in thought again.

  “I’m happy Salvador. You have given me a second chance and even though you’re too arrogant for your own good - or mine – I wouldn’t trade my knight and shining armour for anyone else.” She smiled at him sincerely trying to bring him back into a lighter mood. “So stop thinking because we already know that it is highly over rated” She chuckled.

  “My God you are an incredible woman” He said gently as he returned her smile. “And for your information, my arrogance is my best quality.” He teased as he drew himself back into the lightness of the conversation.

  “That a boy” she grinned as she took another sip of her brandy.

  “Have you only had one of those” he nodded towards her glass as his grin turned sinful.

  “Unfortunately, yes. I do believe however that I have reached the bottom of my cup and may be in need of more.” She declared with a twinkle in her glossy eyes.

  He burst out laughing and then shook his head at her.

  “I believe my dear that one brandy is your limit.” He continued to laugh as she tried to scowl but couldn’t quite succeed.

  She felt light headed, well humoured and warmed from the inside out.

  “Are you Sir, insinuating that I am drunk?” She tried to scold him with a lazy finger pointing his way.

  “No love, I am not insinuating anything of the such.”

  “Well, that’s lucky for you then, I suppose” And then she forgot what she was about to say and giggled to herself.

  “I was flat out telling you that you are pleasantly drunk.” His laughter echoed through the room.

  She gasped and then threw a pillow cushion at him, which unfortunately hit the table a couple of feet to his left. She couldn’t believe what a lousy shot she was and then proceeded to burst out into laughter.

  Salvador lifted and scooped her into his arms and carried over to the rather large four poster bed.

  “You Baboon! I was comfortable, don’t you know” She tried to scold him again but it came out more like a giggle.

  He unceremoniously dumped her onto the bed and then snuffed out all the lanterns except for the one next to them.

  “Baboon?” he mused to himself as he disrobed.

  “Possibly an Orangutan” She quickly amended and then giggled when he cocked an eyebrow at her.

  “Hmmm” he mused as he stalked over her and caged her into his arms.


  She looked lovely wrapped up in his robe, with a pink hue to her cheeks from the brandy. Her giggling and glossy eyes after only one brandy however had him suspecting that it was not just the drink that was bringing this on. He would need to speak with Abigail in the morrow. For now he wanted to kiss her giggles and possibly bring more out.

  He finally had her home and in his bed, their bed. When she had disappeared up the stairs with Abigail, he had gone to check on business with the estate. Like a well-oiled machine, it was running to perfection.

  The only worry that he had now was Allison. He had thought that she understood clearly that she was to no longer visit his estate, nor call upon him. He had settled with her a hefty amount of money and set her up on the other side of town. He even offered to find her a new protector, but she swore that she could have no other than him. While he had gone to retrieve his bride, Allison had visite
d the estate on two separate occasions. Both times at an indecent hour, thinking that he would be grateful for her discretion, lest his new wife not approve of her. He had made it clear from the beginning that he felt no emotion for her and that she was nothing more than an outlet for his relief. She swore she would make him love her as she loved him. He should never have carried on so long knowing her feelings were as such. The only advantage that she had over the other wenches he kept on the side was that he could let himself go and give into his darker needs. The others were not so accommodating. He could not deny that what they had was good, but Katherine was beyond comparison – and his wife. He could never take on a mistress even though it was his right, and although he told Katherine that if she could not accommodate his darker needs then he would wander, that was not a truth. He had only said that to make a point to her that there was no way he could look at her the way she thought he was because he himself had the same needs.

  He told the staff that if Allison were to show up again, for her to be escorted off the property and for him not to be bothered with her presence. He also instructed his staff that they would come to him in privacy regarding her visit and not disturb Katherine with his business. If Allison became an issue, then he would simply visit her and explain that if she were to go near him or Katherine again, he would retract his settlement and uproot her from the home he was supplying to her.

  For now he would take care of his current situation, his drunk and possibly drugged up wife.

  He reached down, unfastened the tie to her robe and opened it. She looked marvellous. Katherine giggled and then buried her face into his wrist as she squirmed beneath him. For once he found himself wanting to make slow love and savour her. She was such a lovely vision and truthfully he didn’t think she could handle him in her current state. She’d probably giggle the whole time, which would not do well for his ego.

  “Darling, are you done giggling?” He asked teasingly, which only set off another streak of giggles.

  “I’m not sure what has come over me!” She laughed out. “I drank far more than this on our wedding night and it did not have this effect. Possibly brandy should not be my night cap? What think you, Husband?” She giggled out.

  He couldn’t help but grin. He loved hearing her refer to him as husband. That was a claim he would wear proudly on his sleeve.

  “I think you will giggle at me this eave which may not bode well for your poor husband’s ego”

  “Do you mean I may succeed in capping that arrogance of yours this very night?” She laughed out and then kissed his wrist.

  “I would not go that far, my arrogance is as attached to me as one of my limbs. If you cut it off then I fear you will cripple me.” He laughed out and then bent down to kiss her nose.

  “Heavens forbid that that should happen.” She smiled up at him. “It’s odd but I do believe I am seeing two of you. Does that seem odd to you?” She asked, sounding a little concerned and confused.

  Truthfully it did seem odd. The drink would not have had that effect on her unless she had downed the bottle, so the only thing left to consider was that she was indeed drugged.

  He felt his blood starting to boil at the thought of it being so easy for his innocent wife to be so easily drugged. He didn’t like it.

  “Was it only the Brandy you drank when you retired for the evening?”

  “Yes. Strange is it not? Even my words seem to be merely an echo in my ears, as though I am listening from far. I will admit that if this is what being drunk feels like, I can’t say that I approve. After the giggling and calmness, the after effects just aren’t worth it.”

  “Was any food brought to you?”

  “No, perhaps it was because I was drinking on an empty stomach?” She asked hopefully as her eyelids began to droop.

  “Perhaps, my Sweet. Why don’t you rest your eyes for a while?”

  She was not drunk in the slightest. It wouldn’t hurt to instil into her that she should not drink without a sufficient amount of food in her stomach, so he let her believe that. He also didn’t want her panicking from the knowledge of being drugged.

  “Mmm Hmm” She murmured out. “I don’t like this Salvador” She mumbled as her brows drew close and placed her hand against her stomach.

  He needed to have a visit with Abigail, now. What he really wanted to do was throw Abigail off of his property after throttling her to near death.

  He kept his mask of non-concern up and kissed Katherine on the cheek before getting off the bed and getting dressed.

  Katherine had curled into a ball and was holding her stomach. He could see that a sheen of sweat had broken out across her brow and her skin had turned a few hues of red.

  The demons inside of him roared throughout his head.

  He removed her robe and placed her under the sheet. To his surprise, her skin was cool to the touch and she was already sleeping.

  He stormed out of his bedroom and went on the hunt.

  When he was sure he was out of his private quarters and hearing distance from his sleeping wife, he allowed his temper to explode.

  “Abigail!” He bellowed out as he stormed down the stairs.

  Two maids that were locking up for the evening jumped when they saw him and then cowered against the wall.

  “Where is she?” He growled out as he approached them.

  “Th-th-the kitchen” One of them managed to get out as she cowered into the other maids side.

  Without a second glance he stormed off, clenching and unclenching his fists.

  When he burst through the kitchen door, a servant dropped a plate that she had been cleaning, sending it smashing into bits across the floor.

  Abigail jumped from her seat and dropped her spoon with a splash into her soup. She looked horrified and right away her face drained of all color as he set his murderous glare upon her.

  “What did you give my wife?!” He bellowed out, sending the other maid running from the room, ignoring the broken bits of ceramic.

  Abigail only looked at him as though he were the grim reaper coming to retrieve her, if she didn’t speak up soon then she wouldn’t be wrong.

  “Abigail!” He yelled out her name to bring her back to reality.

  She jumped in her seat and whimpered as he took a step forward.

  “Did you drug my wife?” He asked in a menacing tone that grown men had crumbled under.

  “Drugged?” she squeaked out.

  “Do not lie to me” He threatened her as he reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her off her seat and slamming her against the wall. “What did you put in my wife’s brandy? And do not even think about lying to me”

  “’twas only a small dose of an herb concoction to help her nerves, My Lord.” She managed to get out and then cringed when she thought the blow would come.

  “What kind of concoction?” he said menacingly.

  “Natural herbs, I swear! I myself have the same dose when me nerves are shot!”

  “And who told you to do this?” he growled.

  “No...nobody” She stuttered out.

  He could only growl as his fists tightened around her arm.

  “The poor lamb looked such a fright when you brought her here. She was even scared to let me help with her bathing! I only thought to soothe her My Lord! No harm intended.” She explained as tears started to pour down her cheeks.

  He only glared at her.

  “No harm did come to her did it?” She asked as though she was trying to make a valid point.

  “You drugged my wife. Is she supposed to see double? Feel outside of her person? Break out into a cold sweat or clench at her stomach? Not have the strength for her eyelids to remain open or to keep her conscious? Is that the kind of soothing effect you decided to bestow on her?” He growled out.

  She stood there crying hysterically for her safety while his wife was drugged in his very bed. He slapped her to quiet her hysterics. She cried out and then looked at him in shock. He had never raised a hand to a s
ervant, but then again he had never had the need, until now.

  “I swear she was only supposed to feel relaxed. I did not intend any of those things!” She cried out in her defence.

  “Pack your bags and get the hell off of my estate - Now!” He boomed as he threw her towards the door.

  When he turned his head to make sure she had left, he noted several male servants that had shown up and were standing at the door with looks of confusion and concern for Abigail written on their faces.

  “She drugged my wife who is now sick.” He explained, even though he didn’t owe them any explanation. He did not feel bad about his rough handling of the maid nor his decision to banish her. What he really wanted to do was choke her and thought she should be grateful he chose the latter.

  “Get me Sarah and tell her to meet me in my study - Now!” He growled out as he stepped over Abigail who was still on the floor where she landed and wailing at the top of her lungs. “And get rid of her!” He yelled while pointing his finger at her.

  He stormed into his study and poured himself a drink.

  He didn’t care that Abigail had the best of intentions, if she was telling the truth. Just the thought of his wife taking ill at the hands of another boiled his blood. This was his home and was supposed to be her safe haven. How could he protect her if his own staff couldn’t be trusted? She had not been home for an hour and already she lay passed out in their chamber, poisoned at the hands of the one person who he entrusted to care for her needs when he was not able to. Abigail should have known that not everybody reacts the same way to herbal remedies, especially mixed with liquor. And on top of that, this was not the night that he had planned for her and not a very good welcome home. If by morning she was not well, he would need to send for the doctor, but would make for certain that she was not made aware that she was drugged on purpose – good intent or not.

  “Come in” He barked out at the knock on the door.

  Sarah poked her head in and then flinched when she saw him.

  He must look like the devil himself and knew he needed to swallow his anger. Sarah had done nothing wrong and he could not take his anger out on her. However, she would be made to understand more clearly than Abigail understood just how he expected her to behave around her new charge.


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