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The Devil's Good Intentions

Page 19

by Kari Miller

  “What in the blazes would convince you that that was a good idea? You could have broken your neck!” Simon’s bellow cut through his thoughts.

  “Yet here I sit safe and sound” Katherine taunted back to him.

  “You’re not a bloody monkey! You pull a stunt like that with us around and I guarantee you’ll limp away with a sore behind!” Simon scolded her as he shook his head in disapproval and took a sip from his wine.

  Both Rachel and Katherine simply chuckled and rolled their eyes.

  “Damn straight we’ll tan your behind and it’s not a laughing matter. If you would have fallen out of a tree, there would have been no one around to help you.” Ed pitched in.

  “Are they always like this?” Kat asked Rachel.

  “Sometimes worse…” Rachel replied with a grin.

  “If it were left up to them, we would all be locked away with nothing but padded walls and rounded objects.” Angel pitched in with mock horror.

  “Don’t forget the bed” Charles cheerfully added as he tipped his wine cup towards his wife.

  Everyone was laughing now. The three women stuck together and mock scowled at the men as the men tried to show a display of mock disapproval to their belligerence.

  “Who has been feeding you spirit’s women?” Salvador pitched in with an arrogant grin. “Everything is left up to us and indeed you do present a safe alternative to allowing you women to run around free. What say you men?”

  Angel gasped, Kat scowled at him and Rachel laughed so hard she gripped onto her side and keeled over in her chair.

  “I think that’s a splendid idea brother mine.” Alex cheered his agreement.

  “Of course we’d have to let them out for at least 30 minutes a day for fresh air and all that stuff” Charles pitched in.

  Rachel continued her bought of laughter and now Angel and Kat were trying to keep from joining her.

  “Yes Charles, quite right. I’m sure we could fix up the dungeons to their liking and keep them there.” Peter chided them.

  “For their safety of course” Ed quickly added in.

  “Oh yes yes, of course…” each men grumbled their agreement.

  By this time, all three women were laughing so hard that tears were streaming down their faces.

  “Could you imagine?” Angel blurted out between gasps of breath.

  “Oh yes master!” Rachel bellowed out as she wiped the stream of tears from her cheeks.

  “You want to what? I’m sorry but I just did my nails and we couldn’t risk nicking them!” Kat joined in, which only fed their laughter even more.

  The men sat back, each with their arms crossed over their chests and grinning stupidly at their women as they each nearly rolled off their chair, gasping for breath between chords of laughter.

  “I can’t breathe” Angel managed to get out.

  “What fools have we married into?” Rachel burst out.

  “Fix up the dungeons indeed!” Kat chimed in.

  “When you ladies manage to pull yourselves together, you can meet us in the game room” Alex huffed out as he stood up.

  Salvador had a better idea.

  Rising from his chair, he picked up Kat and threw her across his shoulder. She continued to laugh hysterically as he carried her from the room to taunts and jibes from the other ladies.

  “Can I offer you Alex’s club, Salvador?” Angel called after him.

  “Could you picture it?” Rachel joined in “bonking her over the head and dragging her by the hair!” She cried out hysterically.

  “Neanderthals!” Kat burst out into another bought of laughter over his shoulder as the participants in the dining room’s laughter faded.

  He pushed open the door that led to the lower section of the house and grinned when her laughter started to die out as he made his way downstairs.

  “Where are you taking me?” She managed to get out in a semi-dignified voice.

  “To the dungeons of course” He responded mischievously.

  “We are at a dinner party; you can’t just throw me over your shoulder and whisk me away!” She argued with him.

  “No?” he responded with a grin as he walked through yet another door that led to the dungeons.

  Charles had converted a portion of the dungeons to a studio. He was quite the sketch artist and felt that he was at his best when there was nothing around to capture his attention, not even knick knacks or a clutter of furniture.

  His studio had a bed, desk and chair. That was all. Sometimes he would lie down on his stomach and doodle until he felt inspired or he would sit at his desk hovering over it for hours on end working on his next master piece. Charles specialty was his attention to detail, so much so that one would think he was at one with the scenery. His trick was that he had an impeccable memory and never forgot a single detail in anything he looked upon. Conversations he would forget but never the surroundings.

  Kat thumped her fist against his lower back and ordered him to put her down and act civilized, but he only tightened his grip on her and kept on.

  Charles studio was indeed behind bars and in a cell that he had knocked walls down and made into a larger cell.

  Once he reached it, he dispersed Kat onto the bed and then clanged shut the cell door, knowing that it could easily be opened.

  “Salvador!” She scoffed at him while scrambling from the bed and trying to stand up.

  He grinned as she tried to untangle her legs from her dress with frustration.

  Her skin was glowing and her cheeks were pink from her laughter. She looked lovely and edible.

  “Stop looking at me like that and help me up!” She said with exasperation as she finally gave up on her skirts and looked up at him in annoyance. “Come now, quit your foolishness and let’s get back up there before they begin to believe you’ve taken this too far.” She commanded in an imperial tone that could only be given by a woman of good breeding.

  He made his way to her and she cocked her eyebrow at him, daring to do more than simply let her up. He was never one to back down from a dare.

  Rather than help her up, he gripped onto her shoulders and pushed her back down into the bed and straddled her.

  “Don’t even…” He cut off her complaints with a demanding kiss.

  She struggled for a bit but eventually melted into it when she realized he wasn’t going to be deterred.

  “Now Wife” He growled to her, just inches from her face. “I’m sure I could find some shackles around here if you don’t behave.” He threatened her teasingly as he slipped his fingers beneath her skirt.

  Before she could reply, he captured her sweet lips again and relished in her taste.

  When he dipped two fingers into her slick sheath she moaned into his mouth and tried to turn her head away.

  He slipped his hand to the back of her head and held her to him as he teased and stroked her.

  When he had her to the point that she had no thought of her surroundings or on anybody else but him, he removed his hand from her head and released his hard shaft from his trousers.

  She kissed him back with just as much passion and writhed from beneath him.

  When he replaced his fingers with his cock and slammed home, she cried out for him and then met each thrust as he pounded into her.

  Her pussy was like a tight fist around his cock and the panted sighs that escaped her lips at each thrust drove him beyond thought.

  Reaching around and gripping her by the shoulders, he pushed her into him at each thrust, groaning as her nails raked down his back from beneath his shirt.

  They found their release together as they coupled in heated passion.

  He laid over her panting and trying to catch his breath. He meant only to take her down here and tease her some more before bringing her back upstairs, but when he felt her muscles clench around his fingers, his shaft began to pulsate with a need even he couldn’t control.

  “My Dear Katherine, the things you do to me” he whispered into her ear when his
breathing began to stabilize.

  “Mmmm” she responded in turn.

  His wife looked well sated. He knew they should get back upstairs but wanted to wait until she was feeling more herself. He had no doubt that Charles and Alex followed suit with their wives after they departed and that Peter, Ed and Simon were in the game room smoking cigars and playing a round of cards while patiently waiting for the rest of the party to return.

  At a normal dinner party, their behaviour would be less than acceptable and they wouldn’t be able to show their faces in town for months. Here among the brotherhood there was no judgment, only happiness. Each man loved their wives and put them above all others and even the single members of the family looked at the women with brotherly love and accepted any type of behaviour that brought them closer together. Kat would be embarrassed and probably dread returning upstairs, that is until she came to realize that her sister in laws had also been carried away and thoroughly ravished.

  She would learn soon enough that they were all family and teased each other about any and everything and to hell with proprietary.

  He pulled out of her and retrieved a clean rag out of the desk drawer to wipe them both down.

  Kat was already blushing and worrying her bottom lip, no doubt remembering that there was a party of people upstairs.

  “Don’t fret about it my Sweet Kat, I believe you will find you are not the only blushing bride” He assured her.

  She shot him a glance of confusion and he returned to her a wicked grin.

  He helped her stand and fix up her appearance before working on his. Truth be told, his shaft was still hard as steel and he was hoping that it would settle down a bit before having to tuck it back into his trousers.

  She glanced down at it and her eyes widened in surprise.

  “I find myself in this state whenever you are within my sight, it takes a lot of coaxing before it finally sleeps” he grinned at her.

  “Do you suppose that will fix itself as you grow more accustomed to me?” She asked as her blush deepened.

  “I certainly hope so!” He laughed out. “It’s bloody inconvenient and distracting!”

  She smirked, walked over to the cell door and gave it a tug.

  As he tucked himself back in the best he could and straightened himself out, he pondered her question a little more.

  He had never experienced a woman like Katherine. His cock would pulsate at the thought of her fisted sheath clenching around him. He would remove his clothing and his shaft would be rock hard and pointing at her in constant demand. He couldn’t get enough. Half the time he felt like he was trying to claw his way inside of her ‘cause he could never get deep enough – close enough.

  He knew every curve of her body, even the weight and feel of each breast in his hand. He had memorized her and her luscious figure was burned into his memory. He often woke to find himself already buried inside of her with his hips humping at her from behind. He would ride his hoarse which would trigger his thoughts of riding her. And then there was her angelic voice and laughter. She soothed him like no other. She knew how to make him laugh and which buttons to push if she was trying to get a rise out of him. The more he learned about her the more he desired her. He couldn’t imagine a time that he could ever look or think of her without that desire being present. He wanted so much for her to love him but he had never examined his own feelings or looked past the desire. Now as he drank in the sight of her swaying hips as she ascended the stairs, it dawned on him that he was madly in love with her. It was love that was fuelling that desire and the more he knew her the more he loved her - which only increased his desire.

  He remembered watching her converse with his family and feeling completely sated as though he had just come down from an orgasm. It made sense. He was possessive, protective, jealous, obsessed and positively adored everything about her – something he had never felt for any other woman. He loved his sister in laws and was quite protective over them as well and absolutely adored them, but nothing more than that. He thought them beautiful but that only annoyed him because he knew that men other than the brotherhood thought them beautiful as well. It would have been so much easier if they were average or even ugly! As is, he had gotten into more fist fights over them then he would ever admit to. But that aside – he loved her.

  He had never loved a woman before and wasn’t sure he was comfortable with the darker emotions that came out of this new experience. He did know that loving Katherine was as easy as breathing. He wondered how she felt about him. He knew that she definitely desired him, he had conditioned her body right from the start to purr for him whether she wanted it to or not. She was always ready for him and he was comforted with the knowledge that she trusted him. But could she ever love him? He had no doubt that she cared for him but he wanted more than that, he wanted her to crave him as he did her. He knew that she was over whelmed by his domineering ways and would continue to be overwhelmed as the years went by. If she thought him protective now then she was in for a shock when they would start attending social gatherings together. Even his brothers would prove to be over protective just as they were with Rachel and Angel.

  Katherine stopped at the top of the stairs and placed her hand on her forehead with a great sigh. He could almost hear her thoughts. She was expecting the knowing glances and possibly the disapproving looks.

  “Go on Love, there’s a chess board with our names written on it.” he tried to encourage her.

  He put his hand on the small of her back and gave her a gentle nudge. She sighed again and then stepped through the door.

  Chapter 17 – Family

  Katherine felt her heart racing and could swear her heart beat was loud enough for Salvador to hear. He had driven her almost mad with need and brought her into that zone where she knew nothing of her surroundings. He did that every time. He would bring her to the point where she could only feel, hear and smell him…even taste him on the tip of her tongue. He would covet all of her senses making nothing else matter but him, until he gave her release. He had done it this time too, but once she came back to earth, she quickly remembered that there was a dinner party upstairs waiting for them who had all witnessed Salvador carrying her off like a pirate.

  Her face heated up as she tried to stabilize her breathing and heart rate. The last thing she wanted was to draw even more attention to herself.

  By the time they got to the study, she had felt the heat leave her face. When they entered, she saw Peter and Ed in the corner having some kind of heated debate and Angel, Alex and Simon dealing out a game of cards. Alex had a lazy smile on his face and his hair was a little ruffed up and Angel also seemed relaxed with the same lazy smile on her face and just a hint of pink to the hue of her skin. Charles and Rachel were nowhere to be found.

  “You see Love” Salvador whispered into her ear right before nipping at her earlobe.

  “Devil” she murmured back with a smirk on her face.

  Angel looked up and smiled, then nodded her head for them to come join them.

  “After” Salvador responded to her invite.

  Salvador placed his hand on the back of her neck and led her to the chess table while rubbing his thumb back and forth in a soothing motion. None of the men looked at them with knowing looks; they all appeared to be uninterested in their scandalous behaviour.

  She wondered if Alex and Charles threw their wives over their shoulders after they left, carrying them off to god knows where or if they simply strolled out of the room together.

  The pieces for the chess set were already in place. Of course Salvador placed her at the white set while he took the black one.

  Not too long into the game, Charles and Rachel returned. Charles strolled over to Peter and Ed while Rachel nodded at Angel and strolled over to sit with Salvador and herself.

  “Finally you find a partner worthy of your skills, Salvador” Rachel commented as she studied the board.

  “Indeed.” Salvador replied as he scowled at the boar
d in concentration.

  “During my seclusion there wasn’t much to keep me entertained, so I used to set up my chess board and study the game through trial and error. It kept me occupied for the most part.” She explained, as though living as she did was nothing out of the norm.

  Sometimes she would fear what people would think of her and worried they would label her a freak. Most women would have turned tricks in order to survive and she suspected that the ton would speculate on that if they ever learned her history. She did however feel comfortable enough with Rachel to speak about her past without feeling shame. Even Angel had questioned her earlier. Her questioning was not out of criticism or to make her feel uncomfortable, Katherine actually felt as though Angel admired her for her survival skills. She laughed at herself for feeling so nervous about meeting Salvador’s chosen family. They had made her feel comfortable and accepted right off the bat. The brothers were funny, witty and endearing and the women were the pillars of the family. Kat even felt a sense of protectiveness over this family and couldn’t imagine anyone breaking it apart. They had made her feel more accepted than her own family had and she already cherished them. When Ed and Peter were scolding her for climbing trees, she could see the worry and concern in their eyes and the fear for what might have happened. Her Father knew that she climbed trees in her youth, but he never said a word against it because it got her out of his hair. Sometimes she thought about purposely falling out of the tree and injuring herself just to see if he would care.


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