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The Devil's Good Intentions

Page 22

by Kari Miller

  When Salvador reached his room, he noted that it was unusually silent. He quietly stepped in and noted that Katherine was nowhere in sight. When he ventured to the bathing chamber, he could tell that she had taken a bath but again she did not occupy that room either. A wave of panic passed through him as he envisioned her leaving the estate to prove her point. Clenching his fists, he stormed out of their chambers and ventured into each guest bedroom in hopes that she was pouting in the safety of his home. After searching the upper floor with no results, he started to venture downstairs.

  “Sarah!” His voice boomed from the stairway as he stormed into the front hall.

  “Sarah!” He called again bringing the doorman to his heel.

  “Have you seen Sarah or Katherine?” He barked at the doorman as he started checking the rooms downstairs.

  “No, My Lord” The man stumbled out as the blood drained from his face.

  “My Lord?” Sarah’s voice reached his ears from down the hall.

  “Get over here” He barked as he stormed into the library.

  Sarah jumped at his order and then quickly obeyed.

  “Where is my wife?” He bellowed as he checked every nook and cranny in the library.

  “She has retired for the evening My Lord” She informed him nervously.

  “Where did she retire to?” He turned and faced her head on.

  She took a step back and held her throat in fright.

  “Y-your chamber?” She replied with uncertainty.

  “Did you see her retire to my chamber?”

  “Y-yes My Lord! I laid out her robe and brought her nightcap before she bid me to retire for the evening.” She stuttered out and then gulped when his expression turned menacing.

  “Did she appear calm to you?”

  “N-no. She seemed a trifle upset but would not relate to me as to why. But I was sure she was bound for bed!”

  “You were wrong.” He said menacingly as he turned his eyes to the group of servants who had gathered to the doorway of the library.

  “I want this place torn apart until she is found.” He growled out as he stormed passed his servants to continue his hunt.

  She would not have left the estate would she? Could she be that dense? He made his way out to the stables to see if her horse was where it should be – it was. He looked around and verified that all the other horses were in there places which they were.

  Just then the stable master came around the corner with a pitch fork in his hand.

  “Halt thief!” The man yelled as he started towards Salvador.

  “Cease!” Salvador bellowed – stopping the stable master in his tracks.

  “Lord Salvador? Is that you?”

  “Indeed it is I. Have you seen my wife?”

  “Yes My Lord. I was on my way to see you, but got distracted when I heard someone in the stables. It turns out I have no need to seek you out after all.” He chuckled out merrily as though there was nothing wrong.

  “Where is she?” Salvador said in a calm tone that did not reflect his seething anger.

  “The Mistress requested that I saddle her horse for her and when I refused her pleas, she attempted to saddle her horse herself. Thank goodness the saddle weighs more than she, eh!” He laughed out, not seeing the growing tick in Salvador’s cheek.

  “And where pray tell did she depart to after that?” Salvador managed to get out.

  “After she stormed out of the barn, I followed her to an empty slave quarter. She did not see me following her and I didn’t want to alarm her to my presence, just in case she decided to run off where it wasn’t safe. I stayed for a little while to make sure she stayed there and then I was on my way to fetch you.” The man proudly proclaimed.

  “Remind me to give you a raise.” Salvador responded to him. “Which quarters shall I find her in?” He continued.

  The man beamed with pride and led Salvador to the quarter that he saw her retreat to.

  “Thank you. Please go back to my home and alert Henry that the search is over and for the servants to retire for the evening.

  “Yes My Lord.” He bowed and then ran back to the house.

  Salvador stayed where he was for a while to cool down his temper. Where did the little vixen think she was going to go at this hour? And why retire here instead of in their chamber? Was she trying to worry him? She would learn that she will not flee every time things don’t go her way.

  When he felt as though he could approach her without throttling her, he approached the small hut.

  Rather than trying the handle, he kicked in the door and stood at the entryway.

  Katherine jumped from the bed and yelled out her surprise as she looked on him with horror.

  When she realized that it was her husband who had kicked in the door, her face went from terror to confusion and then to stubborn pride.

  “Stay back Salvador” She warned him as she held out her hand to ward him off, trying to cover herself with a sheet.

  She sat there on the single cot on her knees and facing him like she would her enemy. He had to admire her courage but could not admire her stupidity.

  “What in the blazes do you think you’re doing here?” He bellowed from the door as he took a menacing step forward.

  “I needed space and had no desire to have you crowd it for the remainder of the evening.” She retorted bravely.

  “And where did you think you were going to go if you managed to saddle your horse?” He tried to enquire with a level tone.

  She paled visibly and he could see that she was starting to lose her nerve.

  “Answer me!” He bellowed out.

  She licked her lips nervously and averted her eyes.

  “T-To the hunting lodge” She responded meekly. “Y-You said for me not to leave the estate and technically the hunting lodge is still on the estate.” She tried to defend her actions.

  Now he had visions of wolves circling her, or her getting lost in the dark and coming upon highwaymen. He felt his temper starting to peak again and he saw her flinch as he visibly started to shake from it.

  “You little fool! There are wild animals and other threats that could have torn you apart well before I would have found you!”

  He slammed the hut door shut making the foundation shake. Katherine gasped and tried to leap from the bed, but he was quicker.

  He grabbed her by the back of her neck and dragged her body up to his.

  “I was so angry and I wasn’t thinking about that!” She tried to defend herself.

  “No Kat, you just weren’t thinking.” He growled out to her.

  “Salvador, you’re angry right now and will probably do something you will regret later. Please let me go.” She pleaded.

  “No. You argued with me because I insist on putting your safety above anything else and then the first thing you do is disappear from our home and attempt to put yourself into harm’s way. That is not acceptable.” He growled out again as his hand tightened around the back of her neck.

  “What are you going to do?” She trembled out as she tried to twist her neck free from his grasp.

  Without answering her, he sat down on the cot and dragged her over his knees. When he started to lift up her shift, she started squirming and bucking beneath his hold. When her shift was lifted to her lower back, he held her there firmly and quickly administered his first smack. He had spanked her in passion, but this was not meant to bring pleasure. She cried out and desperately tried to free herself from him - but he was stronger. He knew it was either this or the strap and he had no desire to go that far. He continued to thrash her bottom until her struggles ceased. He looked down at the angry welts on her cheeks and nodded with approval.

  He pulled her shift down and without saying a word of comfort; he tossed her over his shoulder and carried her back to the house.

  She had passed out from the pain he had inflicted and easily brought her up to their quarters without running into any of the servants. When they arrived to his room, he re
moved her shift and placed her gently down on the bed – laying her on her stomach and then went to fetch the soothing balm. As he administered it to her bottom, she moaned and squirmed beneath him. He knew she had regained consciousness and wondered what her response would be to his punishment. Would she reject him? Again he had a vision of her being torn apart by wolves and instantly knew he did not regret his actions. She could not endanger herself like that and needed to know that there were consequences for her lack of obedience.

  She gasped and buried her face into the pillow as his fingers ran the lubricant over a rising welt.

  “If you ever place yourself in a dangerous situation again Katherine, this punishment will seem light compared to what I will do to you. Do you understand me?” He warned her in an even tone.

  She nodded her head into the pillow and flinched again as his fingers traced over another welt.

  “Good. We will not speak of this again and will continue as is come the morning. But Katherine, I am your husband and you will not run from me. You belong in my bed and I will drag you here by your hair if need be if you seek refuge elsewhere.”

  With that final warning, he removed himself from the bed and went to the bathing chamber to draw himself a bath.

  When he was ready to retire, he noted that she had probably cried herself to sleep and felt a knot tug from within him. He still did not regret his actions but loathed the fact that he was the cause of her tears. Katherine was still young and naïve about many things. If anything were to happen to her, he would be lost. He was her husband and it was his job to assure her comfort and safety.

  With that last thought, he blew out the lanterns and fell into an exhausted sleep.

  Chapter 19 - The Devil is a Woman

  The next morning when he rose, he noted that she had barely moved and was still fast asleep beside him. Her welts had almost vanished but he could see the imprint of his hands on each butt cheek in the form of a bruise. Still he did not regret his actions.

  His loins throbbed as he possessively raked his eyes across her bare flesh and cursed that he couldn’t do anything about it without hurting her. God he wanted her. He was still amazed that she could arouse him to this state just by being near to him. Her arms were tucked under her pillow and the curves of her breasts peaked out enticingly from beneath her. He ran his finger along the curve closest to him, causing her to shiver and roll to her side.

  She was still fast asleep and he grinned at the temptation that she was. He too turned to face her on his side and carefully drew her leg up slightly to rest over his leg. She flinched and moaned in her sleep and her hand flew to her hip, scratching it before it fell limp again behind her back.

  The tip of her breast beckoned him and his shaft throbbed in agony. His breathing sped up as his eyes caressed every inch of her body.

  His hips thrust forward involuntarily as his eyes rested on the black patch of the silky triangle between her thighs. He groaned as he envisioned himself plunging into her sweetness. Unable to stand the incredible need within his groin, he wrapped his fist around his shaft and thrust his hips into it as his eyes feasted on her. Leaning forward, he licked at her nipple and started pumping his fist harder as her nipple hardened beneath his tongue.

  He fought with reason and did everything in his power not to roll her over and plunge himself into her. He sucked on her nipple which brought out a seductive moan from her lips. Leaning in closer, he rubbed the crown of his cock on her nub while continuing to pleasure himself.

  “Salvador?” She called out sleepily.

  He couldn’t stand the pressure anymore. He scooted down and lifted her thigh in one hand while he continued to pleasure himself in the other. When he flicked her nub with his tongue she moaned out softly. He buried his lips and tongue within her honey warmth and savagely drank in her cream.

  She was awake now and breathless as she tried to discern what was happening. When he felt himself drawing nearer to his completion he nipped at her nub and then swirled his tongue around it causing her to try and shut her legs as her orgasm made its way through her body.

  When she stopped twitching, it took less than five strokes before his own body trembled in ecstasy.

  When he came down from his high, he pulled her to him and kissed her shoulder.

  “Good Morning Love” He purred into her ear seductively and then nipped it.

  “Good Morning” She responded breathlessly as she tried to gather her wits.


  The next few days went by slowly for Katherine. Her bottom was still bruised and sore because of her punishment so therefore kept mainly to the library or her bed where she could lie on her side or her stomach to read. Salvador was unrepentant even when he would see her flinch as she sat herself down on her chair at the dining table. They never spoke of what happened and truthfully Katherine knew that he was within his right to punish her as he did. Sarah had confirmed that there were indeed wolves in the forest and that a servant had been mulled by one three years prior. Katherine would prefer Salvador’s hand to a wolf’s claw any day.

  On the third day, Katherine decided to venture out and attempt to ride. Her bottom was feeling much better and the bruises had mostly healed because of the herbal concoction she had put together.

  After her horse was saddled, she informed the stable boy that she would be riding on the northern end of the estate and to notify one of her chaperones that he could catch up with her. The stable boy tried to convince her to wait but it was such a lovely day and she was so anxious to be off that she waved off his pleas and trotted away.

  When she reached the border of the estate, she pulled her horses reins in and slowly walked him into the forest. Her senses were immediately alerted to wild mint and she smiled with delight as she hopped down from her horse and tied his reins to a nearby branch. As she was collecting the mint she was softly humming to herself and enjoying the warm rays of sun that broke through the blanket of the trees. Her mind drifted to when she lived in her cottage and felt a sudden longing for the freedom she once had. She would never leave Salvador, but what she wouldn’t give for her freedom as well.

  She was so caught up in her musings that she failed to notice she was no longer alone. When she straightened up to stretch, she froze as she registered the figure standing before her.

  The woman was in her early-twenties with black raven hair and grey piercing eyes. Her body was curvy and voluptuous while her breasts were large and straining against her gown. Katherine’s first thought was that she was a Witch, but then quickly dismissed that idea. The woman was looking at her curiously with her intense grey eyes that sent shivers of foreboding down her spine.

  “Are you lost?” Katherine asked the woman as she looked around for her escorts.

  The woman’s plump red lips curved into a friendly smile as she took a step forward.

  “No. I was just taking a walk” She replied in a sing song voice that sounded more of a seduction than anything.

  Katherine knew that it was Charles property that backed onto this piece of their land and wondered if this woman was a guest of theirs. Before she could ask, the woman took another step towards her and roved her eyes over Katherine’s person with distaste.

  “What is your name child?” The woman asked while still inspecting her.

  Katherine felt alarmed at this woman’s sudden hostility and wondered who she was.

  “I am Katherine Rochester Cresta, Mistress of the Cresta Estate and wife to Lord Salvador Cresta.” She replied proudly as she lifted her chin in aristocrat arrogance. “And who are you?” Katherine boldly asked as she returned the woman’s hostile gaze.

  The woman’s eyes narrowed as she took another step forward, bringing her about two feet away from Katherine. Katherine held her ground even though she felt uneasy about this woman and her manner. She was starting to reconsider the possibility of her being a Witch.

  “I am Allison Dufont, your husband’s Mistress” She declared with just as much arrogance
as Katherine had displayed.

  The woman grinned at Katherine’s shocked gasp.

  “You lie.” Katherine whispered as she took a step back.

  “I do not and quite frankly I’m surprised that a child of your stature is able to keep up with my wild stallion in bed, without being bruised and broken - you’re such a tiny little thing.” Allison stated with a mock glance upon Katherine’s person.

  Katherine knew the woman was speaking true. How else would she know her husband’s bedroom habits? Tears welled up in her eyes as the stab of betrayal pierced her heart.

  “He has forbidden me from coming near you, but I had to meet with you and see what I am rivalling. If I were you, I would keep this meeting to yourself. Salvador will never give me up and you mentioning me will only cause strain in your marriage.”

  Katherine knew it to be true. Salvador would do whatever he wanted to. Most husbands took on mistresses and it was the wives duty to turn the other cheek. But Salvador had lain with her nearly every night, sometimes all night. When would he have the time or even the endurance to bed this woman? She needed more proof. The more she thought about it the more unreal the woman’s claim seemed to be. Perhaps she was an old lover, but Katherine doubted that Salvador continued his relationship with her when he brought her home as his wife.

  Allison could see the scepticism on Katherine’s face and grinned.

  “He has set me up in a townhouse in Oxford. I always look forward to his visits when he comes into town…” Allison maliciously purred out to Katherine, no doubt to hurt her.

  “Why are you telling me this?” Katherine chocked out as she felt her world spinning out of control.

  “I know that if I were married to Salvador, I would want to know who he spends his spare time with. I promise not to interfere with your marriage and will please him well enough so that he won’t feel the need to wander to any other woman other than us. We need to stick together. Salvador was happy enough with just me but knew he had a duty to wed you. Don’t think ill of him, Salvador and I go back a long way and a relationship like ours cannot be severed as easily as you would probably hope for. But know this; you are the true winner because you are blessed with his name and his title. For that I envy you.”


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