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The Devil's Good Intentions

Page 31

by Kari Miller

“As you wish” She said with a wicked grin on her face and gave him a mock bow.

  “Witch” he returned with his own wicked grin.

  A week had passed since he had confirmed with Sarah that Katherine was with child. At the Brotherhood gaming night, they broke the news to the women that all of the men would be going on an extended men’s only hunting trip. The women were disappointed that they had decided to be gone for so long, but in the end there was nothing they could say to make them change their minds. Another announcement was made that Simon had found a suitor for his betrothed and that the final paperwork relieving him of his duty had been finalized the night before. In addition to that news he had admitted that he had not been around as much as of late because he had met a woman that he was serious about. They all chastised him for not introducing her to them but he assured her that he would, once he was certain that she was indeed the one. He also confessed that he didn’t want his brothers to scare her away. They all got a good chuckle from that and sympathetic looks from the women.

  Salvador was in the library watching Katherine in the garden. She had bent down to pick a daisy and when she straightened herself up, he flew to his feet as he watched her sway and then crumble to the ground.

  The gardener had reached her before Salvador did. When he finally got to her, he mindlessly pushed the gardener away and scooped her up in his arms.

  She was so pale and her body was lifeless. Feeling helpless, he quickly carried her upstairs and laid her in the bed.

  “My Lord?” He heard Sarah exclaim as she rushed into his chamber.

  “She’s fainted” Salvador explained as he turned her to the side to loosen the latches on her dress.

  He heard some splashing from within the bath chamber and then Sarah was beside him giving him a cold damp cloth to place on her brow.

  As he did so, Katherine’s eyelids fluttered open and then the look of confusion crossed her face.

  “Its ok Love, rest your eyes while I take care of you.” He said gently as he took her hand into his.

  “What happened?” She asked as her lids closed once again.

  “You fainted in the garden.” He explained. “Sarah, prepare some tea with a small dose of laudanum please.”

  “Yes My Lord”.

  He expected Katherine to protest but she didn’t. She looked weak and helpless as she lay upon the pillow.

  “I’m sorry” She breathed out as she scowled at herself. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” She stated weakly.

  He couldn’t keep her precarious state from her any longer.

  “I do Love and it’s a good thing.” He assured her.

  Her eyes weakly fluttered open again and she looked upon him curiously.

  “What do you mean?” She breathed out weakly.

  “Darling, surely you must have suspected that you were with child.” He informed her lovingly, bringing her knuckles to his mouth to brush a gentle kiss upon them.

  Her eyes widened and her breath caught.

  “Truly!” She gasped out.

  He chuckled at her innocence and kissed her knuckles again.

  “Truly.” He assured her.

  With his free hand, he placed it over her stomach and smiled.

  “I didn’t know” she whispered to herself as she glanced down at his hand. “I swear.” She whispered more adamantly as though she was defending herself to him.

  “I know Love. But now you do and you must promise me you will be more conscious of your condition. Our child is depending on you.” He cooed to her lovingly.

  Her eyes met his and he could see that she was holding back tears.

  “Our child” she repeated out loud as though she was testing the sound of it on her tongue.

  “Does that make you happy?” He asked her cautiously.

  Her eyes widened again.

  “Of course! Yes Salvador! I am with Child!” She suddenly brightened up as though she finally grasped what he was trying to tell her.

  She let out a cry of happiness as she sat up quickly and threw her arms around his neck.

  He quickly returned her embrace and rocked her in his arms as she cried her tears of joy.

  Finally he was able to share his excitement with her and her reaction was exactly what he had been hoping for.

  She suddenly leaned back and looked at him.

  “Are you truly as happy as I am?” She asked hopefully with an uncertain look on her face.

  “More than happy.” He assured her as he wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.

  Helping her take off her dress, he laid her back in the bed with just her petticoats.

  By the time she was settled underneath the covers, Sarah had returned with her tea.

  “Sarah, I am with child! Isn’t that wonderful news!” She exclaimed happily as she accepted her tea.

  “Indeed it is.” Sarah smiled knowingly as she fluffed the pillows behind her.

  Suddenly Katherine looked at him with speculation on her face. He knew what was coming.

  “Salvador…how long have you known?”

  He grinned at her and kissed her forehead.

  “For sometime now.” He admitted without hesitating.

  “How do you know I am with child?”

  “I could tell by the changes in your body…that and your lack of monthly flow and lack of appetite was a sure sign.”

  “My body?” She asked, confused as her hand flew down to her stomach. She scowled when she didn’t notice a change and looked up to him in silent question.

  “I told you, your body is mine, of course I would notice any slight change.” He grinned.

  She shook her head in confusion and decided to let it go.

  “When did you plan on telling me?” She asked again, this time sounding annoyed, now that her initial shock had passed.

  “I had hoped that you would come to the conclusion on your own, however after what just happened I felt it important that you were informed without further delay – for yours and the baby’s safety of course.”

  “Oh. How could I have not known?” She scolded herself.

  “No worries, there are more women than not who are informed of their condition by their maids or husbands, it’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about love.” Sarah shot over her shoulder before she exited the room to give them some alone time.

  Katherine watched Sarah leave with a look of relief on her face.

  “Drink up.” Salvador instructed her, bringing her attention back to him.

  She did as he instructed and then laid the teacup on the side table and then lowered herself deeper into the covers.

  “I have interviewed and hired a physician and a live in mid-wife. I’ll call him to come see you tomorrow and inform the mid-wife to expect to move in next week.” He informed her with an air of authority that left no room for argument.

  “You’ve thought of everything” She commented sleepily as the laudanum started to take effect.

  “Of course. I told you I would always take care of you and I meant what I said.” He informed her as though he was informing her that the sun was in the sky.

  “Now sleep my love and we will speak of this when you’ve had more rest.” He commanded her as he kissed her forehead once again and stood up.

  She mumbled something in return but he couldn’t quite make it out as she quickly fell into a deep slumber.

  Rather than leaving her alone to sleep, he stirred the coals in the hearth and sat in front of the fire. Staring into the flames, he finally allowed himself to remember watching her face as she crumbled to the ground and the fear that he felt at that moment. Some women needed more rest and care than others when they were with child and knowing Katherine, she would not be an easy patient to contend with.

  He chuckled at her stubbornness and then prayed that she would get over these fainting spells before he left on his trip.


  When Katherine opened her eyes next, she felt her husband’s body wrapped arou
nd her and his breath even and steady against her shoulder. It was well into the night and it horrified her that she had slept right through dinner and into most of the evening. When she tried to lift his arm from her, he instinctively tightened his grip. She had a desperate need to use the facilities and had no wish to wake him up to do so. Salvador had been working long hours in his study lately and had been conducting many meetings on his estate. She was grateful that he spent more time at home than in the city, but even still he was locked away most of the time. She had begun to worry for him when she started seeing the lines of fatigue on his handsome features but whenever night time came, he would be a vigorous lover and show no signs that his body wished to be sated with slumber.

  Katherine tried once again to free herself to no avail. She reached around and lightly tickled Salvador’s nose. His arm hastily flew from her to wipe away her tickle, giving her the chance to free herself.

  After she had relieved herself in the bathing chamber, she decided to make her way downstairs and see what she could stir up in the kitchen.

  Wearing only a robe over her petticoats, she quietly made her way downstairs. The kitchen for the most part was locked up and all that she was able to find without having to tear through the cupboards was stale bread and some cheese.

  After fixing herself a snack, she carried her burden outside and seated herself on the steps of the patio, staring off at the moon and stars above.

  She couldn’t believe her naivety over her current state. But rather than focusing on that, she decided to thank her maker for blessing her with a child. Even more than pleasant was her husband’s reaction. The way he had looked at her made her heart swell. She had felt adored and worshiped. Any concern that she may have had was instantly replaced with joy when he held her in his arms and rocked her back and forth. She had seen so many sides to her husband, that she had lost track of his many personalities. She had seen a glimpse of what others saw that earned him his nickname “The Devil” while at the ball. She could see that men looked at him with fear and respect while women looked at him with lustful eyes. He exerted power wherever he went and just his mere presence demanded attention. She had not seen Salvador look upon any female in the ballroom except for her and when one brave woman had attempted to approach him, he quickly brushed her off and walked away from her mid-sentence as though she wasn’t worth the air that he breathed. She also noticed that Charles and Alex were the same way with their wives. They truly were a tight nit family and there really wasn’t room for outsiders. For that she felt protected and part of. Now she would bring a baby into the family and her heart warmed again. She remembered sitting around Rachel’s game room that first night that she had met the entire brotherhood and thinking that a child would complete the picture. If only she knew then that at that time she had a baby growing within her.

  She placed a gentle hand and lovingly stroked it with her thumb as she let her thoughts wander and her food settle.

  “Lady Katherine?” A gentle voice came from behind her.

  She turned her head and saw the outline of a male standing behind her.

  “Who goes there?” she asked reluctantly.

  “‘Tis I, Henry.”

  “Oh - hello Henry. It’s late; I thought that everybody would be sleeping.” She responded as she pulled her robe closer together.

  “Yes well, I am an old man and most of my nights are restless.” He admitted sheepishly.

  “Forgive me for intruding but shouldn’t you be in bed?” He asked with a fatherly tone that made her smile.

  “I think I have slept my share for the night.” She responded with a light chuckle. “Do you care to join me?” She asked hopefully.

  She really did like her husband’s steward, now that she knew him better.

  “Thank you, but only for a bit.” He responded in kind.

  Henry settled himself beside her and she saw him grin when he spotted her empty plate of food.

  “I missed dinner.” She admitted.

  “The laudanum hit you pretty hard, Salvador tried to wake you but you were sleeping like the dead!” he chuckled.

  Katherine was relieved to know that it was the relaxant that made her sleep so much and not her condition.

  “It was probably for the best, a woman in your condition needs as much rest as she is able.”

  “So you know…” she trailed off.

  “Yes I know. Now that you had been informed of your condition, Salvador made sure that the rest of the staff knows as well.”


  “So they can keep an eye out for you no doubt.” He responded gleefully.

  “Oh God…he’s going to be over bearing isn’t he?” She realized out loud.

  “He most certainly is and I can guarantee that you will both butt heads over it, but try and remember Katherine that he is your husband and has nothing but your safety and the best of intentions in mind.”

  “I know - I’m just not used to being coddled.”

  “I’m sure he will rectify that shortly.” He chuckled out.

  “Do you think he will still go on his hunting trip knowing that I am with child?”

  She didn’t really want him to go, even if he threatened to be over bearing. She liked having him around and already felt empty knowing he would be gone for so long.

  “I’m afraid he will. You are still in the beginning stages and so therefore are in no danger, just as long as you relax and don’t over exert yourself. The mid-wife he hired is a doting hen and will most assuredly see that you are off your feet more than you are on them.”

  “I’m sure that was the quality that got her hired.” Katherine stated ruefully.

  “That was part of it. She’s a widow and a mother of six. All of her children have grown up now and she has no ties to the city. She was also highly recommended by one of his business associates whom had hired her for his wife’s birthing.”

  “He’s very diligent.” She commented absently.

  “Indeed he is. Salvador would move mountains for you Katherine just to see you happy. Please don’t be so hard on him and fight against his protective nature at every turn, you’ll lose every time no matter what and cause nothing but strife in the process.”

  “I see that and I know. Sometimes I can’t control my temper and my tongue lashes out before I’ve had time to think my comments through. I feel horrible afterwards for it, but I suspect he knows that.”

  “He does, which is why he humours you most of the time.” Henry said with a knowing smirk.

  “He’s quite young for a man to be so successful and feared in the community.” She commented offhandedly.

  “He’s twenty-six years old. Salvador had to grow up quicker than most children and even when his parents were in the picture they used to tease him saying that he was born a grown man. He hasn’t had an easy life either and learned to harden himself against the world in order to survive while the other children his age were playing pirates.”

  “That’s so tragic!” She commented with a frown on her face.

  “Yes well, his parents weren’t directly abusive towards him, but theirs was a marriage no man would envy if they had but known.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “No, Salvador will tell you when it’s the right time.”

  “Fair enough.” she replied, gaining another notch of respect for her husband’s steward.

  She could tell that Henry was very fond of her husband and she was grateful that he had someone to look over him like Henry.

  “Are you pleased that you will be having Salvador’s child?” He asked suddenly.

  “Of course! In fact I wish I was further along just so the wait for our child’s arrival would come quicker!” She exclaimed cheerfully. “Why do you ask?”

  “It’s just that I know that in the beginning you were not such a willing bride, I only wanted to be sure that this wasn’t coming on too quickly for you.”

  She was surprised that Henry would bring that up. Like
Sarah, he too was bold in his opinions and again she found no fault in that.

  “I must confess” she started reluctantly. “I feel as though Salvador and I have been married for much longer than we have.” She chuckled out.

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “Indeed it is. If I had known what kind of husband Salvador would be to me, I would have welcomed him with open arms back at that cottage.” She admitted without embarrassment.

  For some reason she felt very comfortable around Henry. He did remind her of a fatherly figure and was grateful for that.

  “You could not know how happy I am to hear that, child.” He said with a look of fatherly affection on his face. “Does your husband know the way you feel?” He asked more hesitantly.

  “Surely he must. I haven’t run from him like I was most certain I would and I believe I have been open with my feelings towards him. It’s not like me to hold anything back.”

  “Do you love him?” He asked with an uncertainty in his tone.

  “I think I do, but then again it’s very strange since I have not known him for too long. Love would be a foolish emotion would it not?” She asked with genuine curiosity.

  Henry chuckled.

  “Love could strike you within a mere moment of knowing a person. There is no rhyme or rhythm to its madness. Tell me why you think you love him.” He prompted.

  “Well, I miss him when he is not around and always look forward to seeing him. He makes me feel like no other man has, but then again I have been secluded for so long that I wouldn’t be able to compare him to anyone else. But he truly makes me happy and I can’t picture being married to anyone but him.” She confessed.

  “Well if that isn’t love, then I would say you are well on your way.” He said affectionately as he patted her arm.



  “Do you think he loves me?” She whispered out, fearing his answer.

  “Lord Salvador has never spoken his affections with me.” He answered honestly and she felt her heart slump.

  “But with that being said, I have known him for most of his life and I have never seen him react to anyone the way he does with you. My opinion is that he does, but Lady Katherine it would have to be your husband to declare it.”


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