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The Hell of Good Intentions

Page 45

by Stephen M. Walt

  Afghan War; accountability; casualties; PowerPoint slide of; surges; Trump and

  Africa; AIDS in. See also specific countries

  Agreed Framework (1994)

  Ahmedinejad, Mahmoud


  Air Force, U.S.

  Albright, Madeleine

  Alexander, Keith

  Allawi, Ayad

  Allison, Graham T.

  all-volunteer force (AVF)

  Al Qaeda


  American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

  American Friends Service Committee

  American-Israel Public Affairs Committee

  Ames, Charles

  Amnesty International

  Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (2002)

  Anton, Michael

  Arab-Israeli conflict; peace process accountability; Trump and; two-state solution

  Arab Spring



  Arms Control Association

  Ash, Timothy Garton

  Asia; 1997 financial crisis; offshore balancing and. See also specific countries

  Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

  Aspen Strategy Group (ASG)

  Assad, Bashar al-

  Associated Press

  Atlantic, The

  Atlantic Council

  Aucoin, Joseph


  Axis of Evil

  Bacevich, Andrew

  bad ideas, survival of

  Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al-


  Baker, James

  Baker, Peter

  balance-of-power logic

  Bales, Robert


  Bannon, Steve

  Barabas, Jason

  Barnes, Fred

  Barstow, David

  Baum (Matthew) and Potter (Philip), War and Democratic Constraint

  Beauchamp, Zack

  Bee, Samantha




  Benjamin, Medea

  Bergen, Peter

  Berger, Sandy

  Biden, Joe

  Bilmes, Linda

  bin Laden, Osama; death of

  bin Salman, Mohammed

  Bipartisan Policy Center

  Bismarck, Otto von

  Blackwill, Robert

  Blair, Jayson

  Blitzer, Wolf

  Blob. See foreign policy community (the Blob)


  Blum, Gabriella

  Boko Haram

  Bolton, John

  Boot, Max


  Bosnian War

  Bosworth, Stephen

  Bouton, Marshall

  Brainerd, Lael


  Breitbart News

  Bremmer, Ian

  Brennan, John

  Brookings Institution

  Brooks, David

  Brooks, Stephen


  Buchanan, Patrick


  Bundy, McGeorge


  Burns, Nicholas

  Bush, George H. W.; foreign policy

  Bush, George W.; “Axis of Evil” thinking; foreign policy; immigration policy; Iraq War and; liberal hegemony approach; nuclear policy; terrorism policy


  Campbell, Kurt



  Carden, James

  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

  Carnesale, Albert

  Carothers, Thomas

  Carter, Jimmy

  Cartwright, James “Hoss”

  Castro, Fidel

  casualties; ignoring the deaths of others; U.S.

  Cato Institute

  Center for American Progress (CAP)

  Center for a New American Security (CNAS); Extending American Power

  Center for International Policy

  Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA)

  Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

  Center for the National Interest

  Central African Republic

  Central Asia

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); accountability of; Trump and

  Chandrasekaran, Rajiv

  chemical and biological weapons

  Cheney, Dick; “one percent doctrine”

  Chertoff, Michael

  China; economy; human rights; Iran and; One Belt, One Road Initiative; RCEP; as rising power; Russia and; territorial claims; trade; Trump and; U.S. relations with

  Christensen, Thomas J.

  Christopher, Warren

  civil liberties

  Clancy, Jim

  Clapper, James

  Clemons, Steven

  climate change; denial of; Paris Agreement

  Clinton, Bill; foreign policy; liberal hegemony approach; 1992 presidential campaign; terrorism policy

  Clinton, Hillary; approach to foreign policy; liberal hegemony and; as secretary of state; 2016 presidential campaign


  Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy

  Coats, Dan

  Cohen, Eliot A.

  Cohen, Richard

  Cohen, Roger

  Cohn, Gary

  Colbert, Stephen

  Cold War; end of

  Cole, USS

  Coll, Steve

  Comey, James

  Committee on the Present Danger

  communism; fear of; Soviet

  Congress, U.S.

  Constitution, U.S.

  containment strategy

  Cooke, Janet

  Cooper, Helene

  Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)



  Crimea; Russian seizure of

  Cruickshank, Paul



  Czech Republic

  Daalder, Ivo

  Dayton Agreement (1996)

  Dahlan, Mohammed

  Defense Department; accountability

  defense spending; concealing the costs of liberal hegemony; liberal hegemony and; of 1990s; offshore balancing and; Trump and; of 2000s

  democracy; foreign policy community and; foreign policy and democratic politics; global decline of; liberal hegemony and; Trump and; unipolar moment; U.S. efforts at promotion of

  Democracy Index

  Democratic Party

  democratic peace theory

  Dempsey, Martin

  Deng Xiaoping

  Diamond, Larry

  Diehl, Jackson

  diplomacy; careers

  disease; global pandemics

  dissenters and whistle-blowers

  Dobriansky, Paula

  Dombrowski, Peter

  domino theory

  Donahue, Phil

  Donilon, Thomas

  draft, military

  Drake, Thomas

  Drezner, Daniel W.


  Drudge Report

  dual containment

  Duffy, Michael

  Dulles, John Foster

  Dunford, Joseph

  Duterte, Rodrigo

  East Asia

  East China Sea

  Eastern Establishment

  Eastern Europe; NATO expansion; velvet revolutions. See also specific countries

  Ebola virus

  economic liberalism

  economy; concealing the costs of liberal hegemony; global; liberal hegemony approach; market; of 1990s; offshore balancing and; peace and; prosperity goal; sanctions; Trump and; 2008 financial crisis

  Edelman, Eric

  Egypt; Arab Spring; democracy failure in; regime change

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  El Salvador

  Emerson, John B.

  “end of history”

  Engelhardt, Tom

  Erdogan, Recep


  euro; crisis

; NATO expansion; offshore balancing and; refugee crisis. See also specific countries

  European Reassurance Initiative (ERI)

  European Union (EU); expansion of; uncertain future of


  Export-Import Bank

  Extending American Power



  fake news


  fear; of communism; threat inflation and

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  Federal Reserve

  Feinstein, Diane

  Feith, Douglas

  Financial Times

  Fisher, Max

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott

  Flourney, Michèle

  Flynn, Michael

  focused interests vs. national interest

  Fontaine, Richard

  Ford Foundation

  Foreign Affairs

  Foreign Policy

  foreign policy. See U.S. foreign policy

  Foreign Policy Association (FPA)

  foreign policy community (the Blob); academia; accountability; activist bias of; defining; democratic politics; elites vs. the public; Extending American Power; formal institutions of government; how to beat; interest groups and lobbies; liberal hegemony; life in; media; membership organizations; networks and connections; offshore balancing and; Princeton Project FWLL report; Project for a United and Strong America; source of support; think tanks; Trump and. See also specific groups and organizations

  Foreign Policy Initiative

  Foreign Service

  Forrestal, James

  Fort Hood shooting (2009)

  Foundation for Defense of Democracies

  Fox News


  Franks, Tommy

  Freedom House

  Freeman, Chas W.


  free speech

  Friedman, Thomas L.; The Lexus and the Olive Tree


  Frum, David

  Fukuyama, Francis

  Gaddafi, Muammar

  Galbraith, John Kenneth

  Gallucci, Robert

  Garrett, Scott

  Garten, Jeffrey

  Gates, Robert


  Gelb, Leslie

  Geneva Peace Conference (1991)



  Germany; Nazi

  Gerson, Michael

  Gigot, Paul

  Gingrich, Newt

  Giuliani, Rudy

  Glass, Stephen

  Glasser, Susan

  Glennon, Michael

  globalization; economy; failures of; “global village” myth; immigration and; Trump opposition to

  Goldberg, Jeffrey

  Goldgeier, James

  Goldsmith, Jack

  Goodman, Amy

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Gorka, Sebastian

  Graham, Lindsay

  Grassley, Chuck

  Great Britain; Brexit decision; colonialism



  Greenspan, Alan

  Greenwald, Glenn

  Grinin, Vladimir

  Grossman, Marc



  Gulf War (1991)

  Haass, Richard; Foreign Policy Begins at Home


  Hadley, Stephen

  Hagel, Chuck

  Hague, The


  Haley, Nikki

  Halperin, Mark


  Hamid, Shadi

  Hamilton, Lee

  Hannity, Sean

  Harriman, Averell

  Hartz, Louis

  Harvard University

  Hasan, Nidal

  Haspel, Gina

  Hastings, Michael

  Hayden, Michael

  hegemonic stability theory

  Heilbrunn, Jacob

  Heritage Foundation

  Hertog, Roger

  Hewlett Foundation


  Hiatt, Fred

  Hill, Fiona

  Hirsh, Michael

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hoagland, Jim

  Hoffman, Bruce

  Hoffmann, Stanley

  Hoh, Matthew

  Holbrooke, Richard

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell

  homeland security, Trump policy on

  Hoover Institution

  Horner, Charles

  House, Edward

  Hudson Institute

  human rights; abuses; liberal hegemony approach; Trump and

  Human Rights Watch


  Huntington, Samuel P.

  Hussein, Saddam; overthrow of

  Ignatius, David

  Ikenberry, G. John

  immigration; Bush policy; Obama policy; Trump on

  India; economy; nuclear weapons

  Indian Ocean


  Indyk, Martin

  information, manipulation of



  Institute for Policy Studies

  intelligence community, accountability of

  interest groups and lobbies

  International Crisis Group (ICG)

  international institutions

  International Monetary Fund


  Iran; China and; Green Movement; 1979 hostage crisis; nuclear; nuclear program; revolution of 1979; sanctions on; Trump and

  Iran-Contra affair

  Iran-Iraq War

  Iraq; Gulf War; ISIS in; nuclear weapons; overthrow of Hussein; Shia government; 2003 invasion of

  Iraq War; accountability; casualties; media and; surge; torture


  Islam; extremism


  Israel; Arab conflict; settlements; Trump and; U.S. embassy moved to Jerusalem; U.S. relations with

  Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, The (Walt and Mearsheimer)

  Jackson, Bruce

  Jacobs, Lawrence R.


  Jerusalem; U.S. embassy moved to

  Jewish Institute for National Security of America

  Johnson, Chalmers

  Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)


  journalism; accountability in

  Justice Department


  Kagan, Robert

  Kaplan, Lawrence

  Kargil crisis (1999)

  Katulis, Brian


  Kean, Thomas

  Keller, Bill

  Kelly, John

  Kelly, Michael

  Kelly, Walt

  Kennan, George


  Kerry, John

  Khan, Sadiq

  Kim Il Sung

  Kim Jong Il

  Kim Jong-un

  Kirshner, Jonathan

  Kislyak, Sergey

  Kissinger, Henry

  knowledge, limits of

  Koch (Charles) Institute


  Korean War

  Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement


  Kosovo War (1999)

  Kraft, Joseph

  Krauthammer, Charles

  Kreps, Sarah

  Kristof, Nicholas

  Kristol, William

  Kudlow, Lawrence


  Kurtzer, Daniel

  Kushner, Jared


  Kyriakou, John

  Lake, Anthony

  Landis, Joshua

  Latin America


  Lauer, Matt

  Lavrov, Sergei


  Lee, Matt

  Leibovich, Mark, This Town

  Le Pen, Marine

  letterhead organizations

  Leverett, Flynt and Hillary; Going to Tehran

  Levy, Daniel

  Libby, Scooter

; liberal hegemony; accountability and; activist bias; balancing and buck-passing; blowback; Bush policy; Clinton policy; concealing the costs of; as default strategy; definition of; diplomatic rigidity; exaggerated benefits of; exaggerating military power; Extending American Power; failure of; foreign policy community and; fragile foundations; ignoring the deaths of others; impact of distance; limits of social engineering; neglecting the home front; Obama policy; in practice; Princeton Project FWLL report; Project for a United and Strong America; promoting American values; promoting liberal values; prosperity goal; security goal; selling to the American public; shrinking globe and; sphere of influence expansion; success stories; theories and assumptions; threat inflation; Trump and; universalist temptation of; U.S. exceptional role; U.S. primacy and

  liberal institutionalism

  liberalism; promoting values of; in retreat

  Libya; fall of Gaddafi regime; nuclear weapons

  Lieven, Anatol

  Lighthizer, Robert

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lind, Michael

  Lindbergh, Charles

  Lindsey, Larry

  Lippmann, Walter


  Lofgren, Mike


  Los Angeles Times

  Luce, Edward

  MacArthur Foundation

  MacLean, Robert

  Maddow, Rachel

  Madrid Peace Conference (1991)

  Makovsky, David

  Malley, Robert

  manipulation of information

  Manning, Chelsea

  Manuel, Anja

  Mao Zedong

  Marines, U.S.

  marketplace of ideas, rigging the

  Marshall, George

  Marshall, Will

  Marshall Plan

  Mathews, Jessica

  Mattis, James

  May, Ernest

  May, Theresa

  Mayer, Jane

  McCain, John

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McChrystal, Stanley

  McConnell, Mitch

  McCormick, Robert

  McFarland, K. T.

  McFaul, Michael

  McGann, James

  McMaster, H. R.

  McNeill, Dan K.

  Mead, Walter Russell

  Mearsheimer, John

  Médecins sans Frontières

  media; accountability in; constraints on; fake news; foreign policy community and; neoconservative; Trump and. See also specific publications, programs, and networks


  Meet the Press

  membership organizations

  Merkel, Angela

  Mexico; border wall; Trump and

  Meyer, Daniel

  middle class

  Middle East; dual containment; offshore balancing and; oil; peace process accountability; “Road Map”; Trump and; two-state solution. See also Arab-Israeli conflict; specific countries

  Middle East Forum

  Milanovic, Branko

  military; accountability of; offshore balancing and; respect for; transgender troops; Trump and; veterans. See also defense spending; specific forces, technologies, and wars

  Mill, John Stuart

  “millennial” generation

  Miller, Aaron David

  Miller, Judith

  Milosevic, Slobodan


  Mitchell, A. Wess

  Mitchell, George

  Mnuchin, Steven


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