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Angel_Rochon Bears

Page 7

by Moxie North

  What was that about? He’d never had trouble moving on from his sexual encounters. He pleasantly thanked them and wished them well. Most of the time he was so nice about it they didn’t even give him any shit about it. Why this woman was any different, he wasn’t sure.

  “I really don’t know what to tell you,” the woman said hesitantly.

  Angel could tell Becks’ friend wanted to tell him more but was also doing her best to protect her friend. He could totally respect that, but in this case, his bear was annoyed at the interference.

  “Okay, can you tell her I’m looking for her? I’d like to talk to her. Here is my number. Can you give it to her?” He grabbed a pen and tore off a corner of the folder. He jotted down the number and handed it to Alicia.

  “Well if she worked here, I may be able to get her this and a message,” she said, throwing in a wink at the end.

  Good, maybe he had an inside track to the woman he was looking for. Having the best friend on your side was always a great place for a man to be.

  “Got it,” he said, giving her a nod.

  Angel hesitated for a moment then turned and walked out of the building. He decided he didn’t want to wait for her to call him. He needed to see her. His bear needed to see her. Leaving and sitting by the phone was not an option at this point.

  Circling the parking lot, he took in the scents until he found a nice, newer model Volkswagen Beetle. It was powder blue and a convertible. That made him smile. Anyone that lived in the Pacific Northwest and bought a convertible was a wishful dreamer. The chances she got to put the top down were few and far between. He could still imagine her doing it, even in the cold. Enough sunshine and he bet she had the top down cruising through the woods.

  Now that he’d found her car, the scent of coconut coming off it was unmistakable. He went and moved the work truck nearer to her car and settled in to wait until the end of her shift.

  Not wanting to let his Alpha down, he made a call in to update him on the permit situation.

  “Great, are you on your way back?” Cage asked.

  “Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d like to wait here. The woman I told you about works here. I just need to see her and talk to her. I gave her my number, but she may not call. My bear won’t settle until he sees her.” Angel hoped his Alpha understood the need that was riding him so hard.

  Lucky for him, he did.

  “Sure, I’ll cover for you. I expect to see you first thing in the morning, though. I want you out running point for Wyatt. He’s got a lot on his plate right now and needs the help. I don’t care what he wants you to do either. Whether it’s food runs or just watching the trees grow, got it?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there,” Angel promised.

  Hanging up, he settled against the door of his car. His bear didn’t want to be cooped up inside the work truck. It smelled like sawdust, diesel, and dirt. It hadn’t been cleaned since it was new, an unfortunate side effect of only being driven by guys.

  Outside the truck, he smelled trees and Becks. That was a hell of a lot better than his other options.

  Angel glanced at his watch and wondered how long he’d have to wait. What the hell was he even going to say to her when he saw her? He was hoping something witty and clever would just come to him. If not that, something that didn’t make him look like the world’s biggest jackass.

  He knew he’d been bossy with her in bed, but damn him, she responded to him like a fucking dream. Every sigh, every moan hit him straight in his cock. That part of his body was still hard from the first scent of her in the building.

  Even after having sex with her a number of times at the motel, he fell asleep with half a woody like his dick was just pausing for a break.

  The first feeling of her pussy wrapping around his cock was like heaven. He hadn’t meant to just jump in, but when she came with his thumb in her ass, he couldn’t wait a second more. So many possibilities came to mind, all the things he wanted to try with her. See how she responded to being led just the way he wanted her to go. He knew it was domineering, but it was the only way he knew how to be.

  Outside of bed, he was pretty easy going. In bed, he liked what he liked and didn’t think he needed to compromise. Becks certainly didn’t complain. She begged, pleaded, and ordered him to keep pushing her. She didn’t realize that was what she was doing, but it was her true self coming out.

  Not once in her willingness to play did she hesitate or ask him to stop. They were so in sync that it was like the hundredth time they had made love, not the first. Well, the first time he made love. The second time he woke her up by entering her and fucking her awake.

  Room 10

  “Pretty girl, wake up,” he whispered into her ear as he slid his cock between her folds.

  She moaned under him and didn’t open her eyes.

  “I’ll give you another orgasm if you wake up,” he offered. Moving down to her neck, he sucked on the already marked skin there.


  Angel heard the quiet, slurred voice in his ear.

  “Wake up, baby. I need you again,” he said, nipping her skin then raising above her, his arms on either side of her head.

  Normally, he wanted to keep his eyes on her, but it felt so good he kept catching himself closing them and savoring the feelings.

  “You have to wake up. You have work to do.”

  “Work? Is it morning?” she mumbled.

  Laughing, he slid his hand between them and flicked his thumb over her clit knowing it would be sensitive.

  He heard her gasp as her body arched under him. “That’s it; not so sleepy now, are you?”

  “I was happily sleeping after I came two, wait three times? Whatever, haven’t you had enough?”

  “Not of you. You have become quite addictive in a short time. How is that? Are you a witch? Because you’ve cast a spell over me that I’m not sure I want to fight. Your sweet pussy has become my new favorite thing. Better than Christmas, better than Moon Pies, which by the way I normally claim as my first love. But you, you are what I want every day.

  “Okay, fine, wrap me up if you must.”

  With another laugh and also a position change. Angel hooked his arm around her back under her hips and rolled both of them, so he was on his back, and she was straddling him, his cock deep inside her.

  “Oh damn, that’s good,” she moaned, dropping her head back.

  “That is good. Even better, I get to lie back while you do all the work,” he said with a growl.

  “You may be disappointed. I’m not a big horse rider,” she smarted back.

  “You saying my cock is as big as a horse’s? Why thank you; that’s very flattering,” Angel said, his gaze trying to make out the fuzzy outline of her breasts. His hands came up and cupped them, rubbing his thumbs over the tips. They were dry, and he needed to do something about that. Jack-knifing up, he sucked one nipple into his mouth and wetted it, repeating the move to the other one.

  Laying back, his thumbs slid easily now over those swollen globes. “These are my second favorite thing now.”

  “Hmm, I’d say you were a breast man, but my pussy was your first favorite, and let’s be honest. That’s every man’s favorite thing.”

  “True, but here’s a secret; we like to change the order of our favorite things. One day, it might be your pussy, the next the small of your back. Tuesdays, those could be reserved for the backs of your knees. The best thing about a woman is that there are so many delectable parts to obsess about.”

  Angel planned on showing no part of Becca less attention than another. The delight of exploring her body was something he found he enjoyed as much as music. Pussy, breasts, ass, even the back of the knees. All parts were up for grabs.

  “Back of my knees?”

  “Oh yeah, I’d lick and suck on the back of your knees then bend your legs and fuck the crease. Just think how tight you could squeeze my cock.”

  “Holy shit, I’ve never heard of that. Is that what they are
teaching you kids in school nowadays?”

  Angel flexed his hips up burying his cock deeper inside her. “I’m no kid.”

  “No, not a kid. All man. You’re all man, Angel.”

  “That’s right. I’m all man, and this man wants you to ride him and make him come.”

  She started to rotate her hips, dragging her clit over his pubic bone until her pussy dampened over his condom covered cock. She was working hard to make up for her little faux paus.

  “Hot, baby you are so hot,” he said, gripping her hips. With his strong arms, he lifted her up off his dick and slid her back down over his rigid length.

  “Like that, baby. Nice and slow, work me up just like that,” he ordered.

  Becca started to move like he said. Setting a slow, agonizing pace, she squeezed him tight as she came down over him. His hands were still at her hips until she had settled into the pace he wanted. One of his hands slid around and slowly started circling over her clit. Not touching it, just tormenting the flesh around it. Pulling and tugging on the swollen skin. It was better than direct contact. It was a gentle burn that built, and he stoked the fire to a peak where she wasn’t sure she could finish him off on top.

  “I don’t know If I can get you there,” she admitted.

  “Oh, I’m already there, Becks. I’m holding off until you come. But you aren’t there yet.”

  “No, really, I am,” she tried. He’d woken her up half primed, and the slow pull on parts of her that were hypersensitive now he knew was like a ticking time bomb.

  “You know how I like it. Hold off. If I can, you can,” he said, pulling his thumbs out form her clit, stretching the little bundle of nerves.

  “You’re evil,” she moaned but held off like he asked.

  Chapter 15

  Angel stopped himself from recalling the twenty minutes after those words where he held her still every time she said she was close. Taking her to the edge then denying her the pleasure of the fall. He wasn’t being cruel; he just wanted it to be that much better for her.

  And it was. There was a moment when Angel knew that they were going to finish at the same time, and he was proud as hell that he’d gotten them both there.

  That was so incredibly satisfying, that at the time neither he nor his bear could process it. Now thinking back, it wasn’t a fluke. It was both of them so in tune with each other that they waited, read the other person’s body, and came together like an explosion.

  Angel’s bear was all for them doing that again. He didn’t know if Becca even wanted to see them. Leaving was not an option. So whether she was happy to see him or rejected him, he had to try and make contact with her.

  His family had been on him for the last few months, hell, the last few years. They said he needed to make some decisions about his future. He was twenty-one; what kind of life choices did they expect him to make? True, he hadn’t gone to college like his best friends, Rainier and Finley.

  Everyone expected him to go to school with them, hang with his best friends/cousins for four years at the University of Washington. They all had good grades; they were in varsity sports and active in all social aspects of school. Angel knew they would have a blast being at school together. The only problem was that there was no way that Angel was going to take school seriously when he had no reason to be there. His interests didn’t have a requirement for a degree to get a job.

  Rain and Fin had careers they wanted to pursue. Rain was sure he wanted to become an environmental lawyer. He figured the family didn’t have one of those, and he was all about supporting the Rochon family endeavors. His bossy attitude and deep love of the forest made it a perfect career opportunity for him.

  Fin wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, but he knew a degree was at least the first step in the process. His quiet cousin had blossomed in college. It was after his first semester that Fin came into his own. He went from kind and quiet, to outspoken and hysterical. The guy that was always worried about everyone and everything now grabbed life and squeezed every experience out of it he could. There were also a number of girls that Fin had spent time with that didn’t hate him for their brief liaisons, but instead had stayed friends with him after their time was over. He’d changed his major four times now. Currently he was pursuing linguistics for some reason. Rain and Angel always joked he should go to medical school so he could pursue his future as a gynecologist. Fin would be a dog if he wasn’t already a bear.

  Angel, on the other hand, wanted to be a musician. Someone that made music for the joy of it. Not to teach, not to make it a job. There weren’t a lot of opportunities in the woods of the Pacific Northwest to start a music career. Even Angel knew that to play music meant you had to make money to allow you to do that. Making money while making music was the most logical choice. If he was honest with himself, it might be that he thought he wasn’t good enough to study music or teach it. His talent came naturally and half the time he couldn’t tell you what the name of the chord was he was playing, just that it sounded right.

  Music was always Angel’s escape from life. Growing up a Rochon meant your life was not that tough in the typical sense. There were no major life struggles in their clan, just a huge family, with plenty of money to go around. There was always work to be had, always some minor dramas going on, and it didn’t hurt that his entire family minus a few stray humans, were all bear shifters.

  Living with a bear soul attached to your own wasn’t as complicated as it sounded. From the moment Angel was aware of who he was, there was another part of him that was there too. His bear, a large black bear, was his constant companion. Even in human form, his bear had input into the way their lives were going and what decisions Angel made in the human world. His animal was like him, introspective and loved music.

  But he also used to be a hell-raiser. Angel didn’t know why he felt the need to push every boundary given to him. It was just in his nature. He was constantly getting into scraps, usually dragging his big brother along for the ride, and then both of them taking the fall for whatever it was. That was easy because with their age gap no one would believe the little Angel had manipulated his grown brother into doing anything.

  Angel always felt like he had to stake his place in the family. There were so many people, and it was easy to blend in. Being the little shit of family seemed to work for him and gave him the notoriety he craved; that was until he found music. All of a sudden, his need to make a splash was replaced with heavy metal and death bands. That was a short phase luckily, that bridged him to the music he loved.

  After buying a used guitar and teaching himself to play by watching videos online, it turned out he had a natural talent for it. When he became decent at the guitar, he taught himself drums, then played around with piano and a few wind instruments. Anything he could get his hands on and figure out. All that time that used to be spent getting into trouble was replaced with learning to play. Now he could play anything, rock, country, classical. He loved all music, and it was all he wanted to do.

  That didn’t mean it was something he could make a living at in Apex. Most of the family worked in the lumber business in some way. His older cousins ran the timber company that was passed down from their father and uncles. They grew and harvested timber all along the Olympic peninsula.

  Part of the family ran the lumber mill, cutting and selling the wood from those trees. There was also a large trucking company that not only moved timber and trees, but pretty much anything that needed shipping across country.

  Angel wasn’t just being a dick. He knew that being born into such a family where a job was just waiting for you made him one lucky son of a bitch. But what if that job made your soul shrivel up inside you and want to wither away?

  Okay, that was a little dramatic; still, he found no joy in trees, office work, or anything like that. It was wearing on him. He did his job and never shirked when asked to do something. Still it wasn’t making him happy. His alpha knew that.

  He also was old enough to realize th
at he wasn’t going to be starting a band anytime soon and become a rock star. He wouldn’t mind being a recording musician. Playing for singers or bands, hell, he’d even do commercials. That seemed like something he could do without a degree.

  He’d have to move to Seattle to do that. So far, the overwhelming Rochon guilt kept him at home. The family had gone through a huge growth spurt the last few years. A lot of the older ones that had been running the businesses for decades were stepping down. They had found mates and were starting families. Their focus was on building their lives, not the Rochon empire. That meant the younger ones were expected to step up and take on the running of the livelihood that kept everyone in homes and honey.

  Angel figured a big bonus of being a Rochon meant you didn’t miss out on watching your kids grow up. You could be there every day seeing their first steps and first words. That was what his brother and uncles were all doing. Enjoying the lives they had waited and worked for. Every shifter had this goal. To enjoy the family that surrounded them, build the unity of the clan, and be happy.

  Even at an early age, Angel wanted a mate and family. That overwhelming desire to find someone that would understand and love him and his bear. The fates would match him with the perfect woman to bond and start a family with. One true partner for him and his bear. He wasn’t worried about finding his mate, though; so far, it looked like based on his brother and their cousins, he had decades to go before settling down.

  That meant years of fun, partying, and women to ease the ache of not finding his mate. Not that he was a big womanizer. He’d had one girlfriend in high school that he had gotten to second base with. After he graduated, he wasn’t proud to say, he filled the gap of not having his friends nearby with women that were more than happy to have a chance to bag a Rochon.

  Although he was a gentlemen when it came to his encounters with these women, his desires in the bedroom were not what most of the girls his age were into. Most of them had only been with inexperienced young bucks that were quick on the trigger and usually assholes after the fact.


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