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Angel_Rochon Bears

Page 14

by Moxie North

  “I’m going to save you some effort. There is nothing you could say to me that would make me change my mind about getting to know you. Your objections probably make a lot of sense to you, but to me, they are tiny obstacles that I am willing to overcome. I like you and am determined to get you to like me too.”

  “I do like you. I think you are a great guy. Obviously, you’re a caring person. Who else would show up at a woman’s house that they barely knew and bring a Santa bag of headache goodies? By the way, how did you know?”

  “Yesterday, I asked my brother about it. Then when I stopped by your work today to hopefully ask you to lunch, Alicia told me. She likes me, by the way. So it’s already two against one.”

  “Are we having some kind of contest?”

  “Oh, baby, this is a winner takes all contest. I’ll let you know right now that I’m very competitive. I’m the youngest; I’m used to fighting for what I want.”

  Becca was thinking up a thoughtful foolproof reason for him to give up his crazy plan when Angel started rubbing her feet.

  The involuntary moan rolled out of her. He was fantastic at foot rubs.

  “Man, I wish I could hear that noise again when you weren’t suffering. It’s much sexier when you’re naked under me.”

  Becca’s eyes flew open after they’d fallen closed without her permission. “Angel! That was a one-time thing. You are clearly under some kind of evil spell because you can’t see what’s in front of you. We don’t work. I’m older than you, and we have nothing in common. You probably are used to going out and playing video games. I’m a stay home and veg kind of gal. I like reality TV shows. I like hanging out with cats for the hell of it. I even scoop alpaca poop to keep myself busy. These are not the fun and exciting times of a twenty-one-year-old.”

  Angel didn’t say anything, and he had an obnoxious smirking smile on his face that made her think he was not taking her seriously. Not even a little.

  “I’m telling you straight. You’re sweet. We can stay friends. But we don’t work.”

  He was still smirking at her, damn him. He was also still rubbing her feet which, although relaxing, was distracting her from stating her case clearly.

  “You’re cute when you are trying to prove a point that I already know is bullshit.”

  “I’m not cute! I’m speaking logically and with purpose. You just aren’t listening.”

  “Not true. I am listening, I’m just not agreeing. I hear everything you say. What you are saying may be the truth how you see it right now. I’m just going to change your mind.”

  Chapter 27

  Becca shook her head in wonder. She was sure she had never had that level of confidence in her younger years. This guy exuded it like a film of hot coolness. It wasn’t fair. She gave herself a moment to imagine dating this man. There would be whispers behind her back. Snickers most definitely. Her parents would wonder if she had had a stroke. They’d say things like she was a cradle robber, which Alicia had already thrown out. There was also a good chance they would call her a cougar. Oh, dear lord, she would be a cliché. She would have to start doing those late night commercials for cougar dating sites.

  “What could you possibly say to change my mind? I’m sure I can counter any argument you could come up with.”

  “How about the fact that I gave you multiple orgasms? Even I know that isn’t something that is so common that you could discount it. We are good together. Better than good, we are the shit people write stories about. Tell me you’ve ever had anything as good as what we had the other night. I can honestly say that I understand why people order the expensive champagne. I’d rather have a sip of you than all the generic girls in this town. You are fucking top shelf, and I know I’ll never have it as good as I did with you.”



  He was like an actor in a movie convincing a princess to let down her hair. If that princess was up for the dirty talk and bossy bed action type of scene.

  Which she totally was.

  “How do you do that?”

  “Do what”

  “Talk like you are so certain that we would work. I get that you may not have a lot of relationship experience, so I would expect a little hesitancy. Instead, it’s the other way around. I feel like you have some kind of insider knowledge that I’ve missed out on.”

  There was a change in Angel when she stopped talking. His body tensed, and she saw his eyes reflect the light in the room with an odd shine.

  “I wish I could explain to you why,” he growled, the frustration clear in his tone.

  Becca watched him close his eyes like he was struggling with something. If this was one of her angsty romance movies, he would be waiting to tell her he had an incurable disease but she was the one he chose to spend his remaining days with. Yeah, that would make a great story, and everyone could have a good cry at the end. But this was real life.

  “I don’t think we are going to see eye to eye tonight. How about I walk you out, and we can maybe meet up for coffee next week?”

  Becca was unprepared for the barking laugh that came out of Angel. What was so funny?

  “Babe, you think that after I’ve spent the day with you, watched you sleep, which is totally cute by the way, and saw your pain—” he paused after saying that long enough for Becca to blush, “that I’m going to walk away from you tonight, and let you make up a reason never to meet with me again?”

  Becca wasn’t sure how to answer that. She was treating him like a casual acquaintance after they had, as he pointed out, spent some very intimate time together.

  “Okay, you have a point. So let’s be fuck buddies.” That seemed like a hip young thing to offer up. Spending a few nights under Angel was not a bad idea.

  “Nuh-uh, fuck buddies is something you do with someone you have no emotional connection to. That is not our situation.”

  “Pfft, you’re trying to say we have a relationship. We have—I’m not sure what it is we have exactly. Yes, we are sitting together on the couch, and my feet are in your lap. Not something I would do with a coworker or casual pseudo friend. I’m confused, Angel. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do here.”

  That sucked.

  She didn’t like telling him that she didn’t have an answer for herself or for their situation. This was why she kept her life simple. Uncomplicated was how she liked her life. Her schedule kept her motivated, and she liked knowing what tomorrow was going to bring.

  “Oh shit!”

  Angel immediately became alert. “What?”

  “I forgot I was supposed to be at the food bank last night. Shit, shit, shit.” She swung her legs off of Angel and headed for the kitchen. Ransacking her purse, she couldn’t find her phone.

  “Can I help you find something?”

  “My phone. I need to call them.” Becca was agitated. How did she forget to call them or even text?

  “Did you call in to work? Would it be in your bedroom?”

  “Yes! Thank you,” she said, running down the hallway. Becca knew he was behind her, but she was focused on finding her phone and making a call that she should have made hours ago.

  She found her phone on the nightstand and swiped it on. Clicking her contacts and finding the number, she hit dial. While she waited, she could see Angel out of the corner of her eye. He was snooping through the jewelry box on her dresser.


  He turned and gave her a raised eyebrow.

  “Stay out of that,” she hissed and snapped her fingers. She threw in an index finger wag at him for good measure.

  He laughed at her.

  She glared at him.

  “Hey, is John there? It’s Becca Kelly.”

  She turned her back on Angel, since her admonishment hadn’t made a difference. He was still snooping.

  “John, I’m so sorry. I had a migraine last night, and I totally lost track of the days. I’m sorry I missed last night.”

  Angel turned to see if she was still watching h
im. She was. Just to see what she would do, he pulled open the top drawer. Everyone knew that the top drawer was the good stuff. He kept his eyes on her resisting the draw of what might be just in front of him.

  Becca was shaking her fist at him now, and his bear was thrilled he was able to get her to challenge him. His bear wanted their mate to only roll over if they were in bed. Out of it, he wanted all the spunk and sass he knew was hidden inside his mate.

  “Oh, really? That’s great. I’m so sorry I forgot. You know I’ll be there next week. If you need me to pick up anyone else’s shift, just let me know. Okay, thanks, talk to you soon. Bye.”

  Angel kept the drawer open when he asked, “No problems?”

  Walking to the dresser, she pushed the jewelry drawer closed. “Turns out that Alicia gave them a head’s up, and they had my shift covered. I need to buy that girl some flowers and donuts.”


  “Yeah, men always make that mistake. Flowers are beautiful and always appreciated. But to show you really know a woman, you get her sugar. Not just any sugar, her sugar. Every woman has her preferred method of getting that fix. Knowing it is like having a key to the treasure chest.”

  “So what is your sugar?” Angel took advantage of her being so close and wrapped his hands around her waist pulling her towards him.

  “Like I would tell you. I’m trying to get you to leave, remember?”

  Giving her hips a squeeze, he brought his face close to hers. “I have to wonder if your sugar isn’t edible. You seemed to like my sweet the other night. Maybe what you crave is something else. How is your head? Any pain?”

  Becca put her hands on his chest and gave a little shove. “You’re not asking for the reason I think you are? I look like I’m recovering from the plague, and you’re feeling frisky?”

  “When it comes to you, there is nothing that could make me not be interested in you. Healthy, sick, happy, or sad. I’ll take it. PMS? I’ll bring you chocolate, and you get the remote. Tired from work? I’ll rub your feet. Tell me what it will take to show you I want you?”

  Hell’s bells, this sucked. When she and Alicia talked about finding Prince Charming, what they really meant was King Charming. Not the carefree frat boy prince that lived off his parents’ money and his free room at the castle.

  She wanted to marry the king. Have the crown, live the quiet life of deciding what to eat, where to go on Sunday afternoons, and to relax and do nothing without guilt. A mature man that had a good job, enough previous relationships that they would have learned from their mistakes, and someone with focus and maybe a 401k. Someone who owned a suit that their mom didn’t pick out.

  Becca didn’t think this made her a bad person. She was just at a place in her life that she wanted stability. A relationship with Angel Rochon seemed liked it had the possibility of a carnival ride of fun times. Sure, it was exciting; rides were always fun with that potential for death due to unsafe maintenance. Crossword puzzles and tea sounded more her speed.

  “Angel, my headache recovery is a fragile thing. I need a good night’s sleep, and I have to be at the cat shelter in the morning. I guess that the only bright spot is that I don’t have to go to work tomorrow.”

  Angel was running on the plan of being a confident man and winning her over. He thought he had been making progress, but now he wasn’t sure if he should push or back off. This was not something he could afford to screw up. His bear was telling him there was no way they were leaving.

  “Damnit, Becks. Can’t you throw me a bone?”

  That got him an eyebrow raise.

  “I mean, let me hang out. You go to bed; I’ll clean up, and sleep on the couch. That way I’ll be here if your headache comes back, or you need anything in the middle of the night.”

  Sounded too easy and too nice. But it was just another way she wasn’t moving him on to greener pastures.

  “And then in the morning? What, we make eggs and bacon and kiss each other goodbye on our way to work?”

  “That doesn’t sound bad at all,” he said with a shrug.

  She wasn’t about to agree to what she knew was possibly true. The lonely part of her, the one that she’d been ignoring for some time, wanted her to stop being so noble and take a chance. Too many years settling into her lifestyle, being content with what she had, didn’t leave much room for dreams.

  “No, it doesn’t sound bad. It sounds unrealistic to someone like me. I think we can chalk this all up to a good time, and I’ll wave and smile when I see you in town, and you can give me one of those guy chin lifts. It will work out. Trust me. Thank you for your help today, really. It was nice having someone here, although I’m glad you came at the end and not during the crying and puking part.”

  There was a rough growling sound in the room, and Becca realized it came from Angel.

  “I don’t like that you were sick. I don’t like that you had to suffer alone. I really don’t like the idea that you think I’m the kind of guy that would walk away from you so easily. I’ll forgive you because you don’t know me. I’m going to change that, Becks. I’ll show you the kind of man I am. And it’s not one that wants to see you hurting.”

  “Well, that makes two of us. But I’m getting better, and in another day or two, you won’t be able to see the damage. A few extra lines around my eyes maybe, but that comes with wisdom and age, so I’ve heard.”

  “So if I stop by tomorrow, will you see me? Let me take you to dinner?”

  “Probably not. It’s for your own good. You just don’t know it.” Becca was resolved to cut him loose. She was saying it was for him, but she was truly terrified of what she was feeling for him. It was big, scary, and doomed to fail. Brian had warned her that there wasn’t a man out there that would want her. Those words no matter how untrue, still crushed her spirit.

  “I know you are denying what you feel for me. You feel something; a draw to me you can’t understand.”

  Becca let out a snort to try and cover how right he was. “Oh, I understand just fine what horny is.”

  That low growling sound came out of him again. “It’s not just sex. You like me.” Angel wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince. He knew he hated her saying what they had was just sex. For her maybe it was, but it couldn’t be further from the truth for him.

  “I do. I think you’re sweet and cute, but that’s not enough for me.”

  “What else do you need? Tell me, and I’ll do it. Becks, I’ll be whatever you need. I know you think I can’t or won’t, but just tell me. There isn’t anything in this world I wouldn’t do for you. You name it, and I’ll do it.” He didn’t care what she asked; he would find a way to make it happen. Even if he needed help to get it done; he’d have no shame in asking for assistance from his family to provide her with whatever her heart desired.

  Becca shook her head at him, a sad look on her face.

  “Then I need you to go home,” she said softly, giving him another shove and pushing away from him. She took a few extra steps away to break his hold.

  “Please.” Her voice was barely audible now.

  She saw the hurt in his eyes. Using his words against him was a shitty thing to do. There was probably a karma bitchslap coming her way for doing that. She’d hurt him, but she could also see the clenched jaw with the twitching muscle. He was angry and frustrated too. It was all there on his face, causing her stomach to twist.

  “Fine.” Angel turned and walked out to the front door. He paused with his hand on the knob. Waiting to see if she would stop him.

  She didn’t.

  Chapter 28

  “Alicia, I’m an asshole.”

  Becca was lying on her bed, her arm thrown over her eyes. The night before when Angel had walked out the door, she had been overcome with emotions. The relief that she’d been expecting when she was alone in her house didn’t come. The minute the door closed and she’d turned the deadbolt, her breath caught in her throat. She’d turned and slid down the door, tears streaking down her

  The confusion she felt couldn’t be blamed on her headache. This unease was coming from the middle of her chest. He was cute, kind, and turned her body on like no other. But he was so young; he had so many opportunities in front of him and worse than being a cradle robber, she didn’t want to keep him from his dreams.

  “I made him leave. I told him that we had a good time, and he could just move on.”

  “And he didn’t take that offer? Is he crazy? I thought guys liked girls that weren’t planning their wedding after the first date. What does he expect? You were both drunk. You were at least safe, good for you, by the way.”

  “He wanted to date or something. I’m pretty sure he spent my nap watching me. That’s creepy, right? Like weird stalker creepy?” Alicia was being her supportive counterbalance to Becca’s rant, which she totally appreciated. She needed the feedback from someone that didn’t just reject a hot, young stud.

  “Tough call, honey. Hot guy staring at you while you sleep and still wanting you after you woke up? A man would have to be blind to wanna hook up with me after seeing my drooling, snoring self.”

  “They’d be lucky to have you,” she said. Becca thought her best friend was so under-appreciated. She’d rather see Alicia find the right guy before even one for herself.

  Her friend gave her a laugh. “That’s because you love me and can see past all of my flaws.”

  “I was right to send him away, wasn’t I? He’s a baby. Well, not a baby, but he probably still lives at home. I don’t want to be someone’s mommy. I need a man that will be my partner, build a life together, and get hopping on my loudly ticking biological clock.” Becca was ninety percent sure she wanted kids. She loved babies and could imagine herself with at least one. The other ten percent loved that she got a full night’s sleep every night. That she could go into a bar even if it was just to eat dinner, and never had to watch the same cartoon over and over ad nauseam.


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