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Buck Wild (Bennett Boys Ranch Book 1)

Page 12

by Lauren Landish

  “Might be a bit later,” I admit, looking down at my jeans and boots. “I feel like I’ve been dipped in pig shit.”

  Doc laughs, looking over my soaked lower legs and boots. “Told you. Okay, take the weekend off; you’ve earned it. I’ll call you if there’s an emergency.”

  I grin, pleased at the praise. “Will do, Doc. I plan to Netflix and chill all weekend.”

  Doc rolls his eyes, probably because nothing I said involved watching sports on TV. “Keep the truck; I’m not going anywhere all weekend. If there’s a call, swing by and pick me up. Deal?”

  Nodding, I reach through my window and give the old guy an unexpected and slightly awkward hug. “Deal. Call me if you need anything, even it’s just doughnuts and coffee!”

  He steps back and I pull out, driving home quickly and changing before pressing against the speed limit to get to James . . . and the BB Ranch. Even still, the sun is setting low by the time I pull up to the gate, with James nowhere in sight.

  “Well, what did you expect?” I mutter to myself as I fish out my phone. “The man’s got more work to do than sit around by the front gate all day waiting to open up just for me.”

  Thankfully, we exchanged numbers earlier this week, and James picks up after only two rings. “Hey, woman, where the hell have you been?”

  From behind him, I hear Mama Lou, her voice sharp and iron hard. “Boy, now you know I didn’t raise you to talk to a young lady like that.”

  I laugh, both at the humor and at the unexpected insight into Mama Lou. James is right; she might be sweet to me, but she’s got iron in her spine. “I’ve been in McAndrews’s barn with swine all day, Cowboy. Probably smell like it too. You’d like it, you pig. Come let me in the gate.”

  There’s a click, and in a short few minutes, I see him striding over the hill on foot. He swings the gate open and then hops in the passenger seat of Doc’s truck. The first thing he does is lean over to give me a quick kiss before recoiling. “Damn, girl, you weren’t kidding, were you? You smell like shit.”

  “Well hello to you too,” I tease, driving up. “You should count yourself lucky I changed my boots and jeans at least. Good thing I came out to see Briarbelle anyway. I’m sure she won’t be so picky as to the company she keeps.”

  He laughs, and once we pull up, he disappears into the house while I do Briarbelle’s check and administer the meds.

  Finishing up my paperwork, I sniff my pits and recoil myself. It’s not just BO, although I am certainly ripe after a day of sweating. There’s an overall aura of pig-shit funk clinging to me like a miasma, something strong enough I wonder if I’m going to need to bathe in rubbing alcohol and turpentine to get it out of my hair. “Oh well,” I say, laughing to myself. “Cowboy can take it, or I can go home. His choice.”

  I’m packing up my gear in the truck when James comes back out, a bag in his hand. Saying nothing, he disappears inside the barn for a moment before coming back out on his horse, Hunter. I look up curiously, leaning against the truck. “Where are you going?”

  James leans down, cocking back his hat as he smirks. “We are going on a ride to the pond, let your stinky self air out a bit. Told Mama she didn’t want you at her table tonight anyway. She understood when I explained why. So I made us sandwiches for dinner. Hope that’s okay?”

  “Sunset ride with a picnic by the pond? I guess it’ll do. Would’ve been more romantic if you’d left out the part about me stinking,” I tease him.

  “Can’t help that bit,” James says as I swing up into Hunter’s saddle. We ride toward the pond. It’s a pretty ride, not too far considering we walked it a few nights ago, but it’s more private than I’d realized, the small hillocks and mounds providing a natural barrier and blocking sightlines all the way around unless you’re standing almost right on top of the pond.

  It gives me an idea, and as we loop the reins over a low shrub’s branches to keep Hunter in place, I step back and quietly toe my boots off without James noticing. The soft grass feels great between my toes, and as quickly as I can, I slip my jeans and undies off before pulling my smelly shirt over my head and throwing it at James’s head with a whoop. “Race you, Cowboy!”

  My bra drops a split second later as I run for the water, naked as the day I was born. Hitting an outcropping, I leap, pulling my knees up and trusting in blind luck that I’m not about to go ass first into a rock. Unleashing a whoop that startles the birds in the nearby trees, I hit the water, plunging deep before kicking back up, sputtering and already shivering. “Holy shit! It’s cold! How is it this cold in June?”

  James laughs, but he’s pulling his boots off too. “I told you it was spring fed. What did you think I meant, hot springs?”

  “Yeah but . . . fuck me, this is cold!”

  James shucks off the rest of his clothes, his eyes gleaming like he’s got a surprise for me. “That’s one way to warm you up. Let’s see what else comes to mind.”

  He wades in, the water glistening on his torso just like I dreamed of, and I defiantly splash him, daring him to come after me. “You think you’re getting some action after telling me I smell like shit?”

  “The idea crossed my mind. Especially since I think I’ve got a fix for that stench . . .” Suddenly, he dives at me, pressing my head underwater before grabbing me around the waist. I fight back, giggling and laughing the whole time, and we tussle for dominance, each trying to dunk the other.

  After a short few minutes, sputtering and drenched, my hair a stringy mess in my face, I cry out, clinging to him, “Okay, truce! Truce.”

  James stops, his eyes gleaming in the dim violet light of near darkness, and growls, “So I can take what I want?”

  Instead of answering, I dip my head backward, my hair sleek along my back now, offering myself to him. There’s a split second of anticipation, his calloused hands against my hips under the crisp water before he bends down and kisses me. It immediately takes us back to where we were last night, no slow build or foreplay, just instant need, hot and deep at my core.

  I drop my right hand to his cock under the water, wrapping my seemingly small fingers around his thick length. The water may be icy cold, but his body is hot, his cock stiff and pulsing as my pussy heats up, too, the delicious interplay of cold and hot making things even better.

  The water easing my way, I move along his shaft, pumping him through my fist and rubbing the head of his cock along my belly. “Mmm . . . if what you want is to come hard, then yes.”

  James gasps, his fingers never stopping their exploration of my skin. “Fuck, Soph. You always surprise me.”

  I keep fisting him, looking up at him. “Tell me when you’re right about to come, just before. Promise?”

  He nods, and I watch him, my hand pumping his cock, creating ripples that spread outward from our joined bodies as the crickets start to chirp in the twilight. I can feel his stomach tighten, his fingers growing rougher as I tease him, bringing him higher and higher. It’s powerful and addictive, knowing that I can do this to such a handsome stud of a man with just my lips, my body, and my hand.

  He groans, and I feel his cock swell in my fingers. “Oh shit, Soph, I’m coming . . .”

  Quickly I take a big breath, releasing my grip from his cock to hold my nose and dive down, my face under the water as I slide my lips around his cock and take him deep in my throat. I don’t have a lot of time, thirty seconds maybe, so I swallow and moan, hoping the vibrations push him over the edge.

  He grabs at my head, somehow both holding me under and trying to pull me up at the same time, but I fight to stay down as he comes, filling my mouth. It’s amazing. I can’t hear him because of the rush of water in my ears; all I can feel is the chill against my skin and the warmth of his cock in my mouth, the taste of him on my tongue, and I want every last drop before I come up.

  At last, I pop through the surface, gulping oxygen and laughing as I wipe the water from my eyes.

  James looks at me, incredulous. “Holy shit, Sophie. Are yo
u okay? I’ve never . . . I didn’t even know you could do that.”

  I grin, still breathing deeply and licking my lips. “Never done it before either, just wanted to taste you. And here we are . . . besides, the shore seemed so far away.”

  He laughs and gathers me in his arms. “God damn, you are maybe more wild than I am. I need a break after that. Come on . . .”

  He lifts me up in his arms, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips as he carries me toward shore. Even after I’m out of the water, he doesn’t let go, holding me like I’m as light as a feather as he sets me down on the soft grass. Plopping down next to me, he opens the bag he’s brought and hands me a sandwich. “Here . . . not that I don’t want to return the attention, but you look famished.”

  Naked and somewhat satisfied, we chat and I tell him about my day with the pigs to explain my stench.

  “So they’re all healthy, and Doc said I have the next two days off, too, on account of my good work. Well, and because it’s the weekend.”

  James thinks, then reaches out, taking my hand. “Stay here, stay with me. I’ll do chores in the morning, and we can ride around and check on the herd during the day. What do you say? Wanna be a cowgirl for a weekend?”

  I study his face for a minute, surprised at the invitation, but he’s dead serious. And it really sounds like a fun experience . . . horses, cattle, and my very own cowboy tour guide.

  Finally, I nod, making a decision. “Sounds great. Um, just one thing . . . didn’t you say that you and Luke share the ranch-hand house? Will he mind me crashing your cowboy pad?”

  James laughs, waving his hand dismissively. “It’s a big enough house. And if he doesn’t like it, he can take his ass to the barn. I don’t need him hearing you scream my name all night anyway. Might give him an inferiority complex.”

  “And what if I decide to start screaming ‘Oh, Luke, that’s it! Use the Force, baby’?”

  James laughs, not taking the bait. “Then I’ll just have to fuck you harder.”



  I sneak out of bed while it’s dark and early, leaving a naked Sophie curled up like a little kitten. We ended up chasing Luke out of the bunkhouse with plenty of laughs before turning the night into a wonderful experience, alternating naps between rounds of going at each other like a pair of horny rabbits.

  It was amazing, having Sophie in my bed. Every time I woke up, she was ready for another round, another position, another . . . anything. She keeps me on my toes, that’s for damn sure.

  Getting to the barn, I do my first round of chores, brushing down and feeding all the horses before I slip in the house to get cups of coffee. Mama’s got breakfast waiting, hash browns and sausage ready to be sandwiched between johnnycakes.

  “Morning, son,” Mama says, just like she does every morning. “You need a spare cup today?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I answer sheepishly, making myself a “cowboy breakfast.” Obviously, Mama knows that I have a sex life; she’s no fool, and I’m a grown man after all. But I’ve never brought a girl back to the ranch before, and I have never had to kick my brother out of his bed so we could go at it.

  Mama, though, is taking it totally in stride. “Mm-hmm. Well, tell Sophie good morning for me.”

  Instead of replying, I stuff a mouthful of sausage and johnnycake into my mouth, humming noncommittally. I’m not trying to be rude; I just don’t know what to say.

  Mama gives me a few moments to twist and turn in the breeze, then sets her spoon down and turns to me. “James, I’m going to say this only one time. She’s a nice girl. Just make sure you know what you’re doing.”

  There’s no anger, no condemnation in her voice. In fact, if I had to give it any sort of vibe, she’s just looking out for me. “I know. We’ve talked. She knows I’m back to the rodeo in the fall, and she’s back to school. We understand the limits of what this has to be.”

  Mama nods and hands me a big thermos of coffee. “Well, tell her whenever she wants, I’ve got breakfast for her too. And I could use a little help in the garden; my strawberries are looking ready to harvest, and I might make cobbler tonight. That is, if she doesn’t want to go out in the fields with you.”

  I nod my thanks and slip out, caffeine in hand. As the screen door bangs closed, I hear Mama mutter, “Best-laid plans . . .”

  Back in the ranch house, Sophie is just waking up, stretching her arms wide, her breasts peeking delectably above the blanket, and I’m sorely tempted to hop back into bed with her and spend the day hiding from responsibilities.

  But that won’t do. It’s just not how I was raised; Pops taught me better than that, so I keep my distance, lest her sleepy temptation pull me back into the nest of blankets. Setting the thermos on my dresser, I tug on the edge of the blanket. “Up and at ’em, sleepyhead. Cows won’t wait.”

  She climbs out of bed, no shyness in her sexy curves as she walks over and grabs her clothes from yesterday. I wince at the mess, knowing that while she’s claimed the jeans were fresh, there’s no way I can put up with sweat-soaked pig-shit funk for a couple of hours in today’s heat. “Here, let me loan you a shirt; we can get that shirt washed later. I mean, to keep you ladylike and all.”

  I wink at her, and she blows a raspberry at me. “You weren’t complaining last night.”

  “Nope,” I agree as I grab an old T-shirt of mine and toss it to her. “But last night you were the one who took a flying leap into the pond. I don’t want to have to throw you in today.”

  “Thanks,” she says sarcastically, but she’s still smiling as she slips the blue T-shirt on. I got this shirt years ago at some fair or another on the fried-chicken circuit, and it’s emblazoned across the chest with the name of a car dealer, probably the guy who sponsored the show. It’s way too long, so she ties it in a knot at her waist, preventing it from swallowing her whole. “How do I look?”

  “Sexy as fuck,” I tell her honestly. “Although I think the F and the D are sticking out a lot more than I could ever make them stretch to.”

  Sophie looks down, laughing. “Yeah, well, if you want another chance to F these Ds, you’re gonna behave yourself. My body needs at least a few hours’ break.”

  She grabs her hair into a ponytail, pulling a band off her wrist, and with a tug of her boots, she stands up, posing for me. “Ready for duty, Cowboy!”

  I whistle, glad I’m on the other side of the room. “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a woman go from bed to ready in two minutes flat and look as fucking sexy as you do right now. No pretense, just you, ready to ride and work with me on your day off.”

  “It’s a special talent,” Sophie jokes with a wink. She walks past me, grabbing the coffee as she goes, and I’m gifted with another fantastic view of her ass in those painted-on jeans she wears. “So, where to first?”

  “First, we’re going to go check on the herd in the far pasture,” I tell her. “Then we’ll head on out to the eastern pasture to check on the critter situation.”

  “Critter situation?” Sophie asks, raising an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

  “Not much,” I reply, shrugging. “Just that after we move the cows from one field to another, there tends to be an influx of burrowing animals who want to tear the shit out of the fields. I guess it’s because the dirt’s softer, more riled up maybe. I don’t know. But we need to check on them, and if there’s a problem . . . well, we’ll deal with that when we come to it.”

  We get our horses and ride out, Sophie stopping in first to grab a sausage-and-johnnycake sandwich that she eats while we ride. It’s not far, just a half mile until I see the first of the cows. “Here we are,” I tell her, indicating the herd. “Three hundred and fifteen head by last week’s count. That’s a bit high for us, but we’ll be selling off some of the—”

  I stop, my words cut off as I see something I certainly don’t want to see. “Son of a bitch!”

  “What?” Sophie asks, but I’m already kicking my horse up into a light gallop as I close
in on the problem. I give Sophie credit; she’s not that far behind.

  “Get away from there, you stupid bovine!” I yell. Sophie pulls up but quickly sees my problem. The new fence, which I just put up, is down in a big section almost five yards wide, and some of our cattle have already drifted. “What the hell?”

  “What can I do to help?” Sophie asks. “Do you want me to get Luke and Mark?”

  “No, I can get this,” I growl, knowing that if Mark and Luke helped out, I’d never hear the end of it. This section of fence was my responsibility, and now I’ve got ten cows across the line between our land and the Tannens’. Just fucking perfect. They had to break through on this section.

  “Stay here,” I tell Sophie, maneuvering my horse through the gap in the fence and cutting around the cows. It doesn’t take long—cows aren’t exactly the type of animals to get riled up unless you threaten their calves or their herd, and with most of the herd on the other side of the fence already, they head on back through amiably enough. Following the last one through, I take off my hat and wipe my forehead.

  “Anything I can do?” Sophie asks.

  I nod, giving her a smile. “Most helpful thing you can do is to stay here. Keep your horse between them and the hole in the fence. I’m going to ride back to the barn and grab some supplies. With a little bit of luck and maybe your help, we should have this fixed by lunch.”

  Sophie nods, and I wheel my horse around, breaking out into a trot as I head back to the barn. Luke’s inside, giving me a raised eyebrow as I pull up. “Fence problem,” I say simply. “Got it handled.”

  “You sure?” Luke asks as I unsaddle my horse. “I can—”

  “Sophie’s with me; we’ve got it,” I assure him. “Can you handle the brushdown?”

  Luke nods, and I give him a thumbs-up as I jog over to the other barn, where the repair supplies, along with the ATV, reside. After loading up the trailer, I’m back out there before even a half hour’s passed.

  It’s not a long gap, but as I rumble across the field, I see two riders on the hill, Sophie and someone else. As I get closer, I hear a voice piercing the still morning air. “So, Daddy always says that if one of the cows break through, the first thing you have to do is lead it to the far side of the pasture or else they’re gonna—”


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