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Choices [Slick Rock 19]

Page 9

by Becca Van

  Brax nibbled and licked his way from her mouth over her jaw and up her neck. When she cried out and arched against him as he suckled on the skin under her ear, he knew he’d found a sweet spot. He lapped and nipped at the skin and tendon until she started rocking on his lap. He groaned with hungry approving need and nipped at her earlobe before soothing the slight sting with his tongue.

  He lifted his head and perused her beautiful face. Her eyes were closed, the dark lashes standing out in stark relief against the paleness of her skin, and yet there was a pink flush tinting her cheeks. Her lips were red and swollen from his kisses and she was breathing heavily.

  Brax moved his hands from her ass and edged his way up under her T-shirt. He caressed the soft, warm skin of her belly with his fingertips, giving her time to protest or back away if she wanted to, but she didn’t. Her eyes fluttered open and his dick twitched against his zipper when he noticed her green eyes were hazed over with desire. He couldn’t resist another second. He needed his mouth on hers again. Lowering his head and opening his mouth over hers, he growled with hungry need. Jaylynn moaned as she licked into his mouth. Brax suckled on her tongue until she was gasping for breath and whimpering at the same time. He smoothed his hands over her belly, up her sides and paused on the outside of her breasts. When she bowed her chest toward him, he realized she was giving him silent permission to go further, but as much as he wanted, needed to feel her breasts in his hands, he had to make sure she knew what they wanted with her.

  Brax broke the kiss and panted until the desirous fire coursing through his blood slowed somewhat. He tugged his hands out from under her shirt and palmed her cheeks with them.

  “Baby, we want you. We want to have a relationship with you. Don’t you want that, too?”

  When he saw the tip of her pink tongue peeking out from between her lips, he had to close his eyes. He could very well imagine how sexy she’d look with his cock in her mouth. He heard her inhale raggedly and opened his eyes again.

  “For how long?” Jaylynn asked.

  He frowned. “For how long, what?”

  “How long do you think you’ll want me?”

  Ajay smoothed a hand over her shoulder, down her arm and laced his fingers with hers. “We want everything with you, honey. The whole nine yards.”

  “We want you to live here with us, sweetness. We want you to move in and never leave.” Cael lightly tapped her on the end of her nose.

  “We want forever with you, baby,” Brax explained.

  “That’s what you say now, but what if you find out you don’t like me as much as you think you do? What if I have bad habits that annoy you so much you want me to leave?”

  “That’ll never happen, Jaylynn,” Brax answered. “We know you, baby. How could we not when we were watching out for you for nearly ten years. We like everything about you, baby.”

  “You can’t know that because you’ve never lived with me.”

  “We do know, honey,” Ajay reiterated. “You’re the sweetest, sexiest woman I’ve ever met. You have the kindest heart and would do anything for anyone even if you have to go without yourself.”

  “What’s it going to be, sweetness?” Cael asked. “Are you willing to give a relationship with us a try?”

  Brax held his breath when he saw the wheels turning in her mind. A frown appeared between her brows and he could see hesitancy in her gaze, but that wasn’t all he saw. There was an eagerness underlying that indecision and he hoped she would give them the chance they wanted, needed with her. If she accepted, he and his brothers would do everything within their power to make sure she was happy and felt loved.

  “Yes,” she finally answered after what seemed a lifetime had passed.

  Brax wanted to stand, carry her to the bedroom and strip her off so he could feast himself on her sexy little body, but he didn’t want to scare her with his eagerness.

  Jaylynn must have been of the same mind because she leaned up and planted her lips on his. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her tighter against him and ravaged her mouth.

  * * * *

  Jaylynn was so excited she was shaking. She couldn’t believe she was about to start a relationship with the men she’d loved for ten long years. She gasped air into her lungs when Brax lifted his mouth from hers and she clung to him when he stood and started walking toward the bedroom.

  She shivered with excited nervous anticipation.

  This was it!

  This was the moment she’d been dreaming about forever. She was about to have sex with Brax, Ajay, and Cael. She shuddered with hungry need and tried to regulate her breathing, but she was too eager for that to happen.

  Her insides were on fire and she was aching between her legs. Her pussy was wet, and her clit was throbbing. Every now and then her internals clenched with an empty yearning she was enthusiastic to have appeased, but she wanted to touch Brax, Cael, and Ajay more. She wanted to run her hands over every inch of their bodies. Wanted to explore all those ridges and bumps she’d glimpsed through their T-shirts. They were so big, strong, muscular and handsome but it was their personalities that attracted her, that she loved. They were older than her and had spent years making sure she was okay. They could have told her brother to fuck off, but they were Marines and protectiveness seemed to be instinctive with them.

  Her legs trembled when Brax lowered her feet to the floor and she hoped that she could remain upright. The last thing she wanted or needed was to look like a besotted fool in front of these confident alpha men.

  “Are you sure about this, baby?” Brax asked, once more cupping her cheeks between his hands. “You’ve been really sick, and we don’t want you having a setback. I think maybe we should wait until after you’ve seen the doc later this afternoon.”

  That was the last thing she wanted. She wasn’t going to wait another second. She lowered her eyes, gazing over his body as she went and paused on the prominent bulge in the front of his jeans. He was so damn big, and she wanted to see him and his brothers totally naked. She didn’t even realize she was moving until she saw her hand was hovering inches from his crotch. After taking a fortifying breath, she placed her hand over his hard cock. He groaned and while she wanted to glance up and look at his face, she was mesmerized by what she was doing. She curled her fingers around his hard, thick cock and couldn’t believe how much heat was emanating from behind his jeans. If he was this hot while still covered, he was going to singe the skin from her hand once they were skin to skin. What was he going to feel like when he was deep inside of her?

  Brax grasped her wrist and tugged her hand away from his dick. She was disappointed to have her curious exploration cut short, but when she met his eyes, the dissatisfaction dissipated. His pupils were so blown out, there was only a slim rim of brown showing around them. He was breathing heavily, and he was clenching his jaw. When she lowered her gaze and saw that his knuckles were white from how tight he was clenching his fists, Jaylynn began to think she’d done something wrong.

  Something in her body language must have portrayed her thoughts, because Brax nudged her chin up with the tip of a finger until she was once more looking into his eyes.

  “As much as I want to have your hands on me, baby, I’m too triggered to last. You can touch, explore my body any other time, but right now I’m so hot for you, I’m likely to explode before we’ve even started. Okay?”

  She opened her mouth to reply but when nothing came out she quickly closed it again, and nodded. Movement from the side drew her attention and she glanced over just in time to see Ajay pull his T-shirt up over his head before dropping it to the floor. She couldn’t help eying his body over because there was so much to see. She gasped when she noticed a puckered scar on his right shoulder and hurried over to him. “What happened? Is that a bullet wound? When were you shot?”

  “It’s nothing, honey. No permanent damage was done.” Ajay shrugged.

  “It’s not nothing,” she whispered, blinking rapidly as she tried to que
ll the tears burning the back of her eyes. She hated to think of Ajay, Cael or Brax hurting. Agony pierced her heart at what she imagined they’d all suffered. They’d been Marines for ten years. Had lost teammates, had to kill the enemy and had seen god knows how many horrors. She turned to glance at Cael and Brax. “Were either of you hurt?” Jaylynn swallowed around the emotional constriction in her throat. It was hard to breathe because her throat felt as if it was closing up. Nevertheless, she inhaled deeply and pushed her emotions aside. This wasn’t about her. This was about her men, what they’d been through, what they suffered.

  “We’re fine, sweetness,” Cael said as he came up behind her. “We were never seriously injured and we’re home safe and sound. We won’t ever have to worry about being shot at by the enemy again. I’m sorry, but we can’t talk about what we were doing when we were serving, but it’s all in the past now. Okay?”

  She nodded and sighed as Cael wrapped his arms around her from behind. She leaned against him and shivered when she felt his hard dick pressed against her lower back. A shudder wracked her spine when his fingers brushed against the skin of her belly, under her shirt.

  “Arms up, sweetness,” Cael rasped out.

  She raised her arms above her head and gazed at Brax. He was staring at her chest and licking his lips. She couldn’t help but moan at the tantalizing action. She tried to imagine what it would feel like having his tongue lapping and sucking at her hard nipples.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, baby,” Brax said in a hoarse voice.

  “Gorgeous,” Ajay said as he moved closer.

  “Stunningly sexy,” Cael whispered against her ear.

  She shivered as the breezy warmth of his breath caressed her flesh. Brax stroked the tip of his finger down her neck, over her collarbone and then between her breasts. When he stopped at the front clasp of her bra, she held her breath.

  Ajay cupped a cheek and turned her head toward his. She exhaled and inhaled just before he bent down and covered her mouth with his. Jaylynn moaned as he thrust his tongue into her mouth, dancing and dueling with hers as he devoured her. She felt Brax flick her bra clasp open but was too caught up in Ajay’s kiss to be embarrassed or concerned.

  Cael smoothed the bra straps over her shoulders and down her arms, and then he clasped her wrists in a loose manacle of thumbs and fingers before raising her arms above her head once more.

  She whimpered when Ajay released her lips and groaned when he started licking and nipping up and down one side of her neck while Cael did the same to the other side.

  A cry of need escaped from between her parted lips when Brax cupped her breasts and strummed his thumbs over her nipples. Jaylynn thought they’d been hard and achy before, but that had been a tantalizing tease compared to what she was experiencing now.

  The areolae ruched and her nipples were so hard they almost hurt. She sobbed with pleasurable surprise when he pinched the nubs and gasped as he lowered his head toward her chest. Hot, wet heat seared first one nipple and then the other as he laved over each sensitive peak with his tongue. When he sucked one tip into his mouth and started suckling on it, her knees buckled. If Cael hadn’t been holding on to her she would have sunk to the floor at their feet.

  Brax released her nipple with a pop, met Cael’s gaze over her shoulder and nodded. Cael kept one arm at her waist, bent and swept her feet from the floor. He carried her to the bed and gently lowered her to the mattress before standing up straight again.

  She gaped when she noticed that Brax was standing at the bed in only his boxers and she would have had to have been blind to miss the long, thick pole in his underwear. When the bed dipped beside her, she turned her gaze and stared at Ajay. He was similarly clad—or should that be unclad?

  Cael got up on her other side and she turned her gaze his way and licked her dry lips. Her greatest fantasy was about to become a reality and while she was trepidatious since she’d never had sex before, she was also impatient to get started.

  Brax climbed onto the bed and pulled the button open on her jeans before lowering the zipper. She trembled when he hooked his thumbs under the waistband of her jeans and panties and then tugged them down. Jaylynn lifted her ass from the bed so her clothes came off easily, and glanced down shyly at the hand she had resting between her breasts.

  Her heart was thudding hard and rapidly against her sternum and she was once more panting shallowly.

  The mattress moved as Ajay maneuvered to a more comfortable position and she moaned when he cupped her breast in his hand, raising and lowering the soft globe as if he was weighing it.

  “I love your breasts, honey. They are so fucking perfect with these dark, rosy, hard nipples.” Ajay lowered his head and swirled his tongue around and around her nipple. She cried out when Cael tweaked the other nipple between his finger and thumb and groaned when Brax began to caress up and down her legs.

  When he got to her knees, he pushed her thighs apart and then shimmied down onto his belly between them. He lowered his head toward her pussy and inhaled deeply through his nose. “You smell good enough to eat, baby.”

  That was the only warning she got.

  Brax lowered his mouth the last couple of inches to her pussy and then licked from bottom to top. She jolted, and her belly muscles jumped when he lapped over her engorged sensitive clit. Her internal muscles convulsed on emptiness and cream dripped from her pussy.

  A low groan bubbled up from her chest and out from between her parted lips when Cael and Ajay both began to draw on her nipples firmly. Shards of pleasure zipped down from her breasts and centered in her wet pussy.

  Brax groaned as he swirled his tongue around and over her clit before licking back down through her folds. She shook when he dipped his tongue into her creamy well and then started fucking her with it.

  Jaylynn combed her fingers into Cael’s and Ajay’s hair, clutching handfuls as if trying to keep herself grounded. Her insides were on fire and she felt as if she was about to break apart, and she needed to anchor herself in the tumultuous passionate storm.

  Cael lifted his mouth from her breast and kissed his way back up toward her mouth. She didn’t even notice she still had ahold of his hair until he clasped her wrist and tugged her hand away. He threaded his fingers into her hair and kissed her hungrily.

  Jaylynn was on sensation overload. Her insides were melting with the fiery heat coursing through her veins, her blood. She wasn’t sure she could handle much more without splintering apart.

  Heat seeped into the palm of her hand, causing her to realize she was touching Cael’s chest. She tangled her tongue with his and began to caress over his hot, toned body. His pectorals were hard and strong, and she loved the hair on the flesh over his sternum. It was soft and yet coarse, but felt so good against her palm, her fingers.

  Jaylynn smoothed her hand down lower, loving the way her hand undulated over all those toned sexy ridges. When she got to the delineated muscles in his abs, she mapped the dips and hollows with the tips of her fingers. The back of her hand brushed against the tip of his hard dick and when she felt moisture on her skin, she realized he was very, very excited. She might have been a virgin, but she wasn’t totally naïve. She’d read some romance stories to while away free time, which wasn’t that often, so she didn’t have to interact with other people over the years. When a man leaked pre-cum he was really turned on.

  Her heart flipped in her chest and awe filled her soul. They’d told her how attracted to her they were, and this was definite proof that they’d been telling the truth. She wondered if Ajay and Brax were leaking pre-cum, too.

  Jaylynn pushed Cael’s boxers down and wrapped her hand around his shaft. He growled as he bucked his hips toward her and then broke the kiss. “That feels so fucking good, sweetness. I love having your hands on me.”

  She twitched when Brax laved her clit and cried out when he lashed at the sensitive nub with his tongue. A moan emitted from between her lips when he rimmed her soaked pussy entrance with the
tip of his finger and she groaned when he pressed the tip inside.

  Ajay scraped the edge of his teeth over her nipple, sending streaks of pleasure shooting down to her core.

  She panted and puffed as Brax slowly worked his finger deeper into her wet pussy. Nerve endings sparked to life each time he glided his digit in and out of her cunt, and the pressure began to build.

  Liquid desire pooled low in her belly and her legs began to tremble. Brax wrapped his arms around her thighs, spread her legs farther apart and lapped hard and fast at her clit while he thrust his finger in and out of her pussy.

  The internal walls began to gather closer and closer. The wet frictional slide of Brax’s digit sent pleasure deep into her cunt and womb. Tension invaded every single muscle in her body and she rolled her head back and forth on the pillow.

  And then she held her breath.

  Her wet delicate tissues stretched as Brax added another finger to her wet pussy and he began to stroke in and out, harder, faster and deeper.

  Ajay pinched and plucked at a nipple as he slanted his mouth over hers, kissing her voraciously. When she felt Cael’s erection throb in her hand, she realized she’d stopped stroking him and pumped up and down again.

  Each time Brax drove his fingers in and out of her pussy, more juices dripped out and the walls were so tight, she wondered how that was possible.


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