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One Night In Vegas

Page 3

by Odell, Roxie

Corrine had an ace showing and a total of twenty, so she stayed as well.

  The dealer took another hit and busted, resulting in a win for both players at the table.

  “Wow, that’s two in a row,” the man whispered, like a prayer of gratitude. “Third time’s a charm, right? Let’s go for it.”

  The next hand was over in a flash, and Corrine and her new buddy were winners once again. That time, they weren’t as humble in their celebration. They actually erupted in cheers and hugged one another. Then the man moved one seat closer to her.

  “Bill,” he offered and held out his hand for a shake as he looked her up and down. “And what’s your official name, other than Lady Luck? Wait. Don’t tell me. Your nickname is Stretch, right?”

  It had been a while since anyone had remarked about Corrine’s height, something she used to be teased about in grade school. Back then, all the comparisons to Big Bird and the questions about whether or not she played basketball bothered her, but she was over that now and had learned to embrace her statuesque height.

  “Nope, not Stretch,” she said with a half-smile, shaking her head. “I’m Corrine.”

  “Nice,” Bill remarked. “That’s a beautiful name, Corrine. Ya know, this place has been draining my wallet for two days straight. I just need to earn back enough to get me home, and then I have to stop.”

  Corrine, on the other hand, had no desire to stop. She lived near Vegas in a place actually called Paradise. She had lived there for most of her life, but she only recently began visiting the famous gambling establishments. Now, she even had a routine down. She usually started with one spin at the roulette table. Then she moved to a game of Vietnamese poker, which she could play all night on twenty bucks.

  She really wasn’t much of a gambler, definitely not high stakes like the real high rollers in Vegas, but those few risked dollars and that frightening elevator ride represented dangerous living for her.

  Blackjack was a new challenge for her, but she’d studied up on it before this trip. The other players could get pissy if you didn’t follow the unwritten rules, and she didn’t want to get yelled at because she didn’t hit when she was supposed to.

  The dealer was ready for the next hand. Corrine bet half her winnings, closed her eyes, and crossed her fingers. While she’d taken her seat at the Blackjack table hesitantly, now she was really into it. She doubted she would win again, but that was why it was called gambling.

  Maybe I should’ve doubled down on that last bet. I’m sure our winning streak’s about to end, and I’m going to be out of my hard-won money. Not only that, but poor Bill’s gonna end up homeless.

  Much to her surprise, they managed to land four wins in a row, catapulting them into an official winning streak. Her eyes grew wide at her return. She had nearly quadrupled her money. It resulted in her being caught in the allure and temptation of it all, and while she knew she should stop, she was urged on by greed and the magic of possibility. The sane part of her brain operated her body, though, and commanded her to stand from her chair.

  Again, Bill clutched her wrist, ignoring the dealer’s displeased glare. “Please don’t go,” he begged. “Can’t you just stay a few more minutes? Luck like this doesn’t last, and damn, it just feels so good to win for a change. If I keep you around, maybe I can hitch a limo back home instead of a Greyhound!”

  Corrine pondered that for a moment and shrugged. She really didn’t have any place to go except back to her room. “I guess I can sit and watch for a while,” she said. She plopped back down in her seat, ordered a cappuccino from a passing waitress, and smiled over at Bill. “Good luck.”

  “It’s fine by me if we don’t deal you in,” he said. “As long as you don’t go anywhere.”

  It was tense, watching him take a hit, followed by one for the dealer. They both lingered, eyeballing the showing cards and wondering what the other was hiding. From what Corrine could see, Bill’s luck had run out, so she thought it best to take her coffee and hurry up to her room as soon as the waitress served it.

  The dealer was obligated to take another hit. The match looked like a close one, but the dealer had a smug look on his face, a tell that he had a bit of wiggle room. In a flourish of cockiness, he turned the card and whirled it to the table, only to bust again.

  It became immediately clear that it was more good news for Bill.

  “Yes!” he declared as his arms shot up in the air like he’d just scored the Super Bowl-winning touchdown.

  The coffee arrived, but Corrine didn’t leave. She was having fun. She had somehow stumbled into one of the most unforgettable nights of her life. First, there was the eventful elevator ride, then her strange encounter and sit-down with the gorgeous Derrick Quinn, and now she was Bill’s good luck charm.

  A couple appeared at the table and just hovered there, watching for quite some time, obviously hoping to sit together.

  “Can you scoot down?” the man finally asked.

  “No can do, buddy,” Bill said bluntly. “I’m winning, and I’m not gonna mess with my lucky seating arrangement.”

  “Are you one of those nuts who believes in that superstitious bullshit?” the man said. “Tell me you haven’t been wearing the same lucky underwear for a week, too.”

  “And what if I am?” Bill retorted.

  “I thought I smelled something foul,” the rude stranger spat back, drawing a giggle from his female companion.

  “We’ll move when I lose,” said Bill.

  “Seriously?” the man asked.

  Bill turned his head toward him. “If you were me, you’d do the same.”

  The man shrugged and took a seat to Bill’s left while the woman sat on Corrine’s right, creating a rather tense sandwich.

  Corrine smiled over at the woman, who didn’t so much as blink. For some reason, she was compelled to bet just once more, hoping to bring some calmness back to the table. She anted up , and she and Bill came out the victors again, leaving the dealer and the new couple with scowls on their faces.

  Before the dealer started the next hand, the man stopped him. “Wait just a minute,” he commanded. “I want to sit next to my wife. Surely, you two can move down.” He glared at Bill.

  Bill shook his head “We’ve been through this, pal.”

  Corrine was ready to leave, in no mood for the drama or the headache that came along with it. She checked her phone for the time.

  With a heavy sigh, the man got up, picked up his wife’s chair, and carried it over to place it right beside his, squashing Corrine and Bill even closer together. “There. That takes care of that.”

  Furious, Bill stood, revealing a tall frame. He was no Derrick, but he definitely wasn’t short.

  Suddenly, as if her thoughts had summoned him, Derrick sauntered into the gaming room from the lobby, calm and smooth, his face wearing a smile while he looked straight at her. Even from across the room, he sent a zing running through her, and his gaze seemed to shove her back.

  Corrine involuntarily batted her eyelashes and instantly forgot all about Bill. She had no idea how much she’d missed Derrick until she saw him again.

  “Do we have a situation here, Larry?” he asked the dealer when he approached the table.

  “No situation,” Bill answered for him. “These two were just leaving.”

  “We most certainly were not!” the man argued. “We have every right to be here. We’re paying guests at this damn hotel!”

  “What about you, miss?” Derrick asked Corrine with a gleam in his eye, pretending they’d never met before.

  His mischievous nature found her center and made her squirm in her seat. She managed to answer coyly. “The truth is, we were doing just fine until they got here. They asked us to switch seats, but we didn’t want to, and they were kind of pushy about it.”

  “We?” Derrick asked, raising an eyebrow and looking curiously at Bill.

  Corrine couldn’t help being flattered once more by the jealousy Derrick seemed to be exhibiting, and she decided
to play along. “Yeah,” she replied. “This gentleman and I were playing cards and doing well, just minding our own business. These two were welcome to sit at the table, of course, but I don’t think it was necessary for them to be so disruptive and to demand that we leave our seats. Frankly, we were here first.”

  The man huffed and began to protest, but Derrick calmly held up his hand to silence him. “I apologize,” he said. “We certainly don’t want any of our guests to feel uncomfortable. Please enjoy yourselves on the Tresor.” Derrick handed the man a stack of chips. “I’ll even help you find a nice table that isn’t so… crowded.”

  Unfortunately, the man’s ego was as big and burly as his physique. “I have a right to use any table in this establishment!” he loudly countered.

  “I’m afraid not,” Derrick said coolly, pointing to the nearby sign indicating that the casino had the right to refuse service for any reason. “As a guest of Tresor, you can be asked to leave if the management deems it necessary, as long as you are not denied service based on any federally protected class.”

  “Can you boot him out if he doesn’t have any class?” Bill muttered.

  “Sir, please let me handle this,” Derrick said. His voice was like liquid steel, giving Corrine a sense of what kind of adversary he was at the negotiating table. He radiated power, yet he remained cool, calm, collected, and absolutely, undeniably adorable every second, even in the heated moment.

  The man, on the other hand, didn’t seem impressed in the least bit. He utterly lost it and threw the chips forcefully, scattering them all over the floor.

  In a blur, Derrick had the man by the shirt collar, his arm pinned behind his back. The angry guest was heavier than him but definitely not taller, and Derrick had no trouble overpowering him. “Out!” he said in no uncertain terms.

  “I’ll sue!” the man threatened in a high-pitched squeal. “I’ll sue the hell outta this overpriced place!”

  As security personnel closed in to assist, Derrick calmly stated, “Well, if you intend to attempt legal action, you’ll need one of my cards. I’m general counsel for the hotel. Feel free to have your attorney get in touch with me at his or her convenience.”

  The man’s wife trailed behind the scene helplessly, her eyes wide and her face red with embarrassment. She muttered an apology to one of the security guards, only to be shushed by her vicious husband.

  “Margaret, don’t you dare say a word to these people. You’ve got nothing to apologize for. We’re being harassed!” He glanced around the lobby at the onlookers and noticed that some were holding up their smartphones and cameras. “Tell me someone’s getting this for YouTube! We need evidence, damn it!”

  As soon as the frantic man and his humiliated wife were out of sight, Derrick turned, dusted himself off, and adjusted his shirt cuffs. He crossed the room in long strides, keeping his eyes trained on Corrine.

  Like warm butter, her heart melted in her chest, and when Derrick winked at her, she thought she would faint right there in front of all those people.

  Derrick stopped to help the staff pick up the discarded chips and then handed the stack to Bill. “Have fun, you two,” he said. “You and your friend.”

  “He’s not my friend,” Corrine quickly corrected. “We just met.”

  “Is that so?” Derrick asked with a dumbfounded grin. “This night keeps getting better and better.”

  “Hey!” protested Bill.

  Derrick produced another stack of chips and smiled at Bill. “Looks like it’s your lucky night at the Tresor.”

  Bill looked at the chips and then at Corrine. “You’re not going anywhere, are you? I haven’t been this lucky for… well, forever.”

  Corrine didn’t like being put on the spot. She understood why he wanted her around, but she was finished gambling for the evening. She looked at Derrick with a silent plea in her eyes for him to bail her out.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but it seems the lady is needed in the hotel office,” said Derrick.

  “In the office, huh? You in trouble?” Bill chuckled.

  “Yeah, I’m afraid she’s a wanted woman,” said Derrick coyly.

  “Whatever,” said Bill. “Can’t be lucky forever, I guess.”

  “Well, if it’s any consolation,” Corrine said with a smile, “you made me pretty lucky, too.”

  Chapter 3

  Derrick looped his arm with hers, and they strolled through the magnificent lobby of the Tresor, casually leaning against each other, swept up by the power of their attraction. He stared at her like nothing else in the world existed.

  His adoration made Corrine feel amazing, and she had to tell him so. “You look at me as if I’m your second dessert,” she whispered.

  His eyebrows rose in surprise, and his eyes sparkled. “It’s your fault for looking so tempting.”

  They stepped out of the casino into the valet area, and a horse-drawn carriage waited by the curb. A flash of envy darted through Corrine. She’d always wanted to go on a romantic ride like that, and she wished it was reserved for her. Of course, some of her friends thought the whole thing was tacky, but she was a die-hard romantic.

  For that reason, she could not believe it when she felt Derrick’s powerful hands grip her by the waist and lift her in. Given her height, she could have easily stepped up onto the step herself, even in her tight sheath-dress, but there was something refreshing about him handling her, something that made her feel dainty and beautiful.

  Derrick climbed in behind her, and they gently bumped into each other as he situated himself on the seat, a collision that only added to their addictive flirtation.

  After a few grazes, Corrine brushed him on purpose. “Oh! Excuse me.”

  Derrick paused to laugh, but Corrine sensed the driver was a little annoyed at their silliness. She offered him a quick apology, even though she didn’t think it was necessary. He’s being paid for his trouble after all, and paid well, I’m sure.

  “It’s okay,” said the driver. “It isn’t the first time. Did you two just get hitched, or are you about to be?”

  Corrine and Derrick gazed at each other, their eyes heavy with the heat of the smoldering exchange, as if they were actually considering the notion. In that moment, Corrine felt a deep temptation like she’d never felt before, and she understood how people could act so impulsively in that city, making quick decisions that had serious, long-lasting consequences. It was a foolish idea, but the lure was powerful.

  “We’ll let you know,” said Derrick slyly.

  The driver signaled the horse with a click of his tongue, and the carriage pulled out.

  The bench seat had plush cushions, and a blanket sat beside them, but the desert air was soft and warm, so cozy it felt as if they were driving along in a king-sized bed.

  Nightfall in the desert town was spectacular, a Vegas show all its own. The sky could not have been clearer and more vibrant, like an oil painting with blue and purplish hues. The wheels of the cart rolled through the town that was lit like a Christmas tree.

  “This is so lovely,” Corrine said. “I don’t think I could ever get tired of it.”

  “So are you,” he said dreamily. “I have to admit I couldn’t keep my mind on anything but you back there. I had trouble focusing on any of the other guests or those endless forms. What have you done to me, Corrine?”

  “Nothing more than you’re doing to me,” she murmured. She then paused for a moment before continuing. “Derrick?”

  “Yes?” he whispered, his face so close to hers that his warm, minty breath tickled her nose.

  “Are you free to spend the night with me?” she asked, licking her lips seductively.

  He closed the gap between them, and his hot tongue penetrated her mouth, catching her loud cries before they escaped to be heard by the driver.

  I’ll take this as a definite yes.

  She’d expected a lot of her Vegas trip, but a dreamy horse-drawn carriage ride with a handsome attorney was not one of them. She felt like royalt
y, but she couldn’t tell if it was because of the elegant treatment or the prince sitting beside her.

  Her meeting with Derrick was a rare and wonderful encounter, the stuff of fairy tales and fantasies. It was all new to her, but she was in Vegas, a city made for risk. She decided to take that risk and interact with him like they were lifelong lovers, and she rested her head on his wonderfully broad shoulder.

  He cuddled her closer. “I’m really beginning to regret that weekends are so short,” he said. “I could stay like this for a long time.”

  Corrine felt the same, and their hands found each other, entwining as they rode along. She couldn’t help but smile sweetly as the carriage glided smoothly, serenading them with the clip-clopping of hoofbeats.

  Another carriage approached, carrying a brand-new bride and groom, still beaming with marital bliss all over their faces. Corrine wondered if they had known each other for a long time or whether they’d married on impulse. She couldn’t fault them for that because she was almost ready to direct her own carriage driver to the closest drive-thru chapel. Hell, right now, I’d even be willing to get married by an Elvis who asks me if I want fries with that.

  “Congratulations!” the couple excitedly called from across the street.

  Derrick and Corrine nodded and then looked at each other and smiled. No one had ever taken her for a married woman before, and she felt a certain exhilaration by it. “Congratulations to you, too,” she hollered back.

  The carriage stopped at a corner to check for cross-traffic. As they were parked, a street-side flower vendor shoved a bouquet at them, begging Derrick to buy it. Derrick didn’t need much of a sales pitch, and within moments, the roses were in Corrine’s hand, filling the carriage with their remarkably fragrant scent.

  She beamed at Derrick, set the flowers aside, and slowly closed in to kiss him. She tasted sweet, wet heat as she slid her tongue into the hollow of his mouth. God, I could just eat you whole.

  She passionately teased his tongue with her own. Her hands roamed over his body, exploring, and she was amazed to find that he seemed just as hungry as she was. She knew his incredible physique would be firm to the touch, but he was really rock-hard beneath his suit. His musky aroma and manly taste fueled her desire for him, and her senses swirled together with an intensity that gathered at her core till she was aching for him. Their kisses soon cooled to a slower, more sensual pace, but Corrine was so aroused that she could hardly think straight.


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