Lost and Found: A FIGHT Novel

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Lost and Found: A FIGHT Novel Page 1

by M Dauphin

  Lost and Found © October 2016 by M. Dauphin

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language, which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where minors cannot access them.

  Cover design © 2016 Inked Imprints

  Cover Image: Wander Aguiar

  Cover Model: Zack Salaun

  First Edition October 2016

  Editor: Spell Bound

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,00


  You can’t kidnap a pregnant woman and walk away morally sound.

  You can’t put a pregnant woman in the ring and expect someone to fight her. They won’t.

  You can, however, learn the art of patience. That’s what I’ve been doing. Nine months has never felt so long. Now, as I sit here and watch them carry their new baby inside their home, I can’t stop the grin from sweeping over my face.

  Edward Roe, your world is about to come crumbling down around you.

  I can’t wait to see the look on your face when I ruin your life just as you ruined mine so many years ago.


  “Mmm, good morning, Tex,” I murmur as I feel Eddie’s hands on my ass. Grinning, he reaches in to kiss me as his hand slides between my legs and his lips make their way down my back.

  “Do you know how long six weeks is, Red?” he murmurs on my neck as he works his way down my body, his lips barely leaving my skin, bringing goosebumps to the surface.

  He’s been counting down the days until I’m cleared for sex since the day Dax was born. Bright red circle on the calendar and all.

  “Good God I’ve missed this.” His lips land on my ass and his fingers slide into me.

  “Oh God,” I moan, arching into him. “I have too, baby.” The wait after having a kid is terrible, but I can’t go against doctor’s orders. Not if I want to keep everything in shape and healthy to start fighting again soon.

  He chuckles and reaches up, hovering over me to clamp my hands where they lie, right above my head. His lips kiss their way down my back again and his fingers fuck me.

  “Good fucking Christ, Red,” he growls, making me even wetter if that’s possible. “How the fuck do you wake up this sexy?”

  I moan when his hand slaps my ass hard. Keeping me pinned to the bed, he brings my ass up for him and slides into me, wasting no time.

  “Fuck,” he groans as he pumps into me. “Jesus, Red.”

  Hard, he fucks me like he’s been waiting years for this. His hand snakes its way down and starts rubbing circles around my clit as he pounds into me.

  Fuck I’ve missed this.

  “Are you gonna come, Red?” He reaches down and takes my hair in his fist, pulling my head up to meet his kiss. “Come around my dick, Red,” he growls, taking my lip between his teeth. The small bit of pain, swirled with pure pleasure from his relentless movements brings me to the brink of orgasm in mere minutes.

  “Oh fuck,” I moan into the pillow as my orgasm starts. “Oh God, Eddie, don’t stop,” I moan. His fingers are back to playing my clit and with his free hand he slips one inside my ass, sending me into a spiral into my second orgasm of the morning. “Shit, shit, shit.” Grabbing onto the bed, I feel him pump his release into me, but my ears are still ringing from that mind-blowing orgasm.

  Every. Fucking. Time.

  “Fuuuck,” he huffs, falling to the bed next to me and giving me a lopsided grin. “Hey, babe,” he quips, leaning over to give me a quick kiss. “I’ve missed that.”

  “Mmm,” is all I can manage. I’m still tingly… hell I’m still having the remnants of the orgasm ripple through me. There’s no way I’m forming coherent sentences right now.

  “Speechless. I like that.” He sighs. “You’re going to need coffee soon, aren’t you?”

  “Mmm,” I mumble, closing my eyes. Orgasms in the morning are an amazing way to make me curl back up in bed and go back to sleep.

  “Right. On it.” He hops out of bed and I crack my eyes open to watch his bare ass move towards the dressers. How can a dude’s ass be so sexy? I never thought I was an ass girl… not ‘till Eddie. But now? Now, I’m an Eddie girl. Top to bottom, there’s not one thing about the man that I don’t find sexy.

  Especially the fact that he makes and brings me coffee in bed. He’s a smart man.

  Who would have thought this is where I’d end up? Waking up to sex from my sexy as fuck husband, a day planned touring pre-schools in the area for the kids… kids! I never even thought I wanted kids! Jesus we’ve been through our fair share to get here, but here we are. A house of our own. A business that’s running smoothly without either of us there 24/7. Two, really, but Eddie’s isn’t staffed other than him. He doesn’t trust too many people to run his private investigating firm and not get thrown under the bus the first time the authorities come around. He’s legal, absolutely, but there’s a ton of illegal activity I’m sure he does for the Savage family. He’s less trustworthy with his baby as I am with my gym.

  “Mommy!” Angel yells from the living room. I grin and roll my eyes. She’s only four but she’s so damn dramatic.

  “Yes, baby girl?” I holler as I wrap my robe around me.

  “POOP!” she squeals. “IT’S SO GROSS!”

  “Hey,” Eddie meets me in the hallway. “Poop-splosion.” His eyes are wide and I can’t help but laugh. The gap between our kids somehow made him forget how to change a diaper. Especially a poop diaper.

  “You’re my beautiful, big strong Texan, but you can’t tackle a poopy diaper on your own. Sexy as hell, and just as pitiful.” I chuckle, taking my coffee from him.

  “I don’t want to hurt his balls,” he says quietly. “They’re so small!”

  “Good lord, Eddie. Come on, help me.” Such a fucking man.

  The minute we walk into the baby’s room the smell hits me.

  “How, little man! How do you smell this terrible and look so damn cute?!” Eddie whines, holding his nose.

  “Man up, Tex. Grab me a new onesie.” I nod towards the dresser and he starts grabbing the things we’ll need to make this a clean sweep of a diaper change. Too many times in these last six weeks, the poop has gotten the best of us. This time, though… this time we’ve got it.

  “Round one goes to Mommy!” Eddie announces as he picks up Dax and spins with him.

  “Mommy, did baby Dax shit all over his clothes?” Angel’s standing in the door way, the pink tutu our friends Tatum and Molly got her for Christmas and her lime green tiara on her head. Did my little girl just say what I think she did?!

  “What?!” I shriek, staring at this beautiful little girl that just used a word I didn’t even think she knew.

  “Shit. Did he—”

  “Stop! No… I … uh…” I look to Eddie who’s trying his hardest not to start laughing at her. Why’s it have to b
e so cute when kids curse?

  “No, baby. He’s fine. I… where’d you learn that word from?”

  “Daddy,” she says, shrugging and heading back to the living room. I turn to glare at him but he’s holding Dax up to his cheek and giving me the pouty look.

  “Love me,” he says in some dumb-ass tone that makes me immediately smile. Reaching out, I take my baby out of his hands and narrow my eyes at Eddie, the man that stole my heart and has yet to make me regret it.

  “I’m going to be late,” I say, rolling my eyes at him. “New trainer starts today. I need to get there before him to make it look like I have my shit in order.”

  “Ah!” Eddie boasts. “It was you!” His laughter rings through the halls and I shake my head at him.

  “Laugh it up, Tex.” I yell, putting Dax in his Rock ‘n Play while I start to get ready.

  By the time I’ve gotten ready and taken Angel to the sitters, I’m already an hour late to work.

  Fucking great.

  “Dax!” Cammy comes barreling towards me as soon as we make it in the door. “Hey Red, your hair is extra red today. You re color it?”

  “Just washed,” I mumble, searching through the mail. She swipes Dax from my arms and takes him to her lair – a.k.a. the back room we’ve recently transitioned into a playroom for the kids. So many kids. Between my two and Cammy and Ash’s one, plus a few of the members bring theirs in there’s a good number of them back there at any point of the day.

  “You’re late,” Sarge, one of my top trainers says from the side of the ring as he watches two of his trainees go at it.

  “Her stance is shit, Sarge,” I mumble, nodding towards the blonde. Bitch needs to get out of my gym. She’s only here for the eye candy, and nobody here has time for that. We have fighters to train, not people to set up on fucking dates.

  He chuckles and shakes his head, taking my mood as a hint not to fuck with me today. Sleep with a new baby is shit, making good moods fly out the damn window. Then I walk in to a fucking fashion show with Barbie one and Barbie two in my ring, both just trying to get in the pants of my best trainer, and I feel like I could burn shit.

  Swinging open my office door, I’m immediately reminded why I’m so pissed this morning.

  “Gary,” I grumble, stopping just inside the doorway to groan. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m late. I’m always fucking late.” Tossing my bag on the couch, I sit on the arm of the black leather sofa.

  He smiles at me from my desk chair and stands.

  “Good morning to you, too, boss.” With a steady hand, full of confidence, he holds out a coffee cup and watches my mood change before him.

  “You sure do know the way to my heart.”

  “I had a little help.”

  “Damn Eddie.”

  “You love him, Gwynn. Love looks good on you.”

  I feel the heat rush to my cheeks at all this mushy shit. I hate fucking talking about mushy shit!

  “So, clientele,” I say, standing and shoving him out of my seat. “You have an idea of where to grab new clients?”

  He grins at me and goes into his plan to help grow this gym into the biggest training gym in the state of Texas.

  By noon I’ve kicked three trainers’ asses who thought they could beat me in the ring, changed two more poopy diapers, and let my coffee go cold from my meeting with Gary. What a fucking Monday.

  “Hey, Cam, I gotta head out for a bit. We’re touring the pre-school for Angel today.” I’m only peeking into the playroom because the minute I see my baby boy I know it’s all bets off and I’ll never make it out of here.

  “I got him, Gwynn. See ya later.” She smiles up at me from the rocking chair where she’s holding her baby.

  “You training today?” I raise an eyebrow at her because she knows she needs to be. We have a huge match in six more weeks… she needs to get into the ring and start kicking ass again, but ever since I brought Dax in to the playroom she spends a lot of her time in here. Granted, she still trains every damn day but she’s in there more so than not lately.

  “Yea. Later. When you get back we can spar. I need an easy win.” She winks at me and I laugh at her.

  “Idiot.” Shaking my head, I head out to my car and turn the AC on full blast. Fucking Texas heat. It’s dry for the most part, but lately it’s been so damned hot it doesn’t matter if it’s dry or not. Hundred-degree heat in any climate sucks. Typically I don’t give two shits whether or not I’m sweating, but this meeting with the PK for Angel has me a nervous wreck. What if she runs away and they don’t know? What if she fucking shoves a block in her ear like last summer and they can’t get ahold of me and they have to take her to the hospital all alone and OH MY GOD!

  “Hey, sexy,” Eddie greets me as soon as I get my door open in the parking lot.

  “We can’t do this. I’ll home school her. Let’s go.” My hand still on my open door, I can’t go inside.

  “The fuck you talking about, Red?” He’s wearing a huge grin and about to start laughing from the look on his face.

  “Eddie, really. What if they don’t watch her? What if they fail us and our little girl and she ends up hurting other kids for fun?!”

  He barks out a laugh and looks at me while closing the door.

  “Red, you forget what I do for a living. We’ll check this place out, and then I’ll go home and go more in depth. I won’t leave our kids with anyone unfit. Trust me. Plus, I heard they have online cameras for us to watch her all day… and you better fucking believe I’ll be doing that.”

  I roll my eyes at him and take his hand.

  “This is scary shit, Tex.” I sigh and shake off the nerves.

  “It’s just preschool, Red. Keep those nerves for when she’s going into high school and I’m plotting the murder of the entire male population in her school.”

  “Oh God, don’t bring that up yet. I haven’t saved enough bail money for you.”

  “Meh, we’re fine. I’d never get caught.” He winks at me then opens the door. “After you, beautiful.”


  “See, that wasn’t so bad!” I’m grinning from ear to ear after that meeting. The teacher was fucking awesome, the school is high security so no one’s getting in to her, and if she were to ever escape I’d probably have to high-five her. That place is a fortress covered in bright colors, plush walls, and enough technology to put my office to shame.

  “I know,” Red sighs, rolling her eyes.

  “So is this when you tell me that I’m right?” I nudge her, earning a punch to the arm. “Jesus, what was that for?!” She’s got a damn good right hook on her. Not that she’d ever hit me with her full force, but still… damn!

  “Stop being a puss,” she grumbles.

  “Hey, Red.” I’m leaning against my truck watching her try to find her keys in her purse. Something crawled up her ass today, and since I know it wasn’t me I’m not a fan of it. She spins and looks at me, her face tired, and I take the two strides it takes to get to her and pin her to her car. She glares up at me, trying to seem unaffected by my proximity, but I know better.

  “You plan on losing the attitude or do I need to fuck it out of you?” I bring my finger to her lip and swipe it across her soft skin. She melts into my touch then sighs, laying her head on my shoulder.

  “I’m just not ready for her to grow up yet. It feels just like yesterday I wanted to beat the life out of you because you were missing her birth.”

  “Ouch,” Fuck. “That’s harsh, babe.” I back up, mood instantly killed with that remark.

  “Oh come on, Tex. You know I’m fucking with ya.” She grins and reaches up on her tiptoes to press her lips to mine. Jesus Christ these fucking lips. Soft, full of strength, and begging for me to fuck them.

  “Come on, the house is empty. Let’s make use of it.” I wink at her and watch the grin slide over her features.

  “Race ya home,” I whisper, close enough for her to feel my breath on her skin. She laughs and runs to get in her car, pu
lling away as I start to climb into the truck.

  I’ll let her win this time.

  When I pull into the driveway her car is already here. The bright red mustang isn’t much of a mom car, but she’s adamant that it’s easy enough to get the kids in and out… and she’s so fucking against getting a bigger ‘mom car’ until it’s dire. I’m ok with it. This car fits her. Fast, loud, and feisty. Just like my Red.

  The door’s unlocked and there’s a trail of clothes leading to the bedroom. I do the same, not leaving anything behind as I let each article of clothing fall to the floor.

  When I make it to the bedroom my dick practically jumps with excitement.

  On the bed is my Red, leaning against the headboard, legs spread, playing with herself while she grins devilishly at me.

  “Jesus Christ.” A low growl comes out of me as I watch her. She nods to the end of the bed where she’s laid the purple rope.

  “Let’s play,” she whispers.

  “Mother. Fucking. Deal,” I grit out, cracking my neck. “On your knees.” It’s been so long since I’ve got to use these, but I’ve been studying more ties recently. Having kids really puts a damper on our sex life, so when we do get time it’s typically not long enough to play with the ropes.

  But now we have well enough time.

  I take it in my hands, then pick up the smaller 4mm rope we purchased a few months back but still haven’t had time to try out. Slowly, I start to wrap the main rope around her torso just under her breasts to perk them up a bit for me. My mouth goes to her nipples and she hisses, then moans when I slide the smaller rope between her legs.

  “Oh fuck,” she groans as I pull it over her clit. Just because I like to see her wiggle, I slide it back and forth over her core. Her hands grab a hold of my shoulders as she starts to ride towards her first orgasm. When I pull back from her and stop playing her she pouts her lip out at me.

  “Like that?” I grin, then kiss her hard as I loop it around the rope on her torso then bring it around her tits. It takes me a few more agonizingly slow, sexy-as-fuck minutes, but soon she’s perfect. Her hands are tied behind her back after I lay her on her stomach and the ropes around her thighs make her ass beg for attention.


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