Lost and Found: A FIGHT Novel

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Lost and Found: A FIGHT Novel Page 2

by M Dauphin

  “Fuck, Red, this never gets old.” I slap her ass and she giggles then wiggles it at me.

  “Touch me, Eddie.”

  A growl escapes me and I slide my finger down her ass, gently pausing over her puckered hole, then press. A moan comes from her and she pushes back on my finger.

  “Jesus, Red,” I whisper. With one hand I start rubbing myself as I finger-fuck her ass.

  “Oh God, Eddie,” she moans. She’s dripping wet right now and I want nothing more than to lean in and taste her, but it’s not time yet. I like making her pant.

  “You like that, Red?” I whisper in her ear. The minute she starts to reply I tug on the rope that’s lying gently over her clit and she cries out, bucking back onto my hand.

  I kiss my way down her back, then pull my finger out of her and slap her ass, hard enough to leave a mark.

  “Fuck!” she screams, her ass in the air begging for me to take it.

  “Oh fuck, Red,” I dip my face between her legs to taste her juices that have coated her swollen pussy.

  “Fuck me, Eddie. I need your dick inside me, please,” she begs.

  My dick is hard as fuck and I can’t wait any longer. I slam into her, making her scream out in pleasure. With each thrust she screams and I know she’s on edge already with how much her pussy is tightening around my dick.

  “You like my dick inside you, Red?” I slow my pace, not wanting this to end yet, and lean down and bite onto her shoulder.

  “Fuck, Eddie,” she hisses. “Yes, I fucking do.” She moans as I slowly and agonizingly draw out of her then slam back in.

  “Are you gonna come around my dick, Red?”

  She purrs her response, eyes closed tight.

  “I fucking love this body, Red. So goddamned sexy.” I lay kisses on her shoulders and down her back and I fuck her slow and hard. As her pussy tightens around mine and her moans become louder, I slip a thumb in her ass and she groans loudly.

  “Come, Red,” I growl, then speed up, pumping into her. I reach around with my free hand and rub her clit until I feel her pussy start to convulse around my dick. I pull my thumb out of her ass and pinch her clit. Hard.

  “OH FUCK!” she screams, then buries her head into her pillow. “Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!”

  “Yes, baby, that’s it. Come on me.” I bite her shoulder again and pull on the rope that runs between her legs, making her scream even louder.

  “FUUUCK,” I growl, emptying my release inside of her.

  “Holy shit.” I pant, collapsing next to her. We lie there together, sweaty and panting, for what feels like hours. My hands, taking on a mind of their own, start caressing her ass.

  It looks so fucking perfect wrapped up like this.

  “I gotta head to work, Tex,” she murmurs into the pillow. I groan, but accept the fact that we can’t stay like this all day. My hands gently start untying the ropes, rubbing the areas where it pinched her skin. She sighs when the ropes come off her wrists and she can finally move her arms. Rolling over in bed, she sits up and slowly presses her lips to mine.

  “I fucking love you, Eddie.”

  “I guess you’re pretty cool yourself.” I shrug and hop off the bed, helping her up then heading to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Those people in the movies that never clean up after sex are damn fools. I have kids. No way in fucking hell am I chancing having ANY fluids on me when I go get them.

  “So you’re good to get Angel?” Red calls from the closet.

  “Yea, then I’ll be over for Dax. Time’s training end tonight?” I pop my head into the closet to check her ass out as she slides on a pair of capris. “Fuck woman, you gotta wear such skin-tight shit at work?” My dick’s fucking hard just looking at her pull them on. Those asshats at the gym are gonna have their goddamned eyes all over her in the ring.

  “You won’t let me wear regulation shorts so this is the next best thing to fight in. I can’t have baggy shit getting in the way, you know this.”

  “Yea, well you could just not get back in the ring and we wouldn’t have this problem,” I grumble, hiding around the corner ready for the lecture that’s coming my way.

  I’ve fully accepted her fighting… hell I’ve even gotten in the ring with her before. It only happened once, and I almost pissed myself. She’s damn scary, so I pray she knows I’m just kidding.

  “Yea, I thought about it, but then I decided I’m not going to be a fucking wimp about it. Shane’s only two pounds heavier than me. I have an inch on her, plus years more under my belt. Shit’s gonna be fine.” Her hands go to her hips and she smiles at me.

  “I know.” I sigh. “Can’t I just have her taken out, then she’ll forfeit and you’ll automatically win?”

  “No!” She barks out a laugh. “Fuck to the no, Tex. That’s so illegal… in so many fucking ways.”

  “I could do it though, babe. And make it look like an accident.”

  “I know, Eddie.” She rolls her eyes then chuckles as she pulls her hoodie over her head and smiles at me when she slips on her running shoes. “You’re cute.”

  “Running back to work, huh?”

  “It’s just a few miles. It’ll help warm me up. I’ll see ya in a little bit.” She pecks a kiss on my cheek before heading out to do some stretches and taking off.

  After a quick glance at the clock, I realize I have more time than I thought before I have to be at the sitters to pick up Angel.


  I’ve been planning a surprise for Red for months now, and pending everything with this fight goes well in a few weeks, the surprise will finally become a reality. I head straight to my office and open my laptop, clicking straight to my email.

  Filed under CIA, because even if she ever got on my laptop, she’d never look in a file like this. I’ve warned her on multiple occasions there’s some top-secret shit in here that she could get in a fuck ton of trouble if she ever looked at it. I think I was serious enough that I scared her away from snooping.

  I hope, at least.

  Getting the email open and past my security set up is a breeze, and within minutes I’m reading the reply from the broker in Florida.

  Mr. Roe,

  All paperwork on our end is set to go through for the oceanfront beach house you’re purchasing in Florida. The homeowner is happy to have it going to such a wonderful family. Please call me as soon as you can so we can finalize this deal.

  Larry Wong

  “Fuck yes!” Jumping up from my seat I can’t help but do a victory dance. I’ve been going rounds with these homeowners for a few months now and I was starting to lose hope. The home, a beachfront property in southern Florida, just an hour’s drive east of my sister, is the perfect vacation spot for us. I know Red’s been wanting to get back out to Florida again so this is the perfect thing! She’s going to fucking flip!

  My phone rings halfway through my victory dance and I roll my eyes. Tatum. Yet another person in my life that likes to bring me all kinds of unwelcome, but necessary, emotions. How can just a few years of being someone’s best friend turn you into their shrink?

  Tatum and I go way back. Back to a day when I thought I didn’t need a woman in my life. Hell, back to a day when neither of us cared if we’d ever find ‘the one’ and we were both happy just finding ‘a one’ for the night. We’ve seen some shit, that’s for fucking sure.

  “Yes, sir?” I answer, sitting back in my chair and grabbing a Twizzler from my secret stash.

  “Do you ever stop eating?”

  “Nope. What’d ya want? I have to go grab the kids soon.”

  “Gwynn working late tonight?” He sounds worried about something and I wish he’d just spit it out already.

  “Yea. Training for the fight. What’s goin on?” In other words, stop beating around the fucking bush.

  “Remember…. Fuck, hang on.” I hear Molly, his wife, in the background, but it’s hard to make out any words. When he comes back to the phone there’s silence in the room. Obviously whatever he needs to tell me
he can’t tell her.


  “Remember how I’ve been keeping tabs on Jase and Mac for you two?”

  Uck. Mother fucking uck. I’m a grown-ass adult, and those names make me literally cringe. Mac is Gwynn’s old trainer and Jase is her ex best friend/psychotic killer that almost ruined everything between us. They’re a fucking father and son duo of the mother fucking ages and if I had it in me all those years ago, I would have murdered them slowly. Of course they’re going to make me physically ‘uck’. After Tatum beat their shins in with a metal ball bat and added a few broken bones on the top half of their body, we sent them off to Mexico with just the clothes on their back and a warning not to step foot in this fucking state again.

  “Yea, for the last four fucking years man.” Those assholes aren’t that stupid to come back to Texas. It’s a big fucking state, but they’d best not forget who runs this place. Tatum’s family, the Savages, will have their dicks on a platter by the time they step foot on Texas soil.

  “Yea… so we lost the trail on Mac… and Jase is back in Texas.” He actually sounds scared, like I’m going to reach through the phone and punch him straight in the face. Tatum is never scared, but he has good reason to sound like that today. I would do exactly that, too, if I could. He knows better than to slack on this until I give him the go that’s it ok to. Jase and Mac are huge dangers to my family. They were warned all those years ago never to step foot in this state or country again. They’ve listened.

  Until now.

  “Jesus Christ!” My voice reverberates through the room. “How the fuck did you let this happen?!”

  “I know. Believe me, we’ve taken care of the men in charge.”

  “You better have fucking sent them to the bottom of the mother fucking ocean!”

  “I kn—”

  “No! You fucking don’t, Tatum. You don’t know how goddamned crazy they are! Fuck!” I kick the chair and start pacing the room. “You gotta get someone on Gwynn, Tatum. Twenty-four-seven. And the fucking kids. Jesus, FUCK!”

  “Calm down, man. We’ve got every man out there looking for them. Gwynn’s safe at the gym for now. Nobody’s gonna mess with her with all those men around.”

  Don’t fucking remind me.

  “I need this taken care of, Tatum. She’s going to kick your fucking ass for letting this happen. What good is an organization like your father’s if it continually fucks up?!”

  “I’m going to forget you just said that,” he growls, forcing a grunt out of me.

  “Good. Fuck you. Fix this. Today.” I end the call and throw the phone clear across the room. “Shit!” With them out there, no eyes on them, there’s no fucking clue what they’re up to.

  I gotta get to my family.

  The streets to the sitter have never seemed so crowded. Get the fuck out of my way! Shit!

  “Hey, Maggie,” I pant, running through the front door. Maggie, the babysitter, smiles up at me from the floor where she’s doing puzzles with Angel.

  “Daddy!” Angel hops up and runs over to me, melting my heart just as she did the first time I laid eyes on her. Her arms go around my legs and I can’t help but chuckle at the temporary tattoos running up and down her arms. She wants to be like mommy and daddy so much.

  One day, little rockstar, you’ll be even better than the two of us combined.

  “Come on babes. It’s time to go get baby Dax.”

  “Dax! I drew him a picture!” She runs to the table and grabs it before running back to the door.

  “One speed, that girl.” Maggie laughs and starts cleaning up.

  “Thanks again, Maggie. A few more weeks and she’ll be starting preschool… you ready for Dax next?” I quirk an eyebrow at her and she smiles wide.

  “I love babies. Of course I’m ready.”

  “Have a good weekend, Maggie.” I nod and take Angel’s hand, speed walking to the truck and getting her buckled in in no time.

  “Why you drive so fast, Daddy?” she asks from the back seat.

  “I’m just excited to get to your brother and Mom, baby, that’s all.” My fingers rap the steering wheel as I wait for the light to turn green. Come the FUCK on! The last thing I need right now is to be away from my family… Jase and Mac are fucking nuts! I need everyone on lock down until we find them. Everyone.

  Jesus Christ, Red. To say she’s gonna be pissed is a mother fucking understatement. She’s been just on the edge of a panic attack since Dax was born… something about post partum shit. The fighting she’s been doing lately is keeping her balanced, but fuck I know this is going to put her over the edge.


  “Green light!” Angel screams from the back seat, bringing me out of my daze. Shit, Eddie, get your shit together.

  By the time we get to the gym I’m a bundle of nerves. Each car that passes us, I wonder if it’s them, waiting to strike again just like they did so many years ago when they attempted to ruin my world the first time. I can’t put it past them to try something stupid like that again, and now that there are kids involved… my fucking kids… I won’t be holding back ending those fuckers if they show their face around me.

  Nothing will hurt my family.

  Not on my watch.

  We barrel towards the door, Angel a fit of laughter as I carry her on my shoulders and duck in the front door. The minute the door closes behind us I see Red in the ring. She’s in the fucking zone, and it’s sexy as hell.

  Fuck, it’s been too long since I fucked her against those ropes.

  “Dax!” Angel shrieks, heading to the toy room just off the side of the ring. The doors are open and he’s happily lying in the Rock ‘n Play while his Mom trains in the ring.

  I’ve never been a sappy guy, but standing here, watching my family seem so happy and carefree, makes me want to keep them like this forever.

  I can’t tell Red about them getting away.

  I can’t take her focus off the fight.

  “Hey, you,” she says, completely out of breath. Her bright red hair pulled up into a messy contraption on the top of her head, sweat beads dripping down her temples, chugging water like it’s her last meal… good God she’s sexy. Fuck! How can I even be thinking about sex right now? There’s killers on the loose and I’m certain they’re out for blood! I would be, after being shipped away like that.


  “What’s wrong?” She scrunches her eyebrows at me as she takes another drink of water.

  “Nothing.” Maybe I can figure this shit out without her having to know. I can post a watch guard over the gym when she’s here without her knowing. I’ll make sure when the kids aren’t with either of us they’re in safe hands. Hell, I bulletproofed Maggie’s house and installed the highest tech security system known to man there, all free of charge to her. All because I need the best and safest thing for my kids.

  Fuck pre-school.

  I need to get this figured out, and fast.

  “Eddie, you’re grinding your teeth again. You only do that when something’s bothering you.” She looks worried but I can’t tell her the truth. I know how happy she is in the ring… I can’t take that away from her. If I tell her what happened then she’s going to stop training and go on the hunt for the men that almost destroyed her life. Hell, it’s been a topic we haven’t touched in years because I wouldn’t let her beat the life out of them.

  Well… now I would… but I’m beginning to think I’m going to need to do more than bust a few knees to keep them away again.

  “Nah, I’m good. Work’s just stressful right now.” Thank God I can hide behind my work. She knows it’s top-secret shit for the most part so she won’t ask about it.


  “Ok. Well I’m going to grab the kids’ things then we can head home.” She reaches up on her tiptoes and as much as I want to swoop her into a deep kiss and taste her in ways I need, I don’t.

  I can’t.

  I’m so fucking worried and I haven’t touched their file in ages.
I’ve become lazy with them because I had faith that the men Tatum employs, were good enough. Apparently not. Now I need to go through every piece of Intel I can find on them. It won’t take me long to get back into the case… I was addicted to it back when they were taken. I wanted them dead at the time and Tatum talked me out of it… but now there will be no stopping me. I will find them. And when I do, they’ll be sorry they ever came back to Texas.


  “Once more, and this time wake the fuck up!” My voice echo’s through the gym as my new client glares back at me from the treadmill. “I’m not fucking kidding. I’m upping the speed and the ramp.” I hit the start button after adjusting the settings. “Go!”

  Late nights for clients are typically fine, but this bitch needs to get her head around the whole ‘working out isn’t easy’ thing. She wants to train in the ring, but if she can’t make it at the very least a mile without being winded and wanting to vomit, she’s not ready to train. I’ll get her there, though. I always do.

  “She’s going to hurl,” Jane, the new front desk girl says from behind me. I didn’t want to hire her; I don’t think we need the help even though life has been crazy since Seth left a few months ago. I guess I never really knew how much he did around here until he was gone. Now I’m left here with this bimbo that’s only here for the eye candy. The minute this fight is over I’m throwing her ass to the curb.

  “Good. Maybe it’ll teach her to lay off the heavy meals right before a training session.”

  “What’s crawled up your ass?” She won’t stop smacking her gum and I want to knock it right out of her mouth.

  “Nothing,” I lie. Honestly, I’ve been crabby as fuck lately and I think it’s with how Eddie’s treating me. Something’s going on with him that’s more than just work related shit, and I’m going to find out.

  “Ok great. I’ll see ya later.” She leaves, leaving me wonder why the hell I hired her in the first place. Mother fucking useless.

  “You’re done.” I hit the end button to slow this girl to a stop and storm to my office, calling after me, “Hit the showers. Same time tomorrow,” before slamming my office door and falling into my desk chair. Jesus Christ. Three days now of dealing with a sporadic, nervous husband, a four-year-old diva, and a newborn that won’t sleep at night. I’m over it.


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