Thy Will Be Done
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—and J. C. King, 138–39, 140, 141, 142–43, 144, 149, 265
—and Latin America: Argentina, 157, 162, 169; Bolivia, 157; changing view toward national self-determination, 54, 82–83, 94, 214, 216, 278–79, 299, 306, 313–14, 316, 362–63, 410, 428–29, 453, 455, 607, 647, 666, 694, 697, 714, 729; consolidates holdings in, 712; contacts in, 164, 285, 377; Ecuador, 285; and expanded CIA operations in, 274–75; free trade in, 330, 334, 474–75, 667–68; interlocking of business and philanthropic interests in, 118, 168, 213–14, 586, 780; theory of development in, 667, 887n55; tour of (1969), 607, 634–42, 831–32
—and Middle East, 275, 279, 783, 787
—and military-industrial complex, 328–31
—and Nixon, 334–35, 594, 596, 707–8, 715
—and nuclear war, 328, 370–71, 372, 374
—personal characteristics and family relations of: aging and death, 787, 795, 821–22; ambition, 158, 331; appearance of, 210, 455; as art collector, 57, 80, 364, 723, 779, 793; early life and education, 9–11, 15–17, 27, 31–32, 54; family assets of, 150, 779–80; family influence on, 18, 54, 331, 724; marriages of, 53–57, 367, 407; and Michael, 311, 363, 455, 792, 796; personal style of, 80, 108, 165, 166, 219, 230
—as presidential candidate: presidential ambitions, 309–22; 1960 campaign, 329–31, 333–35, 336; 1964 candidacy, 403, 404, 453, 454; 1968 candidacy, 536, 588, 589, 591–94; 1976 race, 760–61, 764–65
—reaction to Cuban revolution, 313–14
—and Roosevelt administration, 92, 103, 107, 156, 377, 400, 677; as assistant secretary of state for Latin America, 163–82
—and State Department, 5, 157, 162, 643
—and Truman administration: and Congress, 228–29; Dulles opposes, 176; fired by Truman, 178, 179; and IDAB, 221–22, 225, 230, 286; Marshall supports, 203; postwar planning, 166; and U.N. headquarters, 211
—and Venezuela, 116, 217, 219–20, 406–7, 588, 610, 636
—See also Bodoquena; CIAA; IBEC; Moreira Salles, Walther; Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Rockefeller Center; Special Group
Rockefeller, Rodman: at IBEC, 634, 781–83; and Michael, 364, 369; and Nelson, 285n, 407, 792, 796
Rockefeller, Steven, 368, 407, 593, 787, 792
Rockefeller, Steven, Jr., 795
Rockefeller, William, 82, 844n30
Rockefeller, Winthrop, 18, 211, 298, 306, 407, 712, 761
Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 212, 220, 293, 297, 329, 663, 725, 787; Special Studies Project, 309, 335, 339, 375, 424
Rockefeller Brothers, Inc., 212
Rockefeller Center, 57, 75–76, 210, 211, 220, 226, 725
Rockefeller Commission on CIA Abuses, 735–37, 833–34
Rockefeller family: back Saigon regime, 560; business associations of, 562, 570, 726–28, 784–86; and Fundamentalism, 292, 293; in Latin America, 714–15, 663. See also individual family members
Rockefeller Family Fund, 725
Rockefeller Foundation: in India, 562; management of, 168, 191, 211, 220, 266–67, 293, 725; in Mexico, 93, 126, 505; and mind control research, 265; philanthropy in Latin America, 36, 37, 83, 433; research in international relations, 336; surveys, 108, 136; and U.S. government, 95, 96
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 21, 82
Rockefeller Public Service Awards, 853n20
Rockefeller Report on the Americas, The, 643, 645, 647–48, 650, 675
Rockefeller Sanitary Commission, 22, 91, 216, 377
Rockefeller University, 853n20, 892n21
Rockland State Hospital, New York, 541
Rockwell Manufacturing Company, 372
Rodriguez, Felix, 523, 532
Rogers, Glenn E., 609
Rogers, Maj. Robert, 575
Rogers, William W., 630, 634, 635
Rojas Pinilla, Gen. Gustavo, 312, 390
Roldos, jaime, 813
ROLIBEC, 547–48
Roman Catholic church: against Perón, 278; in Brazil, 450; in Colombia, 324, 387–89; in Ecuador, 324; in Goldwater coalition, 454; opposing Protestant missionaries, 247, 248, 281, 395; Vatican, 484, 519, 681
Romero, Antonio, 9, 10
Romney, George, 578, 586
Romualdi, Serafino, 442
Rondon, Gen. Cândido, 144, 144n, 153, 316, 321, 622. See also Service for the Protection of the Indian
Rondon, Fernando, 777n
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano: illness and death of, 170, 173; and Latin America, 96, 101, 120, 164; liberalism of, 85, 88, 164, 383; and Nelson Rockefeller, 92–93, 113, 157, 162, 594; and third term issue, 102
Roosevelt, Theodore, 37, 622
Rosbottom, Henry, 528
Roselli, John, 348, 405, 739–40, 864n48, 875n16
Rosenbaum, Richard, 767, 787
Rositzke, Harry, 275
Rostow, Walt Whitman: as counterinsurgency theorist, 339, 513, 530, 824; and Cuban invasion, 354; as theorist on economic growth, 343, 375–76; and USSR conspiracy, 553; and Vietnam escalation, 542
Routh, Laurence, 437, 489
Rovensky, Joseph, 77, 81, 154
Rowe, Hartley, 609
Rowe, Leo, 92, 172
Roxas, Manuel, 207
Royal Dutch Shell. See Shell Oil
Royal National Bank of Canada, 867n8
Rubber, 119, 120, 133, 136, 461, 483, 548, 844n30
Rubber Development Corporation, U.S., 140, 152, 181, 183
Rubber Procurement Program, 517
Rubber Production Board, 496
Rubber Reserve Corporation, U.S., 119, 120, 136, 139, 140, 152, 188
Rubbottom, Roy, 739
Rubio Orbe, Gonzalo, 698
Ruis, Bishop Samuel, 830
Ruml, Beardsley, 92, 94–95, 103
Rumsfeld, Donald, 762, 765
Rural Indian Guard, 675–76
Rural Reconnaissance Patrols, 552
Rusk, Dean: at Charlotte, N.C., 385; and Far East, 221, 542, 584; and Guevara, 530; as Rockefeller Foundation president, 266; as secretary of state, 352–53, 415–16, 538
Russell, Bertrand, 575
Russian Research Institute, 644, 715
Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 844n30
Sabah, 759
Sadat, Anwar, 788
Sáenz, Aarón, 61, 70, 382
Sáenz, Moisés, 49, 61, 62, 66–67, 99–100, 102, 120–21, 207
Safire, William, 596, 706
Saga Petroleum, 806
Saint, Marjorie, 284
Saint, Nate, 250, 284–85, 287–90
Saint, Rachel, 250, 285, 287, 289–90, 360, 485, 603–6, 772, 874n36
St. John d’el Rey, 712
Salinger, Pierre, 335
Sampaio, Manual, 651
Samper, Armando, 663
Samuels, Nathaniel, 715n Sanchez Galdeano, Antonio, 662
Sandino, Gen. Augusto, 47
Sandoz Laboratories, 508
Santa Cruz oil field, Bolivia, 302, 428, 524, 525, 529
Santos, Eduardo, 164
Sanz de Santamaría, Carlos, 384–85, 438, 645
Sapir, Edward, 44
Sarabhai, Ambalal, 56
São Paulo Chamber of Commerce, 640
Sayle, Murray, 529
Scarborough, Jay, 757
Schiff, John, 717
Schlesinger, Arthur, 354–56, 390, 413, 422
Schlesinger, James, 721, 733, 765
Schneider, Gen. René, 664
Schneider, Robert, 250, 342, 389, 437
Schneider, Ronald, 503
Schultes, Richard Evans, 136, 505, 508–9
Schuyler, Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, 411
Schweiker, Richard, 767
Schwend, Friedrich, 524
Scientific Engineering Institute, 874n32
Scofield, Cyrus, 43
Scovill Manufacturing Company, 782
Scowcroft, Brent, 765
Sea Supply, Inc., 877n27
Sears, Roebuck & Company, 601, 648
SEATO. See Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
Selich, Andrés, 695, 750
Sememes Agroceres, S.A. (SASA), 307, 634, 703, 821, 882n13
Sert, José Maria, 60
Service for the Protection of the Indian (SPI), Brazil: collaboration with SIL, 318–19, 436, 619, 625; corrupted by military, 360, 431–32; genocidal methods of, 3, 301, 315, 317, 698; original approach of, 144, 147, 215, 316, 499, 856n22
Seven Seas Airlines, 341
Shan tribe, Burma, 556
Shaw, Clay, 416
Shell Chemical Company, 608
Shell Mera, Ecuador, 251, 284, 288
Shell Oil, 77, 258, 283, 285, 364, 450, 514, 547, 777n
Shelton, “Poppy,” 530
Shenandoah Oil, 806
Shields, Jerry, 654
Shook, Cleo, 748, 751
Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 547
SIL. See Summer Institute of Linguistics
Siles Salinas, Adolfo, 636
Simmons, Clark, 469, 471
Sinclair Oil, 101, 218, 459, 514, 718, 821
Singlaub, John K., 574
Sky Above, the Mud Below, The (film), 368
Smith, Fr. Edgar, 1, 622
Smith, Joseph, 267
Smith, Barney and Company, 152
Soares de Sampaio, Alberto, 304
Sochurek, Howard, 552–53, 575
Social Democratic party (PDS), Brazil, 184, 190, 214
Social Progressive party, Brazil, 441
Social Science Research Council, 62, 103
Society for Economic Botany, 874n36
Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, 265
Socony. See Standard Oil of New York
Sofina, 715n
Soil Conservation Agency, 99
Somoza Garcia, Gen. Anastasio, 118, 218, 312, 352, 413, 523, 783
“Sorbonne” Group, 442, 443, 559
South American Gold and Platinum Company, 885n10
South American Missionary Society, 777
South Peru Copper Company, 703
South Vietnam. See Republic of Vietnam
Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group (SEADAG), 559–61, 572
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 5, 238, 273, 547
Southern Cotton Oil Company, 21
Southern Pacific Railroad, 93
Southern Railway, 21, 377
Southwest Center for Advanced Studies, 570
Souza Costa, Arthur de, 136, 138–39, 140, 183
Soviet Union. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Spaeth, Carl, 91
Special Commission on Civil Defense, 328
Special Commission for Highland Affairs, 569
Special Group (National Security Council), 251, 264, 266–67, 273, 278, 327, 332, 343, 350, 357, 371, 390, 473, 566, 740, 823
Special Operations Research Office (SORO), 479–80
SPI. See Service for the Protection of the Indian
Stages of Economic Growth, The, 343
Stalin, Josef, 146, 170, 172
Standard Banks, Ltd., 541n
Standard Fruit and Steamship Company, 285n, 412, 863–64n17
Standard Oil of California (Chevron), 24, 35, 65, 78, 278, 443, 703
Standard Oil of Indiana, 77, 276, See also AMOCO
Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso; Exxon): in Bolivia, 35, 276; in Brazil, 182, 188, 189, 258, 296, 303–4, 442, 450, 608; in Caribbean, 276, 313, 362, 364–65; in China, 54, 88; in Colombia, 35–36, 395, 692; in Dutch East Indies/Indonesia, 54, 364, 368; in Ecuador, 285, 496; and Germany, 98; in Guatemala, 36; and I.G. Farben, 97, 155; and Japan, 98; in Mexico, 35, 83, 97–98, 101; in Middle East, 35, 231; and Navajo Indian lands, 15; in Paraguay, 775; in Peru, 35, 245, 278, 458, 514, 517, 666; refinery threat, 706; and Rockefeller Foundation, 36; in Thailand, 561; in U.S. Southwest, 717n, 718; in Venezuela, 77; in World War II, 155. See also Creole Petroleum; International Petroleum Company; King Ranch
Standard Oil of New York (Mobil Oil; Socony), 211, 246, 461, 560, 717n, 718
Standard Oil of Ohio, 276
Standard Oil Trust, 6, 15, 19, 77, 82
Stanford University, 478, 878n39
Stassen, Harold, 176, 177, 271, 272
State Department. See U.S. government: State Department
State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC), 192, 221, 276. See also Rockefeller, John D. 3rd
Stauffer Chemical, 608
Stennis, John, 405–6
Stettinius, Edward, 160, 162, 163, 170, 173, 174, 178
Stevenson, Adlai E., 352, 415
Stewart, Lyman, 24, 34, 64
Stewart, Milton, 24
Stewart, Robert H., 880n6
Stewart, W.L., 24
Stimson, Henry, 149, 169, 170
Stoll, David, 490
Stone, Doris, 320, 801
Strategic Bombing Survey, 130
Strategic Index of the Americas, 129, 147n, 152, 842n12. See also Anthropology, American
Stratton, Dr. John Roach, 20
Strauss, Louis, 226
Stroessner, Alfredo, 640, 775
Strong, Gen. Robert V., 199n
Struharik, Paul, 757, 758
Student protests, 166, 631, 635–37, 640–41
Sucrest sugar refiners, 313, 456
Sugar, 69, 70, 313
Suharno, Ignatius, 779
Suharto, 778
Sukarno, 238, 364, 410
Sullivan, William, 708, 739
Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL): in Amazon basin, 201, 206, 434, 436, 500; anti-Catholicism of, 323, 590; and Asia Foundation, 571; and aviation, 282–83, 288; bases: see Limoncocha, Lomalinda, Tumi Chucua, Yarinacocha; in Bolivia, 530, 571; in Brazil, 4, 318, 432, 500–501, 625, 692; collaborators with, 126–28, 205, 318–19, 363, 509, 625, 692; in Colombia, 387, 395, 473, 684, 691, 752; and counterinsurgency, 128, 130, 433, 482, 575, 743; criticisms of, 686, 751, 801, 894n26; in Ecuador, 285, 287, 360, 499; in Far East, 208, 758, 759; financial supporters of, 290, 487, 569, 678, 743–44, 813; and First Indian Conference, 100, 168; founding of, 40, 67, 73, 86, 122–24; in Guatemala, 239, 240, 244, 811; and Islam, 798; in Mexico, 131, 201, 802; in Peru, 124, 206, 247, 459, 479, 482–83, 540, 771, 799; in Philippines, 208, 236, 571, 799, 800; and Rockefeller Foundation, 44, 433, 439; in Vietnam, 289, 387, 546, 552–53, 571, 757. See also Campos, Roberto; JAARS; Ribeiro, Darcy; Townsend, William Cameron; Wycliffe Bible Translators
Sun Oil Company (Sunoco), 40, 435, 443, 486, 718
Superintendency for the Development of the Amazon (SUDAM), 618, 670
Superior Oil, 692
Survival International, 677
Swadesh, Morris, 842n12
Sweetwater Development Company, 880n6
Swift, Geraldine, 620, 633
Swift, Harold, 619
Swift-Armour, S.A., 618–19. See also Deltec International, Ltd.; Swift do Brasil
Swift company, 298. See also Swift do Brasíl
Swift do Brasíl, 633
SWNCC. See State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee
Szulc, Tad, 449, 459, 650
Taft, Robert, 231
Tammany Hall, 310, 541
Tanganyika Concessions, Ltd., 326
Tannenbaum, Frank, 62, 67, 130
Taos Pueblo, N.M., 9, 28, 254
Tariri, 484–85, 487
Távora, Juárez, 260
Tax, Sol, 126, 130
Taylor, Dr. Dermot B., 509
Taylor, Gen. Maxwell, 355, 371, 398, 478
Taylor, Thomas A., 620, 633, 712
Teamsters’ Pension Fund, 579, 880n6
Teller, Edward, 370, 717, 762–63
Tello, Dr. Julio César, 80
Tenneco, 717n
Tennessee Valley Authority, 669, 763
Texas Gulf Producing Company, 246, 459
Texas Instruments, 276, 569, 852–53n20
Texas International, 761
Texas Oil Company (Texaco): in Bolivia, 276, 756; in Brazil, 189, 258, 436, 442, 443, 450; in Colombia, 387, 395; in Ecuador, 277, 603, 685; in Guatemala, 276, 806; in Paraguay, 775; in Peru, 459, 514
Texas Pacific, 561n
Thai-America Steel Company, 878n39
Thai National Police, 556, 559
Thaibec Investment Service, 547
Thailand, 238, 547–48, 557, 743, 855n32
Thela Comercial, S.A., 307
“Theology of Liberation,” 690, 691
Thermo Electron, 725
Thielman, Rev. Calvin, 545, 546, 549, 552, 569
Thieu. See Nguyen Van Thieu
Third Century Corporation, 716
Third World development, 191, 226–28, 229–30, 263, 273, 283, 425
Thompson, Kenneth, 399
Thompson, Robert H., 880n6
Thompson, Gen. Robert T., 582–83
Thompson, Warren, 475
Tidmarsh, Dr. Wilfrid, 284–85
Time-Life, Inc., 287, 293n, 381
Tin, 153, 548, 673–74, 888n66
Tippett, A. R., 689
Titan II (ICBM), 372, 374
Titicaca, Lake, 472, 517, 692
Tito, Josip, 351
Toledano, Lombardo, 84, 170
Tolentino, Enrique, 757, 758
Tolo: The Volcano’s Son, 64, 806
Torres, Gen. Juan José, 692, 693–94, 695, 750
Torres Restrepo, Fr. Camilo, 684
Torresola, Griselio, 225
Torrijos, Omar, 813
Townsend, Elaine, 198, 200, 201, 699
Townsend, Elvira, 44, 50, 61, 131–32
Townsend, Grace, 201, 202
Townsend, Paul (Cam’s brother), 63, 249
Townsend, Paul (Guatemalan missionary), 820
Townsend, William Cameron (“Cam”): in Brazil, 360, 460, 499; and Cárdenas, 85, 100–101, 132, 209, 799; career at SIL, 4, 486, 699, 752, 835n1; in Colombia, 385, 387–89, 473, 754; and Daniels, 60, 70, 74, 85, 86, 100; in Ecuador, 283, 359–60; in Guatemala, 36–52, 238, 322, 810; and Inter-American Indian conferences, 100, 321, 697, 699, 802–3; and Korean War, 208–9; and linguistics, 44, 68, 699; in Mexico, 60, 98, 130–31, 382; as novelist, 64, 806; personal life of, 42, 198, 201, 282, 814, 815, 820; and Peru, 197, 246, 460, 756, 799, 814; plans for Pacific area, 121–25, 208, 236; praises Nelson Rockefeller, 209; and public relations, 484–87, 489, 570; relations with Latin American leaders, 168, 244, 245, 435, 438–39, 469, 603, 627, 697; and Religious Roundtable, 803, 805; supporters of, 200, 247, 248, 324, 342, 570; and U.S. government and politics, 102–3, 205, 324, 390, 569, 590, 743, 856n37; in USSR, 699, 798; and Venezuela, 91; and Vietnam, 545, 549. See also JAARS; Summer Institute of Linguistics; Wycliffe Bible Translators
Trade Expansion Act of 1962, 402, 425
Trafficante, Santos, 348, 354, 405, 413, 517, 739–40
Trans-Amazonian highway system, 232, 500, 620, 652, 669–70, 673, 676, 688