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Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists

Page 6

by Timothy Beckley

  One researcher reported regular attacks by a "smelly" at precisely the same time each day for more than eight consecutive days. Added to this phenomenon have been reports of contact via television. A number of individuals who have sighted UFO'S have claimed later communication with "aliens" through their home television sets. The aliens frequency disrupts normal programming to allow robed figures to instruct the saucer sighters to cooperate with the aliens and to keep their information confidential. In exchange for the saucer sighters silence and co- operation, the aliens promises him that he will be allowed to work with them on certain glorious secret projects for the betterment of mankind.

  Whether such stories are born of individual delusion or organized deception, the authors have received reports of these communication from nearly every section of the US. Here is a typical report of such a contact that was sent to the editorial office of "Saucer Scoop".

  "...Now to the Organization; I have been working for them for four years. They first contacted me right after I had two unusual UFO sightings - one in which three large, blue, glowing saucers landed near my house (later I went up to the site and

  found landing gear depressions) and the next on the following Sunday when I saw a huge silver saucer which hovered 20 feet above me and seemed to be taking my picture! Next you ask how they contacted me... They had and perfected a magnetic frequency equal to the VHF stations on TV. And so one night when they were ready and I was home alone watching TV, they cut in on channel 3 and cut off the normal transmission... by means of a director beam and transmitted to me. Using the magnetic wave principal, they told me how to construct an mg transmitter of my own...

  "...Though I have never met any of them personally, I know where their base is in my area and i've watched their activity from a distance by telescope, in addition to seeing them on my TV."

  This particular contactee identified the Organization as the "United Planets Council". According to him, "...their saucers have been landing on Earth for thousands of years. They are studying Earth and waiting until Earth can put spaceships on the moon - then Earth will be asked to join the UPC. Science will advance tremendously..."

  Those who put credence in such reports are divided into two camps concerning their correct interpretation. There are the cosmic positive thinkers who sincerely believe such contacts to be initiated by the benign "space brothers" in order to better prepare man for the glories of the "new age" of interplanetary brotherhood. Then there are those who feel that such privileged communication from the Organization is but an elaborate ploy to insure the silence of those who have witnessed certain saucer sightings. Those who hold this view also believe that there is at least one UFO group which is, at best, indifferent to the fate of Homo Sapiens and which may even be hostile to Earths inhabitants.

  Researcher Robert A. Stiff recently advised: "Check your past copies of "Saucer Scoop" and other UFO publications and see how many cases are reported that suggest outright hostility and attack by the UFO's, based on fact and how many others report friendly contact with our "space

  brothers". You will find that the former outweighs the latter by a wide margin. "The aliens have been reported to have even waved at us in a friendly manner from their craft" Stiff continued. "I, too have done the same thing. The only difference was that I waved at animals in a cage! I was being friendly to dumb animals for my own amusement. When you stop to think about it there may be no difference. We, too, may be dumb creatures providing amusement for others while they attain their goal. Our government knows more about the UFO's than they are willing to say, and they must have a serious reason. The only time we are SUPPOSED to be deceived by our government is when National security is at stake. Is this the case concerning UFO's? If so, the answer is at hand. Friends do not cause occurrences which would involve national security."

  Stiff has come to feel that the aura of laughter built up around persons claiming contact with aliens has been a deliberate action on the part of those who would have the truth withheld from the public.

  "Again the big question, why?" Stiff asks, "What is there about UFO's that must be kept silent - not to be disclosed? What path are we as UFOlogists following that is evidently leading to something important - so important that we must be quieted? Why the harassment of prominent UFO authorities? The privacy of them is no longer sacred and telephones have become the object of distrust.

  "Wild imagination? A most definite and sad NO! We have reached the point where the serious study of UFO's has become a battle!" Are the silencers horror or hoax? And if it is all a hoax, who is perpetrating it all, and more importantly, why? Just exactly what is the silence group that is determined to make a sinister battleground of flying saucer research?

  Are they, in spite of official denials, agents from a top-secret US government agency, which knows the answer to the UFO enigma and has been commissioned to keep the truth from the public?

  Could they be agents from another terrestrial political system that endeavors to guard its secret for just a bit longer? Or, as some Researchers have theorized, could the silencers and the UFO'S be coming from an older terrestrial race which has survived and become more technically advanced as it thrives in some remote place on Earth?

  Why do the silencers want certain UFO investigations discontinued? Why do they so desperately want the nations of the world to remain ignorant of the true facts about flying saucers?

  It may be because they realise the more ignorant man is of the true dangers which face him, the less able he is to deal with the crisis situation. The less prepared man is to handle the inevitable confrontation with an alien race, the more rapidly he will allow himself, slave-like, to become subject to a race or culture which considers itself to be superior to Homo Sapiens.

  Eminent psychologist C.G. Jung wrote with great insight when, he said: "We would be placed in the very questionable position of today's primitive societies that clash with the superior cultures of the white race. All initiative would be wrested from us. As an old witch doctor once said to me, with tears in his eyes, "We will have no more dreams."

  "Our science and technology would go on the junk pile. What such a catastrophe would mean morally we can gauge only by the pitiful decline of primitive cultures that has taken place before our very eyes."

  How much longer will the mysterious silencers continue in their attempts to squelch saucer research? How long before the MIB's are exposed or willingly cast off their black suits in favor of material uniform? And if the mysterious silence group should in time prove themselves to be citizens of an alien culture, how much longer will they continue to knock on doors, give ominous and unsolicited advice over telephones and harass UFO researchers before they begin invading our world?

  Courtesy of

  Horrific Unseen Forces


  Here is proof the Men in Black come in all shapes and sizes and may come after YOU! next. Dogtown, near Evansville Indiana

  Date: August 21 1955

  Time: afternoon

  Mrs. Darwin Johnson was swimming with her friend Mrs. Chris Lamble in the Ohio River about fifteen feet from shore when suddenly something grabbed her from under the surface. It felt like the "hand" had huge claws and "furry" palms. It came up from behind her, grabbed her left leg, gripped her knee and pulled her under. She kicked and fought herself free. It pulled her under again. Although both women could not see the thing, they were screaming and yelling to scare it away. Finally, Mrs. Johnson lunged for Mrs. Lamble's inner tube, and the loud "thump" apparently scared it away, as if released its grip. Back on shore Mrs. Johnson received treatment for her scratches and marks on her legs. According to Fortean investigator Terry Colvin Mrs. Johnson had a palm-print shaped green stain below her knee that could not be removed for several days.Interestingly Colvin learned that an individual who identified himself as an Air Force colonel visited the Johnson couple. He took voluminous notes and warned them not to talk further about the incident. />
  Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

  Date: 1956

  Time: various

  Years after the incident the witness recalled that as a young boy he was visited in his bedroom on several occasions by several men dressed in black that would take him out of the room while his parents slept. They would perform tests on him and it was almost always on his spinal cord. On several occasions he attempted to scream but was unable to. The dark garbed "doctors" warned him that he should never speak of them or else he would be in danger. The "treatments" continued for a while then finally just stopped. The witness has peculiar "scars" on his back to this day.

  Near Gorman California

  Date: June 1956

  Time: night

  Jan Whitley was driving along a mountain road with Emily Cronin and the latter's six-year-old son who was sleeping in the back seat. They pulled off at a rest stop to sleep awhile. They remembered seeing a light resembling a truck headlight at first; also they heard a high-pitched whining sound and felt paralyzed. Both felt the car sway for an unknown reason. Emily perceived a mental message telling her that someone was going to take her away.

  Then she saw a man looking in the back window of the car. Under hypnosis Emily recalled seeing a tall humanoid with a thin face and wearing black clothes, which was looking into the car apparently fascinated by the sight of the little boy. Two other beings tried to call away their curious companion. Emily understood the conversation among them to say that the encounter was a mistake, but the curious being shook the car and continued his observations, despite the other's objections. The witnesses eventually managed to leave the site, but later were unable to locate the exact spot alongside the road.

  Biggelswade England

  Date: November 28 1956

  Time: night

  A strange customer in his shop, with a very high forehead, told John Whitworth that he could see a flying saucer if he would go to a certain spot on November 28. Whitworth went and did see hovering an object like a humming top, with lighted portholes. Just one year later the visitor returned & told him he would have a contact this time, at another spot. Whitworth went with a crowd of others, including a BBC recording van, & was disappointed.Later a telephone call, "in an unearthly voice" reproached him from bringing the others

  Aberdeen, Washington

  Date: Summer 1959

  Time: afternoon

  On a Friday afternoon Shirley Teabo was driving to her home in the suburbs of Seattle when she barely noticed a tall, angular man hunched at the shoulder of a curving stretch of highway, she had never before picked up a hitchhiker yet for some reason she felt an inner compulsion to offer this man a lift. Almost without volition she backed her car along the shoulder of the freeway, but began to tremble with fright when he slid into the seat beside her. "Don't be afraid, Shirley," she reports that he said. She wondered how he knew her name.

  She noted other odd things about her new companion. Although it was a steaming summer day, he wore a heavy pinstriped suit with wide out of date lapels, and a wide brimmed black hat pulled low over his eyes. Suddenly he was telling her things about herself that she had never told anyone, and she had the weird sensation that she had known him all her life. Increasingly suspicious, she pulled into a roadside restaurant area, hoping that the hitchhiker would look for another ride. But he followed her inside, and sat quietly while she ordered coffee and an ice-cream cone, declining anything for himself.

  She offered the stranger ice cream and he appeared to study the cone for a long time before tasting it. They returned to the car, and were cruising through Tacoma before Shirley realized that she had no idea of her passenger's destination. "Oh, this will be fine," he said vaguely. She stopped the car, and he smiled and called good-bye. As she pulled back onto the roadway she glanced in the rearview mirror for a last glimpse of the stranger. But he was gone. She pulled off the road, looking frantically up and down the highway. There was nowhere for him to hide, yet he was nowhere to be seen. He had vanished. Another man, a neighbor known as Everett reported a very similar encounter with an equally described and garbed man who also mysteriously disappeared after a short car ride.

  Pennsylvania, exact location not given

  Date: Summer 1959

  Time: late evening

  The witness was sitting in his lounge chair, reading, dozing but was at the same time tense and restless. Something seemed to be at the back of his mind. Suddenly he looked toward the door. Somehow he knew someone was at the other side. He lay his book down got up and went to the door, opened it a crack and looked out.

  There were two men dressed in black there. They looked like identical twins. They were dark complexioned with Oriental eyes, but they were definitely not Orientals. They never said a word but the witness heard in his mind, "Are you ready?" He does not know why but for some reason he was ready to go. Since it was so terribly hot that night, he had stripped down to his "birthday suit" so when he reached for a pair of walking shorts again he heard in his mind, "That will not be necessary. No one will see you."

  They stepped out in the hall and instantly they were on top of a flat hill in back of the apartments. The witness was rather surprised that the scene had changed so quickly. He noticed the headlights of a car coming down the street, and he ducked behind the two men. He then heard some laughter in his mind, "We told you no one would see you. Try it." He then boldly stepped around in front of them, spread his feet apart, propped his hands on his hips, daring anyone to see me.

  But the car, with a man and a woman in it, passed a few feet from them not even looking in their direction. He turned to say something to his companions and they were looking up. He followed their gaze and realized that something was hanging there suspended above them. As he did so, an opening appeared in its center and blue-white light came tumbling out of it. He felt a queasy sensation in the pit of his stomach, like when you are in an elevator or an airplane that is dropping too fast. He could see apartment houses and the ground receding below them. They were floating up toward whatever the object was. He blacked out as they approached the opening.

  When he came to he was lying on his side facing a wall. He rolled over on his back and sat up. He was in an oddly shaped room. It somehow resembled a wedge of pie with the point of bitten off. The whole room was bare except for some kind of projection on which he was sitting. Everything seemed to be made out of a blue gray material. While the walls were very hard the surface on he was sitting was very soft even though everything seemed to have been made of the same material. The room was bathed in a soft glow and there were no shadows anywhere, but there was no light source that he could see. He then heard a female voice say, "He's awake now."

  He looked around to see if he could spot the speaker but saw nothing, just the walls. About this time on the short wall a door appeared and opened. He could see into a hallway. Although the hall was dark, here was blue-white illumination that appeared as though it was coming from some great distance. Two shadows flittered across the doorway. He couldn't tell anything about their shapes.

  The movement was too rapid and too distorted. But he received a mental impression of two people approaching---a man in the front and a woman in the back---carrying a tray full of some kind of surgical instruments and hypodermic syringes. His next memory was of being back in his apartment, in his chair, reading his book. An interesting detail was that a book that he had been reading went mysteriously missing for a week after the encounter and was later found right on the same spot where the witness had left it.

  Brands Flat Virginia

  Date: January 19 1965

  Time: 1815

  William Blackburn was chopping firewood in preparation for an archery match when he noticed a large conical object in the sky, which he judged to be 240 feet in diameter. While he watched it, he saw a similar but smaller UFO, 60 ft wide, with a bubble-like cupola on top, land 50 ft away. It was made out of metal polished to a mirror finish. A pie like section opened out and three small entitie
s only 3 ft tall emerged and floated toward him. They were dressed in close fitting uniforms of the same high polish as the UFO, and wore shoes with 3 or 4-inch soles. Their skin was of an orange red color, and one had "a long finger on his left hand." Their faces were human like in appearance. These beings approached to within 12 ft and addressed him in a language that the witness could not understand. When he made no reply, the little men re-entered their vehicle, and both objects then rapidly disappeared. The sighting occurred during a localized wave of reports in the area, and the witness was subsequently asked by an un-named government agency not to discuss his sighting further.

  Caliham, Texas

  Date: June 6 1965

  Time: 0245A

  The 5-year old witness woke up in the middle of the night on his way to cuddle into bed with his parents as he usually did late at night. However, that night he saw bright lights in the house and hid in the crawl space between the refrigerator and the wall.

  He then saw 2 dull bright figures that were maybe 3 ft tall with glowing eyes. This frightened him and he covered his face with his hands. However he still peeked through his fingers and realized that he was now face to face with the figures. He then ran to his sister's room and hid under the covers in between his two sisters.The witness claims that the next day his home was visited by "men in black suits" who asked all kinds of questions pertaining to lights and fires near the barn area.

  Birmingham, England

  Date: December 1965

  Time: night

  One night Margery was told by her first husband to prepare for a shock and some kind of test. It was obvious that he was being quite serious. They got into his car and drove off, although her memory of the trip became hazy and confused and she does not know where they went. Then she was in a room that was dimly lit and there were people standing around a long table or flat bed. She was put onto it and seemed "drugged" and unable to resist. The most memorable of the men in the group was tall and thin with a long nose and white beard. He had thick eyebrows and supposedly said to Margery. "Remember the eyebrows, honey." A strange medical examination, using odd equipment, was performed on her. Her husband then took her on a trip to all the houses she would occupy in the future. This was accomplished by a click of the fingers, followed by a barrage of images. Her mind was filled with information but she was told that she would remember it only bit by bit as the future unfolded. The memory of the experience did return only from 1978 onwards. At one point one of the "examiners" in the room said to Margery, in a tone that made it seem as he were amused, "They will think its flying saucers." Her husband also revealed who he really was---but she declined to tell the investigator or source. The day after the "abduction" to a house somewhere in Birmingham her husband left, said he was going abroad, and Margery never saw or heard from him again.


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