Page 4
Every time he did this, commanded, I quivered and did indeed feel fuckable. I didn’t even regret my actions. I wanted, more, of him, his fingers in me, or that cock he had hidden in his pants.
I’d possibly explode into itsy bitsy pieces, if he ever truly used it.
But I undid the buttons on my dress, barely able to figure out how they worked with his dark assessment of my every move.
More and more of me was revealed as each button went bye-bye. Impatient as I was, a few of them snapped their threads and flipped away, pattering on floor and wall. Why didn’t they give us a uniform with a zip? Archaic.
“Keep going.”
I licked my lips, feverish. The uniform dropped to the floor. Finally, wearing only my old non-matching white bra, I stopped and waited for his next instruction. I fidgeted, shifting weight from foot to foot.
Do me, Wolfe.
Jesus H. Christ. I needed.
My pussy was going to burst...or something. Fireworks, explosions of many kinds.
“Want it more than ever?”
I nodded, frowning, distraught at the craziness of this.
Not answering that in words. He was a patient. He was wanted by Russian intelligence.
Fuck him. I had some autonomy, some thoughts of my own.
How was he doing this to me? How?
Wolfe chuckled. “Take off that bra.”
Like a little robot, I undid the clasp and let the bra fall from my arms.
“Go to your knees.”
I yo-yoed from craving him to wanting to run then he turned it on full whatever and I flopped to my knees.
When he went to my kitchen and I heard the faucet run, I knew what was next. At least he’d be clean...and I found I didn’t care, really.
Now that...was disgusting, theoretically. I’d found the font of insanity.
“Come in here!”
On hands and knees, I journeyed to the kitchen, my tits swaying, sure that standing wasn’t allowed.
The evil in his eyes when he sighted me was near palpable, but I crawled and I kneeled up when he gestured. When he unzipped and gave me a look at his cock, a thrill blossomed.
“Take it in there.” He caressed my jaw and my bottom lip, until my mouth popped open. “Make your mouth wet first.”
I did so, drawing up saliva, then I opened wide again. I put my mouth on the head of his cock and let him slide in, all wet as he’d instructed, until I had four inches inside, at least. His girth strained my mouth, nearly choking me, but I shut my eyes and imagined it elsewhere.
“Eyes.” He tapped my nose and I looked up at him, at his smirk, with my mouth full of cock.
Just like that, logic clicked in. Need to get out of this, then logic swam away, leaving me high and dry, in the swamp of nothing thoughts. I squeezed together my thighs and felt the throb intensify.
“You’re going to tell me all about these men who are coming.”
Men? I didn’t know if these were men, but I nodded, mouth full and unable to reply.
“Good. An hour, you said.” I nodded again. He looked distant. “Go into your living room and wait, kneeling. I’ll be there soon.”
No cute underwear then?
While I sat naked in the middle of the room, before the two-seater sofa and the armchair, I heard him searching my apartment. Drawers were pulled. Doors were opened. He trod here and there. Perhaps ten minutes later, he returned carrying a small suitcase of mine, as well as my handbag. He dropped them both to the floor.
The gleam in his eyes was new and satisfied. The clock was ticking. Forty-five minutes, assuming they were watching and timing this from our arrival. They’d want him subdued and if they had too much trouble from him, what would happen to my parents?
“Got you clothes, other stuff. Things I like.”
Had his speech regressed, again?
His eyes snapped to mine and his lips curled as he surveyed my posture. I didn’t know where to put my hands, how to conceal those intimate parts of me no random stranger should see, and he was a stranger. Scared, I ceased to blink. Then he sniffed the air, like some primeval beast checking for the whereabouts of prey...or a mate.
I cleared my throat, of fear. “Like a drink?” I gestured at the kitchen. “Beer?” The long drive had left me thirsty and I prayed he was too.
His grunted okay didn’t give me leave to rise and I found it impossible to do so. Ridiculous, but I sighed and crawled. This could be an advantage, I realized as I passed him. His gaze consumed every swaying part of my body. In a second, I would pass my handbag where it lay, as well as find it impossible not to display what was between my legs.
That could be a plus.
I waggled my ass spectacularly while I fished in my bag. With my hands concealed, I managed to tip out two pills, rescrew the lid, as well as find the bottle opener I kept in there. Even the easy twist tops hurt my hand.
He seemed unaware of my secrets. Well, of my drug shenanigans. Of my pussy? He could probably draw every detail.
I waggled my ass some more.
Triumphant, I held up the bottle opener as I palmed the Keppra. The rest of the journey to the kitchen and the fridge was slow but I made it back with two beers, one of them carefully doctored with the drug. If it wasn’t enough, or if it absorbed too slowly...I was stuffed. Beer was probably so contraindicated too.
He showed no sign he detected my deceit, which meant his mind-reading powers had limits
If it killed him, I’d be sorry, and not sorry. The ache in my chest at the thought of killing him was as puzzling as it was stupid.
I’d never get another job as a nurse, anyway. My mouth turned down.
Though, stupid me for forgetting, my family would suffer.
What a shitty day this was, all in all.
And that was the underestimation of the decade.
Wolfe had deposited himself in my armchair, mostly naked. His shirt had been cast aside and he sat there like a god king – huge, muscular, and capable of rendering me silent with one stony glance.
Silent but aroused.
He swigged down most of the bottle then set it aside. “Here.” He snapped his fingers and pointed at his feet, scowling as if I were a headstrong vassal who needed punishing. “Come. Sit.”
Such simple words.
Regressed, absolutely. What was happening to him? Too much medication and he was semi-comatose, though he gardened well. None at all and this happened? He’d forgotten about his questions. Forgotten about the “bad guys”.
I wasn’t reminding him.
They’d be here in thirty-five minutes.
“On my lap.”
He edged down his pants and freed that cock I’d already tasted. Damn. It stood up, a sapling sprouting from a giant tree of a man. I’d need a chainsaw to cut it down.
I swear my mouth watered.
For what seemed ages, he’d neglected me in that way he possessed, but now he applied his power a hundred times worse. I...lit up, nipples sticking out, clit pulsing with blood, breasts swelling and sensitive to my every motion. He leaned in as I moved to climb onto his lap and dragged me bodily onto him. Things...erect cocks went places they almost shouldn’t and I squeaked in both alarm and muted pleasure. Anal wasn’t some casual event. And that scepter of his jammed in me there would split me open.
I could think, even if I had to obey.
“You smell good,” he drawled, audibly inhaling. “Feel good.”
I could smell the potential for sex too. Raw male body, my own pheromones, plus his, all mixed up with this force of command. It dizzied me.
Then he handled me as if I were a doll, a doll with holes he could probe. I ended up with my hands on the floor and my ass in the air, my legs split and to either side of him, with my knees on the armrests. And his tongue, there, slurping at me.
Was I his lollipop, I wondered, sucking in air with each thrust of whatever part of him fucked me. It seemed so. A tongue and nose s
houldn’t bury themselves there, yet I was sure they did, had, were doing so again. I shuddered, overcome, and listened to him making more of those disgusting primitive sounds. I was a feast, a wet place to tongue-fuck and delve several thick fingers into. A deposit space for thumbs and I squeaked and squirmed as he again found my asshole and his thumb slipped in and fucked me, slowly. Then his second thumb stretched me, wider – my butt cheeks held far apart.
“Here. Next.”
“Nooo,” I protest-gasped in the softest voice, as if unsure of which bad thing I really wanted, and then I was coming in small convulsions that drew noises from me I never wanted to own up to.
“Good,” he said, clearly satisfied.
Wolfe stood, rearranged my rear end, and thrust his giant cock into me. Only my pussy though, thank god, with his thumb still taking liberties with my asshole. Facedown in the rug, I suffered, and came, shuddering as he forced himself farther in.
I’d had boyfriends with large cocks but nothing like this. Not one who made me orgasm from penetrating me alone.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I clawed at the carpet, hoping he’d bottom out soon. Hoping he’d come...then not. Making it last would be nice too. I accidentally bit my arm as his thrusts shoved me forward.
“I feel your greedy little hole grabbing at me. You want more?” He laughed and shoved in another, excruciating inch, and somehow the head of his cock touching bottom deep inside me triggered the most glorious spasms.
I spaced out into a beautiful fuzz of contentment, though I was aware of him lying down behind me on the rug, cuddling me, soothing me with crooning noises while he licked the side of my face and my neck.
What. The. Fuck? Nice but so weird.
How many minutes left? Ten? Twenty? Thirty?
My only watch was clipped to my uniform. My phone was in my bag.
I eyed along the floor and spotted it a few feet away.
When his licking subsided and he lay behind me, quietly for five minutes, I figured he might be asleep.
I put my palm to the floor and began to rise...
Only to have his fist grab a big handful of the back of my hair.
“I need to go and –”
The pause was long but I wasn’t courageous enough to say more. Instead I waited, propped on my elbow and aware of the stickiness between my thighs. He mightn’t have any STDs but getting pregnant wasn’t on my bucket list. Or being abducted, held prisoner, made to come when he wanted me to.
That part had my mind wandering back to the memory. I’d never forget this...if I survived.
Minutes oozed past.
“What happened? Wait. Don’t answer. I can vaguely recall.” His words were more ordered, more civilized. The drug was working? But was he more docile? The hand in my hair didn’t say that, but given more time, maybe it would come true.
I needed a genie in a bottle.
“Those men, the bad men, are coming still. Fuck.” He jumped to his feet and started yanking on clothes. “Get up. Get dressed. Questions can wait. Where are we? New York? You’re driving us out of here.”
“No shower?”
“Wipe yourself with this.” He bent and took a towel from the suitcase and threw it at me.
I bit my bottom lip. A command?
The glare he shot me said do it, though it wasn’t backed up by that power of his. Maybe it’d gone. Maybe the drug had done exactly what I needed it to do?
If I was careful, once outside, I could run.
I quickly slipped on the dress and underwear he gave me, then grabbed my handbag from the floor, though he found my phone and tossed it out.
When he made me exit the apartment first, with his hand between my shoulder blades, I smiled. No power. Nothing. I could run.
We went down in the elevator like any ordinary couple and all the way I was wondering if they’d be there when the doors opened at the bottom. They weren’t.
Wait, they’d said to go in via the back way so that probably meant they’d be watching the back?
When Wolfe pointed right as we exited, I shook my head. “My car’s the other way.”
“I know. If your friends are here I thought they be looking for us to get the car.”
“What?” Dumbstruck, I ventured a glance his way as he hustled me out the front. “You can’t –”
“Shhh.” Finger to his lips, suitcase dangling nonchalantly from his hand, he stopped as we reached the sidewalk, though in the shadow of an awning that shielded this entrance. There were people. People who would listen if I yelled for help. Maybe. It was New York.
Fascinated by his eyes on me, I nevertheless opened my mouth and tensed my vocal cords.
I could.
Wolfe put down the suitcase, as I widened my mouth. He watched me, then lowered his head. The muscles in my throat flickered. My mouth stalled. Behind my eyeballs, I felt the blossoming of...the barest hint of...his power.
“No, you can’t.” He smiled from under his brow. “See. I remembered, just in time. You were going to be naughty, weren’t you?”
Stunned, I licked my lips and didn’t bother denying it.
“Yes, I remember.” He turned away and beckoned to a woman passing us, shopping bags in hand, sunglasses propped on her forehead. Her frown died, slowly, then she simply waited before Wolfe.
“Are you single? Do you have a car close by?”
It took seven tries before he got a young woman who nodded an affirmative to all his questions. The others had gone back to doing whatever they’d been doing when he dismissed them, except for two who’d refused to even stop. Normal behavior. He wasn’t infallible.
This was the Stepford wives on crack.
“Good,” he said to the last one, a young woman in her twenties. “Walk us to it.”
That was it. She led us to her car, in a multistory parking garage. It was a perfectly polished, black, BMW SUV. She gave him the keys and some cash when he asked for that too, then walked away, her blond hair swishing on her shoulders. Her smile said nothing on this earth was bugging her on this fine day.
“In.” Wolfe walked to the driver’s seat and I slid into the passenger side.
“She’ll tell the cops, once she wakes up.”
The car’s engine fired up like a smooth shot of whisky going down.
“You don’t understand. She won’t. She never will. Ever.”
Scary. True or false though? I’d almost spoken, back there, until he shut me down. What would I have been able to say?
I think we went ten blocks before I summoned up some intelligence. “Where are we going?”
“A nearby place I stayed once. I need somewhere I can think. Somewhere quiet.”
“Oh.” That didn’t tell me much.
Though what could I do with such details? Throw a note out the window and hope someone found it? Scrawl it on a bathroom stall door? Now that wasn’t a bad idea.
We’d stopped at some traffic lights and he glanced across.
“Somewhere I can ask you questions too.”
What? I froze.
While he drove, my mind whirled with the terrible possibilities.
“Only this time I intend to remember all the details.”
Such an emotionless, if polite, tone of voice, and his words sent shivers up and down my spine.
I thought I’d had Andy back again, for a while there, then that perhaps I had the improved, but still nice, version of Wolfe – the one who did drawings and smiled and made conversation. Instead I had something new. This one smiled and made threats.
Where were my rescuers?
He put his hand on my thigh and I flinched. “Don’t worry about it. Go to sleep while I drive. I’ll wake you.”
As if...but a sea stormed in and overtook all my spiraling thoughts as they dived into a maelstrom and drowned...
Chapter 6
While Guera ran out to get the car, Damian followed slowly so he could communicate with the drone. The programming would make it follow their vehicle, but finding Wolfe and Kiara would be difficult, unless they got lucky. Where had they gone? While going down in the elevator, he took a chance and swept the streets nearby. The laptop kept the signal despite the closed elevator doors – a miracle if they ever needed one.
Jackpot. He found them walking into a parking garage. The drone climbed and found the story their car was on. How had they stored a second car? Why did Kiara have one?
Then he realized the woman with them was walking away. Had it been hers? Incredible, if so.
He kept the shots of her and the registration of the car, though it drove off before Guera arrived before him in the street.
He ducked into their Ford sedan, slammed the door, checked the drone was now targeted on this vehicle and staying up in the air about a hundred meters. If it ran into anything, their best chance at finding Wolfe was shot. The programming was good but not perfect, even so, it’d been proven to work better than human command during fast pursuit in the complex environment of a city.
“Where?” Guera snapped.
“East. I’ll send the drone on a sweep and see if we can get them again.”
“Got the registration?” she asked as the car surged forward.
“Yes.” He rattled off the description and registration.
“Send it to Arbie?”
Arbie was an agent with access to traffic records. CCTV footage of the main roads could be harvested and run through programs to check for registration numbers. If the plate were visible, if Wolfe didn’t take some small road with no footage, they’d at least know the direction.
“Sure.” He took out his cellphone and started the text message. Arbie could find out the details of the true owner of the SUV too. If Wolfe or Kiara didn’t know her at all, that would be so strange.
“What set him off? Do you think she warned him?”
He thought a few seconds, found he was frowning. “Why would she? After coming all this way with this project... Ohhh. Of course.”
“Yes. You keep forgetting she might be on his side now.”
It did complicate things.
“We’ll catch them. We always do.”