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Chance (Rusted and Reckless Book 1)

Page 2

by Charlotte Casey

  Jason stepped around Greer who had slowed his pace and came over to them. “Hello, University Girl,” he stated with a smile. “May I escort you two to the green room?”

  Aveline looked around his sweaty broad shoulders to where Greer had just been but he was gone. Aveline sighed. This really wasn’t how she had planned their first meet and greet. Jason moved in her way again so all she saw were the lines of his very defined chest. Slowly, because she wanted to remember this man as he was before her now for those night she needed a little imagination, she lifted her eyes up from his kilt to his abs, to his pecks, to the sweat beading on his shoulders and neck, and finally up to a face that knew and enjoyed the visual lick she had just given his body.

  “Sure.” She cleared her throat. “I’m Aveline, by the way, and this is Rob, my cousin.”

  Jason’s grin spread wide across his face. “Cousin. That is good to know. Very good. Nice to meet both of you.”

  With a hand on her lower back he steered them through the maze backstage to a room marked Rusted and Reckless. “Why don’t you guys head in there and make yourselves comfortable. I’m going to shower and then I’ll be back to entertain and amaze. The other guys should be around in a few minutes.”

  “Ok,” Aveline said with nerves jittering. She’d finally meet Greer. How often had she dreamt of this moment? How many times had she been talking to him and could picture just how this meeting would go? Jason swung open the door and ushered them inside.

  It was like no after party she ever expected, mainly because there was no one there save a few radio people milling about. Weren’t these things supposed to be all sex, drugs and alcohol? Rob looked just as bewildered beside her. Her last birthday party had more entertainment than this, and she had spent it alone with a tub of ice cream and a new subscription to Netflix.

  “So Greer McQueen is actually your Greer from school?” Rob asked putting his back to the small group of people.

  Aveline nodded. “I guess so.”


  “That about sums it up.”

  Chapter Two

  “Dude, she’s single,” Jason announced when he walked into the showers. Greer had already taken a quick shower to wash off the concert. Sawyer was in one of the other stalls and Rory hadn’t shown up yet. Greer rifled through his bag to find a fresh change of clothes.

  “See, that’s what I told you,” Sawyer said rinsing the suds from his hair. “No way in hell they are dating. You should have heard her when I took her off stage. She was really worried that you had gotten the wrong impression.”

  “Yeah, and whose fault was that?” Greer asked as he slipped into his jeans.

  “She introduced him has her cousin,” Jason supplied from his shower. “I took them to the green room to wait for you. You’re welcome.”

  Greer got dressed and then waited for the rest of his band mates. He told himself that he wasn’t being a little chicken shit for hanging around but he totally was. He had fucked this all up. If he would have just told her from the start about the band they wouldn’t be in this position. He wouldn’t have made an ass out of himself on stage in front of all those people.

  The entire second half of the show had been a battle of wills. Not looking at her when he could feel the heat of her stare had been agonizing. Aveline was so much more than he expected. She was cuter than any of her pictures ever led on. Adorable was all he could think of when she first stepped on stage. Frightened, confused and utterly adorable.

  He owed her a lot, an explanation to begin with but also an apology for not only his reaction today, but also for never telling her the truth. And once he found his balls, he’d get right on that.

  “You are so emotionally stunted,” Jason said as he got out of the shower. “Like did your first girlfriend drop you on your dick or something? Why are you not out there kissing up on that cutie out there? I mean,” he could hear the smile in Jason’s voice, “she has this librarian thing going on that I am totally down with.”

  God, she did. Greer knew exactly what he was talking about from all the pictures he had seen of her and now in person. Sure, she had glasses but that wasn’t it. Aveline had this innocence and intelligence about her. Just one glace told you she was a complete sweetheart and could kick your ass at trivial pursuit, all while reciting Pride and Prejudice by heart.

  “I should probably go talk to her.”

  Sawyer rolled his eyes. He had dried off, changed and now waited beside him. “Yeah, dipshit, you probably should.”

  He took his own advice and left their dressing room. The usual gaggle of fans milling about was notably absent. For the past few weeks, they had kept everyone away after the shows. The only people allowed backstage were those already promised a spot before Nix had up and left. Those people were probably sadly disappointed in the band’s hosting skills too. Sawyer banned all drugs, not that there were many save for what Nix used, but he wasn’t having any of it any more. Alcohol was in limited supply these days and that fact was unfortunate for Greer because he could use a little liquid confidence tonight.

  He found them sitting on one of the couches talking to Rory. The lady’s man, a sweet talking Viking who was probably the last of his bandmates that he wanted talking to her. Even if it wasn’t for the fact that he looked like Thor, panties dropped around him because he was a guitarist. It wasn’t that Greer didn’t trust the man, he did, but this was Aveline they were talking about.

  Their lead guitarist glanced over at him and nodded his head in an invitation to join them. Greer could see it now that he was looking; there was a similarity between Aveline and her cousin’s features and a complete lack of sexual attraction. Aveline lifted her head and looked straight at him, her smile stopped him dead. God, she had fucking beautiful eyes. They were so trusting and open and in their blue depths, held an intelligence that made him hard.

  “I should go clean up before I pollute the room with my stench. See ya round Aveline, Rob.” Rory stood as Greer came over. “Have at it buddy,” he murmured.

  Her eyes were wide, focused on him as he stood before her. “Hey,” he said. “Can we?” Greer nodded to the door he had just come in. The radio and VIP winners were all watching him. He should have been over there playing entertainer and he would right after he fixed this.


  He might just sneak away and let Sawyer, Rory and Jason play nice with their fans.

  Aveline stood and followed him out of the room. When they reached the hallway and the door closed, she launched herself into his arms. It took him a second to react, his arms hanging awkwardly for a moment before gathering her in close. She was a surprising handful. One he really enjoyed having.

  “Sorry,” she said when she dropped her arms. “But I did warn you that the first time we met I was going to hug you.”

  He laughed. “That you did.” God, how was she not mad at him? He’d met women who would skin him alive for ignoring them while on stage.

  “So, you’re in a band,” she said with laughter in her eyes.

  Greer shoved his hands in his pockets. “I am. I should have told you…”

  “No, you were protecting yourself,” she said, interrupting him. “I get it. You didn’t know if I was some crazy fan girl, which I totally am by the way.” She blushed, the pink staining her cheeks. “But you could have told me in some other way. Pulling me up on stage was a bit much.”

  “Not my idea,” he said defensively. He would have rather done a more low key meeting where he could have had her all to himself. Sharing Aveline held no appeal to Greer.

  “Yeah, I gathered that.” When she smiled, her lips stayed together and her eyes brightened. A small crease appeared in her left cheek. Greer cursed the dimple and its inability to let him speak. All he could focus on was kissing it.

  “So do you want to?” Aveline asked.

  “Yes.” He hadn’t heard her but whatever she wanted he would give her as long as she smiled with that dimple again.

opened the door and walked back into the room with the people who would also want to talk to her. Three distinct and well known laughs sounded behind him before he could follow.

  “Oh man, this is going to be even better than when Sawyer thought the groupie wanted more than a one night fuck,” Rory said with a snort.

  Jason ruffled his hair before Greer could duck. “You have a bit of drool on your chin there.” He wiped a hand over Greer’s chin. “There, I think I got it all. Might try a bib next time.”

  The two walked past him into the room. “Who wants me?” Rory asked when he entered. Usually, a pitch of screaming girls would squeal and rub all over him, fawning over the guitarist. But now it was just some low key fan interactions and interviews.

  “Don’t let them get to you.” Sawyer said from beside him. “They aren’t ready to see what a gift it is to love someone other than their dicks. Aveline seems genuine. That’s rare in this industry.” They both watched from the doorway as Jason, animated as ever, told Aveline and Rob a story, probably about Greer. When all three of them looked over, he sighed. Definitely about him.

  “Don’t rush it, Greer. She knew university Greer not country star Greer.”

  He liked to think that they were one in the same but that would be a lie. Sawyer was right. She only knew half of him. He found her eyes still on him. She smiled and that damn dimple appeared again.

  “Thanks man.”

  “No problem. Now if I was you, I’d get my ass over there and punch Jason for corrupting her view of you with tales of Texas.”

  Greer blanched. “He wouldn’t?”

  But Jason put his hands to his head; index fingers pointed up and kicked his foot like a bull.

  “Dude, he just did.”

  Aveline’s laughter took up the whole room as she grabbed her stomach in a fit of amusement. Jason looked over and gave him an exaggerated two thumbs up which caused her to lose it again. Greer headed over unsure of whether he was going to have to kill his best friend or buy him a beer later.


  Greer stood twenty-seven feet away from Aveline. Jason and Rory were giving her tips on the best way to throw a Cornhole bag. For awhile they had a few more players in their little competition. A few of the roadies had joined them early on, but one by one they had dropped out to crash for the night.

  When they began the game, Greer had partnered up with Aveline, for obvious reasons. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking because when you partner with someone you have to stand opposite of them, not beside him. So far Greer had spent more time with Rob than with Aveline. Not that he was complaining, the guy was cool and all but not his ideal partner in conversation.

  “I feel like I know you so well already, with how much she talks about you. Aveline doesn’t have many friends, the ones she had lost contact after she became her mother’s primary caregiver.”

  Greer tossed a bag and caught it, letting the kernels of corn settle in his hand and then swung and pitched the bag toward the board. It hit the sweet spot and slid right in. “Yeah, I know. She told me once that all her friends are online. It’s easier to stay in contact via email than meeting for coffee. There are a small group of us that look out for each other. We’re all in the same major and started around the same time.”

  “They know who you really are?” Rob asked after throwing his turn.

  He smirked. It was bound to come up. Might as well be now. “No, I try not to tell people about this part of my life. At one time, I did but I’d either get the professor who loved my music and gave me hundreds on everything just because I was me. Or I got the dick who thought I was some privileged rich kid just there for a joke. They never took me seriously. Once the students found out, my email account was always bursting with bullshit.”

  “Why do you go to school? Are you planning on doing something else with your life?”

  Greer tossed his last bag. It slide right off the board and onto Aveline’s foot. She looked up at him and smiled. Damn, he wished he was on that side of the board.

  “I like school.” He shrugged. “Weird, I know but I could have worse hobbies.”

  Rob looked at him like he was insane. “No one actually likes school.”

  “I do and I believe that is game. Aveline and I kicked ass…again.”

  Jason was walking over. He and Sawyer were up next. Rob left his side and wandered over to Aveline. Hopefully, he had passed the cousin test. Jason’s grin was giant. The drummer still had his kilt on, probably for Aveline’s benefit...that asshole. At least he put a shirt on.

  “You fucked up big time,” Jason informed him with a giant smile. “It was cute you partnering up with Little Lady Aveline but now she’s wondering if you’re pissed she’s hanging with us.”


  “Yep. You haven’t said much to her since we came out here. Calm down there, Romeo. I get it. It’s the nature of the game. But what I don’t see is why you are still winning?” Jason looked at him like he was the biggest dumbass on the planet. Which he was.

  “Fuuuuck.” Greer rubbed the back of his neck. What the hell was wrong with him? If they lose then they get to hangout.

  Jason patted him on the back. “It’s ok, I remember my first crush.”

  “Suzy Parker? Second grade?”

  He nodded, grinning. “Suzy Parker, second grade. She stole my heart, so I stole her Barbie.”

  “And then cut off all its hair, drew on its face in marker and let your dog chew on it for a few days.”

  Jason picked up his first bag, folding it in half. “All’s fair in love and war. I only did to that doll what she did to my heart.”

  “Dude, so she married someone else at recess, so what? I think it’s time you got over it.”

  “So what?” he asked in mock outrage. Jason tossed his bag. “She promised to marry me that day, but I had to stay behind and explain to Ms. Morelli how a plate of mac and cheese ended up on Cameron Yost’s head. So when I finally got outside to marry my bride, with the ring pop I convinced my mom to buy me, what do I see?”

  Greer grinned. “Me with Suzy Parker tying the knot by the swings—”

  “YOU AND SUZY PARKER,” Jason said talking over him. At the rise in his voice everyone looked their way but at the sound of Suzy Parker, his band mates rolled their eyes. They had heard this story too many times to count.

  “…exchanging vows. She was mine and you stole her. It was true love.”

  “It was either me or Ben Jumper. I figured you would feel better about it if it were me.”

  “Fucking Ben Jumper,” Jason murmured sending his last bag flying. Greer had tossed like it had been his first time. Only one bag landed on the board. If Aveline played as bad as she had been all night, then the game would be over in minutes.


  The reporters had long since left and the party moved from the stadium to the tour bus. Rob, Sawyer, Jason and Rory were outside enjoying the final round the cornhole competition. Greer had stolen Aveline away with a hand on her lower back and a warm whisper in her ear after they lost to Jason and Sawyer.

  Greer was different than she imagined. Unfortunately, she wasn’t sure which Greer she meant. Celebrities were often seen as these majestic and mythical creatures but he was just a normal guy. The same guy she had talked to daily. In person, though, he was much quieter and always looked like he was holding his breath.

  It was weird to see the two sides of him combine into one. She knew Greer. They were best friends. There had been about twenty minutes of awkwardness between them before things settled down. It took him commenting about the awkward interaction for them to laugh about it. Now it was as if they were on the phone talking late into the hours, but in person. She knew his voice and the nuances it held. What she didn’t know were his looks.

  Was that smile because he found what she said amusing or because he thought she was annoying and was just trying to look interested?

  Was his silence because he found the conversation boring or becau
se he was nervous around her?

  Was he staring at her because he found her pretty or because her makeup was running?

  “Is Caroline with your momma tonight?” Greer asked as he sat down beside her on the small couch.

  “Yeah, she’s staying the night and I have Janice coming in tomorrow while I’m at work.”

  “That’s a lot of juggling just to come see us.” He stretched his arms out on the back of the couch. He didn’t touch her but by the kick in her chest, she was acutely aware of how close he was.

  “Well, I didn’t know I’d be meeting you tonight. I thought I was just going to enjoy some music.”

  The easy smile he wore most of the night faltered for a second. Greer leaned back as if she had just told him his puppy was ugly. He put the expression back up almost instantly but there was a strain to it that wasn’t there before.

  His eyes no longer wanted to meet hers. “R&R me or school me?”

  Aveline was taught to find the subtext within words, typically that applied to literature and poetry but it was all the same in this case. Greer’s simple question had a strong connotation to it. All the things he hadn’t been saying tonight were woven within those few words. She wanted to ease him of his fears, whatever they were, but beyond telling him that everything was alright, she had no idea what to do.

  “Just you, Greer,” she said with a smile. “I didn’t expect to meet you.”

  That must have been the right answer because as Greer watched her, his heavy eyes took her in and swallowed her whole. Aveline was trapped in whatever spell he had cast and didn’t wish to be free of it. He reached for her hand, cautiously tracing her palm with his calloused fingers. She watched the winding path his fingers took: down her forefinger, across her palm, over her wrist and back up. When he paused, so did her breathing.

  Greer looked unguarded and terrified. His gaze kept flicking from her eyes to her lips. “Ava…” he began and then coughed to clear his hoarse voice. Greer looked nothing like the confident bassist she had seen on stage. He was nervous and she found it charming. The fact that a man who could play an instrument in front of thousands of people, yet got flustered over her, gave her all kinds of confidence she didn’t normally have. She felt sexy in Greer’s eyes.


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