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Tales of the Shareem, Volume 1

Page 10

by Allyson James

  Talan liked touching his cock. It felt so nice under her fingers, smooth and soft, at the same time it was hard. The harder it was, the more she liked it.

  She wanted to take it in her mouth and suck and suck, like he’d taught her this morning. She wanted to run her tongue around the tip, maybe bite it just hard enough to make him laugh and say ouch. She wanted it inside her, all the way to his balls.

  “Now, Rees?” she asked.

  “Now, sweetheart.”

  Talan released her hold, her body shaking. The rolled-up blanket, made to resist heat, was cool beneath her backside.

  Rees put his hands on her knees and pushed them apart. He leaned over her then, taking his weight on his hands on the mattress, and put that huge cock right against her opening.

  Talan dragged in a breath as the tip nudged its way in.

  He was slick and there was no friction to stop him. He would slide all the way in, and it would hurt.

  “Rees,” she said, panicked. She clutched his forearms.

  “It’s all right,” he said, his voice Shareem soothing. “I’ll make it good.”

  “It’ll hurt. You said it would hurt.”

  Rees lowered his face to hers. “I was lying, baby. Just playing.”

  “Were you?” she asked hopefully.

  “Look at my eyes,” he said softly. “And feel me.”

  She looked. Rees’s eyes were blue, deep and large and drawing her in. Talan felt her panic ease, her limbs cease trembling.

  His body was warm the length of hers, his breath hot on her. Talan’s mind relaxed. She could only think of the blue of his eyes, of his warmth, and being surrounded by him.

  “There,” Rees said softly. “Here we go.”

  In one long move, he slid himself inside her.

  *** *** ***

  One of the DNA programmers who’d volunteered to turn herself loose in a holo-simulation with R294E8S swore he had empathic abilities. The woman had to have counseling therapy for months after the experiment.

  Another of the female scientists had helped him get free. She’d been found in nothing but her lab coat, huddled by the door of his room in a daze. She’d had to have counseling too.

  Rees had never learned all he could do, either. He only knew that to survive he had to lie low and pretend to be an everyday, average Shareem.

  He knew that he could calm a woman simply by wanting her to be calm. He didn’t have to touch her—he only had to look at her. He could make any woman his slave. He’d done it before, and they’d wept when he’d finished and left them.

  Underneath him now, he felt Talan grow warm and limp. Receptive. He pushed himself farther in.

  She was hot and tight. Rees threw back his head, the ecstasy of her unbelievable. The barrier within her moved, and broke.

  He saw pain flood Talan’s eyes, and he smothered it with excitement. She moaned and lifted her hips.

  That’s right, baby. Let me.

  She was sweet, and she smelled good.

  Rees went in farther. He’d never felt anything so great in his life.

  He’d meant to just rest inside her, let her get used to the feel. But he wanted more. And more.

  Rees’s hips rocked, and Talan’s face twisted in passion. The hurt had gone, and Rees knew she was feeling it too.

  You belong to me, he wanted to make her believe. You’re mine, and you’ll beg me to do to you whatever I want.

  “Rees,” she moaned. “Please.”

  “Please what, darling? Please what?”

  “Fuck me.”

  “I am, beautiful.”

  Rees moved himself in and out, the friction hot.

  “Rees, gods. What do I feel?”

  “What I want you to feel,” he whispered.

  “I can’t . . .

  “Yes, you can.” Rees kissed her lips. “You’re taking it, Talan. Every inch of it. You love it.”

  “I do love it.”

  “I love feeling you too, sweetheart.”

  Rees stroked her, in and out, and in again. Her pussy was swallowing him. It was wet and slick, squeezing him hard.

  Gods, he wanted her forever. Not just now, not just to teach her, but for always.

  The thought was so strong, so stunning, it almost pulled him out of his ecstasy.

  Not quite. Rees kept going, kept riding her. Talan squirmed and squealed, loving what he did.

  “It’s good,” he said. “This is good fucking, Talan.”

  Talan made another wordless noise, lost in joy. Rees kissed her again then licked her skin.

  He smelled her sex on the air, the sweet scent of her hair. He kissed her forehead and drove into her some more.

  Would her ass be as good? Rees wanted her ass, he wanted her in every way, and he wouldn’t stop until he got it.

  Rees sensed danger, but he couldn’t stop to worry about it. She’d wanted him to show her what sex was. Well, he would show her every single thing about it. Every single way to fuck.

  “Beg me for more, Talan.”

  Her eyes squeezed shut. “More, Rees, please.”

  Rees slid even farther in, buried all the way to his balls. She whimpered.

  “Do you love it, Talan?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “I love it. I love you.”

  “I know, baby. I’m making you say it.”

  Talan opened her eyes, the blue of them holding anguish. “No, I mean—”

  “Oh, gods, no. What the fuck—?”

  A black tide of excitement swept over him with startling swiftness. Rees had wanted to go on for another hour or so. But he was coming, now. Her sweet tight pussy was making him come.

  “Rees.” Talan had tears on her face. He licked them off.

  “Talan, baby, take my come.” He shot it deep into her, hot and thick.

  Talan came too. Rees lay all the way down on her as she squirmed and screamed, raking her nails down his back.

  He gave her one last thrust, filling her to the brim, then he let out his breath.

  Talan’s hips thrust against his four or five more times, riding it out until the very end. Then she collapsed.

  Everything quieted.

  Talan opened her eyes and smiled at him.

  Rees raked her hair from her face, his hand shaking, his body slick with sweat. He’d just come and come, and her sweet little pussy was already making him hard again.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, and kissed her swollen lips.

  “I liked that.” Talan brushed her palm over his shoulder. “It was much better than I thought it would be.”

  He stared, biting back a laugh. “What? You’ve just been screwed by a Shareem and that’s all you can say?”

  “I said it was much better.”

  Rees chuckled. “Want to go again?”

  She looked hopeful. “Can we?”

  “All night, if you want it.”

  “Yes. I want it.”

  “Then ask me.” He nipped her lips. “No, beg me.”

  “Fuck me all night, Rees,” she said.

  “Say please, little girl.”

  “Please, Rees. Please fuck me all night, pretty please.”

  His cock danced inside her. “And this from the woman who was going to give herself to philosophy.”

  “I will. Later. First, fuck me. Fuck me all night, Rees.”

  He did.

  All through the afternoon and well into the dark hours, Rees drove his needy cock into her.

  He showed her how to straddle him, pleasuring herself. He showed her how to lie with her ass on the edge of the bed while he lifted her legs and penetrated her. He liked it best when he lay on top of her, where he could hold her and kiss her.

  By the time Talan fell asleep, he’d fucked his lady five times, and still his cock begged for more.

  Chapter Ten

  Talan woke later that night to find herself snuggled, naked, against Rees. His arm lay across her abdomen, holding her, and his breath, sonorous and slow, warmed her e

  Talan let everything they’d done so far drift through her head, and her face went hot. At the same time she smiled. Having her very own Shareem was educational. And fun.

  Lady Ursula had written about this in her diary. She’d had a level-one Shareem, and her descriptions of his warm, slow hands on her body had fired Talan’s imagination.

  Rees was a level two, so it must be a bit different. Rees was wild, laughing, and teasing.

  He was sound asleep now. Sleep relaxed his muscles, and with his Shareem eyes closed, he looked like a normal man.

  A gorgeous, normal man who’d made love to her all night.

  Talan was curious about his life before she’d met him—she wanted to know everything.

  Soon, she’d have to let him go. Soon, all she’d have would be her diary account, something to read and remind herself what Rees had been like.

  Talan gently eased out from under his arm. Rees frowned in his sleep, but didn’t wake. She stood beside the bed and looked down at him for a time, then she leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

  That didn’t wake him either. Rees’s skin had cooled, no longer burning hot like when he’d made love to her.

  She’d have to ask him about that. Talan had been hot and flushed, too, but nothing like he’d been. A normal man would have been burning up with fever at that temperature.

  Talan walked to the bathroom, feeling a bit sore. The soreness didn’t make her want to wince. It made her want to giggle.

  The bathroom was clean and neat, except for a tunic Rees had dropped in a corner. Talan picked it up the tunic and smoothed it out. The fabric was thick, sun protective, and expensive. She folded it and left it on a shelf.

  Talan used the necessary, then sterilized her hands and face. She noticed he had a water shower in here, not a body sterilizer. She was tempted to turn it on, but she decided to first send a message to Lady Petronella.

  She left the bathroom and quietly crossed the room to Rees’s monitor, seating herself on the chair in front of the terminal. She input a text message to Lady Pet telling her she was in the city with Rees and not to worry.

  Once the message was gone, Talan remained in the chair, studying the picture of Rees, Rio, and Judith next to the terminal. All three were laughing, and Talan felt a pang of envy.

  Judith wasn’t a rich woman looking for a night of forbidden pleasure with a Shareem. She talked to Rio and went out with him because she liked him, and he liked her. Talan liked their easy comradeship. She and Rees were pretending to have such a relationship right now, but Talan knew it wasn’t real. Rees was making sure she understood that.

  Talan touched a button to scroll through the picture monitor. There were more pictures of Rio and some of Rees or Judith, but usually one or more of them together. One of Rio had been taken on a tropical beach—a holo-room. In the photo, Rio was naked except for a loincloth, and he had a very nice body, indeed. Talan felt a bit disloyal to Rees for looking at it, but she couldn’t help herself.

  Rio was posing and being silly. Rees stood next to him wearing a sleeveless tunic and rolling his eyes at Rio’s antics. Talan smiled and scrolled past the picture.

  She noticed that in all the pictures, while Rio and Judith hung on each other and laughed, Rees stood a little apart from them, as though he didn’t quite belong.

  Talan had sensed that in the bar too and wondered why that should be. Maybe Rees was different because he was more thoughtful. He had smarts. So did Rio, she sensed, but Rio liked his bad-boy act.

  She scrolled to the next picture. This one was of Rio with a woman who was not Judith. This woman had brown hair and a pretty face and wore upper-class robes. Rio had his arm around her. The next four pictures were of her and Rio as well, in various places around the city.

  Another highborn woman taken with a Shareem. Talan didn’t recognize the woman, which was odd, because Talan knew most highborn women. She wasn’t from off-planet—her robes and features were definitely Bor Nargan.

  Talan felt heat against her back. A pair of strong arms slid around her waist, and Rees leaned down and kissed her neck.

  “Who is she?” Talan asked, touching the screen.

  Rees looked. “Her name was Serena.”

  Was? “She likes Shareem.”

  “She liked Rio. And he liked her. A lot.”

  Talan looked up at him. “What happened?”

  Rees’s face was carefully neutral. “Nothing. Serena got married and moved off world. Rio had known she’d go sooner or later. He just expected it to be later.”

  Talan turned around on the chair. She was still naked, except for the necklace Rees had given her, the silver ball cool against her chest.

  “He was in love with her?” she asked, surprised.

  “I think so.”

  Talan fingered the necklace. “But Shareem can’t fall in love. I read that. Your emotions, like unhappiness, grief, love, were suppressed or eliminated.”

  Rees’s expression didn’t change. “That isn’t true. Shareem can fall in love.”

  “Then why do the books say they can’t?”

  “Because the books aren’t written by Shareem.”

  Talan thought about Lady Ursula’s diary, how it had cut off after the last page, and how Lady Ursula had never been seen again.

  “Shareem aren’t allowed to leave the planet,” she said.

  “No, they’re not.”

  “Does Rio want to leave because of Serena? Does he want to find her?”

  Rees touched her face then traced a soothing finger down her neck. “No. He knows he doesn’t have a chance with her. He just wants . . . freedom.”

  “What about you?”

  Rees leaned to her and kissed her cheek, breath warm on her skin. “What about me?”

  “Do you want to leave Bor Narga?”

  He smiled. “No.”

  “You don’t want your freedom?”

  “I have freedom of sorts. Besides, there are a few reasons I want to stay here.”

  His smile made Talan shiver. Wouldn’t it be nice if one of those reasons was her?


  Rees kissed the hollow of her throat. “I’m right here, baby.”

  “Is there more? I mean, you’ve showed me so much already, and I’m not technically a virgin anymore.”

  “I’d say you’re definitely not a virgin anymore.”

  “But is that all? Are we finished?”

  Rees raised his head, eyes going bluer. “Sweet baby, I can show you anything you want.”

  “Level one?”


  “We skipped over level one, didn’t we?”

  Rees stopped. “Maybe a little.”

  Talan knew she was drawing this out on purpose. She could easily tell Rees they were finished, and go home, never see him again, but she didn’t want to. Not yet.

  “Can you show me level one?” Her gaze drifted to the sealed door of the bathroom. “Maybe in your water shower?”

  His smile returned. “You’re a vixen.”

  “Maybe I am.”

  She smiled up at him. Rees leaned down, scooped her into his arms, and carried her into the bathroom.

  *** *** ***

  Hours later, Rees was damp and exhausted and curled up on the bed with him again. The window high in the wall was going gray with morning.

  “Level two, next?” Talan asked sleepily.

  Rees’s laughter moved the bed. “You’re insatiable, sweetheart.”

  That was true. She couldn’t get enough of him. Talan didn’t know whether that was because he was Shareem and had gotten under her skin, or maybe just because he was Rees.

  “I want level two again.”

  Rees laughed.

  Talan sat up and looked at him indignantly. “Is something funny?”

  “When you first saw me, you were afraid to touch me.”

  “I didn’t know you, then.”

  Rees propped himself up on one elbow. “You asked for
my DNA. That’s not something a woman asks a man for every day. At least not unless she’s married to him and wants a kid.”

  “I told you, I’m doing research on Shareem.”

  “You really know how to flatter a guy, don’t you?”

  Talan widened her eyes. “Were you offended?”

  “No. For some reason I wanted to do anything you told me.”

  Talan thought about what her computer program had showed her. “I looked at your DNA. It’s human. It’s exactly like mine. Well, I mean not exactly. You’re you, and I’m me. But it’s human.”

  “You’re sweet.”

  “It’s true. I could see where they messed with you, but it’s human DNA. You’re not a different species.”

  Rees quieted. “But I’m not human, Talan.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  He gave her an impatient look. “I was created in a laboratory. I had about twenty different DNA donors, including other Shareem. That’s not normal.”

  “Yes it is. We’re all created when DNA comes together. Maybe most of us have only two donors at a time, but we have grandparents and great-grandparents and we all get DNA from them. You just got yours all at once.”

  “And you don’t think that’s weird?”

  “Unusual, yes. But if you think you’re special for not having parents, I was dumped in a crate on the shelter’s doorstep. Can you imagine that? Being left because no one wanted to take care of you?”

  Rees brushed a strand of damp hair from her cheek. “Lady Petronella took care of you.”

  “I know. I was lucky. And I love her, but it’s not the same thing, is it?”

  He gave her a teasing smile, but she sensed it was forced. “Aw, poor Talan.”

  “The point is, I don’t feel abnormal because of it. It just happened.”

  Rees shook his head. “That’s not the same thing as people sliding your food tray in through a hole in the wall because they’re afraid to come into the room with you.”

  Talan stared in surprise. “Why were they afraid of you?”

  She’d never met a man as gentle as Rees could be. Well, he hadn’t been exactly gentle all the time, but he hadn’t hurt her either.

  Rees gave a little shrug. “People are afraid of Shareem.”

  The answer was evasive, but she let it go. Talan couldn’t imagine anyone being afraid of Rees, at least once they’d gotten to know him.


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