Book Read Free

Warrior Angel

Page 22

by Margaret

  He nodded and drove away.

  Rachel dragged herself up the steps of her apartment building. The door opened for her. She looked up, hoping to see Derek, but it wasn’t. It was Mike.

  “Where’s Derek?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” Mike answered. “He didn’t show up for work today. Fraym’s hopping mad.”

  Rachel wasn’t sure she wanted to see Derek anyway. She was too ashamed. Probably he’d found out about what she’d done and left in anger, she thought as she changed out of her work clothes. Derek hadn’t wanted her to make the trades. He’d told her to be strong, but she was too afraid. Derek wouldn’t have given in. He was not that type of person. It would seem she was that kind of person. Not that it mattered. Her life was ruined. There was nothing ahead but shame and degradation. Nothing.

  Oh, right. She’d forgotten. Suicide. Zanus had said she’d take that way out and, if she didn’t do it on her own, he’d be there to provide a little help.

  Maybe that was the best way after all…

  She started to open the door to her apartment but stopped when she heard a voice coming from inside.

  Rachel’s hand holding the key shook. All she could think of was that Zanus was inside, waiting for her. She was about to turn and run when she recognized the voice. It was Derek.

  Rachel began to tremble all over. Her nerves were shot. She fumbled with the key, but couldn’t manage it. Hearing her outside, Derek opened the door. She practically fell into his arms.

  “I thought you’d left me,” Rachel gasped, clinging to him. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

  Rachel wasn’t going to cry. She didn’t have any tears left. Derek’s touch was warm and his grip was firm. She looked up into his face and saw concern and caring in his eyes. Her strength gave way. She almost fell. Derek caught her. He was holding her now, holding her tightly.

  “It will be all right, Rachel. Everything will be all right. I’m here now. I came to check on Sampson. You’re not alone.”

  She felt a warm feeling of peace and calm come over her. Her despair eased. His words were like soft light that drifted on the air toward her body. Rachel had never felt such security and comfort in a man’s arms before. She wanted to stay here always.

  She felt his chest moving, felt his breathing strong and measured. She felt his heart pumping, its rhythm comforting. Rachel could feel her own heartbeat quickening to match his.

  She opened her eyes and saw, from the shelter of his arms, that he’d done more than walk Sampson. He’d picked up her clothes. He’d washed the dishes. He’d raised the blinds and opened a window a crack to let some fresh air inside the room.

  His kindness and thoughtfulness overwhelmed her. What a fool she’d been! Blinded by Zanus’s wealth, enthralled by his air of power, taken in by his cunning manipulations. He had used her and he would continue to use her until she was used up. And then she would have no where to go but the top of her building and, from there, take one last step into brief, horrible pain and then blessed nothingness.

  Either that, or she could live with what she had done, face the consequences.

  Thank God! She’d found the courage to do it.

  “Derek, you have to listen to me. I wasn’t strong like you told me to be. I was too scared. I made the illegal trades for Zanus. He wants me to do even more, but if I do, even worse things are going to happen. The only way to stop this is to confess and turn myself in to the authorities.”

  Derek didn’t say a word. His grip on her tightened. He pressed her close. That made her feel worse than anything else had yet.

  “I’ll be barred from the industry.” She was surprised at how calm she was, now that she’d made her decision. “I’ll lose my license. I will go to jail. And that’s not to mention the fines that will be levied against me. I’ll be broke. Dead broke and disgraced. No one will hire me. I’ve ruined my life. But…it’s funny. I feel better now that I’ve made up my mind. I think I can get through this.”

  She took a breath and continued. “Derek, I want you to take Sampson and keep him safe. Zanus will be furious when he finds out. He’ll try to stop me, but he won’t succeed.” Rachel’s jaw set. “I’m not afraid of him. Not anymore.”

  “He will not hurt you. I will not let him—”

  Rachel shook her head. “This isn’t your problem. I was the one who got myself into this—”

  He stopped her with a kiss, a kiss so sweet and sensual that it took her breath away. She never wanted that kiss to end. He smelled so good, like a sweet mixture of leather, salt, and warmth.

  Derek hugged her so close that Rachel felt she would soon lose herself in him. They would be fused together never to be apart again. The idea was wonderful.

  Derek ended his kiss, but only to move his lips to her eyes, her cheeks, her neck. Rachel sighed and moaned and sought out his lips again. He kissed her with rising passion, his lips devouring hers.

  He moved his hands to hold her face and pulled back for a moment to look into Rachel’s eyes, as though he wanted to remember her always. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

  Derek kissed her again, this time, with abandon. Rachel’s passion caught fire. She’d never felt so overcome with emotion. She kissed Derek forcefully. She could feel his driving desire for her in his kisses. He moved from her mouth to her neck, her collarbone, her shoulder.

  Rachel moved her hands over Derek’s back, reaching to hug him to her. His shirt was in the way. She couldn’t feel him, his skin, his muscle. Rachel stopped kissing. Gasping for breath, she fumbled at the buttons on the front of Derek’s shirt. He let her unbutton them, one by one, his eyes, burning with desire, fixed on her, his breath coming fast.

  When she was finished, she slid her hands around his bare shoulders and shoved the shirt off his arms. It fell to the floor, leaving his undershirt. She reached to pull him close, but he caught hold of her hand, crushing her fingers, and began walking toward the bedroom.

  She held back a moment. This was all happening to fast.

  “Derek,” she said, “this is wrong.”

  “No,” he said, smiling and drawing her into the bedroom. “This is right.”

  Rachel relaxed. This was right, perfect and right. She’d dreamed of this moment, a moment where everything came easily for both of them, and simply being together was joy. This was him. And he was right.

  Derek flung her on the bed. She expected, hoped he would jump on her, but he stood before her in his jeans, his desire clearly visible in the afternoon light.

  And then, outside the door, came a meow.

  “Go into the laundry room, Sampson,” said Derek, and he smiled as shut he the door.

  Rachel laughed. Fear and tension eased away. Tomorrow and every day after would be dark and painful, but she had this moment of love and she was going to treasure it, knowing that it would forever light her way.

  He lay down on the bed next to her, moving slowly, taking his time. She started to undress, but he stopped her.

  “What’s the rush?” he said. “We have all night together.”

  At first, he didn’t even touch her. Derek gazed at her, seemed to be marveling at her. And then he reached for her, but only to stroke her hair and her face, her arms. He massaged her hands and fingers, and placed a long and lingering kiss in the palm of her hand.

  A streak of fire coursed through Rachel’s veins and up her arm at the feel of his lips. She had never felt so aroused with any man. She tried to speak, but desire cut off her breath. She could only gasp and quiver and moan.

  Derek continued to explore Rachel’s body. He ran his fingers down her neck to her breasts. He reached up under her sweatshirt to place his hand on her stomach. His hand was warm and his touch reassuring. Rachel reached out to him, to unzip his jeans, urge him to go faster, give her what she wanted.

  He caught hold of her hand, shook his head.

  “No, Rachel, I have been waiting a very long time for this. Be patient. I’ll make it worth y
our while.”

  Rachel relented. She was used to being in control, and part of her was uncomfortable. Another part was excited, ecstatic.

  Derek quickly pulled his undershirt over his head, and Rachel studied him. There were scars on his chest and arms, fresh scars. She reached to touch them.

  “How did this happen?” she asked him.

  “I was in a fight.” He took her hand and held it pressed to his chest.

  “What fight?” she asked.

  “We’re not going to talk about it now. It doesn’t matter.”

  Rachel could see the sinew beneath his skin. He was a born fighter. His leanness kept him quick and agile. He pulled her sweatshirt over her head and then moved to take off her slacks. When she was naked, he gazed at her again, as though he could never grow tired of looking at her.

  She thought she should be embarrassed, lying naked in the sunlight with a man’s eyes going over every inch of her. Instead, she felt beautiful. Rachel reached to touch the scars on his chest.

  “You’re right. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters but us.”

  Derek lowered himself on top of Rachel’s body. Feeling his skin burning on hers made her ache with longing. Rachel concentrated on him, on his touch, allowing herself time to experience every delicious sensation. He cupped her breasts and kissed them. He kissed her stomach, and moved his mouth to the soft warmth beneath her thighs. Rachel sucked in a sharp breath. She felt very vulnerable, and very excited. He kissed her there and caressed her and brought her to a frenzy.

  He stopped, moved his kisses back up her stomach to her breasts and neck.

  “Your turn,” he said, rolling off her.

  Rachel tugged off his jeans and underwear and threw them aside, releasing his erect manhood. She reached out to run her hand over his flat stomach, and now it was Derek’s turn to gasp. She felt the ripple of muscle that grew softer as her hand neared the base of his shaft. She encircled it with her fingers and then her whole hand. Derek let out a low moan and pushed himself on top of her. He began to move himself against her body. Rachel arched her back as Derek grabbed her hips and thrust himself forcefully into her. Rachel gasped a little.

  “I am sorry,” he said huskily. “I could not control myself. Am I hurting you?”

  “No!” Rachel whispered. “You’re wonderful!”

  She writhed beneath him, urging him on. Derek began to move with her, slowly at first, then he increased his motions with his intensity. Rachel let her legs relax, and grabbed his firm buttocks to force him deeper inside of her. Derek’s pace increased, bringing Rachel nearly to her peak. Then he backed off again. He brought her to the edge again and again, but didn’t allow her release until finally both lost control.

  Rachel saw a flash of white before her eyes. Her body grew very hot and she had to hold her breath to keep from bursting into flame. The warmth in her stomach grew more intense, as her whole body spasmed tightly, then suddenly sweet release came in a rush.

  Derek gave a sharp cry and shuddered and then relaxed.

  They were both sweating profusely and trying to catch their breath.

  Derek rolled onto his side and pulled Rachel to him, holding on to her.

  “I never want to let you go, Rachel. I will never let you go,” he said softly.

  Rachel felt the tears come, the tears that were not of sorrow, but of joy. The tears they said were Cupid’s tears, brought on by the wounds of his arrows.

  And then the phone on her nightstand rang.

  Rachel jerked up and stared at it. A feeling of dread washed over her. Her only thought was that it was Zanus. He tried to reach her on her cell and when she didn’t answer, he’d called her home. She didn’t recognize the number on the caller ID, but he might be calling from anywhere.

  “Leave it,” said Derek harshly, reading her mind.

  “No. If I don’t answer, he might come up here!” Trembling, Rachel picked up the phone. “Hello? Oh, yes!” She gave a sigh of relief. “He’s here.”

  She handed the phone to Derek. “It’s for you. It’s your friend William.” Rachel was puzzled. Why would he be calling Derek on her phone?

  Derek took the phone from her. “Hello?”

  The man was talking so loudly, she could hear his voice over the receiver, though she couldn’t understand what he was saying.

  Derek’s face darkened. His eyes narrowed. “You cannot do that!” he said angrily. “Not now!” He glanced at Rachel and his brow furrowed. “I cannot go into it…”

  Another pause. Derek listened just a moment, then cut the man off, saying impatiently, “Meet me in the park. Let me explain. Please…you owe me that much.”

  He handed her back the phone and then slid off the bed. He grabbed his jeans. “I have to go.”

  “What? Why? I don’t understand. Who was that? What’s wrong!” She sat up, frightened. She didn’t like the stern, set look on his face.

  He managed a smile. “An old friend is making a very bad decision. I have to go talk him out of it.”

  He put on his shirt, then bent over to kiss her on the lips.

  “Don’t worry. I will not be gone long. Stay here and get some rest. You’re exhausted.”

  Derek put gentle pressure on her shoulders, urged her to lie down. She obeyed his touch. She was tired. So very tired. He drew the sheets up around her, tucked her under the blanket.

  “I will come right back. We will have dinner together.”

  Yawning, she murmured, “That would be good. I’m hungry. Maybe we could do…Chinese…”

  Rachel drifted off to sleep.


  Rachel was fast asleep when she heard a sound coming from her living room.

  “Derek,” she called out, sitting up. “Is that you?”

  “Sorry to disappoint, darling.” Zanus walked into her bedroom.

  Shocked and terrified, Rachel grabbed up the bedsheets and clutched them around her naked body.

  “What do you want? I’ve done what you asked,” she said in a shaky voice.

  “Yes, you have, my dear, but there is more you need to do, and word has come to me that you’ve decided you’re not going to finish the job, that you’re considering turning yourself in to the authorities.”

  “I wouldn’t do that,” Rachel said with an attempt at a smile. “I’m too big a coward. I don’t want to go to prison.”

  “You may be many things, Rachel, but you’re not a coward. Anyway, I’m not taking chances. We’re going to go to my office together and finish the job there.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you!” Rachel tried to sound defiant to mask her fear. “Get out! I’m calling the police.”

  She grabbed the phone.

  Zanus smiled and shrugged. “They won’t arrive in time. You saw what I did to your cat. I can do the same to you and then to your friends.” His voice hardened. “I’m not playing games, Rachel. Get dressed and let’s go. I’ll wait for you in the living room.”

  He walked out, shutting the door behind him. Rachel thought a moment, then put the phone down. He was right. By the time the police came, all they would find would be her corpse.

  Rachel’s hands were shaking so she could barely put her clothes on. She looked around her bedroom for something, anything that would help her. Unfortunately jewelry, photographs, candles, and knickknacks were not going to save the day. Her only hope was to stall long enough for Derek to come back.

  She walked out of the bedroom and said meekly, “I’ll do what you want. Just don’t hurt me.”

  Zanus smiled. “That’s the girl I’ve come to know and love.”

  Rachel’s stomach turned, but she had to remain calm.

  “I’ll need my paperwork and log-in information. I take it you have a Globex machine that I can trade on?”

  She began to search around the living room. Too bad Derek had cleaned up. Otherwise the mess would have been the perfect excuse to stall him.

  “Find what ever you need and let’s go. I’m on a schedu
le,” he said.

  Rachel pretended to look for her things, wishing Derek would come. Zanus was growing impatient. She knelt down by her bag on the floor and began to slowly sort through some random papers, muttering something about passwords. As she was pulling things together, she suddenly saw Sampson poke his head out from underneath the couch. The cat looked at her with his bright green eyes and before she had a chance to think, Rachel scooped him up and popped him into her bag.

  “If you’re waiting for your lover, he’s not coming,” Zanus said suddenly.

  Rachel’s heart stopped. “What have you done to him?”

  “Me? Nothing. I didn’t need to. I’ve left that to a friend of mine.” Zanus reached down and grabbed hold of her by her hair. “Time’s up.”

  Rachel cried out in pain and grabbed hold of his wrists, trying to break his grip on her. He was too strong and only grunted in annoyance when she dug her sharp nails into his flesh. He jerked her to her feet and pushed her toward the door. She fell against an end table, knocking it over. A lamp crashed to the floor.

  “Pick up your bag and let’s go.”

  Rachel had no choice but to obey. She couldn’t fight him. He was too strong. But maybe when they got to his office, she’d have a chance. At least he couldn’t kill her until she’d finished making the trades for him. Rachel picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She put her hand inside, stroked Sampson’s head. The cat was quivering, but he, too, seemed to sense the danger and was keeping quiet.

  “Go to hell, you son of a bitch,” Rachel told Zanus.

  “I’m already there, my dear,” he said, as he led her to the service elevator and out the door to his car, waiting in the alley.

  Derek walked to the park at a rapid pace. The sky had grown dark, leaden with storm clouds rising rapidly from the west. He saw lightning flicker on the edges of the clouds, heard thunder rumble. As he reached the park, rain began to fall. He found William pacing back and forth near the bench where the demons had dumped Sampson’s body. When William caught sight of Derek, he stopped pacing and began yelling.


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