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Her Christmas Hero (Home To Dover 6)

Page 19

by Lorraine Beatty

  She nodded, heart pounding. He was so close, she could sense the warmth of him, see the tiny silver flecks in his eyes and the shadows of his lashes on his cheeks. His blue gaze held her captive, making it hard to breathe or even think clearly. All that mattered was that he was here and she had hope. “Yes. We will be happy to fill in for your family again.” She couldn’t keep the smile from her face.

  He leaned closer, stroking her hair tenderly with his large hand. “You and Evan are family. You have been from the first day.”

  Her mouth went dry from the intensity of his gaze. She stood and moved to stand in front of him, the love in his eyes giving her courage. “Then, why didn’t you tell me you bought the lights, and that you had to sell your land?” She laid a hand on his chest. “I’m so sorry. I know how much that property meant to you.”

  “How did you know?”


  “Right. She’s related to everyone in the county.”

  “Wasn’t there some other way? You were saving that for your own family someday.”

  “I was, but I discovered that holding on to anything too tightly isn’t a good thing.” He stood and pulled her into his arms. “Something important happened in the moment after I signed my name to those documents. I realized there was something I cherished more.”


  “You. Evan. A future together. Gemma, I love you. I think I fell for you the moment you put me in my place at the cottage that first day. You changed me, changed my ideas of what my life should be about.”

  “You’ve changed me, too. I have a new appreciation for family and tradition.”

  Linc brushed his fingers over her cheek. “I’ve been looking at tradition as events, things to do. But I realized the only traditions I want to carry forward are the ones my dad gave us. Faith, hard work and being a loving husband and dad. I want to be the man you can trust with everything. I want to be a father to Evan and raise him in the family tradition of unconditional love and understanding.”

  Gemma slipped her arms around his back, soaking in his warmth and strength. “You are an amazing man.” She lifted her face and placed a kiss on his lips, light and tender. She felt his heart beat rapidly inside his chest. “You said there was something else your mom told you to do?”

  He smiled, turning her knees to jelly, and she took advantage of the sensation to hold on to him more tightly.

  “Yes, but I’ll have to show you.”

  He stepped back and took hold of her hand, guiding her outside and down the block.

  He gestured toward the park. “You’ve done an amazing job. I’m so proud of you. Your events have put Dover on the map. Next year people will come from all over to see them.”

  “A convert?”

  “Yes. You had me pegged a long time ago. The changes— It was too much. Losing Dad, Mom’s changes to the family traditions. I never meant to complicate your job.”

  He stopped in front of one of the empty storefronts at the corner. The local fire department had decorated it with spray snow and painted a winter scene on the glass pane. “I know your plans for the future are up in the air right now. Waiting to see if Dover will offer you a permanent job or if a job will open up someplace else but… I thought this space might work if you wanted to start a business here. Mom told me there aren’t any event or wedding planners in town. Apparently there’s a bigger market for that kind of thing than I realized.”

  Linc held her hand, his thumb sliding back and forth over her skin. “I know the real estate broker. She’ll get you a good deal.”

  Gemma looked at the window. It was not what she’d expected him to say, but the idea of staying here in Dover, near him, was appealing. And she was warmed by his thoughtful gesture. “It’s a good size. But why would I stay here?”

  She saw him search her face, his blue eyes filled with hope and a hint of doubt. “Because I don’t want you to go.” He pulled her around to face him, cradling her face in his palms. “I want you to stay and give us a chance to see where our relationship goes. I know you’ve been through a lot and we don’t know each other very well and I’ve behaved like a jerk at times.”

  “Yes, you have.” That brought a smile to his face.

  Gemma bit her lip, glancing at the window again. Francie’s real estate sign was in the window. Beneath her picture was her business slogan. Come Home to Dover. She belonged with the Montgomerys. She belonged with Linc.

  She faced him, sliding her arms around his neck. “I think you’re right. This would be the perfect place to start a new business. I even have a name. Gem’s Weddings and Events. But I have one condition.” She saw the fear flash through his eyes. She shouldn’t be so ornery, but she did enjoy keeping him off balance. “The first wedding I plan will be ours.”

  Realization slowly dawned. A happy smile lit his eyes and melted her insides.

  “Gemma.” Linc pulled her into his arms, kissing her with all the promise of tomorrow and all the love she’d ever need.

  She returned his kiss, releasing her fears once and for all into the hands of the most honorable man she’d ever known.

  “I fell in love with you that day you kept your promise to Evan and played ball with him. You made me start to believe I could trust again.”

  “You can.”

  “I know.” He reached for her again, halting when his text alert beeped. “Mom says come home quick.”

  The puzzled look on his face gave her a moment of concern. “Is everything okay?”

  “Must be.” He angled his phone so she could see the big smiley face on the screen.

  Rushing home, they found Evan was waiting on the porch when they pulled up at the main house.

  He jumped down the steps to greet them. “I didn’t think you’d ever get here.”

  Gemma tried to grab hold of her son for an explanation, but he slipped through her fingers. “Why? What’s going on? Is everything okay?”

  Evan grinned wide and waved them inside. “Hurry up.”

  The sound of voices and laughter filled the foyer. Linc stopped. “No. It can’t be.”

  Gemma looked to him for an explanation but he only smiled, took her hand and hurried her into the family room.


  Francie gave her son a hug. “Merry Christmas, dear.”

  It took Gemma a moment to realize that the people in the room were Linc’s brothers and sisters. She recognized Seth and Tori. The other two must be Gil and Bethany. Gil stepped forward with a smile and a brotherly punch on the shoulder. Linc released her hand to embrace his younger brother.

  “I thought you couldn’t leave Mobile?”

  “It’s all over. Abby and I are home for good.” He nodded toward the little girl seated near the tree, holding a backpack.

  “That’s great.”

  Francie came to Gemma’s side, her face glowing with happiness. Gemma took her hand. “This is going to make Linc so happy. He was so disappointed that none of his siblings would be home for Christmas.”

  “I know. That’s why I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  Linc’s delight washed through Gemma like summer sunshine. Seeing him so happy made her happy, too.

  A slender woman with flowing dark hair, whom Gemma deduced as Bethany, the dancer, stepped forward and gave Linc a hug. “Hey, big brother. They moved our departure back a few days, so I grabbed a flight and came home. We all need to be together this Christmas. For Mom.”

  Seth raised his hand in greeting. “I sneaked away, but I have to go back the morning after Christmas.” He came and gave Gemma a hug and poked Evan in the chest.

  “Gemma, you look positively glowing. Are you in love?” Tori gave her a wink and a quick hug before squeezing her brother’s arm. “Linc, I’ll be here through New Year’s, but then I’m going back. Judy is facing some health issues and I’d like to be there to help her.”

  A warm tingle skittered throughout Gemma’s body as she watched the reunion take place. She knew how much Lin
c had wanted his family together this year. And now she and Evan would be part of the family, too. She’d truly come home to Dover.

  Gil smiled over at her, and she took note of the strong resemblance between him and Linc. “So are you going to introduce us?”

  “Oh, sure. I’m sorry.” He reached out and drew her close to his side. He rested his other hand on Evan’s shoulder. “Gil, Beth, this is Gemma and Evan Butler. My family.”

  Evan jerked his head around and looked up at Linc, his mouth open wide. “Really?” He wrapped his arms around Linc’s waist and hugged tightly. “I wanted you to be my dad.”

  Linc rested a hand on Evan’s head. “That’s good, because I want to be your dad.”

  Francie grinned as her children gathered around Gemma and Evan.

  Gemma heard her whisper, “Dale. They all made it home for Christmas. We’re together again.”


  Keep reading for an excerpt from RANCHER FOR THE HOLIDAYS by Myra Johnson.

  Dear Readers,

  Welcome back to Dover for a celebration of Christmas! This book introduces you to the Montgomery family. Five siblings who after losing their father find their lives going in unexpected directions. Linc is the eldest, and he takes his responsibility as head of the family seriously. He’s a man who values tradition and keeping close family ties. But holding on too tightly can bring about the opposite result.

  Gemma’s background is devoid of tradition and family closeness. Both Linc and Gemma have to come to realize that control of our lives, past, present and future, isn’t in our hands. God already has our path laid out before us, but we must look to Him for our direction. If we’re not plugged into His GPS then fear, obligation and responsibility can become obstacles to the blessing He has in store for us. Linc and Gemma almost missed out on their future because of fear and a need to be in control. Thankfully they both knew where to turn when they were overwhelmed.

  I hope you come back to Dover to visit with the other Montgomery siblings and see what challenges they must face before finding their happily ever after.

  I love to hear from readers and I appreciate you choosing to read Linc and Gemma’s story. You can reach me through my website,, or write me at Harlequin Reader Service.

  God bless.

  Lorraine Beatty

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  Rancher for the Holidays

  by Myra Johnson

  Chapter One

  The end of the road—that’s what it felt like for Ben Fisher.

  Not literally, of course. Alpine, Texas, was some seventy or eighty miles from the Mexican border. Touristy chic in a Western, high-desert kind of way. Big Bend country, seasoned with the flavor of Mexico.

  An interesting town, and a place Ben truly enjoyed visiting. He and his older brother, Aidan, had spent many summer vacations pretending to be cowboys and exploring their aunt and uncle’s ranch outside town.

  The only problem this time? A prolonged stay in Alpine, Texas, was not on Ben’s current agenda.

  Or it hadn’t been until two weeks ago, when a memo from the Home Tech Revolution CEO changed the course of Ben’s life.

  He paused in the shade of a bright blue awning and gazed unseeing into a shop window along Holland Avenue. He’d already browsed through several gift shops, art galleries and specialty boutiques, none of which piqued his interest. Mucking stalls and hefting hay bales might be more therapeutic, but between Aunt Jane’s concerned glances and Uncle Steve’s penchant for handing out unwanted advice, Ben had needed to get away from the ranch for a while.

  Except he’d slightly overdressed for a leisurely walk around downtown Alpine. When sweat threatened to soak through his maroon polo shirt, he decided to step in out of the September heat. As he pushed open the shop door, a blast of chilly air raised goose bumps on his arms. He dodged a string of jangling brass bells, but one managed to slap him in the forehead anyway.

  “Ouch.” He rubbed the spot as he nudged the door closed with his elbow.

  “Sorry.” A young woman appeared from the back of the shop. She wore a dark blue apron over jeans and a T-shirt, her straight auburn hair pulled into a ponytail. “The bells are a new addition. Guess I didn’t consider my taller customers.”

  At barely six feet, Ben didn’t consider himself particularly tall for a guy. He arched a brow. “You usually cater to munchkins?”

  “This time of year, yes.” The woman was almost Ben’s height, even in her sneakers. She nodded toward a nearby counter, where a placard announced an upcoming after-school photography class for children. “I take it you aren’t here to enroll your child?”

  “Uh, no. I mean, I don’t have any kids. I’m not even—” Ben clamped his teeth together and forced an apologetic grin. “Truth is, I just stepped inside to cool off.”

  “Oh.” She sounded so disappointed that Ben almost wished he did have a kid to sign up for her class.

  Almost. Marriage and family remained way down his list of priorities—and would until he got his career back on track.

  Barely disguising a sigh, the attractive proprietor stepped across the room and reached up to straighten a poster-size framed photograph of a little girl climbing onto a school bus. A long, black braid swung down the child’s back. The photo had captured the girl as she peered over her shoulder with a wistful, world-weary smile.

  Only then did Ben take a serious look at his surroundings—another art gallery. More accurately, a photography studio. A few cityscapes and landscapes were displayed, along with portraits of children and teens, family groups and wedding parties. Typical professional photography fare.

  But as he browsed the wall where the picture of the little girl hung, Ben felt as if he’d stepped into another world. These photos captured real people doing everyday things. Kids swatting at a piñata. An elderly woman knitting. Two boys playing catch. And most of the subjects appeared to be Hispanic.

  He stepped closer. As a promotion manager—okay, former promotion manager—he knew more than a little about photography and composition. Whoever snapped these pictures had talent. He slid his gaze to the young woman. “You take these?”

  She offered her hand. “Marley Sanders, at your service.”

  “Ben Fisher. Pleased to meet you.” He noted her confident grip. If he still had his job back in Houston, he’d have wasted no time asking for her portfolio so he could present it to the ad team. “Even if I don’t have a kid to sign up, is it okay to look around?”

  “Be my guest.” Marley looked at her watch. “For fifteen minutes, anyway. I’m closing at four so I can get to a meeting.”

  “Ah, a woman with an agenda. Okay, I’ll hurry.” Hands in his pockets, Ben moved along the wall, each photograph more impressive than the one before. “Are these for sale?”

  “Sure!” An eager response if Ben had ever heard one. She cleared her throat. “I mean, yes, anything you see here is available for purchase. I also have a number of photos on display at various businesses around town, so if you don’t see anything you like—”

  “I see plenty I like.” Ben studied a photo featuring a bright red portable building shaped like a barn. The double doors stood open, and inside a young Hispanic mother with a baby on her hip perused shelves lined with canned goods and other grocery items. He doubted this woman ever shopped at Home Tech Revolution. He glanced at Marley over his shoulder. “Interesting subject. Is this somewhere around here?”

��It’s a little town called Candelaria, about ninety miles west.” A faraway look darkened her dusky brown eyes even more. Anticipation? Concern? Ben couldn’t tell. “Most of the photos in this group were taken there. It’s a special place.”

  “Must be, if you’ve spent so much time photographing it.”

  “It’s not just the town. The people are amazing—” The chirping of a cell phone interrupted her. She slid an iPhone from her back pocket. “Hi, Pastor. On my way right now.”

  Ben started toward the door. “Guess you need me to clear out.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t realize how late it was. Watch out for the—”

  Too late. As Ben pulled open the door, the brass bells bounced off and beaned him again.

  “Oops.” Behind him, Marley tittered. “I really need to shorten those things.”

  “Or up your liability insurance.” Shooting her a wry smile, Ben stepped onto the sidewalk. “Nice meeting you, Marley Sanders. You do good work.”

  She wiggled her fingers in a tentative wave before locking the glass door behind him. Pointing at the dangling string of bells, she mouthed, Gone tomorrow. Promise.

  He gave her a thumbs-up and decided a brief stay in Alpine might be exactly what his bruised ego needed.


  Wow, nice guy. Except why couldn’t he have been a nice dad enrolling his kid in Marley’s photography class. She needed at least four more registrants just to break even. The absolute last thing she wanted to do was go to her father again for another infusion of capital. His subsidies were always secret, naturally, since Missouri State Representative Harold Sanderson had a reputation to protect.

  Exactly why she’d moved a thousand miles away to Alpine, where no one knew her as anyone but Marley Sanders.

  How many years had she worked to make it on her own, to prove to herself and her parents that she could live a responsible, productive, meaningful life? Her messed-up past was marred by lousy high school records and too many appearances in juvenile court. But the one mistake that finally brought her to her knees was a tragic auto accident that left Tina Maxwell, her one true friend, in a coma for six weeks.


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