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Woman of Rome

Page 23

by Lily Tuck

  Idea of India, An (Moravia), 153

  Idiot, The (Dostoevsky), 183

  Iliad (Homer), 177–78

  “Iliad or The Poem of Force, The” (Weil), 177–79

  illusion, in EM’s fiction, 76, 79, 140, 141

  I Married You for Happiness (Ginzburg), 107

  Indifferenti, Gli (Moravia), 39, 55

  Inferno (Dante), 214

  Introduction to Psychoanalysis (Freud), 38

  Ippolito, Angelica, 160

  Isola di Arturo, L’, see Arturo’s Island (Morante)

  It Happened in the Park (film), 95

  Jaeggy, Fleur, 160

  James, Henry, 133, 141


  Holocaust and, 54

  1938 racial laws and, 31, 54, 175

  Jones, Judith B., 125

  Joyce, James, 133

  Kafka, Franz, 35, 49, 98, 134

  Kerouac, Jack, 132

  “King’s Soldier, The” (Morante), 33

  Knopf, Alfred A., 124, 126

  Knopf, Blanche, 124–25, 126, 139–40

  Koshland, Bill, 177

  Kubla Khan (Coleridge), 151

  “Ladro dei lumi, Il” (Morante), 48, 140–41

  Last Tango in Paris (film), 101

  Leopardi, Giacomo, 173n

  “Lettere d’amore” (Morante), 34

  Letter to a Professor, 168

  Levi, Carlo, 30, 64, 90, 148

  Lewis, Norman, 91

  Life of Moravia (Moravia and Elkann), 53–54, 55, 65

  Linder, Erich, 125, 139–40, 177, 194, 211

  Living Theater, 157–59, 166

  Llera, Carmen, 45, 226

  Lo Monaco, Francesco (“false uncle Ciccio”), 11–12, 74

  as father of Morante children, 12

  love, in EM’s fiction and poetry:

  conjugal, 34, 80–81, 120

  consuming nature of, 123–24, 140, 207

  between parents and children, 34, 76–77, 118, 121, 124, 140, 204–5, 206–8

  unrequited, 150

  “Love Letter, A” (Morante), 34

  Luca (Maria Morante’s son), 17, 22

  Lucamante, Stefania, 225

  Lucia (EM’s maid), 213, 216, 218, 219

  Lukács, Georg, 80

  “Luna di miele, sole di fiele” (Moravia), 58–60

  Macalousse, 218

  Magic Flute, The (Mozart), 123

  Magnani, Anna, 103, 136

  Malaparte, Curzio, 36, 62

  Maledetta benedetta (Marcello Morante), 13–14, 28, 29

  Malina, Judith, 157–58

  Mansfield, Katherine, 56

  “Man without a Temperament, The” (Mansfield), 56

  “Man without Character, A” (Morante), 56–57

  Manzoni, Alessandro, 134

  Maraini, Dacia, 45, 98–99, 137, 215

  Marrocco, Davide, 63, 66

  Marshall Plan, 92

  Marvelous Adventures of Cathy with the Long Tresses and Other Stories, The (Morante), 27, 57

  Mastroianni, Marcello, 103

  Melville, Herman, 133, 134

  Mensogna e sortilegio, see House of Liars (Morante)

  Meridiani Mondadori, 224

  Meridiano di Roma, 30, 36

  Midgette, Allen, 129–30, 138, 160–61, 162, 164

  Mie poesie non cambieranno il mondo, Le (Cavalli), 145

  Milani, Lorenzo, 168

  “Mille città in una” (Morante), 36

  Miller, Arthur, 103

  Millstein, Gilbert, 126

  Mondadori, Alberto, 54

  Mondo, Il, 100

  Montessori, Maria, 17

  Morante, Aldo, 9, 10, 12, 21, 25, 28, 40, 47, 155

  EM’s relationship with, 19, 21–22

  Morante, Augusto, 10, 19–21, 47

  family exclusion of, 11

  impotence of, 11, 44

  Morante, Daniele, 17–18, 86, 162–63, 164–65, 215

  Morante, Elsa:

  on animals, 100, 112

  ashes of, scattered at Procida, 221–22, 226

  attraction to homosexuals of, 161–62

  being a boy as enduring wish of, 9, 26, 109, 127

  birth of, 7–8

  brain surgery of, 213–14

  on Capri, 111–12

  Carrera pseudonym of, 32–33

  cats of, 100–101, 112, 153, 210–11

  character of, 1, 105, 132, 141, 160, 162–63, 217, 225

  childhood and adolescence of, 8–29

  death of, 218–20

  dinner circle of, 180

  dream diary of, see Diary 1938 dreams of, 113

  dress style of, 143, 179, 224

  drug use by, 164

  early love affairs of, 31–32, 53

  first apartment of, 29–30

  formal education of, 24, 27

  funeral of, 220–21

  game-playing of, 25–26, 102, 147, 165, 215

  generosity of, 160–61, 180, 199

  handwriting of, 113–14

  on historical fiction, 134

  inferiority feelings of, 40–41, 57, 97, 111, 112

  on Italian character, 71

  Jewishness of, 175

  on life vs. fiction, 220

  literary influences and enthusiasms of, 132–33, 134

  literary reputation of, 2–3, 5, 223–25

  Mansfield translated by, 56

  maternal instincts and, 109, 217

  medical expenses of, 214

  in Mexico, 155

  Morante surname kept by, 86

  Morrow’s affair with, 129–31

  and Morrow’s death, 137, 138–39, 141–42, 154–55, 171

  on Mussolini, 70–71

  in New York, 126–27, 129, 132

  as nonna bambina, 49

  old age feared by, 109, 111, 142, 179–80, 209

  Pasolini’s relationship with, 146–47, 154–55, 190–91, 224

  physical appearance of, 30, 70, 111–12, 159

  poverty of, 32, 53–54

  prostitution resorted to by, 32

  on psychology in fiction, 133–34

  at RAI, 99–100

  reality concepts of, 36, 75, 123, 147, 150, 152, 166–67, 220

  Red Brigades letter of, 200–202

  religion and, 135, 147

  “Rosso e Bianco” column of, 100

  seaside vacations of, 27–28

  as self-invented, 9

  as self-taught, 24, 27

  sexism and, 26–27

  social radicalism of, 30

  solitude of, 41–42, 199

  in Spain, 197, 198

  suicide attempt of, 213

  three human types identified by, 61, 127

  travels of, 131–32

  trip to occupied Rome of, 66, 68

  truth-telling obsession of, 101, 147, 163, 164–65

  2005 tribute to, 224

  ulcer surgery of, 216

  unloved feelings of, 111, 112

  via Archimede studio of, 85, 112, 131

  via dell’Oca apartment of, 1–2, 101, 155, 159

  at Villa Margherita, 213–16, 218

  Visconti’s affair with, 103–5, 112

  Weil’s influence on, 135, 147, 179

  work habits of, 98–99, 122–23, 180

  Morante, Elsa, and Alberto Moravia:

  arguments of, 93–94, 106

  on Capri, 57–61, 85, 226

  different styles of, 127

  dinner circle of, 93–94, 101, 107

  in flight from Rome, 62–64, 175

  improved finances of, 92–93

  love affair of, 39, 53–55

  marriage of, 55–56

  1961 India trip of, 153–54

  poverty of, 58

  relationship of, 43–44, 97–99, 104–5, 160, 214–15, 225–26

  in return to Rome, 73

  in Sant’Agata, 64–66, 105

  separation of, 137–38

  spending spree of, 85

  travels of, 85, 132, 138

a dell’Oca apartment of, 85

  via Sgambati apartment of, 57, 73

  Morante, Elsa, writings of:

  abandoned children in, 34

  absent father in, 74, 204, 205, 208

  in childhood, 8–9, 23, 27

  children in, 123

  crones in, 47–48, 73

  Diary 1938 as source for, 38

  early stories in, 32–36

  family in, 35

  illusion in, 76, 79, 140, 141

  love in, see love, in EM’s fiction and poetry narcissism in, 123–24, 207

  parody in, 77–78, 171

  pathology of characters in, 35, 76, 77, 183, 204, 205–6

  prizes awarded to, 84, 86, 211

  sexuality in, 76–79, 82, 205

  surrealism in, 35

  travel as self-exploration in, 36

  see also specific works

  Morante, Francesco (“true uncle Ciccio”), 11, 14n

  Morante, Irma Poggibonsi, 10–13, 34, 40

  death of, 21

  in Diary 1938, 46–47

  EM’s relationship with, 15, 18–19, 29

  humiliation of husband by, 11

  Jewishness of, 10, 182

  as teacher, 13, 17

  violent temper of, 14

  Morante, Laura, 22, 162

  Morante, Marcello, 9, 10, 12, 13–14, 17, 22, 24, 25, 28, 34, 155, 219

  EM’s relationship with, 14–15, 18, 19

  literary career of, 18

  Morante, Maria, 9, 10, 14n, 16–17, 28, 40, 47, 218

  EM’s relationship with, 19

  Morante, Mario “Antonio,” 9, 37

  Morante, Paolo, 9, 14n

  Morante family, Monteverde house of, 15–16

  Moravia, Alberto, 3, 90, 148, 221

  ambiguous sexuality of, 44–45

  autobiography of, 53–54, 55, 65

  coxitis of, 61

  in Diary 1938, 39, 40–44, 45–46, 49

  EM described by, 30, 217

  EM’s brain surgery and, 213–15

  EM’s death and, 219

  on euthanasia, 219

  on Fascism, 61–62

  fiction of, 39, 40, 45, 55, 58–60, 64n, 66–67, 85, 90, 218

  illnesses of, 106

  on Italian politics, 91–92

  Jewishness of, 62, 175

  literary reputation of, 3, 39–40, 223

  Llera and, 45, 226

  Maraini and, 45, 98–99, 137

  Morrow and, 130, 136

  Pasolini and, 153, 192

  poverty of, 54–55

  on reality in fiction, 75

  as womanizer, 45

  Morelli, Rina, 103

  Moro, Aldo, 92, 200

  Morrow, Bill, 158, 162

  death of, 137, 138–39, 141–42, 154–55, 171

  EM’s affair with, 129–31

  paintings of, 135–36

  suicide attempt of, 131

  Morton, Frederic, 126–27

  Mozart, W. A., 122–23, 133, 200

  Muñoz, Casper, 198

  Murder in the Dark game, 102, 165

  Mussolini, Benito, 31, 53, 62, 70, 175

  EM on, 70–71

  My Grandmother’s Life (Morante; unpublished), 73–74

  My Poems Will Not Change the

  World (Cavalli), 145

  Mysteries and Smaller Pieces (Living Theater), 157

  narcissism, in EM’s fiction, 123–24, 207

  New York, N.Y., 126–27, 129, 132

  New Yorker, 86–87

  New York Review of Books, 193

  New York Times, 125–26, 177, 193

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 110

  Nightingale of the Catholic Church, The (Pasolini), 149

  “Nonna, La” (Morante), 48

  nouveau roman, 132

  Nuovi Argumenti, 40, 105, 133, 148

  Oggi, 34

  Olivetti, Adriano, 105

  Open City (film), 96

  Orlando Furioso (Ariosto), 74

  “Our Brother Antonio” (Morante), 8

  Oz, Amos, 182

  Paiato, Maria, 224

  Palazzeschi, Aldo, 84–85

  Pannunzio, Mario, 54

  Paragone, 170–71

  “Parenti serpenti” (Morante), 32–33

  parody, in EM’s fiction and poetry, 77–78, 171

  Pasolini, Guido, 148

  Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 132, 133, 135, 215

  childlike nature of, 75

  at dinners with EM and Moravia, 101, 107

  EM characterized as nonna bambina by, 49

  EM’s relationship with, 146–47, 154–55, 190–91, 224

  films of, 154–55

  funeral of, 191–92

  game-playing of, 102, 147

  History reviewed by, 189–90

  homosexuality of, 146, 154

  as model for Manuel in Aracoeli, 207–8

  Moravia and, 153, 192

  Morrow and, 130–31

  murder of, 191, 203, 207

  1961 India trip of, 153–54

  1968 student protests and, 169

  poetry of, 148–49

  on Rome, 89

  The World Saved by Children reviewed by, 170–71

  pathology, of EM’s characters, 35, 76, 77, 183, 204, 205–6

  Pavese, Cesare, 84

  Penna, Sandro, 75, 130–31, 133, 145–46, 149

  Petacci, Clara, 70

  Petrarch, 134

  Pius XII, pope, 68

  Ponti, Carlo, 94

  Ponza island, 28

  “Popular Songs” (Morante), 172

  Postino, Il (film), 115–16

  “Prima della classe” (Morante), 34

  Prix Médicis Etranger, 211

  Procida island, 28, 110, 111, 114–16, 198, 222, 225

  Prospettive, 36

  Proust, Marcel, 133

  psychoanalysis, 38

  psychology, in fiction, 133–34

  “Qualcuno bussa alla porta” (Morante), 33–34

  Quigly, Isabel, 125

  racial laws (1938; Italy), 31, 54, 175

  Ragazze di Piazza di Spagna, Le (film), 95, 96

  ragazzi di vita, 146, 207

  RAI, 99–100, 224

  reality, EM’s concept of, 36, 75, 123, 147, 150, 152, 166–67, 220

  Red Brigades, 200–202

  Repubblica, La, 220

  Ricchezza, Tonino, 160, 198–99, 210

  Rimbaud, Arthur, 98, 116, 131

  Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The (Coleridge), 151

  Risorgimento, 19

  Romana, La (Moravia), 40, 85, 90


  Allied assault on, 68

  Ardeatine Caves of, 68

  Bedford on, 90

  German occupation of, 62, 68–69, 175

  Monteverde district of, 15–16, 19–21

  as “open city,” 68, 69

  Pasolini on, 89

  postwar, 91

  San Lorenzo district of, 181

  Testaccio district of, 8, 181

  Weaver on, 89–90

  Rossellini, Roberto, 90, 94, 96

  Saba, Linuccia, 160

  Saba, Umberto, 133, 145

  Sant’Agata, Italy, 64–66

  Santa Maria del Popolo church, 220–21

  Savino, Alberto, 36

  Scent of India, The (Pasolini), 153–54

  Schifano, Jean-Noël, 109, 116

  Scialle andaluso, Lo (Morante), 67, 140–41, 218

  “Scialle andaluso, Lo” (Morante), 140

  Scialoja, Toti, 54

  Scrapbook (Mansfield), 56

  Scuola, La, 29

  Secret Game, The (Morante), 35, 140

  “Secret Game, The” (Morante), 26, 141

  Segre, Alfredo, 69–70

  Senza i comforti della religione (Morante; unfinished), 133, 134–35, 138, 141

  Serata a colono, La (Morante), 171

  Servadio, Gaia, 104

  “Servants, The” (Morante), 34

  sexism, EM’s early awareness
of, 26–27


  of adolescent girls, 48–49

  in Diary 1938, 38–39, 48–49

  in EM and Moravia’s relationship, 43–44

  in EM’s fiction, 76–79, 82, 205

  of Moravia, 44–45


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