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Blood Stained Tranquility

Page 12

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  Zen lost control, moaning desperately. The sounds vibrated along her too sensitive flesh, and she could feel that peak rising in her once more. His incisors clamped down around her clit oh so gently, barely touching it. All movement ceased for her. He dragged his teeth slowly down her flesh, just enough to draw her blood.

  She let go of his head, latching onto the headboard, breaking it as she all but slammed her hips into his face.

  “Coming. So hard. Zen, fuck me. Babe, fuck me hard.” The orgasm hit her with the same force as when the triplets had gone nuclear on her. This time, she loved each wave of agony. Lived for it. “God, yes. That’s it. Can’t wait to feel your cock. Shit.”

  He tongued her, small, ragged moans leaving him and making her clench tighter. He didn’t look away from her, the hunger in his black eyes keeping her locked in his gaze. She was still coming when he pulled away, licking his lips.

  “Oh, God. Yes . . . Eve. I can feel you clenching around my thumb.” He thrust into his hand, faster and faster, rocking the bed with each move. “So close. Have me right there.”

  She was panting, each inhalation dragging in more of his scent, which was magnified by his lust. Her own scent rose, intertwining with his in the air.

  Zen slid his thumb out of her, replacing it with his index finger. The moment he found her G-spot, he latched onto her clit again, tonguing her until tears sprang from her eyes.

  He removed his finger from her, only long enough to groan, “I’m fucking coming, Eve,” then he grabbed her ass with his hand, and lifted her hips higher so he could latch onto her with his lips. The bed came off the floor before slamming down.

  Zen kept going at her, sucking hard and swallowing everything she gave him while fucking his fist so fast that she could barely track the movement, even with her immortal eyes.

  It was beyond pleasure; beyond pain. Her mind caved in on itself, shutting down. Her brain refused to process what she was feeling. Overloaded, she had no choice but to close her eyes. She couldn’t see, but she could hear him, still sucking at her long after both their orgasms had retreated.

  How the hell was she going to survive having him?

  How the hell could she stop herself when she needed him so badly?

  What the hell did she have to do to get him to slam his fucking cock into her?

  Damn it.

  Eve opened her eyes, inhaling for the first time in what felt like forever. She could smell their orgasms in the air. The scent was so strong it felt like it was engraving itself in her nostrils. She wouldn’t be able to go anywhere without it haunting her, turning her on, and making her desperate.

  She looked down at her R’mann, realizing that something had changed.

  Zen had his forehead pressed against her hip bone, his sharp breaths jabbing her skin. He was trembling, and his fists were clenched around the sheets on either side of her thighs. Eve leaned up on her elbows. The energy coming off him now was brutal, no less violent than his arousal, but different.

  An answering wave of energy went through her, power so intense that she feared she was going to black out for a bit. It seemed to be reaching out to him, trying to twine itself with his essence.

  “Zen . . . Zeniel? Look at me.”

  He didn’t move, just stayed the way he was, his breathing so fast that she knew it couldn’t be normal. She was immortal now too. She knew the functions of a nearly indestructible body.

  Slowly, she placed her hand on the back of his head, running her fingers through his burgundy hair. “Zeniel, babe. Talk to me. What is it?”

  “Noise,” he groaned, his shoulders flexing as he tensed. “So much noise. All of them . . . guilty.”

  His words morphed, and she knew that she was no longer talking to just Zeniel. How she knew, she had no idea, but the knowledge made her freeze in place.


  He tensed when he heard that name. Then, a good portion of the strain left him, although his body kept on with the shaking. He inhaled deeply before nodding once without looking up at her. Almost as if he was ashamed.

  “Mavrak, it is you, isn’t it?”

  His hesitant nod broke her heart. Because she knew he hadn’t been acknowledged in millennia. Zeniel was too busy holding him back and the others didn’t want to acknowledge him either. He was a part of Zeniel, as much the male that owned her as his Tranquility side, yet everyone pretended he was a separate entity. No one had spoken to him in gods knew how long.

  “Mavrak . . . tell me what’s wrong.”

  His hands tightened around the covers. “It . . . it hurts.”

  Eve swallowed, trying to breathe past the huge lump that shot into her throat. “Oh, babe. What hurts?”

  He rubbed his face against her pelvic bone, sniffing her skin. “Want you so badly, my female.”

  She gasped as a rush of wetness shot out of her. Zeniel groaned, his tongue flicking out and licking her mound. Eve couldn’t stop the way her legs widened and her hips came off the bed, trying to bring him closer.

  Zen clenched his teeth, a pained sound hissing through. “Need you so bad. I can’t . . . too much noise . . . their sins . . .”

  She stopped moving, understanding dawning. He was too sensitive and they were barely three hundred feet away from at least a thousand beings. She may not have known her new friends all that long, but there was no way they weren’t guilty of at least five or six different things.

  Cyake was downstairs, and she’d heard the tales.

  Fuck! She was guilty of a crime.

  “You want to punish me?” she asked on a gasp, eyes wide and locked on the back of his head.

  Zen’s head shot up, his red irises glowing inside his black eyes. “No! Never you. You’re not guilty . . . you’re my mate.”

  Eve wanted to ask how that could be, but pressed her lips together and stayed shut. There was something churning in her, something demanding the war demon between her thighs. It was telling her that she could control him, that by right, she owned him.

  And it had very little to do with the R’mannev, although that factored in as well.

  “How about we leave? We can go somewhere private. Where it’s just you and me.” Although she had no clue what corner of the Universe they could go to where there would be no other beings around. She reached down and placed her hand on his cheek, smoothing her thumb across his cheekbone. “Does that sound good? Just you and me, and then you can have me.”

  His eyes squeezed shut. The shiver that went through him curved his back like a big, great cat.

  He let go of the covers, reaching up and running his thumb across her upper lip. “Fuck. Yes. Please.”

  She held back the urge to bite down on the digit. Closing her eyes, she willed a pair of sweats and a T-shirt on. Zen gave a little, angry noise, clearly displeased with the fact that she’d just covered herself up.

  “Let’s go,” she said softly. “Let’s get somewhere private, cool?”

  He nodded just as the door to his room opened. Instantly, an insane look took over his face, his eyes widening to a point that frightened her.

  “Eve, are you okay? I felt your energy levels spiking, just wanted to make sure—Oh, fuck . . . Zen, you’re here. Didn’t feel you. Sorry guys. Didn’t mean t—”

  Zeniel jumped off the bed, turning to face Vedlyl. “You.”

  “Zen!” Eve cried, following after him.

  A blast of power slammed out of Zeniel, and the answering wave that shot out of her nearly sent her flying off her feet.

  What the fuck is going on?

  Vedlyl fell against the wall, his eyes narrowed. “Zen, control it. Let me out of here. I’m too juiced. I haven’t been able to feed myself, yet.”

  Feed himself? What the hell was he talking about? Not that it mattered. From her spot behind Zeniel, Eve could see the red and black glow coming from his eyes.

  She grabbed onto his shoulders, pulling him close to her. “Listen to me. Please. Stop.”

  “You have no idea
what he’s done. He deserves to die more than most.”

  Vedlyl? The kind, charming God of Medicine? He was that guilty of something?

  There was no way she could believe it. Except, another dangerous growl made her look at Ved, and what she saw unhinged her jaw.

  A black scar had appeared on the right side of his face, starting at his forehead and cutting across his eyebrow, his eye, and reaching down to his cheek. His irises turned red—a fractured, angry, distorted mess inside his now black eyes. He’d bared his teeth at Zen, jerking as he buried his fingers knuckle deep inside the wall.

  What the . . .

  “Evesse, move!” Zen tried to move her out of the way, his gentle hold completely at odds with the rage on his face.

  The shadows leaked from his eyes. He was going to kill Ved. She had no idea what the god had done, or what the hell he’d just become, but she couldn’t let it happen. She couldn’t.

  Stop him. The sound whispered through her.

  “Stop!” She screamed, giving into the internal command and issuing her own. A boom sounded out in the room, and she realized too late that most of her energy had gone with it

  The bed broke, landing in a heap on the floor. The small waterfall in the corner shattered. Pieces of the ceiling trickled down to the ground.

  Zen stumbled back, the surprised look on his face matching her own. His eyes switched back to blue-and-gray, and the relief that hit her was so staggering it made her dizzy.

  “Eve!” he cried out, flashing in front of her and catching her.

  Again with the damned weakness. It robbed her of everything, sending the world into a tailspin. She grabbed onto Zen’s shoulders, digging her nails in and hoping to break through his skin. She needed the smell of his blood. It would keep her there, energize her. She could be dead and she’d find a way back just to get at that shit.

  A groan from Vedlyl’s direction caught her attention. He was still holding onto the wall, his body jacking up and down, his monstrous glare locked on Zeniel like he was itching for a fight.

  No. He was. She could see it on every inch of him. He was starving for battle.

  “What . . . what are you?” she asked. Not that she was able to wait around for an answer. The weakness smothered her, dragging her under as if she had no damn say in the matter. Which, apparently, she did not.

  Chapter 13

  “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. I never meant for it to end up this way . . .”

  “I needed the money. End result justifies the means, right? Or some shit like that. Whatever . . . now I’ll be able to get them kicks I need to impress the boys.”

  “That little bitch. She doesn’t deserve a man like him. With her out of the way, he’ll be all mine . . .”

  Who the hell had left a television on? And what kind of fucked-up channel had they tuned to? Eve lifted her head, groaning at the stampeding horses that ran gleefully across her forehead. She squinted an eye open. Saw nothing but bright light. Closed it. Decided to try it again—

  Wait. Whatever was under her felt familiar. Staggeringly familiar.


  Oh, that voice. It had the power to reach her in any state, and it did its job, all right. Her headache rushed away, going back to wherever it had come from. Evesse peeled back her lids, focusing on her male.

  That’s when she noticed where they were, and the achingly familiar surroundings had her sitting straight up.

  “Easy, there,” Zeniel said when she winced and clutched her forehead.

  They were lying on her bed. Her old bed. From before.

  Evesse dropped her hand and took a good look around. Nope. Her brain wasn’t playing tricks on her. Not with the visuals, at least. Although she couldn’t pinpoint any sound. No television. No radio. Some cars outside, sure, but nothing of what she’d been hearing before.

  Zeniel’s palm covered her entire shoulder. “You okay?”

  Evesse let him pull her back. When he settled her with her back to his chest, nestled under his shoulder, heat rushed through her. He smoothed her hair away from her face. Pressed his nose and lips to her jaw, inhaling. She almost jumped him right there. Damn it, the size of him made her want to mount him as if he was a bull and hang on for dear life.

  She snuggled back into him, enjoying the rumble that vibrated his ribcage. “Why are we in my studio?”

  Zeniel paused, inhaling deep. “It was the first place I thought to come . . . I come here sometimes. A lot, actually. Smells like you, and your memories are here. It helped.”

  He didn’t finish. He didn’t have to. She knew.

  He had been going there every time he’d missed her and needed to be close to her.

  Eve flipped over in a flash, throwing one leg over his hip so she could burrow close. Zen hummed at that, those large hands circling her waist and dragging her all the way into him. She cupped his face, staring into gray and blue. She had no clue how she’d helped him get back in control. Nor did she really care right then. Only one thing was on her mind.

  “I want you,” she mumbled right up against his lips. Nothing existed outside of her need to finally feel him inside her.

  “I’m still juiced, as Vedlyl put it. Mavrak wants to come out right now, because of you and the sinners outside.”

  Well, fuck.

  She pulled back. “You’re saying I make it worse?”

  Zeniel tightened his hold on her, not letting her get too far. “Yes . . . no. Damn it, I don’t know anymore.”

  “He’s not as bad as you think.”

  “Eve, you saw what almost happened back there with Ved.”

  “But I spoke to Mavrak, he likes me.”

  Zen smirked. “He’d have to be a fucking vegetable not to.”

  She crossed her arms, fighting to keep the pout off her face. “That just makes me want to fuck you more.”

  He gave her a playful slap on the ass. Which did nothing but make her jiggle up and down on his engorged dick. They both hissed, her hips pressing down, and his practically jumping off the bed. More jiggling.

  “Damn it. I just need to get it together for a bit. Then I can—”

  She grabbed onto his shoulders, biting her lip when she felt all those muscles flexing. Gritting her teeth, she asked, “What do you need to do to get it together?”

  Zen had closed his eyes and was leaning his head back on the headboard, looking for all the world like the sexiest, most fuckable thing she’d ever seen.

  “I don’t know. Meditate, probably. Not come in my jeans.”

  It took everything she had in her, but Eve managed to get off his lap. The promise of what she’d do to him once he got back in control made her strong. Well, maybe not strong, but when you needed something to hold onto, you grabbed onto whatever was available.

  “I’ll go shower, give you some time.” She paused. Getting naked was probably a big no-no. She’d probably end up masturbating, calling out for him. And he’d tear down her door to get at her. She just knew it.

  Oh, Lordy.

  He sat up, his body curling into itself from the strain of remaining on the bed. “Eve,” he half-growled, half-choked, his eyes wide. “What the hell were you thinking just now?”

  “Nothing,” she squeaked, backing away from the bed. “I’ll go shower now. Do your thing.”

  The stare he gave her told her how close he was to launching himself off the bed and dragging her back to it.

  Standing there, staring at him, Eve was nothing more than a five-foot-three-inch lump of hunger, both physical and emotional. If she didn’t move away from him fast, she was going to say fuck the consequences, forget his concerns, and forcefully take him right there.

  “Eve! What are you thinking about? Gods damn . . . woman . . . killing me. Your scent—”

  “I’m going!”

  Spinning around, she rushed into her bathroom, almost skidding across the floor in her haste to get inside. Once in there, though, she was slapped with a truckload of weirdness that she h
ad no idea how to handle.

  The bathroom was still the same as she’d left it. White, tiled floor. White, cheaply painted walls. Cozy bathtub with brown tinted, glass doors. Her blue, gray and purple toothbrush waved hello from its spot inside the holder. Funny, out of all the thoughts going through her head right then, the one she zoomed in on most was how that toothbrush now reminded her of Ismini’s eyes.

  God. They’d both been human the last time she’d been here. For her part, Eve had known nothing of gods or what was out there.

  Ismini, the little bitch, had lived her whole life knowing. One would think that she would share that info with her best friend, but nooooo. She’d left Eve to find out the hard way. Not that Ismini had ever intended for her to find out.

  If Eve took too much time to think about it, her brain threatened to turn inward and shrivel up on itself. Some situations just weren’t made to be dissected too closely. No. You were better off just experiencing it, taking it one moment at a time, and this definitely fell into that category.

  Besides, she had no clue how in tune Zen was to her emotions. She was definitely plugged into his memories, and his feelings were beginning to ride the wire straight into her awareness. She could feel him on the other side of the door. Scared. Desperately trying to regain control of something that frightened him so much.

  His hunger stained everything, and she could feel how hard it was for him to get himself together.

  No. She couldn’t focus on it. She would be the one splintering the door off its hinges if she did.

  Swallowing, she walked over to her tub.

  Oh, fuck. Gross. Although it’d been sparkly clean when she left, and would still appear so to a human, there was a very fine layer of dust covering it, one that her improved eyes had no problem picking up on. She scrunched her nose and focused on getting the shower clean. And what do you know? One thought had it so sparkly that she could see her reflection staring back at her in the tiles. Nice. Real nice. She was getting good.

  She willed her clothes off. Suddenly, she was a whole lot of naked, with a whole lot of sex waiting for her in the other room. Just the fact that she was down to her skin and nothing more set off a high-level mating call inside her body.


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