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My Cup Runs Over: The Ultimate and Final Deception

Page 5

by Will Brown

  Darnell sat patiently listening to Desiree's speech.

  "T-Bird needs your support in every way and cannot afford to be distracted over you not coming through for her by any means. She’s a witty, intelligent woman, full of energy and life. More importantly she’ll treat you right and you’ll never have to go through any unnecessary changes. That’s why I introduced you to her. I thought you two would be a good fit. Now I’m sure that’s what you’re looking for. Am I right? But if you don’t think you can handle it, then let her go. There are too many people who have invested in and are depending on her. I mean I think you’re a really nice guy... That's why I asked you to join us when we went up to her press party and knowing that you were single, it was an excellent opportunity for us all to have some fun. I just have to admit, I had no idea things would go this far with you two so quick..."

  She stopped here to take a breather and gauge Darnell's reaction to her words. He seemed to be handling them well.

  "Now listen babe, I’m just asking you to pick your battles, to keep me from getting wrapped up in the wrong ones, alright? I have a lot to deal with in my own life right now.” She concluded, while rotating from side to the other in her chair.

  For a minute, Darnell was quiet, thinking of what to say in order to assure Desiree everything was going to be alright between him and T-Bird.

  “Desiree, I apologize you had to hear anything negative about your cousin and I. I would like to respond to your concerns, if I may. I have no intention of hurting her. Now I admit, I should have returned her call when I was out the other night with some friends. I mean, they surprised me by coming to town and we just got a little too carried away having a good time. That’s all. It wasn’t that I didn’t care, I just thought it would be better not to talk to her in the state I was in. I was drinking and a bit out of control. I hadn’t seen my friends in a few years, so I took advantage of the time to enjoy myself, while telling them about my job, T-Bird and the opportunity you gave me to go to Miami and interview DDG. So yes, I understand how you feel and I appreciate you informing me about her sensitivities. I hope it will be the last time you’ll have to ever mention anything like this to me again. The night you introduced the two of us, I knew I wanted to see her again and let me take this moment to thank you for that. You know you’re right, she is an intelligent woman. We just need time to fill in the blanks with each other.”

  “Good,” Desiree answered. “I just want you and I to be on the same page.”

  “No problem... we’re on the same page,” he answered. With a smile on her face, she then held his work in front of her.

  “Now concerning what you have on the Miami interview with DDG, I’m going to feature a few pages of it along with the highlights from the NBA Championship. Darnell, you have a lot of talent and I want to see you succeed, to make a name for yourself. You get out there and do your own thing. If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know. I’m all about pushing people to go to the next level.”

  Those were the words he needed to hear..he was very interested in building a name for himself and knew Desiree could help.

  “Thanks for everything. I’m going to treasure this conversation,” he said, before walking out of her office.

  Little did he know, just like T-Bird, Desiree was not totally convinced he was telling the truth. She had already heard from a few of the girls in the office that they'd seen him downtown while he was out with his friends.. They were not happy with what they saw.

  After Darnell left the office, Robert and Lamar, Desiree’s personal assistant and photographer, walked in. They'd also heard what the girls had seen downtown. Robert was all over it the minute he sat in the chair across from her.

  “So Desiree, what’s going on with Mr. Darnell? We just heard some unbecoming rumors from Candice and Asia about him. Is it true about the word on the street? They saw him downtown with some sweet boys?” Robert asked.

  “I don’t know,” she answered, twisting her chair from side to side.

  “That’s what I heard too, but for now I’m going to wait and think this whole thing over. I’m waiting on a call from a friend who’s going to be able to find out for me. He’s a private investigator and I’m going to schedule a meeting with him to ask for his help. Darnell doesn't strike me as a man who straddles the fence, but we’ll find out. Now I could be wrong. I really want to give him the benefit of the doubt... I just don’t get that impression about him. Maybe he just has a few friends that are living the life. I mean, he has the right have any friends he wants..." Desiree frowned in concentration. Her words were actually contradicting a disturbing nagging in her gut.

  "...However, there’s just one problem. I don’t want my cousin getting caught up in any madness involving his personal life. I’m going to look out for her best interest. That’s my cuz and I do know one thing for sure, if Darnell does anything to hurt her, after the conversation we just had, he’ll be better off packing his things and moving out of Atlanta. My family don’t play when it comes to anyone hurting the women in it. So for right now, I really want to think positive about what I’m hearing. Nevertheless, I’m going to recommend that my friend have someone watch Darnell, to see what information can be found out. I don’t want to entertain this anymore until I have some facts. It will also cause less confusion if it ends right here in my office and not echo throughout the building and him hear about it. Please tell the girls not to discuss any of this at work..this isn't the place for it.”

  “You’re absolutely right,” Lamar said. “I’ll be sure to tell the others.”

  Robert stood up. “Alright Boss, you have my word also.”

  The fact of the matter was, Lamar was sleeping with Darnell and was sure to let him know what was about to take place to save his ass.

  As soon as they left the office, Desiree took a moment to gather her thoughts before contacting her friend the private investigator. Twenty minutes later he returned her call.

  “Hello Desiree... what’s up? It’s me Gary. I know it must be something if you asked me to call you back ASAP.”

  “Hey Gary.. I need your help again. Can we meet for dinner? I’d like to tell you what’s going on and how you can help me.”

  “No problem, what’s a good time?”

  “How about 7p.m.?”

  “Sure, I’ll meet you at Nicks on 14th Street downtown. I’ll already be down that way meeting another client earlier so give me a call when you’re close by.”

  ”Okay. Sounds good. I’ll be there..."


  As soon as they met, Desiree began to tell Gary her concerns about Darnell, telling him everything she'd heard from the girls.

  “So Gary, now that I’ve revealed to you what I know, how do I handle this? Darnell is one my employees and T-Bird is my cousin. I don’t want anything happening to her or I'll flip the hell out.”

  “I understand perfectly,” Gary continued. “I worked on a case just like this last year, when a wife got a notion that her husband was cheating on her from a friend. Sad thing is, when we found out who it was and showed her pictures including the dates, she had a nervous breakdown. It was bad but we had to tell her the truth. After all, she paid us to do a job and we had to give her what she paid for. As it turned out, her husband was having an affair with a man...can you believe that?" It was obvious Gary was having a hard time believing that.

  "He was gay. I must say, he really did a good job hiding it for a very long time. That is, until he stopped having sex with her and started coming home late from work. She thought he was seeing another woman. So are you sure you can handle finding out that kind of information?” Gary had seen what could happen to a person's mental as well as physical health when confronted with this kind of truth.

  “I absolutely can!” Desiree answered. “It would be better for me to find out first rather than my cousin. She’s been through enough already. Now I must admit, this is a sticky situation because I rate Darnell very high on
my list. However, because of the integrity of my staff and them coming back telling me something like this, it’s worth me finding out the truth and I would do anything to put a stop to my cousin being hurt before it’s too late.”

  “Okay I understand.” Gary said. “I’ll get on it right away. Can you call me in few days so we can put together a profile on Darnell?”

  “Sure, how about Friday? I’ll have a short workday and that will give everyone a chance to leave the office early and be out of the way.”

  “Great... that will give me enough time to get everything I need and get started Monday.”

  At the end of the meeting, Desiree got in her car, turning the radio up as loud as she could to relieve the stress of having to try to find out the truth about one her most valued staff members. Her thought went to Q. There was nothing she wanted more than to feel his arms wrapped around her while she told him all she was feeling.. But, that was impossible. It would only confirm JJ’s suspicions and fears about Darnell. Now she realized she had to work the situation out alone whether she wanted to or not.

  Meanwhile, back in Chicago, T-Bird tried to get some rest after returning to the hotel. Thoughts of Darnell dominated her mind.


  In New Jersey, back at the Tea Pot, it was talent night once again and the crowd was getting bigger each week. JJ was already planning to have the group 10-After perform during the dinner hours, before opening the dance floors upstairs.

  Trey and Carlotta were having a great evening out in N.Y.C. with her mother, going to see the play. While having dinner, her mother again told Carlotta her father was coming to visit her. That was the nightmare she feared the most and it was finally coming true. Her father was coming to visit and would have no choice but to meet Trey. As far as she was concerned, she was falling in love with him and nothing was going to keep them apart; especially not her father’s prejudice beliefs. No matter how loving, understanding and successful Trey was, it would not prepare him for her father. She knew right then she had to make a decision to defend her right to love whomever she pleased... rather Daddy liked it or not...


  Back in Chicago, the groups were out hitting the radio stations, interviewing with DJ’s and plugging the concert throughout the city. They wanted everyone to come out and not miss the biggest show in town. Also, due to popular demand, they had to add a second show; the Wednesday night show had already sold out. When Andre gave T-Bird the news about the second show, she was speechless with excitement while she simultaneously listened to the radio. Andre looked at her.

  “Now, this is what it’s all about. This venue can hold at least 10,000 and if you calculate that at $65 a head, we’re talking about a good penny for two nights!”

  “I know” T-bird answered. “How about $650,000.00. I can live with that all day, any day! You know we’ll be able to cover all of our overhead costs with half of the second show alone.” The business woman in her was just as alert as the entertainer.

  “You’re right T-Bird. I’m impressed that you’re thinking numbers. I see Shaun is starting to rub off on you huh? It’s good you’re learning the game and thinking fast because only the strong survive. Let’s go back to the hotel and get ready for tonight. We can also call the guys and let them know the good news, but I can bet they already know what’s going on by now.”

  When T-Bird and Andre arrived back at the hotel, everyone was taking a moment to relax before the show. One of the DJ’s from the radio station called Andre to recommend a local comedian from the city. Little Joe was a favorite and would use laughter to get things popping. Right away Andre agreed to have him added to the show and was willing to pay him out of pocket.

  “So how much is he asking?” Andre asked.

  “Only $500.00” the DJ answered.

  “Okay, I’m in. Tell him to meet me back stage at 6p.m. and I’ll have his money.”

  “Great! I’ll make sure he’s there..."

  Andre wasn’t going to tell T-Bird about Little Joe until he arrived, keeping it a surprise just to spice up the show. When the doors opened, the people immediately fill up all the seats. The minute Little Joe arrived backstage, Andre paid him and walked him over to T-Bird.

  “Little Joe, meet Tamara Robinson, but you can call her T-Bird. Now go out there and get the people hyped for us tonight.” He then looked at T-Bird.

  “Look, I know you’re surprised but I couldn’t resist adding a little more flavor to the show and I heard this guy is good... Okay... Cleave, you guys get ready because as soon as the comedian comes off, you’re opening.”

  “Sure Andre... whatever you say.” One of the singers said.

  As soon as T-Bird met Little Joe, he began to clown around and make jokes with her, making everyone back stage laugh uncontrollably. No one could take care of the last minute details because he was so funny.

  “Okay babe, you’re good. At 7:30 the house is yours. Do your thing. I’ve heard enough.”

  At 7:30 p.m., Little Joe and all the local radio station DJ’s hit the stage to welcome everyone to the show. The place was packed to capacity with people even standing in the aisles. There were so many, the city fire marshals had to come out and inspect the hall to make sure no fire codes were being violated.

  After they left, one of the radio DJ’s grabbed the microphone.

  “All right. Welcome to the show ladies and gentleman. On behalf of WBIG 101.5 and Worldwide Productions, we’d like to say good evening to one of the biggest concerts of the summer. We really have a great line up; you already know all the names so we don’t have to waste time telling you who's who. Before we bring them on stage, we’d like to present to you one of our own who's really doing his thing too. He knows how to make you laugh until you call ya mama. Here he is, the innovator, the captivator, with money so long you need a calculator! Ladies and gentleman let’s put those hands together for Little Joe!!!” The crowd went wild as Little Joe stepped up to the mic to give nothing but nonstop laughter for 30 minutes. He began talking to the audience, while setting them up for jokes.

  “Wait a minute...Tell me this please. Why is it that, when some of yo friends' baby daddies get locked up, they mamas tell them that they daddy went away to the navy? Sounds like some bullshit to me. Because when he sends pictures back home to the family, he’s wearing a damn orange jumpsuit. Now you know and I know, there ain’t no white navy hats or big ass bow ties hangin off their necks in that picture. I’m gonna tell you something else. There ain’t no water or ships around either. All you see is just a bunch of got damn men all huddled around each other, trying to strike a pose. Now you know what the hell the bottom line is? They mamas been lying all the time! That’s right, all the time that sucker was in jail busting rocks on the chain gang! That’s why he got that orange suit on. Better yet if he tries to run the cop sitting on the big ass horse is waiting to shoot his ass. I tell ya! No no... don’t run nigga... please don’t run. That’s right and when you ask yo friends when they daddy is coming home? They starting talking about, oh I guess in about five more years!”

  The audience couldn’t stop laughing as he continued on and by the time he finished his act, everyone was to the point of being in tears, giving him a standing ovation. T-Bird and Andre were convinced that it was in the best interest of the tour to keep Little Joe as the opening act and wanted to discuss with him his schedule and availability. Andre then knocked on the door of the group Cleave.

  “Okay Guys you’re up.” He said. Immediately the group got into position backstage. Little Joe didn’t waste a minute introducing them.

  “Ladies and gentlemen are you ready for the next act?” The audience roared in response, “Yeah!!”

  “Well alright then, without further ado, I introduce to you, the ladies flavor, if they don’t get you now; I guarantee it will be later. Ready or not, ladies here they come… Cleave!!!!”

  One by one the members of the group began to slide out on the stage doing
the routines to their opening hit song (I’m Waiting On You). The audience went wild as they continued to entertain everyone while photographers from all the local newspapers took pictures in. They were four guys who were discovered on the street corners of N.Y.C. singing for tips. One night a record producer and friend of JJ, was walking by and heard them singing. He couldn’t deny how hot they were and helped get them a record deal. No one could remain still while rocking and dancing to each song, as Cleave continued to bring the house down.

  During the last ten minutes, the group introduced its members, including the band, before walking off stage. The audience applauded wanting more, allowing the group to come back out to give one final wave goodbye to end their set. As the group arrived back stage, Andre patted them on the back.

  “Congratulations guys, you were great. Do you hear that audience? They’re off the hook out there!”

  T-Bird couldn’t help giving them their just do and the show couldn’t have been going any better.

  “DDG, let’s get busy baby,” Andre said!

  “Your turn to turn it up. Let’s go baby. You know how we like it. And I know your gun's loaded because you just finished setting Miami on fire!”

  Little Joe came back onstage and began picking people out of the audience, talking about them to keep everyone entertained. After a few minutes later, he then introduced the group.

  “Okay ladies and gentlemen this group actually arrived here yesterday, after setting Miami on fire with a great show. So get ready!.…Are you ready? Let’s give a great big hand to hip hop and you don’t stop until you drop. To the new generals in the game... DDG!”


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