Book Read Free

Plan Bea

Page 23

by Hilary Grossman

  Returning his gaze on my husband and me he continued, “Annabel and Cole know the meaning of true love. As all couples, they have experienced difficult times.” The judge looked toward my left again.

  I knew I should have been focused on his words, and the sentiment he was trying to convey, but I wasn’t. I was too curious as to why he kept turning to my left.

  “Annabel and Cole laugh often, and hard. They celebrate life, not just on special occasions, because they make every day a special occasion. They are each other’s best friend and true-life partners. Together they are one.”

  A tear rolled down my face and Cole wiped it away.

  The judge yet again glanced to my left before leading Cole and me in our vows.

  When the judge instructed Cole to kiss me, let’s just say Cole didn’t need to be told twice. It was funny; Cole and I have been through so much together. But just like our first kiss as husband and wife, so many years ago on the beach in St. Kitts, I felt so much more than his tender lips on mine. I not only felt his deep and unwavering love for me, I felt the hope and promise in our future. I knew no matter what life threw our way, with him by my side everything would always be all right. To me, his arms were home.


  COLE AND I FINALLY HAD a moment alone as we stood outside the dining room’s closed door. All of our guests were already inside waiting for our grand entrance. I was cherishing the peace and quiet. My head was spinning even though I only had two glasses of champagne. The cocktail hour breezed by in a whirlwind. It felt more like fifteen seconds as Cole and I worked the room, hugging and kissing everyone in attendance. I still couldn’t believe my mother was able to pull this off. Some of the people here Cole and I haven’t seen in years. But I shouldn’t be surprised. I should know by now when Beatrice puts her mind to something there is no stopping her.

  I took advantage of being alone with Cole to ask him a question that had been on my mind the entire night. “What do you think was going on with Cecelia and the judge?”

  “What do you mean?” Cole asked, confused.

  “Really? You didn’t notice anything between them?” I shook my head in disbelief. “Cecelia’s entire mood changed as soon as he walked in the room. In fact, when he spoke for the first time she turned as white as a ghost.”

  Cole stared blankly at me, so I continued. “And him! Did you notice how he couldn’t take his eyes off of her? He was blatantly staring at her when you introduced them.”

  “Nope, I didn’t notice anything,” Cole answered as he adjusted his bow tie.

  I cocked my head to the side and arched my eyebrow as I asked, “What about during the ceremony, didn’t you see? He kept glancing in her direction?”

  “Don’t you think you are being a little melodramatic?” Cole asked as he rolled his eyes. “I think you’ve been watching way too many made for TV movies. The judge was focused on us, not her.”

  “Cole, come on. Please! Think about it. He was constantly turning and looking towards my left during the entire ceremony. Why would he do that? I don’t think he was gazing longingly at my mother, do you? I’m sure he was looking at Cecelia.” I paused and took a deep breath before continuing. “It was strange. Sometimes I really felt like he was speaking to her and not us.”

  Cole ran his fingers through his think black hair. He didn’t answer right away. “Do you really think so?”

  “Yes,” I practically yelled.

  Cole shrugged his shoulders, “So maybe they know each other.” He was clearly not concerned or even intrigued.

  “That’s the thing,” I said exasperated. “I managed to get Cecelia alone during the cocktail hour and I point blank asked her if she knew the judge.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She didn’t answer me right away, Cole. When she finally spoke, she said she’d never met him before today. But she wasn’t looking me in the eyes. I knew she was lying.”

  Cole sighed and looked frustrated. “Anna, you are acting crazy. Why would she do that? You’re her best friend.”

  “I don’t know, Cole. But I told her I didn’t believe her.”

  “You did.”

  “Yeah, I did. She looked so upset and sad. Cole, she didn’t deny lying. She told me tonight’s my night and she’s not having this conversation with me today. Something is going on, and I’m worried about her. I don’t understand any of this. Why was Walter so insistent that Keith conducted the ceremony? Why was he so concerned when the judge was late? And why did she lie to me?”

  “Anna, you know I love you but sweetheart, I really think you are blowing everything out of proportion. A lot has happened today and your imagination is running wild. Let it go. Let’s just enjoy tonight. Please.”

  I opened my mouth to speak but I didn’t have the chance because Tommy, the country club’s manager, suddenly appeared at our side. “It’s show time guys. They’re ready for you. The band is going to announce you now.” He opened the heavy wood door as the singer of the band shouted, “Ladies and gentleman put your hands together for Mr. and Mrs. Cole O’Conner!”

  All of the guests stood up and cheered. Cole grabbed my hand and held it high above my head. We walked into the dining room and then around the dance floor.

  The singer’s soulful voice filled the room announcing our first dance.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered to Cole when he wrapped his arm around me and we started to dance. “My mother called me at work to ask me about wedding songs a while back. This was the first one I mentioned to her.” Realization hit me, “Oh my God. She really was listening to me.”

  “Anna, I think she’s been paying attention to you all along. But you were unable to see it and she was afraid to show it.”

  “I think you’re right,” I looked around the room and saw so much love. Violet was dancing with Harley. Patrick was holding Connie close. Walter was giving my mother a kiss while Cole’s sister, Denise, dragged her husband onto the dance floor.

  There was one person however who didn’t look happy, the judge. He was nervously tapping his foot while blatantly staring at Cecelia who was dancing with her husband. As Bryce spun her around, her eyes met the judge’s and they locked for a moment. Cecelia buried her head in her husband’s neck and nuzzled it. The action wasn’t lost on Keith. He stood up and threw his napkin down on the table. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I thought he was going to storm out of the room but instead he just walked over to the bar. As he waited for his drink, he continued to blatantly gawk at my best friend.

  The song changed and all I wanted to do was head over to the bar where Keith was still standing, holding what looked like a class of scotch. It was crystal clear that Cecelia wasn’t going to enlighten me as to their relationship tonight. My husband already thought my imagination was running wild. So there was no way I could tell him what I just saw. He’d think I had completely lost my mind. As far as I could tell, my only hope of finding out what was going on with Keith and Cecelia was to speak to the good judge myself.

  Before I could move from my spot on the dance floor Walter approached us. He tapped Cole on the shoulder and asked, “Can I cut in?”

  “Of course,” Cole replied, with a smile. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and patted Walter’s back as he walked away.

  As I danced with Walter, I watched Cole approach Violet. He took her good hand and brought her to the center of the dance floor. She was grinning wide as she moved to the music with her daddy.

  “Anna, I meant everything I said to you earlier,” Walter whispered into my ear as he held me close. “I can only wish if my daughter had lived she would have turned out to be half the woman you are. I’m really happy to have had the opportunity to get to know you, and I’m thrilled to have you as part of my life. I’m sure your mother told you, it was me who encouraged her to reach out to you to try and rebuild your relationship. I really prayed reconciliation would be possible, but I wasn’t really sure it could be. When Beatrice told me her plan I was skeptical. Ac
tually, I thought she was insane. I didn’t understand why she just didn’t apologize to you. But we both know Beatrice. She never does anything the simple way.”

  “You can say that again,” I said with a chuckle.

  “I really wondered if you would go along with her little plan. I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't. In fact, if I was in your shoes I don't know what I would have done. To be honest, I don't think I would have juggled all my obligations around to help a woman who treated me the way she had you all these years, just to help her plan a wedding. But you did. You didn’t think you just acted. You wanted to make her happy even though she has probably made you so miserable for such a long time. But Anna, finally, the past is the past.”

  “I know,” I said as a tear ran down my face. “I’m excited for the future, Walter.” I kissed him on the cheek. “And I’m thankful you’re a brave man. Or should I say a crazy man for giving Beatrice a chance.”

  “Yeah, I am probably completely off my rocker,” Walter replied, with a grin.

  He spun me around. I glanced across the room where my son sat with his cousins and Cecelia’s twins. I watched my mom approach him. She leaned down so she was at his height. She whispered something in his ear. Harley nodded, stood up, and took her hand. Together they walked onto the dance floor. My mom picked my little boy up and she began to sway to the music with him. Harley nestled his head in his grandmother’s neck and tears fell freely from my eyes.

  “Walter, can I ask you something?”

  He nodded his head, “Of course.”

  “Would it be alright if I called you Dad?”

  A tear rolled down his face.

  I gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving him on the dance floor. I walked over to where my mother was still dancing with my son. He was giggling and she glowed. I put my arm around her waist and she looked into my eyes and smiled.

  She kissed my son. “Watch out, Anna, this one here’s really going to be a heart breaker.”

  “He’s a charmer, for sure.”

  My mother brushed a tear away from her eye. “I was so mad at you at the bakery. When you confronted me about Harley. I know that couldn’t have been easy for you to do. But darling, I’m so glad you did it. And I’m glad that Walter insisted we went to your house for his birthday dinner. Truth be told I almost chickened out. But you were right about everything. I was being foolish and juvenile. If I’m honest with myself, I always wanted to be a part of his life. I just needed to open my heart to him and get to know him.”

  “Yeah, just like I needed to get to know you, Mom.”



  Thank you for reading Plan Bea. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it. Most days I still don’t believe I’ve written two books. It’s a surreal feeling to accomplish your dream. But my dream is only a reality because I had so much help along the way…

  Mom, thank you for being not only my mother, but also my dad, and my best friend. I wouldn’t be half the person I am without your love and guidance.

  Marc, thank you for being my biggest cheerleader, even though it often puts you in the hot seat. You’re a good man enduring hours of conversations about my “imaginary friends.” Oh, I finally realized how to get you to read…I have to just keep writing books!

  Carl, Paul, and Hannah, thank you for being such cuties. The stories your mom shared about you shaped Violet, Harley and young Brody. Tania, thank you for your friendship and for being my “mommy expert” I know I bombarded you with questions. Les and Bobbi, I loved watching your second chance romance unfold. You guys got me thinking about the power of love and were my inspiration for this book. Tasha, thank you for helping me pick the perfect bag for the cover.

  Samantha March, words can’t express how much I appreciate everything you do each and every day. I’m so honored to have you in my corner! You’re so much more to me than a book manager. Over the last year or so, you’ve become a dear friend. I’m sorry for constantly blasting you rapid-fire emails daily at 5:30 AM.

  Samantha Ettinger, AKA editor extraordinaire, I don’t know what I would have done without you! Thank you so much for all your hard work! Your suggestions and insights were amazing, and I learned so much from you. You shaped Plan Bea into the best possible book it could be.

  Cory Williams, my spelling never made up for the fact that I missed a month of first grade. But thanks to your keen eye I no longer have to worry!

  Meredith Schorr, thank you so much for being an awesome friend. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. You’ve talked me off the ledge more times than I can count and have been an incredible sounding board. I love how we can chat about everything and anything.

  Thank you to all the book bloggers out there. You guys are the best! I know you work so hard just for the love of books. Your praise and constructive criticism means so much to me as does your friendships. I love you all.

  Finally a huge thanks you to my wonderful publisher Booktrope. Katherine Sears, Ken Shear, Jesse James Freeman, and Jennifer Gilbert— I’m so honored to be a “cool kid.” It is pretty ironic that Plan Bea hit a snag along the way and we had to quickly make a Plan B— Jen Gilbert I can’t thank you enough for all your help and support during that crazy time!

  Now onto Plan Cee! Keep reading for a sneak peak






  (Content subject to change in editing)


  I THOUGHT I WAS GOING to die. I didn’t have to turn around. I already knew it was him. Despite years of desperately trying to forget, I’d recognize his deep throaty voice anywhere. Although, I never imagined, even in my wildest dreams, I would actually hear it again.

  “I’m here old man!” He called out in a joking tone, one that I remembered all too well. I bit my lower lip hard as memories assaulted me. I didn’t trust myself to glance in his direction, nor did I know if I wanted to. Since his voice was growing louder, I assumed he was walking over to where I stood. The room which only moments ago felt so large and spacious now seemed close in around me.

  I found it difficult to swallow as he continued to speak.

  “You never give me any credit.” He quipped. “Just because I arrive late for lunch doesn’t mean I can’t be prompt when I want to be.”

  Walter’s eyes lit up and he smiled wide. Only moments before he was worried the judge wouldn’t show up to officiate the wedding ceremony, but now he looked so happy. I took a deep breath. I tried desperately to calm myself down. I knew I was being irrational. I didn’t sleep well last night. Clearly, my imagination was playing tricks on me. Yes! I was overreacting. I had to be wrong. It couldn’t really be him.

  And then, I remembered something Walter said innocently only a few moments ago. He used the judge’s last name. He said it was Emerson. My knees wobbled. I wanted to scream. There was no use in trying to convince myself the voice belonged to another man any longer.

  I focused my attention on Walter as I tried to control my frantically beating heart. The older gentleman tried to look serious as he halfheartedly scolded his friend, “Prompt would have brought you here fifteen minutes ago, Keith!”

  I gasped.

  Before Walter engulfed him in a hug, I saw his face. He was older, of course. But he was just as good looking, as he was when I saw him last, twenty years ago. He was dressed in an Armani black pinstriped suit with a stunning multi-colored stripped tie. His dark brown hair was sprinkled with some grays. I felt faint as I realized even though there was some creases on his brow and around his aquamarine eyes, he was even more handsome now. How was that even possible, I wondered?

  “Cecelia, are you okay?” my best friend, Anna, asked as she grabbed hold of my arm with much more force than was necessary.

  I moistened my lips with my tongue. I was afraid of what my voice would sound like when I spoke. I felt like I was on the verge of
tears. “Of course I am.” I lied as I wrung my hands. “Why?”

  “All the color drained out of your face.” she replied, concerned.

  My husband, Bryce, turned his attention to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist. “Sweetie, Anna’s right. You don’t look so good. Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine.” I said before taking another deep breath. I forced a smile for good measure, which unfortunately was a futile attempt. Both of them glared at me in response. It was clear from the expression on their faces neither one of them believed me.

  I tried to sound more enthusiastic this time. “Of course I am.” She took a deep breath. “Don’t be silly you two. I just remembered something I forgot to do at work and I got a little nervous, I’m fine. Really, I am. Stop staring at me like that, please.”

  Neither one of them took their eyes off me. I don’t think they even blinked. Don’t get me wrong. I knew they meant well, and I knew they both loved me, but neither one of them was helping me right now. Why couldn’t they simply take my words at face value? Why couldn’t they just let me be?

  Frustrated, I snapped, “Enough! Stop staring at me like that. I said I was fine, I’m fine!”

  Anna dropped my arm like a hot potato and pursed her lips. She didn’t take her eyes off me though. But instead of looking concerned, she looked sad and hurt. I felt terrible.

  What was wrong with me? I shouldn’t be taking my irritation and frustration out on her, especially today. She should be enjoying herself right now. After all, she spent the last three months working like a mad woman trying to make her mother, Beatrice’s, wedding to Walter perfect. I didn’t want to ruin today for her. She should be happy today. She should be laughing and smiling, not be worried about me. I blinked away fresh tears, which desperately threatened to escape.

  I flashed my friend a small smile, and said softly. “I’m sorry.”

  “Love you,” Anna whispered to me before she returned her attention to her mother, Walter, and Keith. She made a point to glance in my direction every chance she got. Subtly isn’t one of her strong suits. It was funny, I was sure my husband bought my story about remembering something troubling at work. I’m actually a little surprised he didn’t whip out his iPhone from his tuxedo jacket’s pocket and hand it over to me so I could fire off an email to myself with my recollection’s troubling tidbit so I didn’t forget it again. My friend on the other hand, I was sure, saw right though my lies. Even though we have only known each other for ten years, our bond was so deep. There was no doubt in my mind, the first chance Anna had, she would be grilling me about the judge. I prayed the wedding would keep her busy enough so I didn’t have to answer any questions tonight. I wasn’t ready to discuss him or the past.


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