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Playing Dirty Book 2 of the Action! Series

Page 8

by GA Hauser

  Instantly, Keith moaned a deep long whimper of ecstasy.

  Imagining Keith’s cock getting sucked at the same time as he fucked him made Carl so hot he couldn’t believe it.

  Clamped onto Keith’s hips, Carl thrust inside him, sliding in effortlessly and knowing holding back would be impossible.


  Keith was getting his dick sucked by a god as he was screwed by Carl. Life just couldn’t get any better than this. And he loved Carl for letting him have this fantasy. It showed Keith how confident Carl was about their relationship. There was no cheating, no sneaking around behind the other one’s back. They shared this experience. And Keith would have it no other way.

  Opening his eyes, looking down at Scott who was sucking him with so much confidence and skill, Keith knew he was going to come quickly. Behind him, Carl was grunting and thrusting to his heart’s content. Imagining Scott masturbating below them both, Keith began to spin from the stimulation. “Oh, Carl…Carl…” he crooned, seductively. At his words Scott lit up and drew him deeper and faster into his mouth. Carl amped up his thrusting at Keith’s sexual moans as well. Keith knew dirty talk would send them all reeling. “Carl, fuck me. Fuck me! Oh, Christ, Scott! Suck it, suck it hard!”

  Under them Scott began jerking his hips as his come splashed against Keith’s thigh. Feeling that hot spatter, Keith shut his eyes and pushed deeper into Scott’s boiling hot mouth. “Ahhh! Christ!” Keith came, feeling the sensation pique as his body quivered from head to toe. Behind him, Carl’s cock shivered and throbbed like mad as he came. Carl’s deep, masculine grunting filled the room while Carl’s come filled Keith’s body. Below him Scott lapped at Keith gently as they both recovered. Hanging his head down to catch his breath, Keith felt Carl pulling out of him slowly.

  When he did, Keith crawled backwards and dropped on top of Scott to relax his tired arms.

  Scott curled around him and hugged him tight. As Carl disappeared into the bathroom to clean up, Keith tried to breathe normally.

  The moment Carl returned he climbed next to them on the bed and they snuggled together tightly. In silence they calmed down, running their hands over each others’ dew-coated skin.

  Scott opened up his arms to unite Carl and Keith over him. As Keith leaned up on his side next to Scott, he reached across Scott to his lover. Carl met Keith’s lips and kissed him as Scott watched from below.

  “You two are perfect for each other,” Scott whispered. “Thank you for sharing your love with me.”

  Keith parted from Carl’s lips and smiled down at Scott. “Thank you for playing with us.”

  “Believe me. It’s my pleasure.” Scott’s beaming grin turned from one to the other.

  Meeting Carl’s sated, weary smile, Keith reached out to stroke his hair. “I love you, babe.”

  “I love you too, Keith.”

  A wooziness filling his body, Keith closed his eyes and fell asleep in a bed overflowing with men.

  Chapter 7

  As they were getting ready to go to the studio, Keith’s mobile phone rang. Rushing to find it, digging through last night’s clothing, Keith scooped it out of his trouser pocket. “Hello?”

  “Keith? Adam Lewis.”

  “Hi, Adam.” Keith twisted back to see Carl with his coffee mug to his lips, watching him. Scott had left after their love session last night.

  “Jeff Palmer called. He said there’s a nice front page spread of you and Carl in the tabloids.”


  “Yes, you and your model girlfriends made a big splash last night.”

  The irony wasn’t lost on Keith. “Great.”

  “It is great, Keith. Keep it up. It’ll send all those gay rumors out the window and the two of you will be just fine.”

  Keith sat down on the sofa with a sigh. “Adam, do you truly believe if Carl and I came out we’d be in trouble?”


  Blinking at the blunt response, Keith felt crushed. “I was hoping you would say maybe not.”

  “Keith, we’ve had this discussion several times. What can I say? If you want to take the chance, fine. But when Forever Young ends, so will your options for any major motion picture role, particularly if it’s for romantic leading man.”

  “You told me I was too pretty for most parts anyway, Adam.” Keith stared at Carl as he spoke.

  “With this show added to your credentials, it will make a difference. I already have some producers sniffing around.”

  “For me?” Keith pressed his fingers to his chest.

  “Yes. I’ve received several enquiries this morning since the early press released the photos of you with a woman. It was that easy, Keith. The minute you appeared straight, the phone began ringing.”

  “Adam, that is unreal. And to be honest, quite fucking sad.”

  Carl sat down next to Keith, rubbing his knee affectionately.

  “I know. It sucks. But be prepared for a movie offer, hopefully in the next week.”

  Keith skin tingled at the thought. “I would love to do a movie, Adam.”

  “I know, babe. Just keep up the act for the public and they will roll in for you and Carl.”

  “Okay. We’ll try.” Keith wondered if they took a big chance last night going to that gay bar. Well, he didn’t have to wonder. They had taken a chance.

  “How were the women Jeff set you up with? Tolerable?”

  “Yes. They were. They seemed really sympathetic.” Keith caressed Carl’s rough jaw.

  “Good. Jeff’s great at this game. Let him lead you.”

  “I will.”

  “Okay, let me go. I’ll let you know about any secure offers if I get any.”

  “Thanks, Adam.” Keith hung up and stared at his lover. “The papers had us on their front covers with Holly and Jade.”

  Carl nodded, urging Keith to keep going.

  “And…” Keith tried to sound excited. “The minute we were exposed for being straight,” he caressed Carl’s jaw, “Adam started getting phone calls for me.”

  Shrugging, Carl sighed, “It’s exactly what we were supposed to do, babe. I’m really happy it worked.”

  “We can’t go to the club anymore, Carl.”

  “No. No way. Hey, we had a night of good gay fun. It’ll last for a while.”

  “Wasn’t Scott terrific?”

  “He was. He was perfect for us. I could tell he had no expectations for anything in the future and just enjoyed the moment.”

  “Thanks again, Carl, for letting me do that.”

  “I enjoyed it.” Carl hugged him.

  Kissing Carl’s cheek, Keith savored the cuddle.

  “We do have to get going.” Carl broke the embrace.

  “Yes. Let’s go.” Keith followed Carl to bedroom to gather their wallets and make sure they had everything they needed for the day.


  As Carl entered the studio, headed to their set, he found a copy of the weekly tabloid resting on a folding chair. Picking it up, Carl stared at the front page. Forever Young’s Gorgeous Gay Couple Out With Their Ladies for a Night on the Town. Carl held the photo up to show Keith.

  “Amazing what being seen with women can do for your reputation.”

  “Perception.” Carl tossed the paper back on the chair. “It’s a game of perceptions, Keith.” About to say something about that crazy night, Carl stopped short when Charlotte approached them.

  “Good morning, boss,” Keith greeted her.

  She scowled down at the paper. “Are you trying to ruin the show?”

  “Excuse me?” Carl choked at the insult. “We’re trying to salvage our reputations, Ms. Deavers.”

  “What I’m saying to you right now comes not only from me but directly from the producers, Derek Dixon and Will Markham. Do you realize how many fans will be upset with your straight act?”

  “Act?” Keith refuted. “We’re not acting straight, Charlotte. We act gay, remember?”

  “Do you two really have to play that stupid game wi
th me?”

  “Come on, Charlotte,” Carl chided. “Don’t make this an issue. You know this business well enough to realize we need a career after Forever Young goes bye-bye.”

  “And you, Carl Bronson, know well enough that a show with the type of ratings we’re getting can go on for a decade. Unless something or someone, fucks it up.”

  Carl checked the expression on Keith’s face. It was one of disbelief. Throwing up his hands in frustration, Carl asked, “What the hell do you want us to do, Charlotte? We have both been advised by our agents to take care not to get a gay reputation in the tabloids.”

  “You know how long I’ve been in the business, Carl?” Charlotte folded her arms across her chest.

  Carl began calculating the number. Before he wagered a guess, Charlotte announced, “Fifteen, Carl.”

  “Okay…” He assumed there’d be more to her reply.

  “On The Ties that Bind I had to convince our viewers that the two main characters were into bondage. So that meant they couldn’t be seen in their Sunday best at bible study.”

  “Charlotte,” Keith shook his head in admonishment, “give us a break.”

  She continued, “No, I won’t. Listen to me, you two. The show’s demographics are women and gay men. Got it? If all those women out there see you two as happy straight couples, they will turn off you. And don’t even get me started on what the gay viewers will think. They’ll be miffed, and that’s putting it politely.”

  “Charlotte…” Carl wanted to speak in their defense.

  She held up her hand to stop him. “You want this show to be ended by this season? Fine. Show the world you madly in love with two boney fashion models. You’ll be looking for work by summer.”

  “That’s crap and you know it.” Carl hated being in this position. “You want me to list the actors who have previously acted in gay roles, but are straight? It did nothing to cancel the show. Will and Grace? Hello? Two straight men playing gay guys. Eight years, Charlotte. Eight years that show ran.”

  “Don’t talk to me about Will and Grace,” she scoffed. “One cliché gay character and another who never had a steady boyfriend? That show did nothing for gay men.”

  “What?” Keith objected, “Nothing for gay men? Are you kidding me? Every person who watched that show wanted to believe that gay guys were okay in their book.”

  Charlotte glared at Keith. “They were sterile depictions of cartoon gay men. Don’t get me started.” She checked her watch. “We have to get taping. I just want you two to think long and hard about what you’re doing. Do some research, will you? Stop listening to the money-grubbing advice of your agents and imagine awards coming from every corner, including the GLAAD media awards.”

  “The what?” Carl tilted his head curiously.

  “The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.”

  “Where does she come up with this shit?” Keith asked Carl incredulously.

  “Enough.” Charlotte waved her hand in annoyance. “Get ready. We have a show to do.”

  Carl nudged Keith and headed to the wardrobe area.

  Keith murmured, “We can’t fucking win.”

  “I know.” Carl greeted Melvin and started changing his clothing.

  “How are you boys doing this morning?” Mel asked, hanging their clothing selections on two racks.

  “Good. How are you, Mel?” Carl replied, taking off his shirt.

  “I’m just fine and dandy. Did you enjoy your night of dancing with the boys?”

  Carl jerked his head to Keith who appeared pale and panic-stricken. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Carl pulled a shirt off of a hanger and slid it on.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll never tell.” Mel helped Carl with his collar and buttons.

  “Were you there?” Keith whispered.

  “No. But many of my friends were.”

  “We’re dead.” Keith’s mouth tightened to a straight line.

  “Not necessarily,” Mel asserted. “Listen to me, boys. Personally, I think what you did in that club will boost your ratings. Look, gay men aren’t stupid. They know damn well you have to play the straight game.”

  Carl stepped out of his jeans and into a pair of black slacks. “Do we?” Carl asked seriously. “Do we really have to play it?”

  “I am so confused my head hurts.” Keith tucked his shirt in as he stepped into leather loafers.

  “There are no easy answers.” Melvin fixed Keith’s shirt collar.

  “Oh no,” Carl replied sarcastically, “there are plenty of easy answers, just no sane ones.”

  When they had finished dressing, Melvin drew both of their attention. “Follow your heart.”

  “And lose your career,” Carl added.

  “Maybe not. Carl, it’s becoming a new trend in Hollywood. Men are braving the backlash and stepping up to the plate.”

  Carl glanced at Keith for his response.

  “And,” Mel announced, “the more men there are who do come out? The easier it will get.”

  “I’m no sacrificial lamb,” Carl argued. “Let someone else risk life and limb.”

  Mel shrugged. “It’s your decision. No one can make it but you.” Before they headed to Ken for their make-up, Mel prompted, “But if you think having headlines in the tabloids about your fake women is helping your popularity? Think again.”

  Thanking Mel under his breath, Carl walked beside Keith to a waiting Ken. Silent as they were powdered and their hair was brushed, Carl couldn’t rid the sinking feeling in his gut. Maybe this should never have happened in the first place. He and Keith should have remained friends and never crossed the line from make-believe to reality. It was a mistake. The ruin to their careers was looming like a thundercloud over a picnic.

  Finally, on their way to the set and a waiting Charlotte and crew, Carl tried to remember his lines. With the distraction of the outside world beating him down, acting was becoming as difficult as lying to himself.

  Seeing Charlotte’s tired expression, Carl knew the decisions he and Keith were making affected everything around them, including their performance and the longevity of their hit show.

  “Okay,” Charlotte stated, certainly not with her usual zeal, “we’ll do a camera rehearsal. Go get in place.”

  Carl moved to his spot on the set, shaking his body to loosen it up as if he were about to sprint in a race. He forced himself to get into character.


  Keith was devastated. He thought Adam knew the right thing to do for his career, and Keith was positive Adam was looking out for his future. But…at what expense? If he was exposed as a fraud to the public wasn’t that worse than just coming out?

  Struggling to remember his lines for the upcoming scene, Keith had to stop thinking about the problems they had and focus.

  “Living room scene. Camera rehearsal. Action!”

  Spinning around, Keith gazed at Carl. “It’s not my fault! Blame your meddling mother!”

  “My mother? You’re the one who outted us at the party, Dennis. I told you it was risky to kiss anywhere that wasn’t private.”

  Keith’s expression softened. He closed the gap between them and held Carl’s hands. “I couldn’t help it, Troy. Do you know how hard it is to pretend I don’t love you?”

  “I know, Dennis.” Carl withdrew one hand so he could caress Keith’s cheek.

  Keith embraced Carl, connecting their hips. “I hate lying. I hate pretending we’re not a couple.”

  “Me too. I just don’t see a way out of this alive, Dennis.”

  Just the contact of their bodies sent Keith’s cock vertical. He couldn’t prevent the love and attraction he and Carl shared. Why should he try to stop loving him? Wanting him?

  “I do.” Keith pressed his dick against Carl, craving him to feel how hard he had gotten. “Let’s just bare ourselves in public. Throw caution to the wind. Other men have done it, other men have survived.”

  “That’s easier said than done.” Carl rubbed his erection ag
ainst Keith’s, obviously knowing Keith yearned for the turn on.

  “No. It’s easier done.”

  Carl cradled the back of Keith’s head and drew him to his lips.

  The touch of their mouths sent shivers all over Keith’s body. Taking their time, making it count, Keith made damn sure their tongue kiss was visible for the camera. Parting after a long moment, Keith whispered, “We have nothing to be ashamed of, Troy. How can love be wrong or embarrassing?”


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