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Violet Aches for Blake (Encounter Bay)

Page 2

by Emily Bruce

  The real reason, no one can ever know.

  Violet took a deep breath and willed her face to stay neutral, she just had to get through this lunch and then she could freak the hell out.

  Blake freaking Wilson was coming home!!

  With a trembling hand, she leaned over the table and picked up a clean napkin to dab at her blouse with, so she had something to do and didn’t have to make eye contact with Sophie, who was currently staring at her and waiting for some type of reaction.

  Crap on a cupcake, he was coming back here!

  Cue hyperventilation!

  Violet tried to keep her breathing even and remain as calm as she could, but inside her brain was flipping the hell out, there was no way she just heard what she thought she heard. Why on earth would he come back here? There was nothing here for him. He was just voted Hollywood’s hottest celebrity by EntertainMe TV!! Why would he want to come back to a sleepy beach town in Texas!

  Sophie was just messing with her.

  She had to be!

  Oh god, she would run into him.

  This was not good.

  Her heart couldn’t take it.

  She was going to have a heart attack.




  Did her left arm feel tingly?

  Violet moved her left arm around frantically trying to figure out if she was, in fact, having a heart attack.

  What in the hell are the symptoms of a heart attack?

  Tingly arm? Check.

  Increased heart rate? Check.

  Shortness of breath? Definitely, check.

  Violet took a deep breath and tried to relax.

  Chill, you’re only 30 it’s most likely not a heart attack. But you do eat a lot of ice cream though…

  “Violet, why in the hell are you waving your arm around like a deranged chicken?” Sophie asked, giving her a weird look.

  Rein it in Violet!

  You can’t let her know!

  She let her arm fall to her side with a thump. She was so numb she didn’t even feel the pain of banging it on the table. “So how long is he staying?” Violet asked, as evenly as she could and avoiding eye contact with Sophie at all costs. “Mom said he didn’t say, but probably until after my wedding,” Sophie replied as she stared intently at her trying to gauge a reaction. Poker Face Violet!!!

  This is no time for singing!!!!

  “Awesome!” She replied with a big smile. Sophie narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, then raised one manicured eyebrow in the classic ‘you are so full of shit’ mode.

  “No more avoiding the subject! It’s about time you told me what happened between you and my stupid-ass brother all those years ago! And don’t lie to me – I know something went on!” Sophie said, pointing a finger at Violet and glaring at her.


  She felt the urge to start hysterically laughing, it was either that or she was going to bust out in tears. After all this time, Sophie brings it up now? She knew something went on… How did she? Violet had been so stealth about the whole situation.

  This is an emergency situation of epic proportions!

  Violet felt her mouth go dry and her cheeks turn pink at the mere mention of what she liked to call The Incident. She also liked to push it to the furthest part of her mind and pretend it had never happened, so she could go on living an ordinary life. It was the kind of thing you didn’t even want to admit to yourself, let alone tell someone else about it.

  Violet hadn’t told a single person, and how could she have? It was worse than embarrassing, like much worse.


  Sophie was still staring and demanding answers when Violet finally made eye contact with friend.

  “What’s it been, like 10 years? It can’t be that shocking!” Sophie said, exasperated, her hands hitting the table, causing the cutlery to clang and the people around them to look.

  “It’s been 13 years, 5 months, and 16 days, and yes, it was that bad. Think the worst thing ever and then times it by one thousand, Sophie!” She leaned across the table and whisper-yelled. Batty Betty looked in their direction, Violet cringed inwardly and hoped Betty wasn’t listening.


  Sophie’s expression softened. “Vi, you can tell me anything, you know I’ll be picking your side in whatever it is that happened, Blake is a total ass-hat!”

  She nodded her head. Violet was unable to formulate words; her brain was having a meltdown.

  Yes, Blake Wilson was a total ass-hat, but he happened to be the sexiest of all ass-hats that had ever ass-hatted, like, ever!

  Why was he coming back here now?

  After all this time.

  For the last 13 years, 5 months, and 16 days, Violet had been doing a bang-up job of avoiding him. She had weaseled her way out of so many Wilson functions that she deserved a gold medal. Sophie’s wedding was the only thing she couldn’t get out of, she was the Maid of Honor. She was currently in the middle of her ‘keep away from Blake ‘ass-hat’ Wilson’ plan.

  So far, the plan consisted of:

  1) Keep to the opposite side of the room from him at all times.

  2) Don’t get drunk.

  3) Don’t look at his ridiculously handsome face.

  4) Under any circumstances, do not look at his super-sexy body.

  5) Hide in the bathroom when it’s time for speeches and dancing.

  6) Leave early.

  7) And, if all else fails, fake a headache and run for the hills.

  Betty returned with their food and eyed Violet suspiciously as she took the milkshake-soaked napkins from the table, and left their lunch. She looked down at the giant burger and fries, there was no way she was eating that. Sophie had obliterated her hunger with the phrase Blake’s coming home. There was no way she was going to be hungry ever again ever.

  Yay! She might finally be able to lose those 20 pounds!

  Think of the positives!!

  Violet pushed her plate into the center of the table and watched as Sophie got stuck into her fries, shoving a couple into her mouth as she talked around them.

  “Spit it out Vi, I’m not letting this go until you tell me,” Sophie said with determination. “I can tell something went on, it’s written all over your face,” she added with a smug grin.

  Violet felt her stomach flutter, and her cheeks turn redder.


  After all this time.

  She was going to have to relive The Incident.

  Well, if she was going to finally come clean to Sophie, she wasn’t doing it here at the diner slash café! Everyone knew that Batty Betty turned her hearing aid up so loud she could hear a fly fart. And the only reason she was still working into her seventies was because she was a hardcore town gossip. Betty could overhear everything, and while she was getting their order, She wouldn’t be surprised if she was on the phone calling people telling them Blake Wilson, Encounter Bay’s favorite son, was coming home.

  How else did everyone find out about Milly Morrison having Travis Hag’s baby while he was still married to Milly’s sister Lilly! That was the best gossip this town has ever seen, and it all originated here, with Batty Betty being the source.

  Sophie was still munching on her fries and waiting for her to answer.

  Was it time she told Sophie? 13 years, 5 months, and 16 days had not made the story any less embarrassing.

  “Please Vi, you know you want to tell me,” Sophie begged, looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

  Damn it!

  Was this really happening?

  Violet was about to relive the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to her, and probably in the history of the world. There was no way another human had ever embarrassed themselves as much as she had on that fateful night.

  She took a deep breath, she felt sick to her stomach. How had her life come to this? She swore she would never tell anyone. Ever.

  Violet took a deep calming breath and leaned across the ta
ble. “Fine! But not here Sophie, how about we go to our secret spot tonight, we definitely need that much privacy,” She whisper-yelled, slumping back in her seat and crossing her arms to keep Sophie from noticing that her hands were shaking. Violet glanced up and found Batty Betty just two tables away with her head pointed in their direction.


  Sophie’s face brightened into a huge smile and she bounced in her seat. “Yes! I can’t wait to hear this story! I have a feeling it’s going to be great!” Sophie laughed, clapping her hands, drawing the attention of fellow diners. Violet cringed.

  Jesus, she was going to throw up!

  “Okay then, 7 pm at the carpark, and if you don’t show up I’m asking Blake!” Sophie added, raising that manicured eyebrow and giving Violet a look that said she would do it too.

  Violet let out a strangled laugh.

  Yeah, today had not gone as planned.

  She was at DEFCON 1 at least, and now she had to spill her guts about the one thing she would rather forget and pretend had never happened.

  Maybe she could make something up that was less embarrassing?

  But then, what if Sophie asked Blake? Oh god! No, then Sophie would know it was a lie. She had known her for 26 years.

  She swallowed the lump in her throat and screwed a smile on her face.

  Shit was about to get real.

  Chapter 2


  Blake Wilson shifted anxiously in the plush leather chair, his knee resumed its bouncing as he gazed out the large windows opposite him.

  He was really doing this!

  Why in the hell was he so nervous?

  He tried to concentrate on the scenery outside, the Santa Monica mountain range and the famous Hollywood sign were in the background, but they remained unseen, due to the thick layer of smog that was blanketing LA on this Tuesday afternoon.

  Fucking smog!

  Another reason to move!

  Blake sighed and reached for his phone again. He had been sitting in this office for the last 20 minutes and he was getting restless. It wasn’t like his manager to keep his biggest client waiting like this. Finally, the door opened and in walked Blake’s least favorite receptionist. “Mr. Wilson, he won’t be much longer. He’s just on a conference call. Can I get you anything? Anything at all?” Blake shifted awkwardly as the receptionist breathed out the last part.

  “I’m fine, thank you,” he replied. This was the cue for the receptionist to leave, but she was still lingering. And staring at him in that way all women did, leering at him, running their eyes all over him, like they were willing him to fuck them. “I mean anything,” she tried again, this time she sounded nearly breathless. “I’m fine, thank you,” he repeated, more firmly this time.

  Jeez, I get it, you want me to bend you over the conference table and fuck you, so you can tell all your little girlfriends about that time you fucked the movie star.

  Being famous sure did have its drawbacks and, if he was being honest, the old him would have taken her up on the offer, but lately things inside him had been changing. He no longer wanted a quick hook-up with a random stranger, he wanted more…

  “Well, you let me know if you want anything, anything at all,” the receptionist seductively whispered as she played with the first button on her blouse. When Blake didn’t react, she backed out of the room and gave him a slutty wink.

  For the love of god! He wasn’t a piece of meat!

  Blake resumed his knee bouncing as he waited for Darrell Hopper, Hollywood’s hottest agent, to show up.

  This was going to be the first day of the rest of his life.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting, Blake, I was on a call with the office in London, how are you doing?” Darrell asked as he stepped into the office. Clad in an expensive Armani suit, with a huge gold Rolex watch weighing down his wrist. “Fine,” he replied as he watched the older Darrell take his seat behind the impressive glass and marble desk that was now separating them. “What can I do for you?” Darrell asked as he leaned back in his chair.

  “I came in to tell you that I’m retiring from acting,” Blake replied in an even voice, on the inside it felt like his heart was hammering against his ribs. Darrell went to say something, then stopped, then looked at Blake. “WHAT?!!” he finally managed to shout as he jumped out of his chair. “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?!” He looked hopeful that Blake was just fucking with him. “Nope. I’m serious, I want out. I’m done with Hollywood,” Blake replied, and as the words left his mouth he could have sworn that a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

  “Why in the hell would you want out? You’re on top! You’re the biggest name in Hollywood right now!! Brazen Hero has made over 2 billion dollars at the box office! The reason I’m late to this meeting is because I just got off the phone with fucking Nathan Yo, please tell me you know who he is? All his movies are cinematic gold. He has a script for you and from what he told me you could be in the running for an OSCAR! And you come at me with this fresh shit about quitting!”

  While Darrell took a breath, his rant only strengthened Blake’s resolve. “I know Nathan Yo. He called me last week to discuss the project you’re talking about and I told him no then. My answer is still no. I’m out, Darrell.”

  Darrell opened and shut his mouth. “But… but why?” was all he could manage to voice. “Because I’m 35, I’ve been doing this for the better part of 10 years, I’m tired, and I want to go home and achieve something meaningful with my life.”

  “What’s more meaningful than making movies? 35 is the new 25, you’re just burnt out, take six months off and go lay on a beach somewhere and get your dick licked by some supermodels.”

  Blake shook his head and tried not to shudder at Darrell’s description. A couple of years ago he’d been doing just that. Darrell was now pacing behind his desk and waving his arms around.

  “I want out. I have no contracts with any studios or anyone at the moment, so this is a perfect time.”

  Darrell shot Blake a sharp glare, he wasn’t going to let him go that easily and if he were honest, he wouldn’t expect any less than Darrell putting up a fight to make him stay. Darrell tried for another 20 minutes to get Blake to change his mind, his reasons got more and more outlandish. Blake pinpointed the moment that Darrell admitted defeat. He slumped back into his chair and let out a deep sigh. “You’ve been planning this for a while now, haven’t you?”

  Blake answered with a sharp nod.

  “Where are you going to go?” Darrell asked.

  “Back home.”

  “To that backwater, one-horse, tiny ass crack of a town you’re from?!” Darrell looked shocked.

  Blake smiled as he pictured Encounter Bay, the rolling sand dunes, the turquoise water, the white sand, the salty breeze, and all the locals. Hell, at this point he even missed Batty Betty.

  “I guess I’ll get the team to put together a press release and call and tell all the agents,” Darrell said begrudgingly.

  “I’d rather you didn’t, I just want to fall off the face of the earth, I don’t want my hometown overrun with paparazzi.”

  Darrell shook his head. “If you do that, people will hunt you down even more than they do now! You’re the hottest actor in Hollywood. You don’t think they’ll notice when you drop off the face of the earth??”

  “I’ll be yesterday’s news in no time, the tabloids will find someone else to write stupid shit about.”

  “I strongly suggest you have a press conference and tell the public you’re retiring. If you don’t, they’ll hunt you harder than an A lister in rehab!”

  Blake shrugged his shoulders.

  “It’s my decision.”

  Darrell held his hands up in the surrender position. “It’s your funeral. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”

  Blake stood up, and so did Darrell. “Thanks for everything Darrell. If you’re ever in Encounter Bay, Texas, look me up.” Darrell shook his head as he gave him a strong handshake. “Please consider th
e press conference.”

  He nodded as he released Darrell’s hand. “I’ll think about it.”

  “I’ll try my best to keep them all guessing, I don’t know how long that will last,” Darrell added.

  “I’ll keep the email address you have, but I’m getting rid of my phone.”

  “Good luck Blake Wilson, you’re going to need it.”

  “Thanks for being the best agent in town.”

  Blake turned and walked from Darrell’s huge office.

  He was free. Turning his back on Hollywood was the most terrifying and liberating experience of his life.


  Blake smiled as he rolled down the dark tinted window of his over the top SUV, pressed in the keycode for his gate, and parked in the garage. He made his way into his colossal home and slumped on the cool black leather couch.

  Holy shit, he had done it.

  He had quit.

  This had been three years in the making.

  He wasn’t happy.

  There, he admitted it, and if he was honest, he hated living in LA. He was over the glitzy parties, the shallow glamorous people, and the paparazzi.

  Blake leaned on his side as he wrangled his phone from his tight black jeans. It was probably time he let his Mom know he was coming home for good.

  “Hello?” came his mother’s cheery voice down the phone.

  “Hey, Mom,” Blake replied.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked and Blake could hear the concern in her voice. He swallowed, it was now or never, he just had to spit it out. “I was thinking about coming home. I’m over LA and acting,” he said, feeling anxious about telling her but happy at the same time. “Coming home for a holiday?” she asked excitedly. “No, to live Mom, but don’t tell anyone that!”

  “This is a shock, let me sit down.” Blake heard his mother rustling around. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? I thought you loved acting.” Blake sighed, how could he explain himself? To the outside world, he was living the dream.

  “Nothing’s happened. It's just… there has to be more to life than getting up at 4 in the morning and hitting the gym for three hours, watching what you eat every day, long days on set, and having the paparazzi always taking my picture or the tabloids printing blatant lies about me. I want my simple life back Mom, the one where I was just Blake Wilson, beach bum.”


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