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Maid to Order (Man Maid Book 4)

Page 6

by Rebecca Avery

  “I don’t think so, Ms. Carlton. I’ll walk it over and drop it in the box… you stay here,” he said.

  Sighing in resignation she said, “Fine, but I get to pay for dinner then. It’s the least I can do after all. You rocked today, Rusty. I thought Ian said you hadn’t ever done this before?”

  This time when he tried to correct her way of addressing him with the look he’d mastered over the years, she merely looked away from him and out the window of the car instead. He was slightly disappointed at her acquiescence. Some sick part of him kind of enjoyed the way she stood up to him or teased him by calling him Sir or Mr. Hawkins in that derogatory way of hers that made him think of all forms of wickedness and perversion.

  She could think what she wanted but she wouldn’t be paying for his meal or even her own for that matter. Thinking so got her to concede to letting him make the deposit though so he kept his mouth shut for the moment.

  Instead he got out of the car and after scanning the parking lot, the street and the business next door, walked over and dropped the bag in the slot. No sooner had the drop box door closed back shut when he heard music coming from inside of his vehicle. He was almost afraid to turn back around and see what she was doing now but forced himself to.

  Amy was again singing as though she had been a rock star in a former life. The sound coming from his vehicle was so loud Rusty could hear it plainly from outside the car. Walking back over to the driver’s side he jerked the door open and just looked at her. She didn’t stop or even look at him and he could feel his frown deepen.

  God, she was beautiful.

  He just couldn’t bring himself to end her good time, so instead sat in driver’s seat and turned down the radio several notches. She couldn’t sing worth a damn but looking the way she did, no one would pay much attention to that fact anyway. Besides, he liked this song.

  “This song reminds me of you, Sir. You definitely have a little bit of a dark side…” she said between singing lyrics that again were from a song she would have been way too young to remember. John Cafferty he was not, so he again attempted to ignore her antics.

  He found disregarding her extremely hard to do and it was even more difficult to keep from smiling at his own weaknesses where she was concerned. He never smiled… especially now… and certainly not for some young hot thing with way too much energy and sass. She should be dead on her feet after the day they’d just put in but instead she looked like she had found her second wind.

  The reprieve from her station surfing and horrid singing came at last upon parking at a local bar and grill not far from the bakery. After being shown to a table outside on the patio she announced that she had to use the restroom. Then she took off back inside the establishment, leaving him and three other men at another table to watch her walk away.

  When the men looked back at him and he caught the look of envy on their faces he enjoyed the idea that people would actually think someone like her would go for an old man like him. Forty three wasn’t old unless more than two decades of it was spent seeing and experiencing things normal people never faced their entire lives.

  When the waitress came out to ask about drinks he ordered himself a beer and having no idea what Amy would want, ordered her an iced tea. Unsweetened since she was sweet enough without adding more sugar.

  Within minutes Amy returned and he stood to pull out a chair for her across from him but she was too quick and simply plopped down in the seat right next to him. He couldn’t remember feeling this awkward around another person in a very long time and it was starting to irritate the piss out of him. He was relieved when the silence between them was broken by the return of the waitress who sat their drinks down and informed them she would return shortly to take their orders.

  Grabbing his beer, Amy took a big swig of it, closing her eyes as though savoring it. Against his morals, better judgment and the normal tight control he held over himself, he felt his lower body react to the sight of her immense enjoyment of the beverage. He had thought that part of him was rendered useless from some of the things he’d witnessed in the past couple of decades. Obviously that was not the case and he found himself just staring at her.

  Upon noticing his gaze, she said, “Thanks… I needed this after today. Tomorrow’s going to be even worse, I’m afraid.”

  Turning in his seat, he signaled the waitress to bring him another beer, since Amy had taken his. Then he spun back around to face her only to find her twisted around in her seat talking to a man sitting directly behind her. The beautiful smile on her face brought out yet another unfamiliar feeling in him… jealousy. It was ridiculous and just a quick shot of the emotion but he recognized it for what it was.

  He was stunned at the sheer amount of reactions the woman had managed to bring out in him over the course of one day. He felt like one of those old toy dolls that would talk if one pulled the string on its back. In his case, whenever Amy yanked his chain he often erupted with varying emotions in unpredictable degrees of intensity.

  “Ms. Carlton, it’s typically polite to entertain your current dinner companion rather than looking for the next one,” he said after finding himself unable to control the green monster within.

  Then he wished with everything in him that he could take his comment back or that she would somehow miraculously not have heard it. The man she was talking to simply burnt him a dirty look but after sizing Rusty up made the correct decision to keep his mouth shut.

  By Rusty’s own standards, he deserved to be called out for his behavior toward her but he was wound pretty tight at the moment and the man must have figured that out. Amy just smiled at the man again and said her goodbye before turning back to face Rusty.

  He waited for her to rip into him about being rude, irrational or just plain mean.

  Instead she again left him flabbergasted when she leaned in close to him with her sultry smile and quietly said, “So is this like a date to you then, Rusty?”

  The smell of her perfume mixed with… sugar… made the blood in his veins heat to the point that he wanted to reach across the table and pull her smart mouth over to him and kiss her breathless. When her gaze lowered to his mouth as though daring him to, a shot of animalistic aggression rushed through his body forcing him to move back from her or do something they would both regret.

  Again he was rescued by the waitress who’d returned to take their orders. Having been numb for so long he couldn’t seem to process the feelings and sensations she brought out in him fast enough to even attempt to keep up. He barely registered that she’d ordered or that silence had descended around them for several seconds while he continued to stare at her.

  As if to pull him back to the present, Amy said, “What? I’m not a salad and water kind of girl, Rusty…Sir. Cheeseburgers and beer are more my style. Not quite the kind of dinner companion you were expecting?”

  He didn’t miss the snort that escaped the waitress or the look of shock and disgust that crossed her face. Barking out that he would have the same thing that Amy had ordered, even though he wasn’t real sure what that was, he then waited for waitress to walk away.

  He’d had about enough of Amy’s shenanigans for one evening… cute or not… and he was going to let her know right now. Whether it was rude to say something or not, she was ringing his bell and he was going to put a stop to it.

  “You do realize your comment just now, in front of the waitress, sounded as though you were my paid companion, don’t you, Ms. Carlton?” he asked smartly.

  Again he cringed the minute the words left his lips. He couldn’t take this comment back either but it should effectively shut down whatever had possessed her to flirt with him in the first place and put an end to any of her future attempts to seduce him. She was poking a short stick at a very mean bear and her youth apparently made her blissfully unaware of it.

  Grinning like a clown at a circus she leaned in close to him yet again and said, “Not any more so than your comment did in front of my friend’s husban

  Then she glanced over her shoulder at the man behind her as though to make her point.

  “I’m sorry…” he managed after several seconds of stunned silence and a heavy sigh that escaped him. He felt like a real heel but couldn’t take any of it back. Besides what would be the point? She needed to stay clear of him and being an asshole was one way to make sure she did. “I was raised by my grandfather and he had certain… ideas… about what is acceptable behavior and what isn’t.”

  What had possessed him to tell her that? It wasn’t like she would even care about his childhood anyway. This wasn’t a date nor was she even a friend. She was essentially a stranger that grated on his nerves… and emotions. Her teasing smile only widened at his confession and something like a smirk escaped him before he could rein it in.

  Why did she have to be so damn cute?

  “I think that’s the closest thing to a smile I’ve seen from you all day, Sir,” she laughed.

  Then she reached out and poked her finger at the corner of his mouth before she took another drink of his beer instead of her own. He felt her slight touch everywhere at once. Young or not, he wanted her. In a way that he couldn’t remember wanting a woman before.

  Unable to stop the smirk that had returned he said, “Are you planning to eat my meal also… or are you content with just drinking my beer? I mean seriously, how much more do you want from me?”

  Glancing down and realizing that she had his bottle in her hand, she blushed and set it down gently on the table. Then her brief moment of embarrassment turned to that same form of teasing that was slowly making him crazy. Her sexy grin returned while she wrapped her arms loosely around his drink and hers, as well as the watered down glass of tea, and then looked back up him.

  “I want it all, I guess. Everything… drinks, food, actual conversation… more of your panty dropping smiles,” she laughed.

  Too tired to keep up the boundaries he should be firmly implementing, he relaxed a little more during the course of their meal. For as pretty as she was, she was also equally sweet and smart. God help him, he was completely fascinated by her as he listened to stories of her dog and ideas she had for her bakery.

  Regardless of her attempts to flirt with him, she was obviously a little nervous around him but she didn’t allow that to stop her. In fact that was probably what contributed to her overall chattiness.

  Faced with such an awkward evening in his company she was nothing but pleasant and brave. Either way, by the time the waitress returned to ask if they wanted anything else so she could bring the bill, Rusty found himself a little disappointed that the time with her was coming to an end.

  He’d missed working out at the gym with Ronnie, Seth and Ian and hadn’t even called them to let them know he wouldn’t be there. Which was completely out of character for him. A part of him feared that if Amy knew he was missing out on other plans she would rush through dinner. Instead he chalked it up to his friends getting a little of their own treatment, since they’d dissed him a few times in the past.

  Rusty found he wasn’t willing to give Amy an excuse to end this evening prematurely, regardless of how odd it felt from time to time. The waitress returned and informed Amy that she’d ran her card and asked her to sign a receipt. Amy smiled at him like a Cheshire Cat knowing that once again she’d bested him… found a way around him.

  “I gave them my card on the way to the restroom because you are not paying for dinner after the way you busted your very nice butt for me today. I really do appreciate everything,” she said, smiling another gloating grin at him.

  After dropping Amy back off at the bakery, ensuring that she made it safely inside her vehicle and watching her drive away, he headed home himself. He was physically tired but could not shake the stupid smile he wore until walking in the door to his house he eyed his dining room table and his gun cabinet.

  The realization hit that after tomorrow this job would end as well. He’d made a promise to Amy though so his own personal issues would once again have to wait until another day.

  After a quick shower, he’d just laid down when his cell phone rang. Looking at the display and seeing Ian’s name there he answered, knowing he should explain himself.

  “We missed you tonight. Did you get lost between your house and the gym?” Ian asked.

  “No, I certainly did not. You know damn well a real man doesn’t get lost. If you need gossip material for your next girl’s night out with your lovely wife and Ms. Reynolds… then just know that I had a better offer for this evening. That’s all.”

  “She didn’t happen to come with a ready supply of cupcakes… now did she?” Ian asked with a chuckle.

  “I’m afraid that Ms. Carlton lacks the maturity I seek in a female companion. However, I am curious why you never chased her down for yourself. I thought blondes were your thing?” Rusty asked in return.

  “Courtney had already caught me in her web before I ever actually met Amy. She’s a real sweet woman though, so you might want to rethink your ideas on maturity. What’s the worst that could happen if you asked her out? Being turned down sucks but if she were to say yes… wouldn’t it be worth the risk of rejection?” Ian laughed.

  “I’m going to bed since its extremely late and I might suggest you do the same,” Rusty replied.

  “Should we expect you at the gym tomorrow evening?” Ian asked with an even heartier laugh.

  “I don’t answer to you, Sergeant. If I show up then I show up. If I don’t then don’t concern yourself with where I am or who I might be with,” Rusty said.

  Ian only laughed louder so Rusty hung up on him and, after crawling into his bed, he laid awake for several minutes unable to get warm hazel eyes and a dimpled cheek out of his mind. Forget that she was probably at least ten years younger than him, she was also way to pretty for him. She could easily date male models, movie stars or extremely wealthy men with looks like that. A grumpy old man with far too many emotional scars was way beneath her pedestal.

  Pretty or not, this business of her leading him around by a very short choker chain was going to come to a screeching halt. He didn’t take orders… he gave them. Her brash words and attempts to flirt with him were also fixing to stop as well.

  Tomorrow would be his last day having to deal with her but he’d be damned if he left her with the impression that he wasn’t man enough to stand up to her attempts to seduce him into doing her bidding. His appetites didn’t control him and if she wasn’t careful she’d find out that they were just one more tool in an arsenal of weapons at his disposal for dealing with the likes of women like her. Manipulation was an adversary he’d beaten many times.

  He was in a real mood by the time he arrived at her shop the next morning. Dreams of her sweaty, smiling and completely naked while wrapped around him had been totally unexpected after years of absolutely nothing other than absolutely horrific visions of death and destruction.

  Instead of waking up with his heart nearly about to beat out of his chest or in a cold sweat, he’d woken up with the best erection he’d had in years. Like a horny teenager lacking control of his own balls, he found himself awake at three thirty in the morning. Taking a shower and attempting to chase the images of a very young but hot woman who called him Sir like it was a lover’s pet name out of his head.

  That was why she had better knock off this trying to lead him on thing today because he was hanging on by a very thin rope that was fraying around the edges. Upon entering the shop he was bitch slapped by the smell of confection sugar and cake. The whole place smelled like her. He’d barely walked in the door when she came bounding over to him with a worried look on her face.

  “I’m so far behind and I even came in early this morning. I forgot to take Grudge out this morning before I left the house. I need you to go to my apartment and let him out and walk him around a little bit,” she ordered holding her keys out to him. “It’s just a couple of blocks up the street…”

  “Ms. Carlton… if you can’
t take care of the animal, perhaps you shouldn’t have him,” he barked at her.

  Unlike the day before her face lost its normal sweet smile which was replaced with a look that told him how hard she was trying to bite her tongue to keep it from telling him to go straight to hell. She was even hotter when she was mad and again his body reacted against his will.

  “Things aren’t always this crazy… and I certainly don’t always forget to… take care of him. This festival is eating up way more of my time than I expected. If you would please see about taking my dog out for me, I would greatly appreciate it,” she bit out.

  Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were shooting daggers at him. He’d never wanted to kiss a woman so bad in his whole life. Grabbing the keys from her hand instead, he headed back outside.

  “It’s the apartment on the left… blue building… down there,” she yelled while hanging out the door to the shop and pointing her finger in the direction of her apartment. “Can you also take the box on the front porch inside?”

  Finding the apartment, he unlocked the door, hefted the large box on her porch inside only to be verbally assaulted by an ankle-biting and overweight Pug. The animal wasn’t trying to hurt him, merely show him whose territory he’d entered as loudly as possible.

  “Stop that,” he growled back at the dog who then whimpered and backed up before launching into another tirade of barking. Great a yappy mutt to finish off his already horrible morning.

  Finding a leash for the dog near the back door, he managed to latch it to the dog’s collar as it chewed on his boot. Then the dog’s pea sized brain associated the leash with a walk and it nearly tore his arm off heading toward the front door. Good grief, didn’t she even attempt to teach the dog manners?

  It took him nearly ten minutes to get the dog to understand that they weren’t walking anywhere unless Rusty was the one leading where they went. Once authority was established between them the dog was able to keep up with Rusty’s strides regardless of his abominable girth and only stopped to sniff periodically. Knowing he needed to get back to the shop and help Amy, he finally stopped in a grassy area and waited for the dog to find a spot.


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