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Forbidden Attraction [The Callens 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Melody Snow Monroe

  He took the brochure, thinking it might be fun to take a look at the different floor plans tonight after they finished ravishing the woman he and Jackson wanted to spend their life with.

  When they finished going through the models, they climbed back in the car. This time Jenny sat in front. That was okay. He’d learned a lot about what she liked and what thrilled her.

  “You up for some community cooking, or do you want to go out to dinner?”

  She turned around in the seat. “Since you took me out last night, how about if I cook you something?”

  He wanted to work side by side, touching her whenever he got the chance. “We’ll all cook. You up for that, Jackson?”

  “I’ll help supervise.”

  Taylor laughed. “Our boy, here, excels in mixing drinks, but that’s all.”

  They stopped at the store and had fun finding the right type of onions, the highest quality beef, tomatoes, and pasta. Jackson picked up a loaf of garlic bread. For dessert, Taylor figured Jenny would be enough for him.

  When they got back, he let her direct how she wanted to prepare the meal. He was at her side ready to give her a hand. He’d grown up watching his mom cook, and from what he saw, Jenny was a natural in the kitchen.

  In no time, the spaghetti sauce was simmering and the water set to boil for the pasta. She’d sautéed the vegetables and prepared the garlic bread.

  “How about a glass of wine?” She’d worked hard and deserved a break.

  “One glass.”

  He picked out a nice red wine and poured her some. “Come sit in the living room for a bit while the food is simmering.”

  She followed him out of the kitchen. Jackson was making some music selections. He’d also lit some candles.

  “How romantic,” she said.

  From the excited tone in her voice, she was looking forward to being with them. He sat next to her on the sofa while Jackson sat across from them on the chair.

  His roommate rested on his elbows. “What was the favorite part of looking at the houses?”

  “I liked all of them, but at one of the models, there was a nice sunroom. I could see myself living in there.”

  He was thrilled that she liked looking at the model homes because that meant she might be open to sharing her life with him and Jackson.

  Once they discussed the pros and cons of each of the homes, she asked Taylor about what he was working on. He tried not to bore her. “If I’m not designing something for the monster trucks, I’m tinkering with some new invention.”

  Her brows creased. “What happens in the winter? There can’t be any shows in Wyoming at that time.”

  “I travel sometimes, or work on my pet projects during them. The truck season goes wherever it’s nice. They usually stay in Florida for January and part of February.” He could tell that she was worried about his ability to make money should this gig disappear. She didn’t have to worry. General Motors often asked him for his help. He could do the design work from home and make quite a lot of money. At the moment, he liked the thrill of the races.

  She stood. “I need to check on the meal.”

  Taylor and Jackson stood. “We’ll set the table.”

  Both of them followed her in. By the time they’d distributed the dishes, she’d served up the meal. The pasta sauce smelled delicious. For a moment, he missed his parents. His mom was a fabulous cook. They sat down and inhaled the food. He thought it a testament to her good cooking that they scarfed down the food in no time.

  Just as he’d finished eating his cell rang. He pulled the phone from his pocket. It was his dad. Damn. “I’ve got to take this. Excuse me.”

  Jackson engaged Jenny in conversation even before he got out of the room.


  “How are you doing?”

  “Great.” He wasn’t really in the mood for the small talk. “Can I call you back? I’ve got company.”

  “I just wanted to let you know that your mom and I will be coming home next week. We’re wrapping up the sale of the gold mine up here.”

  They’d been in Alaska for the last three months. Shit. “Great.”

  That meant he and Jackson would be homeless. They talked a bit more about the sale before disconnecting. Now more than ever he needed to take advantage of the wonderful amenities in this house. One of which was the four-poster king-sized bed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Taylor came back and said nothing after his phone call. He just sat down and drank his wine. Since she and Jackson had finished, she got up to clear the plates.

  Taylor held up a hand. “Jenny, you sit. Jackson and I will clean up.”

  Jackson’s eyes widened a bit, but he said nothing. She figured they didn’t want her to think they were taking advantage of her generosity. “Okay. I’ll be in the living room looking over the brochures.”

  Watching them clean up wasn’t her style, but Taylor acted like he needed some alone time with Jackson. She sat on the sofa and picked up the pamphlets. She wasn’t sure why the model homes fascinated her or even why Taylor was so up for going through the models, but she had to admit it made her long to finish her degree. Someday she hoped to have a family and live in a place that nice.

  Along with the model home pamphlets, she’d brought the three apartment layouts. After weighing the pros and cons, she decided that she really liked the upscale model. She could blame it on her upbringing. Tomorrow, she’d go over her budget to see if she could afford the monthly rent.

  The men came out of the kitchen a short while later, and from their smiles, she deduced were in a good mood.

  “You want to watch a movie?” Taylor asked.

  She imagined they’d pick some high action flick or maybe horror. “What do you have in mind?”

  “How about a love story?”

  Surely Taylor was kidding. When he’d asked where she’d take him on a date, he cringed when he mentioned having to watch a romance movie. She decided to call his bluff. “Great.”

  She watched for signs of a grunt, but he just smiled, clicked on the television, and pressed the button to get Netflix.

  “Here ya go.”

  She searched through the movies and decided on one with Jennifer Aniston because she usually played a strong but adorable woman. Both men sat on either side of her, and their bodies seared her skin. Having all that maleness next to her made paying attention difficult. The men did seem to get into the story for they laughed at the right time and cuddled closer during the romantic scenes.

  When the movie ended, she couldn’t help but yawn. The day had been a bit stressful, but sitting between them helped relax her. Taylor stood and pulled her to her feet. From the way his eyelids were hooded, he had something romantic on his mind.

  She expected Taylor to take off her clothes. Instead, he turned her around and rubbed his hands down her arms while he kissed her neck and ears. Jackson remained seated in front of her and wrapped his arms around her rear and pulled her close. He pressed his face to her stomach and seemed content to hold her.

  Taylor nipped her ear. “I think we might be more comfortable someplace else.”

  Yes! “Where would that be?” With these two there was no telling.

  Taylor pulled her back, and Jackson stood, towering over her. “Come this way.”

  From the way he inhaled through his teeth, he’d been waiting for days to finally make love to her again. Without saying a word, the men escorted her upstairs. She’d been to the third floor observatory, but never to the second floor. Taylor opened the door in the middle of the hallway and flicked on the lights. One small lamp glowed on the side table.

  “Wow.” The room was larger than her parents’ master and had to be larger than the one-bedroom apartment she was considering renting. “This isn’t how I pictured your bedroom.”

  “Remember, we didn’t pick the furniture.”

  If they had as much money as they implied, she would have thought they would have sold the ornate bedroom set and gotten s
omething a bit more masculine. She wasn’t going to complain since a bed was a bed.

  Jackson walked over the dresser where someone had placed several candles. He picked up a lighter and lit the wicks. As soon as he doused the bedside lamp, the room immediately turned cozier.

  “That’s better.” He shucked off his boots and got onto the bed.

  She couldn’t have picked a more romantic setting with soft light flickering off the walls and a drop-dead-gorgeous, sexy man sprawled out on the bed.

  Taylor dragged his hands down her arms. “Why don’t you join Jackson?”

  He didn’t have to ask twice. She crawled next to him and snuggled close. Having his arms around her sent warm tingles up her body.

  Taylor moved to the end of the bed, tugged off her boots, and rubbed her feet. “How does that feel?”

  She leaned back on her elbows. “I’m in heaven.”

  “We want you to stay there.”

  She did love how they always tried to make her feel special. She fanned herself, pretending the room was warm. “I think it’s rather hot in here. Don’t you?”

  “Absolutely.” Jackson chuckled and immediately lifted off his shirt. “Ah, much better.”

  She agreed. “Taylor?” He was just standing there watching both of them. “Do you need some help getting undressed?”

  “If you want me naked, you just have to ask.” He grinned.

  She did love how these two always saw through her ploys. “I’ll ask then. Would you get naked for me?”

  Taylor kept his gaze on her while he removed his boots, shucked off his pants, and got out of his shirt. She turned around to help Jackson with his remaining clothes, but he’d beaten her to it.

  “I can take a hint.” Gloriously naked, Jackson lifted the hair off her neck.

  After he nibbled on her ear, he massaged her shoulders. His hands were a balm to the tension lacing her body, and her eyelids started to close. Together they moved her in the middle of the bed so that Taylor could pull down the covers on one side. The linens smelled fresh and lemony.

  “I think someone is a bit overdressed.” Taylor grinned.

  She decided it would nice to have them undress her. “I need help.”

  Taylor crawled between her legs and undid the button on her jeans. Instead of tugging them off quickly, he eased them over her hips, inch by inch.

  “I love your body. You’re so soft and delicious. Wait until I lick you up and down.”

  His mere words set her body on fire. “I can’t wait.”

  Jackson moved behind her and helped sit her up. Reaching around her front, he undid the buttons on her shirt. His fingers tripped over her breasts and he pressed on her stomach as he undressed her. In between each button, he kissed her neck or her shoulder or her ear. When the shirt fell open, he slipped the material off.

  He leaned close. “Wait and see what I’m going to do to your tits and your glorious pussy.” He licked her neck and goose bumps shot down her spine.

  These men were made for loving. Jackson unhooked her bra and slid his palms over her tits. The calluses scraped her nipples, and sheer delight raced down her sides.

  She dropped back her head. “I love when you touch me like that.”

  “Then you’ll be doing a lot of loving because I plan on doing a lot of touching.”

  Both naked men stretched out next to her with Jackson behind her and Taylor in front. Two sets of hands began a slow, seductive assault on her senses. Jackson concentrated on her stomach while Taylor twirled her hair and placed kisses from her shoulder to her lips.

  When Jackson slid lower on the bed, her pussy automatically clenched thinking about his tongue and fingers stimulating her. Taylor must have wanted her attention on him because he leaned over and rubbed her breasts with his right hand. On the second pass, he swirled his palm over the tips. Spikes of electric pulses ran up her spine. Needing a bit more friction, she lifted her chest, and he obliged by pressing the tip between his thumb and forefinger. When he rolled the tip back and forth, the budding thrill actually made her pussy take notice.

  She groaned, and Jackson made his move. He spread her thighs and moved into position between them. He slowly dragged his tongue across her opening, sending her pussy into overdrive. She rolled onto her back and arched up at the intense stimulation. His fingertip circled her clit and she jerked a bit when he drew her nub into his mouth. Reaching down, she threaded her fingers through his silky hair.

  Being with two men was enough to make her reel, but when they expertly manipulated her body, she was putty in their hands.

  Taylor didn’t stop his affection no matter how much she writhed under Jackson’s ministrations. On the contrary, he seemed to ratchet up the pressure and speed. One hand alternated between her breasts while he slid the back of his hand across her cheeks and lips using the lightest of touches. He leaned over and nibbled on her mouth. Their breaths combined and his gaze caught hers. Desire and passion filled his eyes so much that she wanted to capture his look forever in her heart.

  Jackson must have noticed how her respiration had increased when she kissed Taylor because he delved two fingers into her creamy hole. When he crooked his fingers and hit another sweet spot, she milked his fingers.

  “That’s right, darlin’. Think of my fingers as an extension of my cock. You do want me to fuck you hard, right?”

  The out-of-character talk made her juice up more. “Yes.”

  If she could have reached one of their cocks, she would have. They needed to understand what it was like to have all this stimulation and no release. Since they seemed to want to please her, she took the matter in her own hands. Wanting to give Jackson better access, she bent the top leg. To distract Taylor from his true mission of driving her crazy, she kissed him hard and pulled him closer. That allowed her to reach between his legs. The moment her fingers curled around his cock, his breath hitched. Yes!

  “Easy there, hon. You’re playing with a grenade.”

  She giggled. Jackson sucked hard on her bundle of nerves, and she immediately tightened her grip on Taylor’s cock. How she kept her own urges at bay she didn’t know, but she wanted to please Taylor.

  “Can you move your cock closer?” She so wanted to suck on him.

  He obliged. “Be careful.”

  She leaned over and drew him into her mouth. His hand grabbed the top of her head. Instead of releasing him, she twirled her tongue around his glorious hardness. With her free hand, she cupped his balls and dragged her thumb over the bumpy skin.

  He hissed, and she couldn’t help but smile. Wanting him desperately, she dragged her teeth along the edges of the mushroom-shaped head.

  Taylor stayed her hand. “Enough.”

  He must have given Jackson a signal because in a flash she was on her hands and knees. Her jumbled nerves became more excited picturing what was to come. Taylor got off the bed and went across the room to a chest. Jackson got on his knees and moved in front of her. His erect cock sat right in front of her mouth, providing her with the perfect opportunity to suck on him.

  He must have been looking at Taylor because she was able to pounce on him before he could stop her. She got in a few good sucks before she smelled something sweet. A jar opened. Intrigued by what was going on behind her, she let go of Jackson’s cock and twisted around.

  Taylor smiled. “It’s lube.”

  She knew what lube was and what it was for. A quick stab of the unknown grabbed her, but she reminded herself that this was what she wanted. Being able to love both men would be a dream come true.

  As he ran his slippery finger around her dark hole, she tried not to clench, but her instincts had taken over.

  Jackson must have sensed her unease for he gently massaged her tits. Having his hands on her had the desired effect and she relaxed. Then something cold touched her rear.

  “Don’t worry. This is a plug. I want to stretch you out before you experience a real man.”

  She had to laugh at that comment, tru
e as it may be. “Be gentle.”


  He ran the object over both of her cheeks, she guessed to desensitize her to the plug. She thought he’d try to insert it, but instead he slid in one of his fingers. This time, she knew what to expect. The slight tingling implied her nerves were getting used to the bliss that was sure to come. When he added a second digit, the pressure increased, but so did the pleasure. Somehow her pussy knew that this would be an added delight and caused a rolling spasm to ripple up her body. He opened and closed his two fingers in a methodical manner. Each time, the erotic sensors in her body lit up.

  Just when she was getting used to him, he removed his fingers. The lime-scented lube filled the air. He closed the jar and tapped her hole with the glass cock. She closed her legs a bit to accommodate this new object. When the cold plug touched her, she inhaled. With one twist, the plug slipped past the tight ring of muscles.

  Jackson returned to playing with her tits. He also leaned forward and dropped his head next to hers.

  “We want to make this beautiful for you. Breathe and enjoy.”

  His loving words made her heart sing. With one hand, Taylor rubbed her rear and with the other applied more pressure to the plug. After inserting it partway, he slowed, leaned over and kissed her back.

  “Are you okay?”

  She appreciated that he asked, but he had to know that if she felt uncomfortable, she would have said something. “Yes.”

  Taylor went back to playing with the plug. Knowing they each wanted to make this memorable, she forced the tension from her body. In one more push, Taylor was able to fully seat the plug. Jackson leaned back and swung his legs out from under him.

  “Ride me.”

  She grinned. “My pleasure, but what about Taylor?”

  “Don’t worry about him. He’s had his fun for the day.”

  She doubted that. Jackson reached over and grabbed a condom off the side table.

  She held out her hand. “May I?”

  His brows narrowed and his lips thinned. “If you can be quick about it.”

  “Oh, yes.” Or not.


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