Book Read Free

The First: EVO Uprising

Page 3

by Kipjo Ewers

  “Yes,” Kostyantyn nodded.

  Nadiya was floored again as this was the first time she had ever heard the big man speak.

  “Get out of here,” she gave her final order.

  An instructed Kostyantyn left through the obliterated entrance of the brothel not giving a thought to his former employer whimpering behind the bar. A nervous smile grew on Nadiya’s face as she continued to hide near the entrance leading into the bedrooms. The woman sauntered over to the bar placing her hand on the beer-stained wood top and slowly tapped her fingernails across it.

  “If you make me rip this bar apart to get to you, I will bludgeon you to death with it,” she warned him.

  The pimp, rapist, sadist, and murderer of women fearfully rose to his feet with cuts on his hands and face from broken glass. He reeked of booze that splashed on him during the demigod-like battle in his bar. He timidly raised his hands searching for mercy.

  “Please… please, let us negotiate,” he quivered.

  “The F’n monkey” doesn’t negotiate.” She leaned forward, sneering at him.

  She purposely put a fraction of her weight down on the bar causing the middle to crack and splinter as she caved it in. It appeared as if the whole bar would rip from its foundation folding in two like a lawn chair. Yuri fell back against the shelves that held the liquor. Two more bottles came down on top of him. He stooped down nursing his bruised skull.

  “I said stand up!” her voice boomed.

  The powerful voice made even Nadiya weak in the knees with fear. Yuri timorously rose to his feet whimpering like a child fitting to get a lashing. It was then that Nadiya felt like a deer in headlights as the woman looked in her direction. She wore kind softness upon her face as she stared at her, something Nadiya had not seen since her father. It kept her rooted in place, even though her heart attempted to beat itself out of her chest. Her fear was natural after baring witness to the terrible power this woman possessed.

  “Hi, it’s okay. You don’t need to fear me. Come,” she gestured, extending her hand as if coaxing her like a fawn in her native tongue.

  A fraction of her wanted to run, thinking that she was trading one monster for a more terrifying one. She slowly crept forward believing that before her was salvation sent by God.

  “That’s it,” a smile grew on the woman’s face. “It’s okay, you’re safe now. He can’t hurt you anymore. What is your name child?”

  “Na… Nadiya… my name is Nadiya,” she said slowly.

  “Nadiya,” the woman said, her face lighting up.

  It was a sincere smile that put Nadiya more at ease.

  “Very beautiful name, how old are you?” she asked.

  She glanced over at Yuri who looked at her sending a sliver of intimidation her way to keep her mouth shut. Unfortunately, for him, the woman caught it. The next thing Nadiya felt was a whirlwind making her scream. Yuri screamed louder as the woman with one hand grabbed the bar and tore a portion of it off like snapping a match, tossing it near the smashed open entrance. It hit the ground bringing back the reality of how heavy it actually was. She then stomped over to Yuri shaking the ground and let her fist fly.

  It went past his skull blowing out the wall bringing in the open air on the other side. From the look of Yuri, as he cringed, it appeared as if he soiled himself.

  “Ya mad?! Yah ah try fe intimidate dee pickney right in fronta me?! Ya wan me murdah you?!” she howled.

  Nadiya could barely make out the weird broken English she spoke. She, however, did not need to understand it to tell that she was beyond livid and through with Yuri.

  “No! No! I swear! Please! Please!” he screamed with trembling legs.

  “Bow your head!” she roared in Ukrainian.

  He quickly complied.

  “And keep it bowed unless you want me to rip it from your shoulders,” she growled.

  She took a minute to let her kindness comeback before addressing Nadiya again.

  “How old are you child?” she asked calmly again.

  “Sixteen,” Nadiya shyly answered. “I will be seventeen in two months.”

  “Sixteen… years old.” The rage came back as she looked down at Yuri.

  “Please! Please! I did not know she was that young!” he pleaded.

  His body shook violently expecting a vicious pummeling.

  “He’s lying!” Nadiya broke down hysterical with tears. “He bought me from my stepmother! He gave me drugs! He sold my virginity to the highest bidder! A dirty old man in the back was about to rape me!”

  “She’s…” he stammered.

  Before the word “lying” came from his lips the woman grabbed him by his bottom jaw standing him up on the tips of his toes. Yuri let out a muffled scream as it felt as if she was going to either crush or rip his jawbone out.

  “Shut your lying tongue before I rip it out,” she ordered him. “How many girls are in the back, honey?” she asked Nadiya.

  “Twenty, no, twenty-five,” she returned nervously, “Twenty-five, I am sure of it.”

  “Let’s make sure,” the woman said.

  She walked to the entrance leading to the bedrooms while dragging a screaming Yuri by his jaw.

  “Alright everyone in the back!” her voice boomed with a flawless Ukrainian dialect for all to hear. “Listen up! Nadiya will be walking to the back going from room to room! When she opens the door each girl will walk out fully clothed, and the John in the room will have all of his clothing removed down to his underwear ready to hand to her! He will also hand Nadiya his wallet if he has one and all of his money! He will then remain in the room until called! If you give Nadiya or the girl in the room with you a hard time, I will come back there, and I will kill you! If you attack the girl in the room or try to attack Nadiya, I will come back there, and I will kill you! If you attempt to run, I will hunt you down and kill you in the most painful way possible! Basically, the only way you are walking out of here alive is if you do as you are told! All Johns bang on the walls three times if you understand what I am saying!”

  On command like trained monkeys, a series of three loud bangs came from the back.

  “Nadiya,” she addressed her, “when you go to the back and get the first girl, ask her to help gather the next set of clothes, and so on, and so forth.”

  Nadiya nodded and slowly walked to the back, her stomach knotted as she opened the first door. As commanded, she found the John on his knees stark naked with his clothes in his hands and wallet on top of the pile ready for her to take. It was hard to tell if he was trembling because it was cold, or if he was racked with fear. The girl in the room was Kateryna, who was two years older than her. Kateryna sat on the bed with her head down, afraid to move.

  “Kateryna, come it is time to go. You do not have to be afraid anymore,” Nadiya motioned.

  As she moved toward her, Kateryna coiled backwards shaking like a leaf. She had been there a year longer than Nadiya and had to both see and endure more horrors than her.

  “Who is out there Nadiya?” Kateryna asked not looking up. “Who is she?”

  “Our freedom,” Nadiya smiled, “She is our freedom. Come, you have to come.”

  With those words, Kateryna slowly got to her feet and followed Nadiya going from room to room collecting the girls inside and the clothing from the Johns. Nadiya was off by two girls; there was twenty-seven including her. Except for her and Kateryna, who held her hand tightly, everyone else huddled into a group like penguins trying to keep warm. All of the clothes for the Johns were placed into a pile, and the wallets and money found laid on one of the tables that had survived the battle.

  The woman wore the softness of a mother as she held Yuri’s jaw forcing him down to his knees. She looked at each of the girls within the room. Some were clearly younger than Nadiya, others older with worn out hallowed eyes. Some had the shakes going through withdrawals from not getting their regular fix used to keep them compliant. All of them, except for Nadiya, had fear written on their faces. They loo
ked down at the floor unsure if they were trading one master for another.

  “Big man you are,” the woman growled, “subjugating innocent women and children to fill your pockets. I wonder if I was to ask them all what I should do with you. What do you think they would say?”

  Yuri swallowed hard looking up at the group of women and children that he tormented, terrorized, and forced to do his will enduring rape, torture, and humiliation just to make him wealthy. Some had the courage to lift their eyes and look at him. All of those eyes that met his gaze had hatred and rage in them.

  “The reason why I am not going to ask them is because I already know what the answer would be, and I won’t allow your filthy blood to be on their hands,” she said. “However, that doesn’t let you off the hook. You’re my bitch now. You can come in!”

  To everyone’s surprise, a woman wearing a black biker helmet covering her identity in a full skin tight leather bike outfit with matching boots and gloves strolled through the massive hole that use to be the entrance to the bar/brothel. She stood next to the superwoman looking down at Yuri. The superwoman reached into Yuri’s back pocket pulling out his wallet to look at his ID as he squealed.

  “Yuri Bondarchuk,” she announced, “you have been found guilty of kidnapping, slavery, rape, molestation, and sexual assault of women and minors, distribution of narcotics to unwilling parties as well as minors, and murder. Your sentence, which is to be carried out immediately, is a life sentence to live just as you have treated others… as a whore in my stable.”

  She pulled Yuri up to his feet yoking him up by his jawbone to extend his neck. As he gagged, the woman in the bike helmet pulled out what appeared to be a pink collar with a small pink box attached to it. She strapped it around Yuri’s neck and locked it with an unusual key. She then stepped back as the superwoman switched from holding his jaw to grabbing him by his new collar, forcing him to his knees like a dog.

  “You’re new name is Bitch Number Four,” she announced. “The woman standing before you in black is your official handler. You don’t need to know her name. Her job, which she is being paid handsomely to do, is to track you. And I will have you know she was willing to do this gig for free. The collar around your neck is both waterproof, tamper proof, and unbreakable. In fact, the only way you can get it off is to lop your ugly ass head from your shoulders.”

  She pulled him up to his feet so that she could look him in the eyes.

  “Your new job is to do what I say,” she sneered. “That entails doing the exact opposite of what you’ve been doing. As of now, you are out of the drug business. You will gut this rat hole that you own, turning it into a proper boarding home. You will then go out and find women and children who are suffering the way you have made these women and children suffer. You will take them in, clothe them properly, feed them, make sure they get a proper education and the work skills that they need to survive. You will protect them. You will be a true father to the weak and defenseless in your country. In addition, while you are doing that you will lobby to effect change for laws to protect women and children. You have six months to do this.”

  “How…” Yuri gagged, “how am I to do this?”

  “Not my problem, bitch,” she snarled yoking him up. “You’re a ho now, and whatever a ho’s got to do to get the job done, he better get it done. If you try to run, I will find you and kill you. If you attempt to find out who your handler is, and she will know if you try, I will find you and kill you slowly and painfully. And if you haven’t done what I just ordered you do in the next six months…”

  Out of nowhere she grabbed his right hand and, with a simple squeeze, he wailed as she crushed it. Nadiya and the girls slightly cringed as they heard the sound of breaking bones–much like the sound of pretzels snapping.

  “I just crushed eight bones in your hand,” she informed him, “next time I will be back to re-break it along with your wrist. Next time it will be the hand, the wrist, and the forearm… and so on… and so on.”

  She finally released him. He collapsed to his knees sobbing hysterically, clutching his broken right hand.

  “Oh dear,” she had a sarcastic look of shock to her face, “are those tears I see? Are you scared? Do you feel humiliated? Am I treating you like an animal?”

  She stooped down giving him a look that would scare the Devil himself.

  “Good, now you know how they felt,” she scowled at him, “and that is how I break a bitch.”

  Yuri crumbled into a heap bawling hysterically still clutching his destroyed hand. The woman drew a deep breath and turned to the masses huddling close and bracing themselves.

  “My name is Sophia Dennison,” she softly announced in their native language, “and I will not hurt you. I am here to make sure no one will ever hurt you again.”

  Cries and sobs erupted within the flock of women. Nadiya quickly grabbed Kateryna around her waist, keeping her from collapsing, as she clutched her chest weeping uncontrollably.

  “Today you have two choices,” Sophia explained, “you can go with my friend here. She has a place where she can care and provide for you until you can get back on your feet. If you are addicted to drugs, she can get you clean. If you need counseling, we can get you the help that you need to get through this. If you have family that you know is looking for you, we can, and will, get you back to them. She can also provide you with the means to begin a new life anywhere in Europe that you want to go, with either school or a job waiting for you. We can do this for you.”

  “What is our other choice?” one of the older women of the group nervously asked.

  “You can come and live with me,” Sophia smiled. “I have a place, a very large place, where there is warm tropical weather, blue sea water all around, and pearl white sands. “

  “For how long?” Nadiya lifted her hand asking.

  “For as long as you like,” Sophia said. “You can each decide for yourselves what you want to do.”

  Sophia once again turned her attention to the back of the brothel with rooms filled with stark naked Johns waiting to hear their fate.

  “All Johns in the back listen up!” her voiced boomed again for all to hear. “You have all been found guilty of rape and soliciting sex from unwilling women and minors! All of your money is forfeited along with whatever this flea-ridden mutt at my feet has, which will be divided and given to the women and children you subjugated and terrorized! Your clothes will be burnt to ash! Now with two knocks, how many of you are going to go home and tell your wives, girlfriends, and families what you did here today?”

  A couple of knocks rang out, which made Sophia sneer in disgust.

  “Stop! Stop!” she yelled. “You lying sons of bitches, stop! You all know damn well if you make it out of here alive, you not going to tell anyone what happened here. And that doesn’t sit well with me. I like my rapists to be seen and known. Fortunately for all of you back there, we have a way of making that happen.”

  “How will you do this?” Kateryna nervously asked

  “Anyone see Inglorious Bastards?” Sophia innocently asked.

  The women looked around at one another unfamiliar with the cult classic Quentin Tarantino movie.

  “Well, my friend, here,” she motioned. “Has her own twist that she loves to do, minus the Apache knife.”

  Without a word, the woman pulled out what appeared to be a black telescopic baton from her right jacket pocket, snapping it open to a full foot long length. She then pulled out a large metal letter “R” from her left pocket screwing it on tight to the top of the baton. As she held it out, Sophia heated the large metal letter “R” turning it bright red with a concentrated blue atomic eyebeam blast.

  All of the women’s eyes widened as they now fully understood the fate of the Johns in the back that treated them less than animals.

  “Anyone who doesn’t have the stomach for roasted flesh,” Sophia suggested, “can wait outside.”

  On that night, the only screams and cries that could be hear
d were from cowardly evil men.

  Not one woman or child left to wait outside.

  Chapter 3

  Two weeks later, within a secure and disclosed facility underneath the Pentagon itself, Secretary Graves sat at the head of an enormous conference room table equipped to seat fifty people. He sifted through his secured computer tablet viewing digital files of superhuman candidates prepared by Mendes and Doctor Alexander. Both men patiently sat flanking him on opposite sides of the conference room table as he viewed their report.

  “So,” Graves began with a dull smile, “what do we have to offer the American public out of this pool of genetic misfits.”

  “Based on both standard and newly implemented tests for EVO recruits,” Dr. Jason Alexander scrolled through his tablet, “we found five possible candidates…”

  “One of them Captain Omega?” Robert Graves grabbed his coffee taking a sip.

  “No,” Dr. Alexander responded.

  “He never applied,” joined in Executive Assistant Mendes.

  Graves gave a dry snort.

  “Why am I not surprised?” he sighed rolling his eyes. “America’s number one “hero”. America’s number one failure, I should do well to remind him of that someday.”

  Mendes and Dr. Alexander gave each other concerned eye contact baring witness to the Secretary of Defense’s subtle rant.

  “So who did we acquire?” he returned from his thoughts. “God help us if it’s any of those idiots from Chicago.”

  “Abraham Rogers,” announced the doctor.

  “Who?” Graves cocked an eyebrow.

  “Sergeant Abraham Rogers,” expanded Mendes as he tapped on his own tablet bringing Roger’s file up and the theatre size conference room flat screen, “Widower…age forty-eight…”

  “Ancient,” Graves furrowed his eyebrows.

  “Former United States Marine receiving the Medal of Honor for the Iran-Iraq War; a silver star for the Invasion of Panama,” added Mendes, “served during Desert Storm. He received the Purple Heart after injury by an IED with full honors. Almost ninety percent of his eyesight was gone in his left eye.”


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