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Page 16

by Sienna Mynx

  The idea that his feelings for her had grown rocked her to the soles of her feet. He addressed her like she was his woman. Things with men like him moved fast. Hell, Grams wasn’t cold in the grave and she was tending to Lewis’s desires and needs. But she thought she was special to him. And the feelings blooming between them were new to them both since they were so different. Now she hears she is his replacement? For Annie?

  “I’ll be careful,” Harmony mumbled trying to mask her disappointment.

  “Good. Now get going. He’s waiting on you.”

  “I have a question, is there a phone here?”

  Mabel blinked. A guarded suspicion clouded her eyes and her lips pressed into a tight thin line.

  “I won’t get you in trouble but I’ll need to use it when I come back. One phone call. Please?”

  “There’s one in his office, got a direct line into town. Come find me when you get back. I’ll let you in there to use it.”

  “Thank you.” She plucked the basket from the table and hurried out of the kitchen through the back door. Harmony sucked down fresh noon air, and cleared her head. She straightened her back and fought back the angry disappointment stirring in her gut like a winter storm, cooling her feelings for him. At the very least he owed her an explanation. Bringing her here, trying to set up house, had all of it been to replace another woman in his life?

  The little mowed path zig-zagged off in the direction of the barn and stables, and she could see Romano in the distance. A scrawny man in overalls whose greasy hair shone in the sunlight led a golden brown mare with a white mane toward her lover. The horse trotted along proudly throwing its large head back with a loud snort. She’d never ridden such a majestic animal before.

  A giddy bubble of excitement stirred in her and she quickened her pace, squinting against the sun as she tried to see the animal clearly. When she arrived at Romano’s side he whispered to the horse in the same familiar voice he often used with her when they were alone. He cut his gaze over and she caught the gleam of mischief in the chocolate swirl of his irises. Romano patted the horse’s nose then turned it’s head a bit to make sure she was in the animal’s line of sight.

  “Harmony, meet Mary.”

  The horse focused her dark eye on Harmony and tossed her head up in greeting. Romano stroked the horse’s forehead keeping her steady by the chin grove. “Don’t be shy Songbird, before we can ride her you need to introduce yourself properly.”

  The stableman handed her a carrot. Braver than she believed herself capable of being she accepted the stalk then lifted her hand and raised it. Mary chomped hungrily, gobbling the offering up. The horse snorted and kicked her right hoof, anxious for more. “Shhh girl, don’t be rude. This here is my special lady. Show her some respect.” Romano cooed.

  Harmony blushed as the horse keeper stared on. “I’m your special lady, huh?”

  “Don’t you feel special?” Romano asked.

  “Today I do,” she smiled despite her hurt pride.

  “Damn right.” Romano smirked.

  She extended her hand and reached out to rub her open palm over the horses shoulder. The coat on the animal felt soft as velvet and warm under her touch. “She’s beautiful.”

  “She likes you.”

  “It’s the carrot.”

  “No. She has good taste, just like me.”

  Harmony found heart-rending tenderness in his gaze, and voice. A shy smile crossed over his mouth. She wanted to touch him, but resisted. It wouldn’t be appropriate. He leaned in and kissed her. Harmony lifted her chin to accept the gentle caress of his tongue, and the passion mounted, drawing her into his arms. Every time their tongues clashed her heart turned over and she felt a bit lightheaded. When he withdrew she nearly groaned in disappointment.

  “I think we’re ready. Sam!” Romano announced, licking the taste of her from his lips.


  The horse keeper hurried off then returned with a block of wood. The man placed it on the ground under the stirrup of the saddle. He then went over and took hold of the chin groove and throatlatch to keep Mary steady.

  “Shall we?” Romano asked. He had shed his vest and tie. He looked ready for a day of relaxation with her. His easy manner had been infectious, she saw herself through his eyes and it made her long for adventure. No matter where it would lead them both. Mabel’s warnings surfaced and she paused over the consequences of her actions. Her attraction to him was so vastly different than anything she’d had for a man, she doubted the sensibility in trusting it. One look back into his eyes and her doubts drifted away.

  “I have lunch for us.” She held up the modest basket hooked over her arm. How did he expect her to ride the animal and carry the basket? Romano took the small basket from her and hitched it to the flap over the saddle. He gently guided her with his hand to her waist. Harmony reached between her legs and gathered her dress in the center drawing it up her thighs. The horse snorted at her but remained still. “Never rode on one of them before.”

  Romano grabbed her by the waist and thigh to steady her. She gripped the handle of the saddle with her free hand and held her dress between her legs with the other as she lifted her leg and was heaved up. Harmony straddled the horse comfortably. “Wow!” she laughed.

  He joined her. Positioned himself right behind her. “Hold on. You’ll enjoy this.”

  With the click of his tongue the horse began a mean trot that soon caught the speed of the wind. She bounced a bit but his arms around her kept her firmly in place. They galloped through the tall grass and vast open field to the dirt road that led from his hideaway to the forest. Tree branches arched thickly over them, blocking the sun, making the leafy shade expand and cover them. After several minutes he veered the mare off the road into the forest. A small worn trail was open to them but she felt the sharp sting of thin reaching branches and thorny leaves. The horse maintained an even pace and then slowed to a causal trot allowing her to absorb her surroundings. A colorful splash of flowers blooming about them captured her heart. It was March and close enough to spring to make the flowers come to life. Romano leaned in to rest his chin on her shoulder and press his face to the side of hers. Harmony lifted her hands from the tight grip she had on the saddle and smoothly covered his that held the horse’s reigns. She loved the power she felt within his tight grip and the snug fit of safety within his arms.

  “Look over to your right,” he said against her ear.

  The forest sloped down to the right, and the hills glistened with dewy blades of sweet grass. Harmony caught a glimpse of what looked to be a stream with waters sparkling like crystal. It flowed east along the same path they strolled. A baby doe sprang out of the bush and shyly walked over to the bank of the stream with her head bowed. She lapped at the cool water. After a satisfying drink the animal’s head lifted and she focused directly on Harmony.

  “I think she sees me.”

  Before Romano could reply the doe turned and fled back into the cover of the trees. “She’s beautiful. This place is wonderful. Where are we going?”

  The trail curved around a flank of tall oaks and Romano eased the horse to a slower gait as they headed downward. She squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath. Images of them being pitched over and the horse rolling down the hill with them had her paralyzed. Somehow he and the animal managed the descent gracefully. Harmony opened her eyes to a lush green clearing with a calm stream flowing through. “What’s this?”

  “This is our place.” Romano said, and dropped down from the horse. He reached for her waist and brought her into his arms. “I thought of bringing you here last night. I know it can be a bit chilly, but we have the sun today, and I promise to keep you warm.”

  “It’s perfect Vinnie.” She brushed her lips over his. “Perfect.”

  Proud of himself he led the horse to a tree to tie her down and unhooked the basket from the saddle. He returned to her side and she relieved him of their lunch. They started toward the open field near the st
ream. The chosen spot he pointed to was where the sun burned the brightest. The chill that clung to her from the ride seemed to thaw instantly under the bright warmth of sunrays. “I love it. It’s really beautiful here. Do you come a lot?”

  “Sometimes when I need to think. Reminds me of home more than the Bronx does.”

  After a few silent minutes of reflection Harmony stopped. She lowered the basket, and smoothed out her dress. She stared up at him for a moment. The sun burned brightly behind him and his tall stature almost made it appear as if he had a halo. She shielded her eyes from the glare with her hand to her brow. Her mouth fell open then closed. The words were lodged so tightly in her throat she had to swallow hard.

  “What is it? What were you about to say?” he asked.

  “Mabel told me about Annie and Teek.”

  The light in his eyes dimmed. A grim tightness locked his jaws and thinned his lips. “You think I’m trying to replace Annie?”

  “Are you?”


  “Why did you come all those nights to hear me sing? Did I remind you of her? And when I told you about my brother why were you so willing to help? Is it because of Teek and how he died?”

  “No,” he said casting his gaze away.

  “I believe you. If last night hadn’t happened I might not be able to.” His gaze returned to her and she stepped a bit closer to him. The back of her hand tapped the back of his. Their knuckles brushed, several fingers moved and gently rubbed against each other. She held his gaze and didn’t touch him further. “You never told me she was colored.”

  “From what I hear she still is,” he chuckled.

  Harmony had to restrain a smile. He was so smooth at times, but this conversation needed to be had, especially if he was trying to romance her. She needed to know from him if any of the things they said or shared were real. “Be serious please.”

  “I loved her, but it has nothing to do with what I feel for you.” He captured her left hand into his and placed it upon his heart, pressing it firmly there while he spoke. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell it, I promise. When I’m ready.”

  “Okay, that’s good enough for me.” Harmony rose on her toes and gave him a brief but gentle kiss. The smoldering, loving flame of desire shared between them burned in her blood and her lips against his sealed her fate. What a wonderfully complicated man, and oh how she loved discovering new things about him.

  Romano reached for her but she found the strength to delay their passion. She stepped back to retrieve the lunch basket and started walking again. They did so in silence for several minutes. “Mabel seems to think you have a lion’s heart. Said I ought to be careful around it. Do you know what that means?”


  “I remember my Grams telling a story about the lion’s heart. Mabel knew my Grams. I wonder if she said it because Grams told her the same story?”

  “I’d like to hear this story.” He said, hurrying his steps to catch up to her. She glanced over and happiness filled her as she began to talk. He visibly relaxed. She eased into the telling. “In Africa the lion is the king of the jungle. Every other animal in the forest fears him. It’s because the lion doesn’t follow, he’s born to lead. Being a leader of others is a very important burden isn’t it?” He walked at her side with his gaze lowered. She continued. “Lions are predators.”

  “So are some men.”

  She laughed. “True. But listen to the story. A lion’s instincts are very self-serving, as the king I suppose that makes sense. But he has a weakness, as do any of God’s creations.”

  “What’s the lion’s weakness? His heart.”

  Harmony ignored the question and kept on with her tale. Sharing it made her feel the wisdom and strength of her grandmother within her. “There are things a lion cares about. Not just the common things like water, food, sex with his lioness, and yes his babies. He has to continue his bloodline you know.”

  “And this makes you think of me?” Romano’s brow rose, his hand landed on her backside and he squeezed her romp. “The sex with the lioness?”

  “Let me finish.” Harmony playfully pushed him away. Another chilly wind cut through the forest trees and washed over them. It was hard to explain with him watching her so intensely. The man had the most compelling brown eyes. She veered left and he stopped to watch her stroll away. Instead of acknowledging him her gaze focused on the scattered clouds, and a bird sailing high above. “The lion does what’s in his nature, Vinnie. It’s the way God made him.” She glanced back over to be sure he was still paying attention. He was. “Remember every living creature has a weakness. The king of the jungle has a fragile heart, and his heart is his family.”

  She loved this story. It explained him perfectly. “Under all that muscle and mean, his heart beats for his pride. If another Lion, his only true natural enemy, comes to take from him the one thing that keeps him strong he will fight back to the death. My Grams used to ask the question at this point in the story.” She returned her gaze to him. “Why would God give such a vicious creature a gentle heart?”

  Romano wore an amused smile on his face.

  “Grams says it’s the divine order of balance between good and evil in the creature. The lion leads by example. Do any and everything you must do to protect your family, because family is the most important blessing bestowed upon him.”

  “Family, is important,” he said.

  “Your heart is your family.” Harmony said.

  “Interesting story.”

  “Mabel thinks that you’re that lion. She says I should be careful with your heart. She doesn’t believe Annie was.”

  “Mabel doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Never been to Africa to meet this lion.”

  Harmony let go a soft chuckle. “The end.” She curtsied.

  He applauded.

  “Thank you for not lying to me.” Harmony said. “And for finding my brother. Thank you for keeping your promise to me. It proves I was right about you. I think Mabel’s wrong. This lion knows exactly what to do to sustain his heart.” She stepped closer and fingered his collar, her lashes lowered shyly. The scent of his spicy aftershave, the sweet smell of air and wild grass, bloomed in her nostrils. “And you know what I think?”

  A deep chuckle rumbled in his throat. “Tell me.”

  Harmony lifted her gaze from his open collar and locked in on his soft amber-brown eyes. She licked her lips. “Maybe I’m the lioness sent here to claim you.”

  “Is that so?” he ran his hand down her backside. Her body could barely stand the closeness they now shared. With his strong arms locked around her waist. Heat softened her core. Could he feel her belly quivering against his?

  “I’ve been wanting to get you alone since this morning.” He leaned in to kiss her. She dodged his semi-parted lips and stepped away. She picked up the basket and strolled toward a charming spot under the sun for them to lunch.

  Romano’s gaze tracked the slow sexy roll of her round hips under her dress as she found a thin patch of grass for them to rest upon. She bent forward to lower the basket and her dress climbed up her slender, toned, brown thighs, tempting him. When she removed the white and yellow quilt and flapped it out over the grass a swarm of butterflies were disturbed and several took flight. Harmony laughed, now caught in a shower of fluttering wings. Her eyes stretched in delight as the butterflies fanned out and away from her. Maybe it was time to tell her about Annie? He was ready to come clean about the battle scars over his heart.

  “Did you see that?” she cried.

  He nodded that he did. From his vantage point he could eye every inch of her frame. The gentle slope of her shoulders, the indent of her narrow waist under her raised bosom, and when she turned the lush swell of her ass held him captive. He burned in his gut to express himself. To share with her all the reasons his desires extended beyond Annie and what they’ve shared physically. For weeks he’d watched her from a far and his desire for her voice mixed with his loneliness.

  To convince her of his feelings he knew he’d have to go at her pace. She had legitimate reasons to doubt his sincerity. He wanted to do things right, make his proposal stand. He’d thought it all through thanks to Leftie’s provocation. He was going to ask her to leave The Cotton and her life in Harlem. She’d stay here. He’d visit her when he could, and make sure she had everything she wanted. He had it all worked out even down to the sons she would bear him. Now he had to convince her that his feelings were true.

  She flashed him a flirty smile and it forced one to form on his lips. “Come on over here. I know you’re hungry,” she said.

  Romano walked toward her. Having her alone at his mercy seemed to heighten every one of his predatory senses. He should ravage her on the spot. Instead he dropped to his knees and then over to his side, watching her remove Mabel’s lunch from the brown paper wrappings.


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