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Page 19

by Sienna Mynx

  “You have a car. I saw you when you drove up.” Harmony spun and searched the front of the cabin through the large picture window. There were no cars. “Where is it? Where?”

  “The men park the cars behind the barn. Vinnie wouldn’t hurt your brother. If he said he was going to help him then he will. Believe him.”

  “I don’t have time for this! Give me the keys!” She turned and grabbed a vase and threw it hard to the floor causing it to splinter into shards of glass. “NOW! Or I’ll break every damn thing in here!”

  Mabel hurried for her purse. Harmony was hot on her heels. She accepted the keys from her and ran for the door. Mabel said something behind her but she didn’t bother to listen. Hell she forgot her coat. She ran across the open field toward the barn. Mabel was right. Vinnie’s men parked three cars behind the red and grey barn. What she hadn’t expected was the man left in charge. Leftie opened the door to the black Packard and eased out of the car. He eyed her suspiciously.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  She hid the keys in the palm of her hand and closed her fist. “I was looking for Vinnie.”

  “Well he ain’t here. Left me behind to watch over you. Now take it on back up to the house.”

  If she turned and left then she’d have to follow Mabel’s advice and believe in Vinnie. But what if it wasn’t Vinnie, what if someone else was out there set on killing her brother. It could be Mickey Collins that killed Milo or Bumby Man. She just didn’t know. And if Milo knew where Willie was hiding then it’s most likely his murderer did too.

  “Problem?” Leftie said. He eyed her with unmasked suspicion. She had to get around him but how.

  “You don’t like me do you?”

  “Not my type.” He spat.

  The feeling was mutual. He wasn’t a bad looking man, but the raw hatred and smugness he exuded when she was near him made her skin crawl. “I’m sure you don’t want me here. Right?”

  Leftie didn’t answer.

  “What if I leave?”

  He snickered. “Not going to happen.”

  “What if I do? I could drive out of here and keep driving. You’d be free of me.”

  “He’d just find another one like you.” Leftie sneered. The comment burned her pride. She tried to keep her face clear of emotion.

  “Maybe not. Fool him twice, maybe, but I don’t think he’d trust any woman again. It works for everyone; Vinnie would not be distracted anymore. That’s what you want. For him to get rid of his fascination for my kind?”

  She stepped boldly toward the car. “I have Mabel’s keys. I’ll get in the car and drive off and it’s done. You won’t see me again. I swear it. No harm no foul.”

  She turned her head in hopes he would agree but he grabbed her arm painfully hard. “Nuff games you mouthy bitch, go back up to the house now!” he grunted. She tried to yank away but he started to drag her by the arm from the car. Out of reflex she swung and hit him in the face. Temporarily stunned he released her and staggered a step back. He recovered too quick. A sharp back handed slap that sent her to the ground immediately blinded Harmony. Harmony blinked hard to keep from losing consciousness.

  “Fucking hit me? Una bella, fica! Puttana! I got a better plan. It’s time I show Vinnie what type of whore you are!” he snarled. She barely heard him from the ringing in her ear. He really hit her hard. When she struggled to rise he yanked her to her feet. She struggled against him only able to see out of one eye. Dazed she could barely land her fist or get her bearings before he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her from the ground.

  “Let me go!” she screamed.

  Leftie half dragged, half carried her into the barn.


  The map of the shipyard covered the entire table. Gio pointed to the east and left flanks that his men had scoped as a targeted entrance the day before. The torture session with Mickey’s boys in his barn confirmed this is where he’d hold up after two in the morning. Neither men knew where Mickey kept the stolen bootleg booze but both confessed that they’d definitely moved it to the shipyard after they were sure Romano’s men had been dealt with.

  “Does this sound right, Antonio?” Romano asked his fidgety brother.

  “Sure Vinnie. It sounds right. We go for the kid and while they box Mickey Collins in we can find out where the booze is kept. Sounds like a plan.”

  Ignacio and Gio exchanged looks. “What boy?” they asked in unison. The rest of the men fell silent. Romano considered the danger the kid would be in if anyone other than him brought him in. He promised Harmony he’d see to making sure her brother was safe. Still he found it hard to send his men off to war and not take on the General’s seat.

  And there was something unnerving about his brother. Antonio seemed too jumpy. He kept wiping the sweat from his face and brow with his hanky. He nodded to Antonio that they’d follow his plan. He gestured for his top men to follow him away from the others. The trio walked with him through the warehouse. They passed troops of his men loading guns that he’d brought in for the raid. Antonio hung back but Romano noticed how his brother kept tracking him with his eyes. He wished he felt a hundred percent about Antonio’s advisement on things, but his gut said otherwise.

  “Boss? Care to fill us in? You got a lead on the booze? Where Mickey keeps it?”

  He stopped and faced both men. He wished Leftie had come but he thought it best to leave one of his toughest hired guns with Mabel and Harmony. At least that way, if Mickey was fool enough to track him down at the cabins the women wouldn’t be defenseless.

  “There’s a boy, colored boy, who runs booze and numbers for Mickey Collins. He’s been hiding since this jumped off. I know where he is. Antonio and I will take separate cars. When we get to him and question him Antonio will meet you both down near Pier 7. Have a truck and six of our strongest men on standby. While the others take down Mickey you will get my product.”

  Ignacio nodded as if impressed but Romano noticed the questioning doubt in Gio’s eyes. “Trust me, this is a good plan. And when it’s done I’ll cut you both in on the Atlantic City deal.”

  The offer set them at ease. He heaved a burdened sigh. Every bone in his body was tight with tension. Again he felt a sense of dread. He worried about Harmony and Mabel as well. He needed to hurry things along and get back to the cabin with the kid. And soon. “Now. Let’s get to business boys.”


  Leftie threw her into the stall. She could hear the neigh of panic from the horses as they bucked in their stalls.

  “Fucking bitch.” Leftie shouted. “He and his brother can’t stay the hell away from you niggers.”

  Harmony scrambled away. She searched the straw hay scattered about and found no weapon to aid her. A hand gripped her left ankle and dragged her back toward the front of the stall. She dug her nails into the wood planked floor, breaking three in the dragging. Kicking back at him wildly she connected with his chest and heard him howl in pain. Harmony flipped to her backside and scooted away from him as he stalked inside the barn raging in Italian. The side of her face throbbed and she could taste blood in her mouth. Other than her heart slamming into her ribcage she wasn’t panicked. She seethed with anger over his attack, and calculated the best move. She needed to be calm to think of how to strike.

  “He’ll kill you when he finds out you touched me. Kill you! What concern is our relationship to you?” she shouted.

  Leftie paused. He glared down at her. “What concern is it of mine? Who the fuck do you think cleans up the Romano boys’ mess?” he undid his belt. Harmony glanced to the wall of the stall and noticed some rusted tools hanging off the hooks. She returned her gaze to him as he ran the belt through the loop of his pants. “He doesn’t even know what the fuck Antonio is!”

  She shook her head not understanding and scooted back into a pile of straw hay.

  Leftie released a peal of laughter. “His brother is a queer! Has been since he came across the water.”

  “Queer?” she

  He swung the belt and the leather strap struck her across the legs. Harmony howled in pain. Leftie hit her with the belt over her arms and chest before she rolled out of the next strike. She couldn’t process a thing but her escape. Leftie snarled and cursed her again as she tried to run past him. He grabbed her arm so hard she thought he’d pulled it from its socket. On reflex she turned and shoved her fist as hard as she could into his throat. His knees buckled and he let go of his hold on her. The release was just enough for her to reach the pickaxe and hit him on the side of his face. He staggered back with blood gushing from his cheek. He roared like a madman covering his face, a crimson stream seeped out between his fingers. Harmony raised the pickaxe in her hand ready to slam it into the top of his skull, “You fucking bastard!” she shouted, blinded by tears. Then her eyes caught a glimpse of his gun. Before he could recover she dropped the weapon and went for the Colt. She put it on him, kept it trained on him as she backed out of the stall. Leftie glared at her with his good eye. He stopped wailing, and the raw hatred she saw there almost prompted her to pull the trigger. Instead she turned and ran.

  On her first try she found Mabel’s car. She turned over the engine and pumped the gas with the Colt resting on her lap. The car started and she shifted gears reversing away from the barn at a dangerous speed.

  Thank God Lewis had taught her to drive before he died. He had Grease Man’s car and used to steal her away to give her lessons. When she backed up she saw Leftie staggering out of the barn. Harmony threw the car in drive and gassed it directly for him intent on running the bastard down. He jumped out of the way just in time and she ended up side swiping another vehicle busting a headlight. No more time to waste she crashed through the field and drove hard toward the road. “Bastard! Rot in hell bastard!” she screamed, her body was ablaze with pain from the attack and part of her wanted to turn around and even the score. Instead she drove at breakneck speed. She had to get to her brother, and now.


  “Before we leave. You and I need to clear the air.” Romano approached his brother who paced impatiently by the car. Antonio masked his annoyance and agreed to hear him out.

  “After tonight things are going to change. No more fuckups. No more mistakes. I want you to focus Antonio. Do you understand me?”

  “Vinnie I made mistakes, but tonight fixes it. We get the boy and he will tell you what you need to know. Then we start fresh.”

  Romano cleared his throat. He glanced back at the trucks driving out of the warehouse under the silver moon. “There’s something else. It’s about Harmony.”

  “The jazz singer?” Antonio asked.

  “She’s my lady now.” He returned his gaze to him.

  “Like Annie?” Antonio asked, his lips tight. Whenever they spoke of Annie it always made them think of Teek. And if they thought of Teek the shared guilt over his death made it impossible to finish any discussion. Today he’d see it through.

  “Not like Annie. It’s different for us. I’m not that man anymore, and neither are you. We learn from our mistakes.”

  “The men aren’t going to take well to you and a black mistress.”

  “They have no say. You know how this works.”

  Antonio shrugged. “What about her brother?”

  “That’s why I agreed to your plan. We do this clean. When we have him you return to the boys and get my booze. I’ll take him to his sister. Do this right Antonio and I’ll let you be your own man, give you your own turf. Fuck it up and we’re done little brother. Do you understand what done means?”

  He vowed to his dead mother he’d see after his brother. He failed with Antonio. Excusing his behavior and reckless actions, had cost Teek his life. Now it was time for him to grow the fuck up. And he intended to see that transformation to the end.

  “I get your meaning Vinnie. Let’s go deal with the kid and be done with this.”

  Romano glanced to the full moon looming in the distance. It had turned into a cold white orb glowing bright against the dark, starless sky. A foreboding feeling of consequence was the only shadow cast over him and his brother. He couldn’t shake it, and he always trusted his gut. He shifted his gaze to Antonio who started his car and nearly stopped him. Something was amiss. Maybe he should dig deeper into whatever it was that had them divided so much lately. Antonio glanced up at him. Their eyes met through the windshield. They were brothers, blood, and ultimately he trusted him with his life. He decided to shelve the talk they needed to have for another night. Harmony was waiting for him. Romano needed to be sure she was safe. He almost dawned a smile when he thought of the future he and his Songbird would have. Almost.


  “May I help you child?” A morose looking nun with the clear blue eyes and pursed lips asked. She shuffled toward Harmony with her robe sweeping hauntingly about her feet, and met her half way into the vestibule of the church.

  “Days of worship for coloreds are Tuesday and Wednesday only.” The nun said.

  Beyond the petite woman, the sanctuary was silent. A few people sat scattered in the pews with their heads bowed, lost in prayer. A woman with a white lace shawl draped over her head knelt before an altar of flickering candles. Harmony glanced up to the large marble statue of their savior with a head ringed in thorns and a sad look of grief upon his face while pinned upon a wooden cross. Did Jesus intend for such a divide between coloreds and whites? When her gaze lowered to the pristine look of scorn the nun wore she knew that the woman before her believed so. Still Harmony couldn’t help but remember the story Vinnie shared with her of his life, and the beauty of hope she found with him. She struggled with her heart now. How could he kill Milo? Had anything been real between them?

  “I need to see Father Michaels.”

  The nun frowned, her gaze swept Harmony from head to toe. She inwardly cringed over her outward appearance. Her bruised face and torn dress had her looking more like a stray than a parishioner. She kept the Colt tucked inside the front of her dress with her arms crossed over it. If the nun suspected she carried a gun she didn’t indicate so. Harmony opened her mouth to explain her intentions when from the corner of her eye she saw the shadow of the priest materialize. He entered from a side door that most certainly led to the rectory. Harmony marched straight for him. She recognized the man, he was a few years older than her with piercing blue eyes and coal black hair. He’d donated several times to the local shelter and was rumored to have a hand in keeping the girls home for unwed mothers opened. His cool gaze fixed on Harmony and never wavered during her approach. In fact he paused and waited. He wore a long dark robe with a white minister collar, and a golden crucifix hung from his neck. He gave the nun trailing her a discreet nod, and she was dismissed.

  “Father Michaels? My name is Harmony Jones and I know my brother is here. His name is Willie, they call him Lil Will. I need to see him please. Now.”

  “I don’t know any Willie. Now if you don’t mind, I’m afraid you’ll have to leave.”

  “In a minute mobsters are going to storm this church to drag Willie out of it. I’m his sister. Either you help me, or be responsible for his death. You can’t protect him anymore. I don’t have time to argue. I have to see my brother. Now please!”

  The priest gripped her elbow and pulled Harmony through the side door. “Lower your voice. This is not the place for your hysterics. I’ve told you, young lady that I don’t know your brother.”

  Harmony imposed an iron control over herself. She fought hard against the tears that kept welling in her eyes. If she didn’t convince the priest to help her soon she’d be helpless to save him. And everything in her being warned her that Willie’s life was in this man’s hands. “I’m sorry for barging in here. I’m grateful to you father. Very. I’m not lying to you, and I know the only reason you’re standing here now lying to me is to protect him. I have to help him, and I’m the only person besides you that wants to. Take me to him.”

  “I can’t. Leave.”

bsp; “Can’t? Or won’t? Why are you keeping him here?” She stepped in his face when he made to turn and lead her out of the back doors of the church. “You know he’s a small time street hoodlum. Why protect him? Huh? Someone made you keep him here. Who? Was it Vincenzio Romano?”

  Father Michaels physically paled and Harmony’s heart stopped. It was true. Vinnie did betray her trust. She didn’t understand why, but the revelation hurt worse than Leftie’s violent act of aggression towards her. Harmony blinked away the tears clouding her vision and swallowed the lump lodged in her throat.

  “Father Michaels?” Another nun, who was much older than the first, appeared in the hall. Instead of the look of disgust her sister wore when Harmony arrived, her kind eyes had a light of worry to them. And dare she hope, understanding. “Child? What’s happened to you?”

  “Go back sister. She’s upset. She’s leaving.”

  “No!” Harmony turned on the nun. “Do you know my brother? Willie Jones. The father is taking money from mobsters to keep him hidden here.” She shot him a hot glare over her shoulder. “Aren’t you father? Tell her the deal you made with the devil.”


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