Book Read Free

Tundra Witch

Page 6

by SL Perrine

  “Good morning, Jax,” she greets cheerily. “What are you doing?”

  “Washing up these mugs from the meeting with your mother.”

  “You know that’s not necessary, right? The maids will tend to everything after we’re gone.”

  “They will?”

  “Of course, why else would my mother hire them?”

  “All the more reason to do it myself,” Anthony grouses.

  “I take it she gave you the speech.”


  Mila tilts her head up, and her eyes track to the left as she accesses her memory. “Morning meeting on Sunday or Monday, representative of the family, breakfast, and lunch with me, dinner at seven, follow the itinerary, every third Sunday off?”

  “For a summation, that was almost verbatim.”

  “I’ve heard it a time or two.”

  “Should I worry?”

  “You? No. My mother has taken a shine to you.”

  “Really? She has a strange way of showing it.”

  “She’s under a lot of stress, but I can tell she likes you. She doesn’t talk to you like she has the nannies before you.”

  “I’d hate to see how they were treated if she talks to me better than those before me.”

  “So, what’s on the itinerary?” Mila asks to change the subject as she retrieves the paper from the counter.

  “Honestly? I don’t know. I never looked at it, and your mother never discussed it with me.”

  “More proof that she’s under a lot of stress,” she says while looking over the paper.

  “Anything exciting?”

  “Sunday’s are usually my day. I’m allowed to submit the places I’d like to go, and my parents approve or deny them.”

  “Let me see.”

  Mila slides the paper across the counter to Anthony so he can look at it. He peruses the sheet and drops it on the counter.

  “Museums and art galleries. Really?”

  Mila shrugs. “I like museums and art galleries.”

  “You do?”

  “Sure, besides, they’re really all my father will approve for me to do that isn’t an educational chore.”

  “I see. So, these museums and art galleries. How many times have you been to them? After several years I’d have to assume that you’ve been to them numerous times.”

  “A correct assumption, but I always find something new when I go.”

  “Fair enough,” Anthony says, coming to a decision. “Let’s go.”

  The two exit Anthony’s apartment and walk down the hall to the garage. When they enter, Nico is waiting for them.

  “Good morning, Nico,” Anthony greets him.

  “Jax. I see you survived the morning meeting,” Nico replies as he offers him his hand.

  Anthony takes his hand in his; Nico’s smile is infectious. “Barely.”

  “You’ll get used to it. Good morning, Mila.”

  “Hi, Nico.”

  Nico pulls a set of keys out of his pocket and hands them to Anthony. “It’s gassed up and ready to go. If you need anything done to the vehicle, let me know when you return, and I’ll have it taken care of overnight.”


  “Anything but major damage. I don’t recommend you crash into anything.”

  “Duly noted. Are you ready, Mila?”

  “Ready,” she replies.

  Anthony opens the door, and Mila climbs into the back seat. “Put your seatbelt on.”

  “You’re not my real dad,” she says before sticking her tongue out at him.

  “Put the belt on so I don’t get in trouble with him then.” He hears Mila giggle as he shuts the door.

  “She likes you,” Nico observes as Anthony walks around the front of the vehicle.

  “I’ve heard that. How deep is the pile of shit I’m standing in?”

  Nico holds a level hand in front of his chest with a grin.


  “Better than average.”

  “Well, that’s something.”

  Nico throws him a wave as Anthony pulls himself into the driver’s seat and fires up the SUV. A door begins to open behind them, and Anthony slowly backs out of the garage. As he wheels the vehicle down the drive, he taps the onboard GPS until he finds what he’s looking for and locks it in as their destination. Mila keeps a steady stream of conversation rolling from the back seat as they drive into town. When Anthony drives past the museum, Mila falls silent and watches the building as they drive by.

  “Jax, you just passed the museum,” she finally says.

  “I did?”

  “Yes, it’s back there.”

  “Huh. I wonder how I missed it. I had our destination punched into the GPS, and it still shows we’re not there yet.”

  “Oh. We’re going to the art gallery first?”



  “Ok. We’re not going to the museum or the art gallery.”

  “Then where are we going? Those were the only approved activities on the itinerary.”

  “I’m sure they were.”

  “So where are we going?”

  “Here,” Anthony answers as he turns in to the parking lot.

  “What’s Chuck E Cheese? Is this a cheese factory?”

  Anthony chuckles. “Not exactly.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Anthony finds a parking spot and helps Mila out of the vehicle. As they are crossing the parking lot, Mila reaches out and takes Anthony’s hand. He ventures a look at her and sees that her eyes remain fixed on the front door they’re walking towards. Her hand grips a little tighter, and Anthony realizes that she is nervous.

  “It’ll be alright, Mila.”

  She looks up at him and nods uncertainly.

  When they enter the establishment, Mila’s eyes go wide as she takes in the kids tearing through the building, the sounds, and the activities. They receive their matching stamps from the lady working at the door and Anthony explains their meaning.

  “See? Our stamps match, Mila,” he says while holding their hands under a black light so she can view the design. “You won’t be allowed to leave here with anyone but me.”

  Mila points at the games, ball pen, tunnels, and funhouse. “I can play on those?”


  Mila grabs Anthony’s hand and drags him towards the funhouse. They enter the building, and Anthony cannot help but smile at her excited squeal as she notices her reflections in the mirror maze. Anthony lets her lead as she tries to find the way out. Her smile is one of pure bliss. It takes her a few minutes to solve the puzzle, or maybe she’s just exploring, but they eventually escape the maze. A short flight of stairs takes them to a walkway where they carefully step on the small, post paths provided to keep from falling. It is an illusion, but Mila takes it very seriously.

  They traverse the illusion and make their way through a series of bars that stretch from one wall to another at varying angles. Mila takes great delight in watching Anthony navigate the obstacle, his weight adding an extra element to the impediment. When they get through, a slide awaits them. Mila happily dives in face first. Anthony follows a few moments later when he is sure he won’t crush Mila at the bottom. She drags him to his feet almost before he’s come to a stop.

  They go from one activity to the next with hardly a breath between. Eventually, Anthony convinces Mila that she can go play with the other children. She scampers off with a little pig-tailed redhead while he goes to order a pizza and drinks. Taking a seat, he waits for their lunch to arrive as he watches Mila play and catches his breath. Gianna was right, he needed to be in better shape.

  Mila’s laughter carries overhead the other noise in the building as a young boy chases her into the winding tubes rising above the floor. Anthony chuckles and takes a sip of his soda. He is about to join Mila again when two attractive women approach him.

  “Is that Mila Moretti?” the brunette asks.

/>   “Who wants to know?” Anthony asks as he gets to his feet.

  “Oh, excuse my manners. I’m Anna Bracco, Tina D’Angelo’s nanny.” She says before pointing to the blonde next to her. “This is Eva Fontana. She’s the Rossi twins’ nanny. One of the two boys that just chased Mila into the tubes.”

  “You’ll have to forgive me, ladies. I’m at a loss.” Anthony holds out his hand, “I’m Jax, err… Anthony.”

  “Pleased to meet you Jax err Anthony.” The brunette says as she shakes his hand. “So, is that Mila Moretti?”

  Anthony sighs. “It is. I’m her new Manny.”

  “O.M.G!” the blonde exclaims. “Does Mrs. Moretti know you’re here with Mila?”

  “No. Is that a bad thing?”

  “We’ve never seen Mila anyplace where she could have fun. That tyrant she calls a father would never allow her in a place like this. I fear your days as a Manny are numbered, Jax.”

  “Not if they don’t find out, ladies,” Anthony grins conspiratorially.

  The women giggle like schoolchildren.

  “We’ll keep your dirty little secret, Jax, but you’re going to owe us one,” Anna says.

  “Consider it a marker. I really need this job.”

  “We’ll start with lunch. May we join you?”

  Anthony gestures to the booth. “Please. What can I get you ladies and your wards?”

  He takes their requests and places the orders for a few more pizzas and drinks. They chat amicably for a long time while they eat. Their conversation occasionally interrupted as the children swarm the table for a slice of pizza and the occasional drink. As the afternoon wears on, Anthony glances at his watch.

  “Ladies, I’m afraid that I need to wrap this up. We have a little drive ahead of us, and I think I’m going to have to bribe Ms. Mila to keep my secret.”

  The two women look to where the children are playing, and Eva points to Mila talking to a strange man. “Who’s that talking to Mila?”

  Anthony is out of his seat and across the room in moments. The man looks up at him as he approaches and attempts to walk away. Anthony intercepts him and grabs him by the lapel of his suit. “Who are you, and why are you talking to my child?”

  The man holds his hands up submissively. “I thought she was someone I knew.”

  “Give me your wallet.”


  “I said, give me your wallet,” Anthony growls threateningly.

  “I don’t have it.”

  Anthony drags the man around the corner of a nearby wall as Anna collects Mila and takes her back to their booth.

  “I’m only going to ask nicely once more. Give me your wallet.”

  The man hesitates for a few moments as he peers into Anthony’s eyes. What he sees there brings him to the realization that Anthony is not trifling with him. He reaches into his breast pocket and produces a wallet. Anthony takes the wallet and flips it open to look at his driver’s license. The man tries to come off the wall, but Anthony slams him back.

  “Don’t try me again, Mr. Salvador,” Anthony states as he pulls the man’s license out of the wallet. He hands the wallet back to the man. “Get out of here.”

  “I need my license.”

  “Get a new one at the DMV. Pray my employer doesn’t decide to pay you a visit.”

  “You don’t understand what’s going on-” he starts but quits when he realizes a storm is gathering in Anthony’s eyes. The man takes off out of the building like a shot, and Anthony returns to his booth where the nannies are standing protectively in front of the kids.

  “Thank you for taking care of Mila for me while I dealt with that guy, Anna,” Anthony says.

  “We caregivers have to stick together,” she replies before giving her head a jerk in the direction the man ran. “Who was that?”

  “No idea, but I intend to find out. Come on, Mila.”

  “Can’t we stay for a while longer, Jax? Please?” she implores.

  “We’ll come back on another day. The day is getting late, and we have quite a drive yet.”

  “Okay,” she agrees, crestfallen.

  “Eva, Anna, it’s been my pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  “Pleasure, Jax,” Eva intones.

  Anna hands Anthony a couple of business cards. “If you would like to schedule a playdate sometime, feel free to call us.” She leans in, kisses Anthony on the cheek, and whispers, “My personal cell number is on the back of my card. Call me.”

  Anthony nods and takes Mila’s hand. They leave the building and quickly make their way to the SUV. Once he has Mila safely fastened in the back seat, Anthony jumps in the front and drives straight for the Moretti Manor. It’s about four in the afternoon when they arrive home. The day’s activities have worn Mila out, and she’s asleep when they make it back. As they pull into the garage, Nico meets Anthony as he climbs out of the vehicle.

  He chuckles as Anthony gathers Mila out of the back seat. “Someone had an exciting day.”

  “It was a very eventful day.”

  “No doubt. You need a hand?”

  “I got her. The keys are in the ignition. Sorry to dump the vehicle on you and rush off, but I need to speak with Mr. and Mrs. Moretti.”

  Nico’s eyebrows raise, “Trouble?”

  Anthony shakes his head. “I don’t know yet. Want to have a beer later?”

  “I’ll drop by. You a gamer?”

  Anthony grins. “Call of Duty?”

  “It’s a date, big fella.”

  Anthony carries Mila to her room and lays her down, so she can finish her nap. He immediately seeks out Gianna, finding her in the library.

  “I need to speak with you and your husband.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Anthony sighs. “You’re going to be pissed at me, but there may be a bigger problem.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I’d prefer not to tell the story twice.”

  Gianna’s voice lowers. “I am your employer, not my husband. You can tell me, and I will decide if it warrants my husband’s attention.”

  “Fine,” Anthony agrees and launches into an accounting of the day’s events.

  He tells Gianna about their unscheduled trip to Chuck E Cheese and Mila’s adventure. She smiles at the recounting of Mila’s laughter, squeals, and playing with the other children. Her smile falls when he tells of meeting two other nannies and their wards. Her lips become a hard crease when she hears of the man talking to Mila.

  “I have his identification,” Anthony says as he hands over the card.

  “How did you get this?”

  “I asked him nicely for it.”

  “And he just gave it to you?” Gianna asks incredulously.

  “I can be very persuasive when I want to be.”

  “I have no doubt. Take the rest of the night off. I’ll confer with my husband, and we’ll discuss this in the morning.”

  “As you wish, Mrs. Moretti.”

  “For goodness sake, Jax, start calling me Gia when we’re not in public.”

  “As you wish, Gia.”

  Anthony spins on his heel and heads to his apartment leaving Gianna to debate how best to break the information to Mila’s father.

  Chapter 8

  Gianna was only slightly surprised Anthony disregarded the rules regarding the itinerary. He had to have known there were reasons for it. If not, she would have to be sure to tell him. Had that man taken Mila, men dispatched by the Moretti’s to retrieve her would have arrived at the wrong location. That would have caused more of a problem than whether her daughter ate pizza or looked at art. Later, however, Gianna had the distasteful task of speaking with Giovanni. Something she would prefer to avoid for the rest of her, or hopefully his, natural life.

  Instead of going to her husband first, she went to the third floor. Her sanctuary; designed for her comfort to be away from the traffic of the house, negative energies, or accidentally entered by any of the staff. Only two others knew of the Moretti’s
hidden abilities beyond their public status. Nico, because he ran most of the household on his own, and Sarah because she made sure that Mila’s gifts remained unearthed by a nanny caught unaware.

  The room was situated in a part of the home resembling the turret of a castle, but Gianna held no fanciful delusions; she was no princess. It was cool when she entered. The hardwood floor chill against her bare feet. A slight breeze whispers through the chamber from a small window in the eves and her nipples tightened under its caress; pressing through the thin fabric of her robe.

  Gianna situates herself in front of the small altar. Candles around her light with a casual thought; something she had mastered rather quickly. A mirror sits across from her. Its antique frame tarnished as the day her mother gave it to her. Gianna takes a deep breath and composes herself while bringing her emotions under control. Within a few breaths, the calm she seeks resonates throughout her body. She gazes into the mirror’s depths, concentrating on the one thing she must see, the man who tried to take her Mila.

  It starts slowly as a formless vision that gradually morphs into a clear picture. Gianna sees the interior of Chuck E Cheese filled with rampaging children hopped up on sugar and adrenaline. The man is talking to Mila. Anthony approaches like an avenging angel of God. She sees the strained look on the man’s face as Anthony says something to him, but Anthony’s back is to her, and she cannot tell what it is. Anthony pushes into him, his shirt bunched in his hand. Mila stands to the side, her face shielded from the scene unfolding.

  Anthony’s account of the situation presented was precise. Gianna watches as Anna approaches and gathers Mila protectively while Anthony accosts the unknown man. He forces the man to hand over his wallet, his anger apparent during the questioning. A part of Gianna feels endeared by his protectiveness towards her daughter, another part of her is furious at his lack of situational awareness.

  The entire altercation could have gone differently had there been more than one man to deal with. Another shortcoming of his that needed correction. The vision begins to fall apart, and Gianna realizes that her focus is rambling. She takes a deep breath, lets it out, and the scene clarifies again. There is a strained look on the man’s face. His eyes appear glassy, and he is squinting; crow’s feet appear around the corner of his eyes. He is obviously in distress when Anthony shoves him away. When Anthony returns to the ladies, Gianna notices a look on Anna’s face that makes her blood run hot. The girl has an eye for him.


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